NUTRITION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: PowerPoint Author: Dr. Sayed S. Al Esawy Last modified by: Mastour Created Date: 9/15/2006 12:10:25 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Learning Objectives
  • To be familiar with different dietary reference
    standards of the intake of nutrients.
  • To study the use of energy generated by the
    metabolism of the macronutrients.
  • To study the types of dietary fats and their
    effect on our health.
  • To study the classification of dietary
    carbohydrates and the importance of dietary
  • To study the nitrogen balance, the requirement
    for protein in our body and protein-calorie

I- OVERVIEW Nutrients -
Macronutrients - provide
the body with Energy
carbohydrates, fats, proteins
- the intake is more. -
Micronutrients Needed in small
vitamins minerals

DRIs Estimates of the amounts of nutrients
required to 1- prevent deficiencies 2-
maintain optimal health and growth
  • 1- Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)
  • is the average daily nutrient intake level
    estimated to meet the requirement of 50 the
    healthy individuals in a particular life stage
    and gender group
  • It is useful for actual requirements in
    individuals and groups

  • 2-The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
  • the average daily dietary intake level
    sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of ?
    97 98 of individuals in a life stage and
    gender group .
  • RDA is not the minimal requirement for healthy
  • RDA is set to provide a margin of safety for most

  • 3- Adequate Intake (AI)
  • is set instead of RDA if there is no sufficient
  • evidence to calculate EAR or RDA.
  • is based on estimates of adequate nutrient
  • by a group of healthy people.
  • Ex.AI for young infants(4-6 months)is based on
    the estimated daily nutrient intake supplied by
    human milk.

  • 4- Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
  • UL is the highest average daily nutrient intake
    level with no adverse effect.
  • ? Intake (? UL) ? ? risk of adverse effects.
  • UL is not considered as a recommended level of
    nutrient intake.
  • ULs are useful because of the ? fortified foods
    and the ? use of dietary supplements.
  • UL applies to chronic daily use.

Using the DRIs
  • Most nutrients have a set of DRIs .
  • Usually a nutrient has an EAR and a
    corresponding RDA.
  • Most are set by age, gender influenced by
    pregnancy and lactation in women.
  • AI is judged by experts to meet the needs of all
    individuals in a group as it is based on less
    data than EAR RDA .

Figure 27.3 Dietary Reference Intakes for
vitamins and minerals in individuals one year and
older EAR Estimated Average Requirement RDA
Recommended Dietary Allowance AI Adequate
Intake UL
Tolerable Upper Intake Level ? no value
Intakes below the EAR ? to be improved Intakes
between the EAR RDA ? to be improved Intakes at
or above the RDA ? Adequate. Intakes above the AI
? Adequate. Intakes between the RDA UL ? No
risk for adverse effects.
  • The Estimated Energy Requirement is
  • The average dietary energy intake predicted to
    maintain an energy balance in a healthy adult
    with defined age, gender, height, weight and
    level of physical activity
  • Recommended energy intake for
  • - Sedentary adults 30 kcal / kg / day.
  • - Moderately active adults 35 kcal / kg /
  • - Very active adults 40 kcal / kg / day .

  • A. Energy content of food
  • The energy content of food is calculated from the
    heat released by the total combustion of food in
    a calorimeter.
  • It is expressed in kilo- calories (kcal or
  • b) Energy content of
  • Fat gtgt CHO and proteins.
  • Fat gt Ethanol gt CHO
  • Many scientists use joules (J), rather than
    calories (I cal 4.128 J).
  • The joule is a unit of energy widely used in many
    countries other than the USA.

B. How energy is used in the body
  • The total energy required by an individual is the
    sum of three energy - requiring processes that
    occur in the body
  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR),
  • Thermic Effect of Food
  • Physical Activity.

  • 1. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) (60)
  • Resting (formerly Basal) Metabolic Rate (RMR) is
    the energy expended by an individual in a
    resting, postabsorptive state).
  • It represents the energy required to carry out
    the normal body functions, such as respiration,
    blood flow, ion transport and maintenance of
    cellular integrity.
  • In an adult RMR is about
  • 1800 kcal for men ( 70 kg ) and
  • 1300 kcal for women ( 50 kg ).
  • From 50 - 70 of the daily energy expenditure in
    sedentary individuals is attributable to the RMR

RMR is the energy required for the normal body
functions e.g. respiration, blood flow, ion
transport, maintenance cellular integrity
  • 2. Thermic effect of food (diet-induced
  • The production of heat by the body increases as
    much as 30 above the basal level during the
    digestion and absorption of food.
  • Over a 24- hour period, the thermic response to
    food intake may amount to 5 - 10 of the total
    energy expenditure.

  • 3. Physical activity
  • Muscular activity provides the greatest variation
    in energy expenditure.
  • The amount of energy consumed depends on the
    duration and intensity of the exercise
  • A sedentary person requires about 30 50 more
    than the basal caloric requirement for energy
  • A highly active individual may require 100 or
    more calories above the RMR.

IV. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution
  • Definition
  • " a range of intakes for a particular
    macronutrient to reduce the risk of chronic
    diseases while providing adequate amounts of
    essential nutrients".
  • The AMDR for adults is
  • 45 - 65 of their total calories from
  • 20 - 35 from fat
  • 10 - 35 from protein

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  • Chronic diseases are significantly influenced by
    the kinds and amounts of nutrients consumed.
  • ?? risk of CHD in
  • Dyslipidemias
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

  • Dietary fats most strongly influence the
    incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD).
  • In the past dietary recommendations emphasized
    decreasing the total amount of fat in the diet.
  • Research now indicates that the type of fat is
    more important than the total amount of fat
  • A. Plasma lipids and CHD
  • Plasma cholesterol may arise from the diet or
    from endogenous biosynthesis. In either case,
    cholesterol is transported between the tissues in
    combination with protein and phospholipids as

  • LDL and HDL
  • Plasma cholesterol level varies in response to
    the diet.
  • ?? total plasma cholesterol levels ? ? risk for
    cardiovascular diseases (CHD).
  • High levels of LDL cholesterol ? ? risk for CHD.
  • High levels of HDL cholesterol ? ? risk for CHD.

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  • 2. Beneficial effect of lowering plasma
  • Dietary or drug treatment of hypercholesterolemia
    ? ? decreasing LDL ? HDL? ? the risk for
    cardiovascular events.
  • Dietary treatment ? 10 - 20 reduction in plasma
    lipoprotein concentrations.
  • Treatment with statin drugs ? 30 - 40
    reduction in plasma cholesterol.

Statins ? 30 - 40 reduction in plasma
cholesterol level
  • B. Dietary fats and plasma lipids
  • Triacylglycerols are quantitatively the most
    important class of dietary fats.
  • The influence of triacylglycerols on blood lipids
    is determined by
  • The chemical nature of the constituent fatty
  • The presence or absence of double bonds
    (saturated vs. mono- and polyunsaturated).
  • The number and location of the double bonds (n-6
    vs n-3).
  • The cis vs trans configuration of the unsaturated
    fatty acids.

  • 1. Saturated fat
  • Saturated fats are triacylglycerols containing
    fatty acids with no double bonds in its side

  • Dairy and meat products.
  • Vegetable oils, such as coconut palm oils

  • ? levels of total plasma cholesterol
  • ? LDL cholesterol
  • ? Risk of CHD.

Limitation of saturated fats intake ? ? risk of
  • Saturated fatty acids with carbon chain lengths
    of 14 (myristic) and 16 (palmitic) are most
    potent in increasing the serum cholesterol.
  • Stearic acid (18 carbonsfound in many foods
    including chocolate) ? modest ? in blood

  • 2. Monounsaturated fats
  • Monounsaturated fats are triacylglycerols
    containing primarily fatty acids with one double
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are generally derived
    from vegetables and fish.
  • When substituted for saturated fatty acids in the
    diet, monounsaturated fats ? ? total plasma
    cholesterol LDL cholesterol and ? HDLs.
  • Mediterranean cultures, with diets rich in olive
    oil (high in monounsaturated oleic acid), show a
    low incidence of coronary heart disease.

  • The Mediterranean diet
  • rich in - monounsaturated fatty acids (from
    olive oil)
  • - n-3 fatty acids (from fish oils
    and some nuts)
  • low in - saturated fat.
  • The Mediterranean diet ? ? serum total
    cholesterol and LDL - but little change in HDL.
  • Plasma triacylglycerols are unchanged.
  • Seasonally fresh food
  • Abundance of plant material
  • Low amounts of red meat
  • Olive oil as the principal source of fat.

Mediterranean diet contains
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  • 3. Polyunsaturated fats
  • Polyunsaturated fats are triacylglycerols
    containing primarily fatty acids with more than
    one double-bond.
  • The effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids
    (PUFAs) on cardiovascular disease is influenced
    by the location of the double bonds within the
  • n-6 Fatty acids
  • long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids with the
    first double bond beginning at the sixth carbon
    atom (when counting from the methyl end of the
    fatty acid molecule).
  • They are also called ?-6 (omega 6) fatty acids.

a. n-6 Fatty acids contd
  • Nuts
  • Avocados
  • Olives
  • Soybeans
  • Various oils (sesame, cottonseed corn oil).

  • ? plasma cholesterol
  • ? LDL
  • ? HDL

The powerful benefits of ? LDL are only partially
offset because of the ? HDL
  • b. n- 3 Fatty acids
  • Long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids, with the
    first double bond beginning at the third carbon
    atom (when counting from the methyl end of the
    fatty acid molecule)
  • Plants (mainly a-linolenic acidan essential
  • fatty acid).
  • Fish oil containing docosahexaenoic acid
  • (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

  • suppress cardiac arrhythmias
  • ? serum triacylglycerols
  • ? tendency to thrombosis
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • ? risk of cardiovascular mortality
  • little effect on LDL or HDL
  • cholesterol levels.

  • The acceptable range for a -linolenic acid is 0.6
    - 1.2 of total calories.
  • Two fish meals per week are recommended.
  • The n-3 polyunsaturated fats are included in
    infant formulas.

  • Linoleic acid, along with linolenic acid (n-3
    fatty acid), are essential fatty acids ? fluidity
    of membrane structure and synthesis of
    eicosanoids .

Deficiency of essential fatty acids
  • Scaly dermatitis.
  • Hair loss.
  • Poor wound healing

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  • 4. Trans fatty acids
  • Trans fatty acids are chemically classified as
    unsaturated fatty acids, behaving more
    like saturated fatty acids in the body, i.e. they
    ?? serum LDL (but not HDL) ?? the risk of CHD .
  • Trans fatty acids do not occur naturally in
    plants and only occur in small amounts in
  • Trans fatty acids are formed during the
    hydrogenation of liquid vegetable oils, in the
    manufacture of margarine.
  • Trans fatty acids are a major component of many
    commercial baked goods, such as cookies and
    cakes, and most deep-fried foods.

A key to the presence of trans fatty acids in a
food is the words partially hydrogenated on the
list of package ingredients.
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Effects of Dietary Fats
5. Dietary Cholesterol
Sources Animal products milk, meat, eggs
The effect of dietary cholesterol on plasma
cholesterol is less important than the amount and
types of fatty acids consumed.
C. Other dietary factors affecting coronary heart
  • 1. Soy protein
  • Consumption of 25 - 50 g/day of soy protein ? 10
    ? in LDL cholesterol in patients with elevated
    plasma cholesterol.
  • 2. Alcohol consumption .
  • Moderate consumption of alcohol (??) ? ? risk of
    coronary heart disease, due to ? HDLs.
  • Red wine contains phenolic compounds that inhibit
    lipoprotein oxidation.
  • These antioxidants are also present in raisins
    and grape juice.

  • The primary role of dietary carbohydrate is to
    provide energy.
  • Although caloric intake in the United States has
    shown a modest increase since 1971 the incidence
    of obesity has dramatically increased
  1. Classification of carbohydrates
  • Monosaccharides
  • Disaccharides
  • Polysaccharides
  • Fibers.

  • Monosaccharides
  • Glucose and fructose
  • The principal monosaccharides found in
  • Glucose is abundant in
  • fruits, sweet corn, corn syrup and honey.
  • Free fructose together with free glucose and
    sucrose is found in honey and fruits.

  • 2. Disaccharides
  • The most abundant disaccharides are
  • Sucrose (glucose fructose),
  • Lactose (glucose galactose)
  • Maltose (glucose glucose).
  • Sucrose table sugar is abundant in molasses
    and maple syrup.
  • Lactose the principal sugar found in milk.
  • Maltose a product of enzymic digestion of
    polysaccharides. It is also found in beer and
    malt liquors.

  • 3. Polysaccharides
  • Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides (most
    often polymers of glucose), which do not have a
    sweet taste.
  • Starch a complex carbohydrate found in
    abundance in plants.
  • Common sources
  • wheat and other grains
  • potatoes
  • dried peas and beans
  • vegetables

Monosacch. Glucose Fructose Fruits, sweet corn, corn syrup, honey
Disaccharide Sucrose (GlcFrc) Lactose (GlcGal) Maltose (2 Glc) Table sugar, maple syrup Milk Malt drinks, digestion products of polysaccharides
Polysaccharides Starch Wheat, dried peas beans, vegetables, potatoes
Fibers Dietary Functional Plants
Simple sugars
Complex sugars
  • 4. Fiber
  • Dietary fiber is defined as the
    nondigestible carbohydrates and lignin present in
  • Total fiber Dietary fiber Functional fiber.
  • Dietary fiber provides little energy but has
    several beneficial effects.
  • Functional fiber is the isolated, extracted, or
    synthetic fiber that has proven health benefits.

  • Soluble fibers
  • Soluble fibers Form viscous gel when mixed with
    liquid .
  • Functions of soluble fibers
  • Soluble fiber delays gastric emptying ? sensation
    of fullness and ? peaks of postprandial blood
  • Soluble fiber consumption ? ? LDL cholesterol
    levels by
  • ?? fecal bile acid excretion and
  • interfering with bile acid reabsorption
  • . Diets rich in the soluble fiber oat bran (25 -
    50 g/day) ? ? risk for CHD by ?? total and LDL
    cholesterol levels

Actions of Dietary Fibers
  • Insoluble fibers
  • Pass through the digestive track intact
  • Adds bulk to the diet .
  • Absorbs 10-15 times its own weight in water ?
    drawing fluid into the intestine lumen ? ? bowel
    motility ? ? exposure of gut to carcinogens
  • Fiber-rich diets ? ? risk for constipation,
    hemorrhoids, diverticulosis and colon cancer.
  • The recommended daily fiber intake (AI)
  • 25 g/day for women
  • 38 g/day for men.

  • B. Dietary carbohydrate and blood glucose
  • Some carbohydrate-containing foods ? rapid ?
    followed by a steep ? in blood glucose
  • Other foods ? a gradual ? followed by a slow ?.
  • Glycemic index proposed to quantitate these
    differences in the time course of postprandial
    glucose concentrations

  • Glycemic index is defined as
  • the area under the blood glucose curves seen
    after ingestion of a meal with carbohydrate -
    rich food, compared with the area under the blood
    glucose curve observed after a meal consisting of
    the same amount of carbohydrate in the form of
    glucose or white bread .

Food with a low glycemic index ? create a sense
of satiety over a longer period of time ?
limiting caloric intake.
Many experts feel that high nutrient and fiber
content, such as occurs in whole grains, fruits,
and vegetables, is a better guide than glycemic
index for selecting dietary carbohydrates.
  • C. Requirements for carbohydrate
  • Carbohydrates are not essential nutrients because
    the carbon skeletons of amino acids can be
    converted into glucose .
  • Carbohydrates are not inherently fattening. They
    yield 4 kcal/g (the same as protein and less than
    one half that of fat and result in fat synthesis
    only when consumed in excess of the body's energy
  • Absence of dietary carbohydrate ? ketone body
    production and degradation of body protein whose
    constituent amino acids provide carbon skeletons
    for gluconeogenesis.
  • The RDA for carbohydrate is set at 130 g / day
    for adults and children.
  • Adults should consume 45 - 65 of their total
    calories from carbohydrates.
  • Added sugar should represent no more than 25
    of total energy because ? sugar may displace
    nutrient-rich foods from the diet ? deficiencies
    of certain micronutrients.
  • Excess sucrose consumption ? dental caries.

  • the protein in food provides essential amino
    acids required for tissue maintenance.
  • The essential amino acids cannot be synthesized
    by the body and must be obtained from diet for
    normal body synthesis.
  • Essential amino acids are
  • Methionine, Threonine, Valine, Isoleucine,
    Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Leucine, Lysine-

  • A. Quality of proteins
  • The quality of a dietary protein is a measure of
    its ability to provide the essential amino acids
    required for tissue maintenance.
  • The Protein Digestibility- Corrected Amino Acid
    Scoring (PDCAAS) is adopted to evaluate protein
  • PDCAAS is based on
  • essential amino acids
  • digestibility of the protein.

The highest possible score is 1.00.

  • 1. Proteins from animal sources
  • Proteins from animal sources (meat. poultry,
    milk. fish) have a high quality (0.82 1.00)
    because they contain all the essential amino
    acids in proportions similar to those required
    for synthesis of human tissue proteins.
  • Gelatin prepared from animal collagen has a low
    biologic value ( 0.08) as a result of
    deficiencies in several essential amino acids.

  • 2. Proteins from plant sources
  • Proteins from wheat, corn, rice, and beans have a
    lower quality ( 0.4 ) than animal proteins.
  • Proteins from different plant sources may be
    combined in such a way that the result is
    equivalent in nutritional value to animal
  • Wheat (lysine-deficient but methionine-rich)
    combined with kidney beans (methionine-poor but
    lysine-rich) ? a complete protein of improved
    biologic value.

Eating foods with different limiting A.A. at the
same meal (or at least during the same day) can
result in a dietary combination with a higher
biologic value than either of the component
  • B. Nitrogen balance Nitrogen balance
  • Amount of nitrogen consumed nitrogen
    excreted in the urine, sweat, and feces.
  • Most healthy adults are normally in nitrogen
  • 1. Positive nitrogen
  • balance
  • Nitrogen intake ? excretion
  • Observed in situations of tissue
  • growth
  • - Children.
  • - Pregnancy.
  • - During recovery from an
  • emaciating illness.
  • 2. Negative nitrogen
  • balance
  • Nitrogen loss ? intake.
  • Associated with inadequate
  • dietary protein
  • - lack of an essential AA.
  • - during physiologic stresses
  • ( trauma, burns, illness,
  • surgery).

C. Requirement for protein in humans
  • The amount of dietary protein required in the
    diet varies with its biologic value
  • The greater the proportion of animal protein
    included in the diet, the less protein is

Normally, RDA Adults 0.8 g/kg (56 g protein
for a 70 kg individual) Athletes 1 g/kg Pregnant
or lactating ? up to 30 g/kg 0.8 g/kg
Children 2 g/kg/day
  • 1. Consumption of excess protein
  • No physiologic advantage to the consumption of
    more protein than the RDA.
  • Protein consumed in excess of the bodys needs is
    deaminated ? metabolized ? energy or acetyl CoA
    for fatty acid synthesis.
  • When excess protein is eliminated from the body
    as urinary nitrogen ? ? urinary calcium ? ? risk
    of nephrolithiasis and osteoporosis.

  • 2. The protein-sparing effect of carbohydrate
  • Dietary protein requirement is influenced by the
    carbohydrate content of the diet.
  • If carbohydrate intake is less than 130 g/day
    substantial amounts of protein are metabolized ?
    precursors for gluconeogenesis.
  • Carbohydrate is considered to be
    protein-sparing because it allows amino acids
    to be used for repair and maintenance of tissue
    protein rather than for gluconeogenesis.

  • D. Protein-calorie malnutrition
  • In developed countries, protein-calorie
    malnutrition is seen most frequently in
  • Hospital patients with chronic illness,
  • Individuals who suffer from major trauma,
  • Severe infection,
  • Effects of major surgery.
  • Such highly catabolic patients frequently require
    intravenous administration of nutrients

  • In developing countries, an inadequate intake of
    protein and/or energy may be observed.
  • Affected individuals show a variety of symptoms,
  • depressed immune system
  • reduced ability to resist infection.
  • Death from secondary infection is common.
  • Two extreme forms of malnutrition are kwashiorkor
    and marasmus.

Marasmus Kwashiorkor
Causes Inadequate calories in the presence of adequate protein intake Protein intake less than calories intake
Age under 1 year of age ( when mothers milk is supplemented with native cereals deficient In protein calories) after weaning (about one year of age),
Symptoms Arrested growth Extreme muscle wasting Weakness Anemia N0 edema or changes in plasma proteins Stunted growth Skin lesions depigmented hair Anorexia, Enlarged fatty liver ?? plasma albumin a deceptively plump belly as a result of Edema
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01 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) incorporate more reference standards than Recommended Daily Allowance s (RDAs).
02 Recommended Daily Allowances is the upper tolerable intake level of nutrients.
03 As regards dietary carbohydrates, the AMDR for adults is 45-65 of their total calories intake.
04. Diet induced thermogensis is the energy required to carry out normal body function.
05. The total amount of fat in the diet is more important than the type of the fat.
06. In polyunsaturated fats, trans fatty acids are considered healthier as regards the incidence if coronary heart disease.
07. Consumption of n-3 fatty acids result in increase blood pressure.
08. Food with a high glycemic index tends to create a sense of satiety over a long period of time.
09. Nitrogen balance occurs when the amount of nitrogen consumed is more than the nitrogen excreted.
10. Marasmus occurs when protein deprivation is relatively greater than the reduction in total calories.
End of Nutrition Lectures
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