Skills - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SKILLS & TECHNIQUES OVERVIEW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stop Traffic Light Methods of Practice Shadow/Feeder/Repetition Drills ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Skills

Skills Techniques

Today and tomorrow we will
  • Identify the main content
  • Investigate previous questions
  • Create a Skills and Techniques mind map
  • Structure our response to a question
  • Answer a question with our partner

Skills and TechniquesCycle of Analysis
Key Message - Can you tell me what you did at
each stage?
How did we analyse our performance?
  1. Observed video of model performer to develop our
    knowledge and understanding of effective court
    movement and what makes a stroke effective.
  1. Compared my court movement during competitive
    games to that of a model performer.
  1. Assessed the variety and effectiveness of my
    strokes in a competitive game. Discussed with my
    class teacher what my main weakness was.

  1. Assessed the accuracy of overhead clear in closed
    environment using hoop test.
  1. Assessed placement of overhead clear during
    competitive game (open environment) using scatter
  • Observed video of model performer to develop
    knowledge and understanding of the subroutines
  • Broke overhead clear down into preparation,
    action, recovery.
  1. Compared overhead clear to that of a model
    performer using movement analysis observation

Stop Traffic Light
  • How to Collect Data Regarding Your Performance
  • Different methods of collecting initial data (on
    your whole game)
  • Different methods of collecting focussed data (on
    your specific weakness)
  • Why do we collect data
  • Why do we do it specific ways/why they are
    appropriate methods
  • How do these ways give accurate/valid data

Key Message - Can you tell me?
Possible Higher Questions
  • Describe two methods you used to gather
    information on your performance. (4)
  • Select one of the following approaches. Describe
    how you gathered information about your chosen
    skill or technique using this approach?

  • Mechanical Analysis
  • Movement Analysis
  • Consideration of quality (4)
  • Describe, in detail, the methods you used to
    gather information on your level of performance.
    Explain why these methods were appropriate.
  • Describe, briefly, how you gathered
    data/information about your performance in this
    selected skill or technique. Give specific
    details of how your performance compared to that
    of a model/skilled performance.
  • What information about your performance were you
    able to obtain using one of the following methods
    of analysis?
  • Mechanical Analysis
  • Movement Analysis
  • Consideration of quality (4)
  • Explain the benefits of considering a
    model/skilled performance when learning or
    developing this skill or technique.


Intermediate 2 Questions
  • Describe one method you used to collect data
    about your whole performance.

  • Now describe one method you used to collect data
    about a specific skill in your performance.

  • Explain why both the above methods were
    appropriate. (4)
  • Describe the methods you used to analyse the
    weakness identified in Part (a).
  • How did you collect information on the skill or
    technique chosen Part (a)? (4)
  • Using one of the following
  • Mechanical Analysis
  • Movement Analysis
  • Consideration of quality
  • give details of how you gathered information on
    your chosen weakness.

How did identified weakness effect performance?
Identified from assessing variety and
effectiveness of strokes that overhead clear was
a weakness. What did you initially identify as
being wrong?
Discuss what the information gathered by the Hoop
Test showed with regards the accuracy of your
overhead clear.
Discuss what the information gathered by the
Scatter Diagram told you about the placement of
your overhead clear shots.
Discuss what you discovered about your
performance at the preparation, action and
recovery stages when you compared yourself to a
model performer.
Give specific performance examples to explain how
the factors identified at each of the above
stages affected your performance.
Stop Traffic Light
  • How weakness effected Performance
  • Describe the skill and explain its purpose.
  • Explain what each of the specific observation
    schedules highlighted.
  • Explain why the skill was considered to be a
    weakness and how the weakness effected your
    performance in games.

Key Message - Can you tell me?
Possible Questions
  • From your experience in one activity, describe a
    complex skill or technique you have attempted to
    develop. Explain why you found this skill or
    technique difficult to perform .

  • Discuss the results of the information gathered
    in Part (a) (analysis of performance). Make
    specific reference to how your whole performance
    was affected. (6)

Intermediate 2 Questions
  • Describe the strengths and weaknesses in your
    performance. (4)
  • Describe one skill or technique that you regard
    as a weakness in your performance.

  • Describe your performance in relation to the
    skilled performance in Part (a).
  • What effect did the skill or technique that was
    in need of improvement have on your performance?
  • Choose a skill or technique that you found
    difficult to perform. Describe the specific
    part(s) that you had difficulty with. (4)

Stages of Skill Learning
Cognitive Stage
Cognitive Stage
During the Cognitive Stage, I found out exactly
what the overhead clear involved. To do this I
observed a model performing playing the stroke.
I was then able to break the skill down into
three phases 1. Preparation, 2. Action, 3.
This enabled me to identify each of the
subroutines that make up the skill. By doing
this I had a clear understanding of the movements
I had to perform in order to play an effective
overhead clear. Even although some of the
subroutines involved in the overhead clear were
new, I wasnt a badminton beginner, I had some
previous experience of the activity.
After establishing the subroutines involved I
made my first attempts at performing the skill by
shadowing the movements of a model performer. As
my performance improved I attempted different
shadow practices which got progressively more
difficult. It was important to ensure my
practice was progressive to keep the practices
challenging and prevent boredom.
Shadow practice is an appropriate method of
practice during the Cognitive Stage as it focuses
solely on learning the movements involved in the
overhead clear. Also errors are common during
the Cognitive Stage, by removing the distraction
of the shuttle I can reduce the number of errors
its possible to make and remove the need for a
feeder. By removing the need for a feeder I
allow my partner to concentrate on providing me
with verbal feedback. During the Cognitive Stage
it is important to receive plenty of positive
feedback. For the feedback to be effective, it
needs to be given as soon as possible. For this
reason I had low work to rest ratios during
shadow practice drills. During my initial shadow
practice drill my partner provided me with
feedback after each overhead clear. As my
performance improved the feedback was given after
5 overhead clears. It was important that the
feedback was positive, giving negative feedback
would not have been useful as it would fail to
explain how I could improve.
Associative Stage
To avoid boredom and ensure high quality practice
it is important to vary your practice. If you
repeat the same thing over and over again you
will become bored, disinterested and your level
of performance will decrease.
During the Associative Stage I linked together
all the subroutines involved in the overhead
clear and practiced the skill by using a variety
of different practice methods. Repetition
Practice Combination Practice Pressure Drills By
completing a varied programme of practice
sessions I was able to gradually reduce the
number of errors I made when performing the
overhead clear. To ensure progression in my
practice sessions I increased the difficulty of
the practices as my level of performance
improved. For example initially I used
Repetition Drills which involved my partner
feeding the shuttle high above me so I could play
an overhead clear. At first I started in the
back tramlines but as my performance improved I
had to move from base to the rear of the court to
return the shuttle. After focussing on
repetition practice my level of performance had
improved to such an extent that I progressed to
using Combination Practices. This involved
playing another stroke in addition to my overhead
clear. For example initially I worked with two
feeders. One fed the shuttle to the rear of the
court allowing me to return with an overhead
clear, the other dropped the shuttle over the net
forcing me to play a net shot before returning to
the rear to play another overhead clear. As I
was moving towards the Autonomous Stage I started
to use Pressure Drills. Initially I used
repetition pressure drills which required me to
repeatedly perform overhead clears while under
pressure. As my performance improved I
progressed to using combination pressure drills,
which required me to perform my overhead clear
along with a net shot in pressured
situations. By varying my sessions and having
clear progression routes between practice methods
I kept my motivation levels up avoiding the onset
of boredom. To avoid fatigue I ensured I had
adequate rest, my work to rest ration was usually
13. When performing I would never have to
perform more than 10/15 shots without a break.
Methods of Practice
Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback
Associative Stage Repetition Drills Work/rest ratio Progression External VERBAL feedback. Internal INTRINSIC feedback
  • Repetition Drills
  • Repetition practice involves setting up drills
    which require you to repeatedly practice a
    particular part of the overhead clear or the
    whole technique itself.
  • For example our initial repetition drill involved
    your partner feeding the shuttle high above you
    so you could play an overhead clear. At first
    you started in the back tramlines meaning you
    didnt have to move into position (repeatedly
    practiced the action recovery phases). As
    performance improved you had to move from base to
    the rear of the court to return the shuttle.
  • During repetition practice the intention is to
    grove the skill. It is vital that movements are
    performed repeatedly until the movement is
    grooved into the muscles memory.
  • Work to Rest Ratio
  • In order to groove the skill it is vital that the
    skill is performed repeatedly, however for
    practice to be effective you need to consistently
    perform the skill to a high level. For this
    reason it is vital to ensure adequate work to
    rest ratios are used. For example 10 overhead
    clears would not be enough, but 30 would be to
    many so you would perform 3 sets of 10.

Methods of Practice
Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback
Associative Stage Combination Practice Work/rest ratio Progression External VERBAL feedback. Internal INTRINSIC feedback
  • Combination Practice
  • Combination practice involves setting up drills
    which require you to link your overhead clear
    with other shots to play a specific sequence of
  • For example our initial combination drill
    required two feeders. Feeder 1 dropped the
    shuttle over the net, bringing you into the net
    to play a net shot. Feeder 2 on the other hand
    served high to the rear tramlines allowing you to
    play an overhead clear. As performance improved
    the practices became more game like. A later
    stage of the practice involved three feeders.
    Feeder 1 served to the back left of the court,
    feeder 2 played a drop shot and feeder three
    served to the back right hand corner.
  • During combination practices the aim is to
    continually play the cycle of shots effectively a
    set number of times. If any errors occur, for
    example a poor feed, you would stop and restart
    from the beginning. This is more effective than
    carrying on with a broken practice playing the
    wrong shot or playing a shot incorrectly.

Methods of Practice
Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback
Associative Stage Pressure Drills Work/rest ratio Progression External VERBAL feedback. Internal INTRINSIC feedback
  • Pressure Drills
  • Once the movement patterns of the overhead clear
    have been established and your performance of the
    skill has begun to move towards the Autonomous
    Stage it is important to increase the pressure to
    ensure the demands of practice are specific to
    your performance level and that practice becomes
    increasingly more game like. Pressure can be
    gradually increased as your level of performance
    increases. The chances of a skill becoming
    automatic are greatly increased after pressure
  • Initially we used repetition pressure drills
    which required you to repeatedly perform overhead
    clears while under pressure from two feeders.
    Pressure was increased by decreasing the time
    interval between feeds forcing you to move to and
    from base quicker reducing the time you had to
    move into position.
  • As your performance improved we progressed to
    using combination pressure drills, which required
    you to perform an overhead clear along with a net
    shot in pressured situations.

Autonomous Stage
At the Autonomous Stage the majority of
subroutines have become automatic. They have
been grooved to muscle memory. As a result,
little attention is paid to them.
To ensure practice is specific to your skill
level and realistic to the unpredictable nature
of badminton conditioned games are the most
effective way of further refining your overhead
clear. Conditioned games can take various forms,
often they are used to provide one player with an
advantage or rules are adapted to emphasis
particular skills.
Methods of Practice
Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback
Autonomous Stage Conditioned games Work/rest ratio Progression External VERBAL feedback. Internal INTRINSIC feedback
  • Conditioned Games
  • Conditioned games are essentially adapted forms
    of the activity. They can take various forms.
    Often they are used to provide an individual or
    team with an advantage over their opponents, this
    makes achieving tasks easier. Conditioned games
    may also involve certain adaptations to the rules
    of the game to emphasise the particular skills
    that you have been working on developing.
  • Give Three Examples of conditioned games

Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback
Cognitive Stage Shadow Practice Work/rest ratio Specific Targets Progression External verbal feedback.
Associative Stage Repetition Drills Combination Drills Pressure Drills Work/rest ratio Specific Targets Progression External verbal, written, video feedback. Internal feedback
Autonomous Stage Conditioned games Work/rest ratio Specific Progression External verbal, written, video feedback. Internal feedback
Stop Traffic Light
  • Stages of Learning
  • Cognitive Stage/ Associative Stage/Autonomous
  • What each stage is
  • What your performance would be like at each stage
  • What practices would you do at each stage
  • How do you move up a stage

Key Message - Can you tell me?
Possible Higher Questions
  • Describe some of the features that can be
    identified at each of the stages of skill
    learning. Give specific examples from the chosen
  • When learning and developing a skill, it is
    important to work through the three stages of
    learning. These are
  • The preparation / cognitive stage
  • The practice / associative stage
  • The automatic / autonomous stage
  • Explain what you understand about each stage.
  • Discuss why it is appropriate to use different
    methods of practice at two different stages of
    learning. Give examples from your programme of
    work to support your answer.


Intermediate 2 Questions
  • When learning a new skill or techniques you would
    have been performing at the cognitive
    (preparation) stage of learning. Identify
    methods of practice suitable to this stage of
    learning. Explain why they are appropriate.

Programme of Work
Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback
Cognitive Stage Shadow Practice Work/rest ratio Specific Targets Progression External verbal feedback.
Associative Stage Repetition Drills Combination Drills Pressure Drills Work/rest ratio Specific Targets Progression External verbal, written, video feedback. Internal feedback
Autonomous Stage Conditioned games Work/rest ratio Specific Progression External verbal, written, video feedback. Internal feedback
Gradual Build Up
Gradual Build Up
Stage 5
Conditioned Games
Stage 4
Pressure Drills
Stage 3
Combination Practice
Stage 2
Repetition Practice
Stage 1
Shadow Practice
Skills TechniquesRevision Notes
  • Shadow
  • Feeder
  • Repetition Drills
  • Combination Drills
  • Pressure drills
  • Pressure Drills
  • Conditioned Games
  • Gradual Build Up
  • Whole-Part-Whole
  • Week 1 and 2
  • (cognitive/ preparation stage moving
  • into associative/ practice stage)
  • Week 3 and 4
  • (associative/ practice stage)
  • Week 5 and 6
  • (autonomous/ automatic stage)
  • During the learning process
  • Used to fix small parts of technique in the
    automatic stage

Stop Traffic Light
  • Methods of Practice
  • Shadow/Feeder/Repetition Drills/ Combination
    Drills/Pressure drills/Conditioned Games/ Gradual
    Build Up / Whole-Part-Whole/
  • Know what each of these are
  • Be able to describe them
  • Be able to give practical example of each
  • Be able to discuss a training programme for your

Key Message - Can you tell me?
Principles of Effective
Work / Rest Ratio
Principles of Effective
  • Specific To stage of skill learning
  • Measureable Targets which you can measure to
    check for improvement/ensure progress at
    correct time. Allows you to monitor programme
  • Achievable Practice must be challenging but
    achievable to keep you motivated. Problematic
    if to easy/difficult
  • Realistic Keep practice related to demands of
    whole performance/activity (game like). By
    doing this makes it easier to transfer
    improvements into activity.
  • Time Ensure appropriate work to rest ratio to
    ensure high level of performance, avoid fatigue
    / injury.

Stop Traffic Light
  • Principles of Effective Practice
  • Explain that the two principles you took into
    consideration were Work/Rest Ratio and
  • Explain how you applied them using the anagram
  • Explain the term that each letter of anagram
  • Give practical examples from programme of work
    for each of the terms

Key Message - Can you tell me?
  • Describe the programme of work that you followed
    to develop this skill or technique. (4)
  • Outline the programme of work that you followed
    to develop your performance in this skill or
    technique. Explain why this programme of work
    was appropriate. (6)
  • Describe, in detail, two methods of practice you
    used and considered important to develop this
    skill or technique.
  • In relation to your current performance, describe
    in detail a programme of that would be
    appropriate to develop the skill or technique
    identified. (6)
  • Describe, in detail, a programme of work you used
    to develop this skill or technique. Give
    examples of how the principles of effective
    practice were applied in the programme. (6)
  • Describe, in detail, two different methods of
    practice you used to develop your performance of
    the skill or technique identified. Explain why
    you considered each of the practice methods
    selected to be appropriate. (6)
  • From the information gathered, briefly describe a
    programme of work you used to develop this skill
    technique. Explain why it is important to review
    your programme. (6)

  • Discuss how the principles of effective practice
    were applied to the programme. (6)
  • Explain, in detail, the principles you took into
    account when using these methods of practice to
    ensure your programme was effective.
  • Explain in detail, what you understand about the
    principles of effective practice when developing
    skill and/or refining technique. (5)
  • Describe, in detail, a programme of work you used
    to develop this skill or technique. Give
    examples of how the principles of effective
    practice were applied in the programme. (6)

Intermediate 2 Questions
  • Describe, in detail, an improvement programme you
    used to develop your skills and
    techniques. (5)
  • Select a skill or technique you found difficult
    to perform. Describe two methods of practice you
    used to develop this skill or technique. Give
    specific examples. (4)
  • Describe two methods of practice you used to
    develop the skill or technique you identified as
    a weakness in Part (a). (4)
  • Describe how you planned a programme of
    improvement. (4)
  • Describe two methods of practice you used to
    develop your skill or technique chosen in Part
    (a). Give examples of the practices used.
  • To further develop the skill or technique,
    outline a programme of work. (4)
  • Describe in detail an improvement programme you
    used to develop a skill or technique which you
    found difficult to perform. (5)
  • What methods of practice did you use to develop
    this skill or technique? Give examples.

Intermediate 2 Questions
  • Explain how you used the principles of effective
    practice when developing your skill or technique.
  • Within your programme of work, what principles of
    effective practice did you consider? How did
    they help you develop your skill or technique.
  • How did you make sure your programme of work was
    effective? (4)
  • How did you make sure the practice was effective?

Reassessing our performance
  • Describe how you reassessed your performance
    using all three specific observation schedules
    under the same conditions. Explain briefly why
    it was important to retest under same conditions.
  • Explain the improvements shown in
  • Hoop Test improved accuracy
  • Scatter Diagram more at rear of court, better
    use of space
  • Movement analysis observation schedule how has
    performance improved at Preparation, Action,
    Recovery stages
  • Describe how your performance has altered during
    competitive games what are you now more able to
    do that you couldnt previously.
  • Outmanoeuvre opponent play shuttle front to
  • Tactically link overhead clear with other shots
  • Use overhead clear as defensive shot when under
  • When opponent is close to net play flat
    attacking overhead clear
  • At autonomous stage subroutine automatoc - can
    focus on shot placement and disguise

Stop Traffic Light
  • Reassessing performance
  • Describe how you reassessed your performance at
    end of development programme.
  • Explain what you discovered from each observation
  • Explain how performance of overhead clear had
  • Explain how overall badminton performance
    improved as result of improved overhead clear
  • Identify future development need

Key Message - Can you tell me?
Possible Questions
  • Having developed your skill or technique in
    practice, discuss why your performance may still
    not be effective when applying this skill or
    technique during whole performance.

  • Having developed this skill/technique, discuss
    the effect that this has had on your whole
  • Explain how your whole performance was affected
    on completion of this programme of work.

Intermediate 2 Questions
  • Describe the changes to your whole performance,
    after completing your improvement programme.
  • What effect did the methods of practice have on
    your whole performance? (4)
  • How did the improvement programme help your whole
    performance? (4)
  • How did you monitor the effect these practices
    had on your whole performance? (4)

  • Purpose of Feedback.
  • Enables you to identify your strengths and
  • Helps plan improvements to your performance.
  • Provides reinforcement about the successful parts
    of your performance.
  • Positive feedback increases your motivation and
    encourages you to work towards further improving
    your performance.
  • There are two main categories of feedback
  • Internal (Intrinsic) Feedback.
  • External (Extrinsic) Feedback.
  • Ways we receive external feedback
  • Written
  • Visual
  • Verbal
  • Examples of this within programme of work
  • Cognitive Stage - Verbal
  • Associative Stage - Visual - Model
  • Automatic - Written Model performer
    comparison/scatter diagram

  • Motivation is your level of desire to succeed.
    You need to be motivated in order to improve your
    level of performance.
  • Your aim is to optimise your motivation for the
    practice session you are undertaking.
  • The most common distinction is whether your
    motivation is Internal (intrinsic) or External
  • Having only one form of motivation is rare in
    sport. Commonly
  • both internal and external motivation are
  • For example in Physical Education.
  • Internal motivation comes through a genuine
    desire to improve your performance. (You will
    have picked PE because you enjoy it, you
    participate in a particular activity because you
    enjoy it)
  • External motivation comes through wishing to
    achieve a better practical grade or using your
    overall qualification to gain entry to college or

Motivation Goal Setting
  • You can use goal setting to keep you motivated
    and ensure that you perform at your highest level
  • Setting goals is a good way of keeping you
  • Why I you set yourself a goal your external
    motivation will more than likely increase.
  • Goal setting involves you setting challenging yet
    achievable targets which are specific to your
    level of performance.
  • For example In Golf you may set a target of
    trying to only two putt on any green. Once this
    has been achieved you could increase the
    difficulty by having to one putt on four greens
    and two putt on the remaining holes.
  • Question Give an example of how you used goal
    setting in a badminton practice you undertook.

Stop Traffic Light
  • Feedback, Motivation and Concentration
  • Explain how you took feedback and motivation into
  • Name the types of feedback you received
  • Link types of feedback and methods used to
    receive feedback to programme of work and stage
    of skill learning
  • Explain how you took motivation into
  • Explain how you used goal setting to maintain

Key Message - Can you tell me?
Possible Higher Questions
  • From the list below, select one of the factors
    that are influential in skill development.
    Discuss how the factor chosen affected the
    development of your skill or technique during
  • Motivation
  • Feedback
  • Anxiety
  • Concentration
  • Confidence
  • Select two of the influential factors listed
  • Motivation
  • Feedback
  • Concentration
  • Explain what you understand about each factor.

Intermediate 2 Questions
  • Choose one of the factors from the list below.
  • Motivation
  • Concentration
  • Feedback
  • Explain why it was important in the development
    of the skill or technique in your performance.
  • Choose one of the following factors
  • Motivation
  • Concentration
  • Feedback
  • Explain the importance of this factor in your
    performance. (4)
  • Describe how you used one of the following during
    your programme. (4)
  • Motivation
  • Feedback
  • Concentration
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