Title: Restoration Ecology
1Restoration Ecology
2Fig 54.14
Carbon cycle
CB 54.17
3CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep heat from
radiating back into space
4Ecological Restoration and Global Climate
Change J. Harris, R. Hobbs, E. Higgs, and J.
Aronson Restoration Ecology Vol. 14, No. 2, pg.
170176 June 2006
5Mismatches an example
- Great tit (relative of the chickadee)
- Common in Europe
- Studied in detail since the 1950s by scientists
at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology.
Information Grossman, D. 2003, Spring Forward,
Scientific American, 85-91. http//www.sciencenews
6- Tits lay eggs at the same time that they did in
1985 mid-spring (4/16 to 5/15) - Since 1985 spring temperatures have risen about
2oC - Tits primary food is the winter moth caterpillar
(below) - Caterpillar production is 2 weeks earlier in 2002
than in 1985
Grossman, D. 2003, Spring Forward, Scientific
American, 85-91.
7Grossman, D. 2003, Spring Forward, Scientific
American, 85-91.
8Restoring a disturbed ecosystem to historical
conditions may not be valid as ecosystems change.
9It is increasingly likely that the next century
will be characterized by shifts in global weather
patterns and climate regimes.
precipitation changes
10The past is no longer a prescriptive guide for
what might happen in the future.
precipitation changes
11What are the two most basic resources necessary
for biodiversity?
12Restoring ecosystems must begin with the basics
water and space
13Truckee River, Nevada- Water diversions reduced
flow. Increased flows during willow and
cottonwood seed release season allowed recovery
of riparian ecosystem.
14Kissimmee River, Florida- Had been turned into a
90 km canal. About 24 km of the river has been
15Rhine River, Europe- dredging for ships reduced
biodiversity. Side channels are being
reintroduced to allow species to recover.
16Fig 54.13
Water cycle
17Stream restoration in urban catchments through
redesigning stormwater systems looking to the
catchment to save the stream C. Walsh, T.
Fletcher, and A. Ladson J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc.,
2005, 24(3)690705
18This urban waterways is obviously altered.
19Restoration of streams degraded by urbanization
has usually been attempted by enhancement of
instream habitat or riparian zones.
20Without sufficient and natural water flow,
waterways cannot support much biodiversity.
21Impervious cover changes urban water flows.
Stream restoration in urban catchments through
redesigning stormwater systems looking to the
catchment to save the stream (C. Walsh, T.
Fletcher, and A. Ladson) J. N. Am. Benthol.
Soc., 2005, 24(3)690705
22The direct connection of impervious surfaces to
streams means that even small rainfall events can
produce sufficient surface runoff to cause a
23Where impervious surfaces are not directly
connected to streams, small rainfall events are
intercepted and infiltrated.
25A wet retention pond to filter pollutants and
buffer and maintain stream flow
26Roadside swales can increase water filtration
27Inlet screens for filtering large debris
28Baffle boxes to remove sediment
29Stream restoration in urban catchments through
redesigning stormwater systems looking to the
catchment to save the stream (C. Walsh, T.
Fletcher, and A. Ladson) J. N. Am. Benthol.
Soc., 2005, 24(3)690705
30Stream restoration in urban catchments through
redesigning stormwater systems looking to the
catchment to save the stream (C. Walsh, T.
Fletcher, and A. Ladson) J. N. Am. Benthol.
Soc., 2005, 24(3)690705
31Stream restoration in urban catchments through
redesigning stormwater systems looking to the
catchment to save the stream (C. Walsh, T.
Fletcher, and A. Ladson) J. N. Am. Benthol.
Soc., 2005, 24(3)690705
32Stream restoration in urban catchments through
redesigning stormwater systems looking to the
catchment to save the stream (C. Walsh, T.
Fletcher, and A. Ladson) J. N. Am. Benthol.
Soc., 2005, 24(3)690705
33Restoration of streams degraded by urbanization
has usually been attempted by enhancement of
instream habitat or riparian zones.
34The use of alternative drainage methods, which
maintain a near-natural frequency of surface
runoff from the catchment, is the best approach
to stream restoration in urban areas.
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