The Great Depression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Great Depression


The Great Depression – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Great Depression

The Great Depression
U.S. Stock Speculation
  • Speculators inflate stock value.
  • The result was unrealistic price levels which
    would cause the stock market to crash and begin
    the Great Depression

Global Economic Depression
  • stock market crash led to.TariffsTrade dropped
    65.....Every country suffered some more than

The Great Depression- Global Depression
  • High unemployment
  • High inflation (overprinting of marks)
  • Deficit Spending (Governments borrowing money)
  • Germany ends up with dictatorship
  • US-Democracy
  • Most of the democracies that were formed after
    WWI did NOT meet the needs of their citizens

Soup line in Chicago
FDRs New Deal
  • FDR elected in 1932 enacted the New Deal to
    try and help the U.S. out of the Great
  • Large public works projects created new jobs
  • Government gave financial aid to businesses and
  • Lg. amounts of public money was spent on welfare
    and relief programs.
  • Regulations imposed on the stock market and
    banking systems

Impact of the New Deal
  • More gov't involvement but w/in the context of
    traditional U.S. democracy (not socialist)
  • New Deal helped in stimulating the U.S. economy,
    but only WWII would truly end the Great
    Depression ? unemployed found jobs in munitions
    factories and the military

The Great Depression- Global Depression
  • Economies fail
  • Young Democracies do not meet the needs of the
  • Many people turn to totalitarian dictators to
    rule, but not America

Who would you Vote For???
Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3
Education Some Secondary Schooling, through 9th grade. Religion Love of his country, Christian. Career Veteran of a World War, decorated twice for courage in battle, public speaker and leader of a large political party, wrote a best-selling book. Personal habits Non smoker, vegetarian Negatives Did some jail time as well. Single, no children Age - 44 Education Harrow School, and College Graduate of Royal Military School. Religion Christian Experience 2nd Lt. In an army regiment, experienced war veteran, Head of the nations Naval War Staff, Nations Minister of Finance, leader in the House of Commons for 40 years, Nobel prize winner in literature. Married 57 years, with 5 children Negatives Drinks whiskey and smokes cigars. Known for his liberal politics. Age - 66 Education History degree from Harvard University, Graduate of Columbia Law School. Religion Christian Career NY Senator, Asst. Sec. Of the Navy, Governor of New York. Married 40 years with 5 children Negatives Paralyzed from the waist down, marital infidelity, drinks and smokes. Age - 50
Who would you Vote For???
Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill Franklin Roosevelt
Education Some Secondary Schooling, through 9th grade. Religion Love of his country, Christian. Career Veteran of a World War, decorated twice for courage in battle, public speaker and leader of a large political party, wrote a best-selling book. Personal habits Non smoker, vegetarian Negatives Did some jail time as well. Single, no children Age - 44 Education Harrow School, and College Graduate of Royal Military School. Religion Christian Experience 2nd Lt. In an army regiment, experienced war veteran, Head of the nations Naval War Staff, Nations Minister of Finance, leader in the House of Commons for 40 years, Nobel prize winner in literature. Married 57 years, with 5 children Negatives Drinks whiskey and smokes cigars. Known for his liberal politics. Age - 66 Education History degree from Harvard University, Graduate of Columbia Law School. Religion Christian Career NY Senator, Asst. Sec. Of the Navy, Governor of New York. Married 40 years with 5 children Negatives Paralyzed from the waist down, marital infidelity, drinks and smokes. Age - 50
(No Transcript)
Four Totalitarian Dictators
Tojo Military leader of Japan
Adolf Hitler Ruler of Germany Dur Furher
Mussolini Ruler of Italy El Duce-Newspaper man
Joseph Stalin Cruel ruler of Soviet Union Man of
Features of Totalitarian States
  • Single Party Dictatorship
  • State control of the economy
  • Secret Police and state terrorism
  • Censorship/Govt control of media
  • Use of schools/media to indocrinate citizens
  • Unquestioning obedience to single ruler

Joseph Stalin - Soviet Union
  • Command economy govt makes all economic
  • Five-Year Plans to develop heavy industry/catch
    up with the industrialized nations

Soviet Union
  • Soviets less affected by the Great Depression
    because of the planned economy
  • Limited consumer goods led to shortageshousing,

Mass Murder in theSoviet Union
  • The Great Purge campaign of terror by Stalin to
    eliminating anyone who threatened his power.
  • Stalin had political prisoners executed
  • Orthodox leaders sent to labor camps often die
    as a result

Setting the Stage in Germany
  • After WWI Germany blamed for starting WWI in the
    treaty of Versailles
  • The harsh conditions of this treaty will lead to
    the rise of Nazism in Germany

Setting the Stage in Germany
  • Weimar Republic a weak democracy in Germany
    after WWI
  • The German government cannot solve Germanys
    economic problems

German Reichstag
Adolf Hitler 1889-1945
  • He blamed the democratic leaders for surrendering
    to the Allies in WWI
  • To gain support Hitler promised the German
    people he would withdraw from the League of

  • National Socialist German Workers Party, called
    Nazi for short
  • German form of Fascism supported by people in the
    middle and lower class

Adopted the swastika, or hooked cross as its
Nazi Party
  • By 1930s the Nazi party gained popularity
  • 1933 Hitler became Chancellor of Germany

Nazi Aggressions-
  • 1936-Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland

Nazi Aggressions
  • 1938-Hitler annexed Austria
  • 1938-He demanded the Sudetenland (part of Czech.)

Munich Conference Appeasement - 1938
  • Appeasement is giving in to a bully in hopes that
    he will no longer continue to threaten others
  • France and Britain Gave Hitler the Rhineland,
    Sudetenland and Austria on the promise that he
    would not expand Germany any more.
  • They thought if they appeased Hitler, he would

Nazi Aggressions
  • Six months later
  • Hitler makes a treaty with the Soviet Union
    non-aggression pact
  • he then took the rest of Czech.
  • 1939- Appeasement fails Germany invaded
    Poland-WWII begins in Europe

  • Political system that emphasized loyalty to its
    state and obedience to its leader.
  • Extreme Nationalism glorified nation above
  • State dictates economic activities of individuals
  • Rule by one all-powerful dictator

Mussolini Comes to Power in Italy
  • Italians felt the democratic government they had
    was helpless to deal with their problems and were
    looking for a strong leader.
  • A newspaper editor and politician named Benito
    Mussolini promised to rescue Italy by reviving
    its economy and rebuilding its armed forces.
  • Italys king let Mussolini form a new government
    and so Mussolini became Il Duce, the leader
    came to power legally.
  • The Fascist government was formed.

Japanese Imperialism
  • An important reason for Japanese attacks on
    Manchuria and China was that they wanted to
    obtain natural resources for their industry

Going to War
  • Japans invasion of China in 1937 and the attack
    on Poland by Germany in 1939 were catalysts
    leading up to WWII beginning in Asia and Europe.
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