Title: Part II: The Macro Approach: Managing Forest Landscapes
1Part II The Macro ApproachManaging Forest
- Species Composition
- Age Structure
- Spatial Heterogeneity
- Edges
- Islands Fragments
- Shores
2Species CompositionPart 4
- Fundamentals
- Understanding trees species
- Distribution across landscape
- Environmental Factors Affecting Forest
Composition - Intrinsic
- Climate Soil
- Extrinsic
- Affected by succession
- Presence of competitors
- Changes quickly
- http//www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/SUL1
.pdf - Understanding the Effects of Flooding on Trees
- Ecosystem Relations Straightforward
- Oak-hickory on uplands sugar maple on
3Species CompositionPart 4
- Tree Species Wildlife
- Trees food, cover, shelter, substrate
- Some relationships specific
- Jack pine have spruce grouse
- Most relationships loose between tree species and
organisms - Tree architecture may be more important than food
abundance - Bird/mammal movement
- CorrelationBird species diversity and number of
tree and shrub species
4Species CompositionPart 4
- Conifers Deciduous Trees
- Deciduous trees have richer biota
- Not distasteful
- Evolved at time animals evolved
- Seed dispersal, pollination, herbivory
- More structural diversity
- Conifers
- Distasteful
- Needles unpalatable to decomposers as well
- Do provide winter cover
5Species CompositionPart 4
- Exotic Trees
- Displace natives
- Impacts wildlife, especially herbivores
- Examples of exotics
- Scots pine
- Fraser fir
- Norway spruce
- http//www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/PM19
81.pdf - Woodland Invasive Species
6Species CompositionPart 4
- Monocultures
- Single dominant species
- Moderately common
- Single species only
- Uncommon
- Characterize planted plantations by humans
- Pests and pathogens
- Disease prone
- Simplicity makes easier to manage
- Economic justification
7Species CompositionPart 4
8Species CompositionPart 4
- Conclusion
- Choose native species
- Avoid exotics
- Plant two or more species
- Strive for diversity
- Conifer and deciduous tree
- Avoid increasing extent of conifers substantially
10Pinus strobus
- White Pine
- Needles in bundles of five
- 2-4 inches long.
11Larix sp.
- Larches or Tamaracks
- Many needles (7-24) per fasticle
- occurring on spur-like shoots
- needles fall in autumn.
12Pinus nigra
- Austrian Pine
- Needles in bundles of two,
- 4-6 inches long needles are thick and stiff,
- folding when bent.
13Pinus resinosa
- Red Pine
- Needles in bundles of two,
- 4-6 inches long.
- Needles are thin and brittle
- snap when bent.
14Pinus ponderosa
- Ponderosa Pine
- Needles in bundles of twos and threes,
- 5-8 inches in length.
15Pinus sysvestris
- Scotch Pine
- Needles in bundles of two,
- 11/2-3 inches long and twisted
- bark on older trees is orange and scaly.
16Pinus banksiana
- Jack Pine
- Needles in bundles of two,
- 3/4-11/2 inches long, twisted
- cone tips curve toward the branch tips.
17Conifer ID
- http//www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/PM13
18Age Structure
19Age StructurePart 5
- Iowas Woodlands
- http//www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/IAN2
02.pdf - Perspective
- Forest age since last disturbance
- Fire, glacier, logging
- Succession
- Plants influenced by microclimate and competition
- Animals influenced by plant community
- Managing Forests Managing Diversity
- http//www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/PM13
51I.pdf - Managing Patterns of Succession
- Determine age Structure of Landscape
- Iowas Trees
20Age StructurePart 5
- Diversity Succession
- Managing forests for diversity involves patterns
of succession - Some successional stages have more species than
others - Each stage has a different set of species
- Greatest Diversity
- Climax
- Immediately after disturbance
- Forest landscape with many successional stages
will be more diverse
21Age StructurePart 5
- Balancing Age Classes
- Failure
- Pest and pathogen outbreaks
- Temporal bottlenecks
- Species of wildlife requiring specific age stands
of a forest - Diagrams
22Age StructurePart 5
- Old Forests
- Trees ready for harvest
- Growth rate .0022 cubic meters in 80th year
- Averaged .0023 other 79 years
23Age StructurePart 5
- Old Forests Defined
- Environmentalist Definition
- Primeval
- Ancient
- Wilderness
- Virgin
- Pristine
- Foresters Definition
- Overmature
- Decadent
- senescent
- Scientist Definition
- Old growth
24Age StructurePart 5
- Age Criteria
- Forest age where species composition is stable
- Forest age where average net growth near zero
- Forest significantly older than average interval
between natural disturbances severe enough to
lead to succession - Dominant trees reached life expectancy
- Iowas oak trees
- Iowas Oaks RG701
- Forests current annual growth rate declined
below the lifetime average annual growth rate
25Age StructurePart 5
- Disturbance Criteria
- Forest extensively or intensively cut?
- Forest converted to another ecosystem?
26Age StructurePart 5
- Importance of Old Forests
- Adequate Number
- Adequate Area
- Represent one portion of successional sequence
- Most biologically diverse portion of sequence
- Species dependent on old forest
- Example Douglas fir wester hemlock stands of
Pacific northwest - Northern Spotted owl
- Hammonds flycathers
- Red tree voles
- Lichens
- Saprophytic plants
- Synergism More than a sum of their parts
27Age StructurePart 5
- How Much is Needed?
- Controversial example
- Pacific Northwest virgin old growth forests
- Spatial requirements
- Home ranges
- Minimum area needed
28Age StructurePart 5
- Managing for Old Forest Species
- Provide maximum habitat as feasible
- Disturbances
- Human and natural
- Air pollution
- Lightning
- Forest Management
- Lengthen rotations
- Allow some stands to reach 100 years (normally
cut _at_ 80 years) - Allow some to reach 320 years
- Deer needs
- Dense canopy intercepts snow
29Figure 5-12
30Age StructurePart 5
- Spotted Owl
- Pacific Northwest
- Large tracts 1,7000 ha old growth conifer forests
- Economically worth 10,000 per ha
- Northern Spotted Owl
- Estimated population 4,000-6,000
- Home range 1,700 ha in WA to 800 ha in CA
- Old forests virgin stands gt200 years
- Thick canopy may shleter primary prey
- Northern flying squirrels wood rats
- Ill equipped to resist or recover from
catastrophes - Breed at 3 years
- .49 fledgings/year
- Juvenile Survivorship 11
- Adult survivorship 80-96
- Value of spotted owl as indicator of condition of
old growth forest
31Age StructurePart 5
- Conclusion
- Various plant and animal species associated with
different stages of succession - Balancing age structure of forest accomplishes
two objectives - Sustained yield of forest products
- Provide diverse wildlife habitat
- Forest management can enhance biological
diversity - Forests become economically mature long before
becoming biologically mature - Important to protect and maintain a reasonable
area of old forest to maintain a reasonable area
of old forest to maintain populations of species
that are associated with this habitat and
community as whole
32Spatial Heterogeneity
33Spatial HeterogeneityPart 6
- Introduction
- Organisms need habitat
- Size of the organism influences size of the
habitat - Bears need more room than rabbits
- Predators have to cover large areas to find
enough herbivores to eat - Organisms vary in extent to which they need a
diverse environment - Habitat specialists
- Some Need uniform environment
- Others Need diverse environment
- Woodcock
- Needs forest openings to roost display, alder
swamps to forage 15-30 year deciduous stands for
nesting and brood rearing - Diversity of forest depends on scale at which it
is viewed by individual species - Some species can live in a variety of habitats
some require a diverse habitat and some require a
fairly uniform habitat
34Spatial HeterogeneityPart 6
- Natural Disturbance Harvesting Systems
- Inherent spatial heterogeneity in forests
- Soil, topography, patterns of disburbance
- Small scale toppling of tree
- Shade tolerant trees Uneven aged
- Large scale lightning fires
- Average disturbance rate 1 per year
- One age class so even-aged
- Shade tolerant and shade interolerant
- Harvest systems
- Clearcutting even aged management harvest al
trees - Selection cutting small portion of trees
removed uneven aged - Weeding or grown to maturity
- Patch cut minimum size .1 hectare
- Group selection cutting clumps of trees to be
removed are identified - Shelterwood cutting seed source trees left and
shelter trees left
35Spatial HeterogeneityPart 6
- Managing for Spatial Heterogeneity
- Selection cutting tool for maintaining diversity
on small scale - Assures trees of many different ages within each
stand - Forest diversity on landscape scale
- Selection cutting
- Patch cutting
- Clear cutting
- Iowas Woodland Management Understanding Trees
36Spatial HeterogeneityPart 6
- Model for Spatial Heterogeneity
- Fragmented Forest (Larry Harris)
- Divised ideal frequency distribution for
different size fragmentsof old-growth forests - More small stands than large ones
- More populations of small organisms than large
organisms - Smaller species have smaller home ranges
- Precedents of natural landscapes
- Watersheds and stream lengths
- Tributaries vs. continent draining rivers
- Model
- 10,000 patches of .01 ha 1,000 ha
- 10,000 patches of .1 ha 1,000ha
- 1,000 patches of 1 ha
- 100 of 10 ha
- 10 of 100 ha
37- Model Rationale
- Harvest forests at a range of different scales
- Allocate approximately equal areas to different
points along the continuum from small scale to
large scale - Large species more likely to be threatened with
38Spatial HeterogeneityPart 6
- How big should clearcuts be?
- Size of management unit
- The more land in management unit, larger the
clearcuts can be - Coordinate forest management over etremely large
areas - Habitat requirement of animals
- Large animals have huge home ranges
- Aesthetics
- Slash of clearcuts people find offfensive
- Straight edges offensive dont seem natural
- Soil erosion and nutrient loss
- Nutrition depletion from removal of trees
slash greater loss larger cuts - Natural disturbances as models
- Cuts not to exceed size of natural disasters
- Controversial clearcuts and compromises
- Visual impact
- Negative effective impact on wildlife
40EdgesPart 7
- Edge Effect
- Aldo Leopold Game Management
- Create more edge
- Cardinal rule of game management
- Diversity and abundance of wildlife greatest near
edge - Edge effect
- No longer accepted as universal rule of game
management - Edges
- Where two ecosystems come together
- Ecotones
- Transition zone from one set of environmental
conditions to another - May be based on inherent feature of a site
inherent edges - Rise in topography
- Altitude
- Permanent or temporary
41EdgesPart 7
- Edge Effect
- Game animals embrace edges
- Tend to be large and shy
- Need food of open, younger area
- Need cover of older ecosystem
- Second group of plants and animals is preferred
habitat - Unique conditions of habitat itself
- Many species living in ecotone only secondarily
edge species - Tolerate both ecosystems
- Large number of species use edge for variety of
reasons - Some species find it preferred habitat
42EdgesPart 7
- Other Side of Edge Effect
- Higher rates of nest predation
- Cowbirds lays its eggs in other birds nests
- 67
- Reductions in regeneration of many trees, shrubs,
and herbaceous plants - Species shun edges favor forest interiors
- Invasive species favor edges
43EdgesPart 7
- Creating Edges Through Forest Management
- Edges Geometry
- The more a shape diverges from a circle
- The greater edge is created
- The size of a stand affects edge on relative
basis - Linear distances increase as additive function
- Areas increase as square
- Dissecting into many small stands creates more
44EdgesPart 7
- Coverts, Interspersion, Contrast
- Leopold 1933
- Optimal bobwhite habitat
- Forest, brushland, grassland and cultivation
- Three or more habitats adjoining must be even
better - Coverts
- Interspersion
- Dispersion
- Juxtaposition
- All describe them being next to each other
45EdgesPart 7
- Summary
- Edges (ecotones) support diversity of wildlife
species - Forest managers have control over amount of edge
- Small stands have more edge than larger edge
- Irregular shaped stands have more edge
- Significant negative side effects
- Species avoid edges
- High rates of predation
- Brood parasitism
46Islands Fragments
47Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Introduction
- Islands of forest habitat
- Island biogeography
- The Fragmented Forest (Larry Harris)
- Forest harvesting can affect biological diversity
by leaving stands as isolated habitat habitat
48Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Island Biogeograhy
- Island Size
- Small islands have fewer species than larger
islands - As island size increases, the diversity of the
physical environment increases - In a large area there are more likely to be
uncommon species that ive at low population
densities as well as common species - Small islands support small populations and small
populations are more likely to go extinct - Genetic inbreeding
- Random fluctuations in sex and age structure of
the population - Changes in the environment
- Catastrophic events
- Flooding
- Fires
- Hurricanes
- Causing local extinction
49Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Island Isolation
- More isolated an island, few species it will
support - Land bridge islands
- Have fairly complete biota
- Species gradually dwindles
- Prone to extinction
- Oceanic Islands
- Begin with no terrestrial plants or animals
- Over time gradually colonized by various species
50Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Symbiosis on Islands
- Many species develop tight, symbiotic
relationships - Relative scarcity of large, showy flowers on
islands - Lack of butterflies and bees
- Plants without specialized pollinators by using
generalist pollinators
51Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Islands in the Landscape
- Human dominated landscapes insulate caves,
mountaintops and isolated patched of prairies and
forests - Conversion of prairie and forest into
agricultural ecosystems - Differences between islands and forest fragments
- Water and open land two different barriers
- Terrestrial animals isolated most by water
- Aquatic animals isolated most by land
- Ask isolated from WHAT?
- Scope and intensity of interactions between
members of a forest fragment community and
members of the surrounding terrestrial community
is likely much greater than degree of interaction
between island and aquatic communities
52Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Birds Forest Fragments
- Bird diversity-forest area relationship
- Long distance migratory birds tend to produce
only one small clutch of eggs per year, often
laid in open nest close to ground - Makes vulnerable to nest predators
- Nest predators and parasites are more effective
near edges and in small fragments composed
primarily of edge habitat - Late arrival of long distance migrants gives less
opportunity for renesting - Some species thrive in small forest fragments
- Others seldom found in small forests
53Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Nature Reserves as Islands
- Design features that could help maintain species
diversity - Large reserve
- Single large vs. several small
- If several small only choice, group closely
together - Arrange in cluster fashion
- Connect reserves with corridors to make dispersal
easier - Make reserves circular as possible
- SLOSS Debate (single large vs. several small)
- Minimum viable population of large, wide ranging
animals - Catastrophes argue against single large reserve
- Sometimes two species dont coexist because they
are competitors - Practical considerations
- Harder to find large tracts of relatively
undisturbed land
54Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Corridors
- Link network of patches of forest
- Long narrow habitat bridges
- Effectiveness of corridors
- depends on organism
- Type of movement
- Type of corridor
- Iowas corridors
- Waterways
- Shorelands have many ecological values
- Maintain wide bands of vegetation near shores
55Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Forest management Forest Fragmentation
- Forestry Nature Reserves
- Collaborate with other resource managers
- Sensitive low impact techniques
- Without compromising wildlife habitat
56Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Fragmentation in a Forested Landscape
- Negative effects of forest fragments in ag
regions - Large decrease in regions total area of forest
- 1960 25 of earths surface
- 2000 20
- 2020 14
- Douglas fir forests 30 year study in California
- Amphibians, reptiles, birds
- Edge and early successional species present
- Interior species avoid these fragments
- Nonmigratory species nesting in cavities
declinging in populations - Potential fragmentation issues
- Higher nest predation
- Small mammals reluctant to cross 3m unused
roadway - Regional extinction for some species
57Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Fragments Edges
- Multiple use model (MUM)
- Core
- Undisturbed forest
- Buffer zone
- Inner buffer zone of dispersed recreation and
selection and loging - Outer buffer zone
- Variety of buffer zone and forestry activities
and limited agriculture - Choices
- game vs. nongame
- Edge vs. interior species
- Rare vs. common species
58Islands FragmentsPart 8
- Summary
- Isolated patches of forest
- Low habitat diversity
- High rates of local extinction
- Absence of species that live at low population
densities - Deleterious seffects associated with edges
- Avoid future fragmentation
- Subject forest fragments to less disruptive forms
of management - Manage extensively forested landscapes on variety
of scales - Some most vulnerable species require extensive
tracts of habitat
60ShoresPart 9
- Introduction
- Interface between aquatic and terrestrial
habitats - Great importance
- Shores home to unique biota
- Special ecological processes
- Timber management in riparian forests
- Grasslands ribbon of trees marks watercourse
- Forest streams come in different orders of
classifications - Tributaries first order Mississippi tenth order
- Parameters for riparian zone
- Hydrologic
- Climatic
- Biological
- Periodically inundated by high water
61ShoresPart 9
- Importance of Riparian Ecosystems
- Aquatic Perspective
- Steams not tremendously productive
- Lack of organic matter
- Invertebrate decomposers
- Large logs stabilize dynamic equilibium
deposition/erosion - Beaver dams
- Forest stream biota
- Narrow range of temperature
- Forest canopy shades water
- Holds more dissolved oxygen
62ShoresPart 9
63ShoresPart 9
64ShoresPart 9
65ShoresPart 9
66ShoresPart 9
67ShoresPart 9
68ShoresPart 9
69ShoresPart 9
70ShoresPart 9