Psychological therapy in early psychosis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychological therapy in early psychosis


Psychological therapy in early psychosis David Fowler Reader in Clinical Psychology, UEA Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NMHCT Developing Individual Placement and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Psychological therapy in early psychosis

Psychological therapy in early psychosis
  • David Fowler
  • Reader in Clinical Psychology, UEA
  • Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NMHCT

What I will talk about
  • What is CBT for psychosis and are there different
    types of CBT?
  • Do we need different therapies for different
    phases of early psychosis?
  • The case for the use of specific psychological
    interventions and current research

  • Norfolk Early Intervention service colleagues Dr
    Iain Macmillan, Nick Bishop, Mark Wright, Peter
    Edge, Ruth Lin, Jane Wallace...and new....,
  • UEA colleagues and Doctoral students Mike Day,
    Claire Harrison, Sam Vaughan, James Plaistow
  • PRP (Welcome Trust programme grant) colleagues
  • Philippa Garety, Elizabeth Kuipers, Paul
    Bebbington, Graham Dunn, Rebbecca Rollinson et

Young people with early psychosis
  • Have episodes of severe disturbances in thought,
    emotion and behaviour (delusions and
  • Most recover from such episodes but some remain
    socially disabled and depressed
  • Some are at high risk of developing chronic
    syndromes with need for repeated hospitalisation
    and high service use
  • need specialised multidisciplinary care due to
    the complexity of their problems and difficult
    to treat presentations

Ben came into contact with mental health services
because his mother was worried about him. He had
recently left home to live in a bed-sit. He had
become increasingly disorganized. His flat walls
were covered in paintings and he was pre-occupied
with drawing, not sleeping and not eating or
looking after himself. He talked in a bizarre way
about God, good and evil and about how his task
was to save the world. He said that painting
helped him to make sense of things. He was
clearly listening to voices. He said these were
God and the Devil talking to him. He said he
didn't need any help.
A psychological perspective
  • Psychosis as a life crisis which sets a series
    of adaptive demands for the individual

Making sense of psychosis formulating psychotic
  • Normal models of adaptation to stress
  • Vulnerability stress models
  • Cognitive models of psychotic symptoms

The evolution of voices and delusional beliefs
The cognitive model of psychosis and its clinical
  • The cognitive perspective suggests that psychosis
    is more amenable to understanding than is
    commonly believed
  • Helping people understand the nature of their
    personal vulnerability to psychosis is a core
    process of cognitive therapy
  • Cognitive therapy involves helping people to
    become aware of errors in the way they think
    about psychotic experience to compensate for
  • The aim is to help the person construct a less
    distressing and more adaptive way of
    understanding their predicament

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Works from the patients point of view
  • Is collaborative
  • Builds up strengths
  • (does not strip away defences)
  • Builds on good basic psychotherapeutic skills
    (warmth, empathy, concern)
  • Central task is making sense of and explaining
  • Process of therapy, strategy and use of
    techniques is guided by individualised assessment
    and formulation

The six stages of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for
Engagement and assessment Promoting self
regulation of psychotic symptoms Developing a
shared model of psychosis Addressing delusions
and beliefs about voices Addressing
dysfunctional assumptions about self and
others Addressing social disability and risk of
Adaptations in working with people with
persistent voices and delusions
  • People with high conviction in delusions
    typically lack of a shared rationale with
  • People with voices typically do not regard them
    as symptoms
  • Overcoming dissonance and working from the
    patients perspective is key
  • Flexibility, individualisation, and careful
    attention to engagement is required

Narrative Work
Schema work
Relapse prevention Interventions
CBT for psychosis?
CBT for psychosis a better analogy
Does CBT work?Published trials with people with
treatment resistant psychosis

  • Effect size
  • London-East Anglia trial CBT versus case
    management 0.86
  • (Kuipers, Fowler, Garety et al, Brit. J
    Psychiatry,1997 1998)
  • (9 months individually formulated CBT)
  • 29 improvement in BPRS symptom ratings
  • 65 CBT versus 17 CM made 25 improvement in
  • Manchester trial CBT versus supportive
    counselling 0.57
  • (Tarrier et al BMJ 1998 Brit. J
  • (8 weeks, CBT package techniques)
  • Wellcome trial CBT versus befriending
  • (Sensky, Turkington, Kingdom et al, Arch.Gen,
    Psych 2000)
  • (9 months individually formulated CBT)
  • .

Systematic review of trials of CBT (odds
ratio)Participants receiving CBT have a 22
greater chance of making a 50 improvement in
mental state at post treatment than alternative
RCT of CBT to prevent relapseThe PRP project
  • Sample People with psychosis presenting with
    second or subsequent acute psychotic relapse in 5
    centres in London, Essex and Norfolk
  • Design 1) Alone CBT vs TAU n280
  • 2) Family CBT vs FI vs TAU n90
  • 9 months treatment, 2 year f/u
  • Measures
  • 1) relapse, readmission, cost
  • 2) symptoms, social functioning, quality
    of life
  • 3) process measures
  • Recruitment at 11/03 n212

CBT in relapse prevention (Gumley et al, 2003)
  • Targeted at high risk of relapse groups
  • Therapy initiated at recovery traditional CBT
    approach (psychoeducation, warning signs,
    management of relapse, fear of relapse)
  • Booster sessions at incipient relapse
  • At 12-months, 11 (15.3) CBT group 19 (26.4) TAU
  • 13 (18.1) CBT relapsed compared to 25 (34.7) in
  • CBT group showed greater improvement in negative
    symptoms (mean difference CBT - TAU in change
    from baseline at 12 months -1.73, p 0.035, 95
    CI 3.33, -0.13), global psychopathology (-4.10,
    p 0.0012, 95 CI 6.55, -1.65), performance of
    independent functions (2.70, p 0.027, 95 CI
    0.32, 5.08) and prosocial activities (3.99, p
    0.0072, 95 CI 1.10, 6.88).
  • (Rector and Beck, 2003, Schiz, Res., Sensky et
    al, 2001 also show benefits in negative
    symptoms, gen psychopathology from traditional
    CBT approach)

  • There is strong evidence for effects of CBT on
    symptom reduction and distress with people who
    have distressing chronic treatment resistant
    psychotic symptoms
  • There are promising indications of evidence for
    CBT in preventing relapse/readmission the PRP
    study will provide a definitive indication

What interventions for what stage of early
psychosis ?
  • At risk mental states - anomalous experiences.
    odd beliefs, distress
  • First Episode - severe disturbances of thought,
    behaviour and affect
  • Recovery - amotivation, depression, withdrawal
  • First admission- psychosis and the effects
  • Second episode and relapse
  • Delayed recovery/ongoing psychosis-treatment
    resistant symptoms, relapse, chronic emotional
    disturbance and social disability

The evidence basis for specific psychosocial
interventions at different stages
  • At Risk Mental States 2 preliminary trials of
    CBT further trials underway/planned
  • First Episode equivocal evidence for CBT-large
    trial (SoCRATES) suggests support CBT
  • Social recovery and depression No trials-need
    for a new treatment (evidence for supported
    employment (IPS) in chronic cases, preliminary
    evidence for CBT on depression/negative symptoms)
  • Relapse good preliminary evidence PRP trial
    will be definitive
  • Delayed recovery and treatment resistant
    psychosis evidence is strong, NICE suggest CBT
    should be provided

Problems in At Risk Mental States
  • Something odd is going on I feel strange
  • I feel different from others I sense evil
  • Anomalous experiences
  • Search for meaning and delusional formation
  • Ongoing psychological difficulties
  • Engagement problems
  • Drug abuse

Therapy targets for early stage psychosis
  • Establishing a relationship
  • Providing a framework for understanding anomalies
    of experience
  • Decatastrophising and normalising
  • assisting the search for meaning
  • managing ongoing psychological problems
  • Promoting adaptive behaviour by behave expts
  • Structured short term therapy akin to traditional
    CBT for anxiety/depression

Problems at the recovery stage
  • I still feel ill Somethings wrong with me
  • Im not quite right I feel different to
  • I'm fine I'm ok dont want help just want
    to get on with my life
  • Amotivation
  • depression
  • social withdrawal and social disability
  • anomalies of experience and beliefs
  • NB These problems are often missed in people who
    may be described as doing ok

Outcomes at 2 years First admission psychosis
cohorts in Norfolk (no EI service)
  • Measures CAN, HoNoS, GAF, Health records
  • Cohort 96/97 98/99
  • No. 77 61
  • Complete recovery (no relapse) 22 17
  • Mod/severe ongoing psychosis 9 37/9
  • Mod/severe Depression 60/28 55/31
  • Number of unmet needs 5 5
  • Mean GAF 58 63
  • None/ meaningful activity 60/15 66/16

The Issues
  • Suicide occurs in 10-15 of casesmainly
  • in first 5 years .
  • Parasuicidal risk averages 20-30
  • Rate of post psychotic depression in
    first-episodes 25-80

Depression as a psychological reaction to
psychosis and trauma recent psychological studies
  • Depression in early psychosis is associated with
    increased loss shame humiliation and entrapment
    and lower social comparison (Iqbal et al, 2001
    Plaistow and Fowler, submitted)
  • Depression, negative symptoms and social
    disability are strongly associated with each
    other at the recovery stage and also with the
    degree to which individuals can see themselves in
    meaningful roles and goals in the future (Day and
    Fowler, Submitted)
  • Depression is associated with reporting intrusive
    memories and avoidance of traumatic events
    (Fowler et al, In Press)

So, what does all this mean for early
  • Amongst cases apparently symptomatically stable
    (in between psychotic episodes)
  • we need to monitor and target depression and
    hopelessness, and prevent appraisals of loss
    shame and entrapment
  • We need to carefully target patterns of social
    avoidance which may emerge initially as

Individual placement and support
  • Vocational workers focussing on social recovery
    who have links to employers and knowledge of
    employment issues work alongside case managers as
    part of an assertive outreach team (Bond)
  • Hartford study (Mueser et al, J.Cons Clin
    Psychol, In Press) IPS (373 days employed) vs 176
    days standard treatment
  • Crowther et al BMJ, 2001 systematic review

Developing Individual Placement and Support
  • Effects are on low paid service sector employment
    which is transitive
  • Needs attention to meaningful goals and career
  • At present suitable for people who are fully
    recovered ready to work
  • Can psychological therapy prepare more people for
  • Factors involved include hopelessness,
    amotivation, cognitive deficits and depression

The case for Social Recovery oriented CBT in
early psychosis
  • We need a new treatment which offers social
    opportunities while addressing psychological
    problems including depression, social avoidance
  • Ideally this will combine best practice in
    vocational interventions (IPS) with structured
    psychological interventions (CBT)
  • This treatment is in the early stages of

Key psychosocial interventions in Early
intervention in psychosis to include
  • Support through the acute phase in least
    restrictive supportive therapeutic settings
  • CBT for delayed recovery treatment resistant
    psychosis and relapse
  • Social recovery intervention Case managers
    providing an assertive vocational recovery
    programme addressing depression and anxiety in
    collaboration with supported employment/education/
  • User and family support and psyched groups
  • Family work
  • With protocol driven psychopharmacology

(No Transcript)
And it should all lead to.....
  • a much better social and symptomatic long term
    outcome for young people with severe mental
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