Title: Social Skills for Autistic Children
1Social Skills For Autistic Children
2Social skills training can help your autistic
child develop social skills in a structured
way. it also has the ability to effectively
interact and communicate with others through
their words, actions, and body language. Social
skills are learned over time, but they are not
always automatic.
3Benefits Of Strong Social Skills
Undoubtedly, social skill development improves
quality of life. Here are a few benefits of
strong social skills. Improved relationships
Increased social acceptance Desire to participate
in social interactions Decreased anxiety,
stress, and depression
4Teaching Social Skills
Social skills programs explicitly teach targeted
skills. This chart lays out the steps and ways
to teach a variety of social skills.
5Why theyre important
play skills for example, taking turns in games
or sharing toys conversation skills for
example, choosing what to talk about or what
body language to use emotional skills for
example, managing emotions and understanding how
others feel problem-solving skills for example,
dealing with conflict or making decisions in
social situations.
6Strategies for helping autistic children
practice play praise role-play social skills
training social stories video-modelling visual
7Social skills for autistic teenagers include
- working out what other people are thinking and
feeling understanding facial expressions and
body language adjusting to new social situations - solving social problems, like what to do when you
disagree with someone - understanding unwritten social rules sharing
interests with other teenagers.
8Contact- US
Website https//autismskillsdevelopment.com Phon
e Number 9702391518 Address 265 South Harlan
Street, Lakewood, Colorado, United States, 80226
9Thank you