English SOL Institute - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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English SOL Institute


* Practical Research Application ... I decided to work with students on a media and literature and research-based project to uncover their ideas and hopefully broaden ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: English SOL Institute

  • English SOL Institute
  • Secondary Research Strand

Dread-Free Research Bullying Project Christine
Woods cwoods_at_rcps.info
Secondary Research
  • Key Points in Research
  • Critically evaluate the accuracy, quality, and
    validity of the information
  • Frame, analyze, and synthesize information to
    solve problems, answer questions, and generate
    new knowledge

Secondary Research
  • Key Points in Research
  • Citation of primary and secondary sources begins
    in grade 6
  • Consequences of plagiarism, following ethical and
    legal guidelines for gathering and using
    information stressed grades 3-12

Secondary Research
  • Key Points in Research
  • Each research product does not have to be a
  • Incorporate Media Literacy into research
  • Research is now tested on the Writing SOL test

Dread-Free Research with a Meaningful Purpose
By Christine WoodsC
  • With information at our fingertips 24/7, not only
    is it wise to teach proper research skills and
    techniques, it is a necessity.

Teach Research terminology
  • Ensure all students know the importance of
    accuracy, quality, and validity as prescribed
    in the SOL.
  • Show its relevance to their lives and interests.

Provide ample citation resources and help
  • Helping students find the correct way to cite
    their sources through a handout or via the
    Internet can alleviate the choice to plagiarize.

Practice individual citations as a class often
  • Take the anxiety out of citing sources within the
    text and on a works cited page
  • Provides students practical experience to work

Journal and share on the topic
  • If all students are writing on the same topic or
    one of their choice, writing to learn more about
    the topic then sharing with the class provides
    motivation to start their research.

Practical Research Application Bullying
ProjectBy Christine Woods
  • Overview - Because of the release of the new
    documentary Bully, I decided to work with
    students on a media and literature and
    research-based project to uncover their ideas and
    hopefully broaden their knowledge-base on the
    topic of bullying and character education.

Practical Research Application Bullying
ProjectBy Christine Woods
  • First students write first from their own
  • Research via Internet ,videos, print resources
  • Read Scholastic CHOICES magazine
  • Read A Letter from the Fringe by Joan Bauer in
  • Find and read other fiction and nonfiction
  • Synthesize the research they have gathered into a
    written and creative project
  • Reflective journal

Learning Objectives
  • Building or improving research skills for school
    and personal research
  • Writing and speaking about a serious social issue
  • Journal writing to explore a social issue
  • Identifying themes in a piece of literature
  • Working in a group to research and explain
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of websites and
  • Using proper MLA format in research writing
  • Synthesizing research to write on a social issue
    in their words and with facts
  • Develop a creative piece to exemplify their ideas
    on a social issue
  • Write reflectively on their overall experience
    once the research, reading, and projects are
    completed to evaluate their learning
  • Virginia 2010 SOL Correlation 8.3, 8.5-8.9
    (Though this can be adapted to any grade level)

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Morais, Carmen. We Are the Solution. Choices
Magazine, Scholastic April/May 2012 8-13. Print.
  • Bauer, Joan. A Letter from the Fringe.
    Snapshots Literature for Young Adults. Logan,
    IA Perfection Learning, 2003. Print.
  • Bornthiswayfoundation.com. Born This Way
    Foundation, 2012. Web. 18 April 2012.
  • Bully Suicide Project. Bully Suicide Project
    Stories. YouTube.com. 18 March 2012. Web. 18
    April 2012.
  • Bullyingwellstopit. Bullying Well Stop It.
    YouTube.com. 4 February 2011. Web. 18 April
  • Kid Power. 12 November 2009. Kidpower Teenpower
    Fullpower. 6 April 2012.
  • Langan, Paul. The Bully. New York Townsend
    Press, 2000. Print.
  • Morais, Carmen. We Are the Solution. CHOICES
    Magazine, April/May (2012) 8- 13. Print.
  • Pacer Center. 2012. Pacer Center, Inc. 6 April,
  • Preller, James. Bystander. New York Square Fish,
    2009. Print.
  • Stand Together. 28 July 2005. GLSEN. 6 April
  • Stop Bullying. 22 February 2012. U.S. Department
    of Health Human Services. 6 April 2012.
  • Watertouchcomelius. Dont Bully Me PSA.
    YouTube.com. 13 August 2011. Web. 18 April 2012.

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Potential Research Topic Ideas
  • Investigate art styles in a time period you are
    reading about in literature.
  • In groups, have students research a topic of
    interest in their community.
  • Have students follow popular trends and
    research possible reasons for the trends.
  • Research the origins of details in novels (like
    Percy Jackson series, or Twilight).
  • Investigate the future likelihood of events in
    novels like The Hunger Games or Feed.
  • Have students research music sampling and the
    origins of popular music.

Potential Research Topic Ideas
  • Predict through research what inventions or
    businesses might be the next big thing.
  • Research the purchase of an appliance, car, or
  • Research the importance of character education
    for individuals and/or the media.
  • Investigate the politics in the medical and
    insurance field.
  • Research the dangers in the world of fashion and
  • Research the actual time periods of anachronisms
    in plays or movies.
  • Follow the development of an actor, director, or
    genre of film.
  • Predict athletic advancements from past training
    methods and achievement records.
  • Evaluate the validity and logic behind
    commercials and advertisements.

Research Resources
  • Purdues Online Writing Lab - MLA or APA Format
  • Citation Machine
  • Easy Bib works well for 6-8
  • E-books (MLA)
  • E-books (APA)

Internet Validity Sources
  • Great help for all grade levels with safety and
    research source quality and validity
  • http//www.doe.virginia.gov/support/safety_crisis_
  • Asks good questions to share with students
  • http//www.sandyn.com/Validity.html
  • Worksheet idea for students to evaluate web pages
  • http//www.members.tripod.com/ryanarthurton/simpe

Empowering Students
  • Remind them often
  • You are researchers already who make research
    decisions on myriad topics daily
  • You have valuable opinions and can make positive
    contributions through your research in our world

Contact Information
  • Christine Woods
  • cwoods_at_rcps.info

Reference within this presentation to any
specific commercial or non-commercial product,
process, or service by trade name, trademark,
manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or
imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring
by the Virginia Department of Education.
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