Electric Current - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electric Current


An electric current is a flow of charge. In metals, current is the movement of negative charge, i.e. electrons In gases and electrolytes (NaCl solution), both ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electric Current

Electric Current
  • An electric current is a flow of charge.
  • In metals, current is the movement of negative
    charge, i.e. electrons
  • In gases and electrolytes (NaCl solution), both
    positive and negative charges may be involved.

Electric Current
  • Current is the rate at which charge is flowing in
    a circuit. It is the amount of charges that pass
    through any point of the circuit per unit time.
  • i.e. I Q / t
  • Current is measured in ampere, A, where 1 A 1 C

Conventional current
  • Scientist first thought that positive charges
    flow from the positive terminal of a cell to the
    negative terminal. This is called the
    conventional current direction.
  • However, it was found that a current in a metal
    wire is in fact a flow of negatively-charged
    electrons in the opposite direction.
    Nevertheless, the conventional current is still

Microscopic view of Electric Current
  • In a conducting wire, the free electrons are
    moving about randomly at high speeds, (about
    1/1000 of the speed of light) bouncing off the
  • Normally, the net flow of charge is zero.

The Mechanism of current flow (1)
  • If a battery is connected across the ends of a
    conductor, an electric field is created which
    causes the electrons to accelerate and gain
    kinetic energy.
  • Collisions occur between the accelerating
    electrons and atoms of the conductor.
  • As a result, the electrons lose kinetic energy
    and slow down whilst the ions gain energy. This
    leads to a temperature rise in the conductor. The
    electrons are again accelerated and the process
    is repeated.
  • The electrons soon reach a steady speed known as
    their drift velocity.

The Mechanism of current flow
  • The overall acceleration of the electrons,
    however, is zero on account of their collisions.
    They acquire a constant average drift velocity in
    the direction from the negative to positive of
    the battery.
  • Typically value of the average drift velocity is
    10-3 m s-1.

Example 1A hair dryer draws a current of 3 A. If
it is switched on for 5 minutes, (a) how much
charge, and (b) how many electrons have passed
through it?
  • Solution
  • (a) By I Q / t
  • 3 Q / (5 x 60)
  • Q 900 C
  • (b) charge of 1 electron 1.6 x 10-19 C
  • no. of electron 900 / (1.6 x 10-19) 5.625 x

Electromotive Force (e.m.f.)
  • The electromotive force or e.m.f. of a battery is
    the energy transferred to unit charge from
    chemical energy of the battery when the charge
    passes through the battery.
  • Unit volts (V)
  • The e.m.f. of a battery is 1.5 V if 1.5 J of
    electrical energy is transferred to each coulomb
    of charge

Potential Difference
  • The potential difference, p.d. or voltage across
    two points in a circuit is the amount of
    electrical energy which changes into other forms
    of energy when unit positive charge passes
    between these points.
  • The p.d. across two points in a circuit is 1 V if
    1 J of electrical energy is changed into other
    forms of energy when 1 coulomb of charge passes
    between these points.

1 V 1 J C-1.
(No Transcript)
Potential at a point
  • If a convenient point in the circuit is selected
    as having zero potential, the potentials of all
    other points can be stated with reference to it.
  • If current flows from a point A to a point B,
    then A is regarded as being at a higher potential
  • Consider the following circuit

p.d. across AB VAB (1)(4) 4 V p.d. across BC
VBC (1)(2) 2 V
If VC 0, VB and VA If VA 0, VB and
2 V
6 V
-4 V
-6 V
Internal resistance
  • A high-resistance voltmeter connected across a
    cell on open circuit records its e.m.f. E.
  • If the cell is now connected to an external
    circuit in the form of a resistor R the voltmeter
    reading V falls. V is called the terminal p.d. or
    terminal voltage of the cell.
  • In our example, the e.m.f. of the cell is 3 V and
    the terminal voltage is 2.8 V. The difference
    between the e.m.f. and the terminal voltage is
    known as the lost volt, which is equal to 0.2 V.

  • The deficiency is due to the cell itself having
    some resistance.
  • All power supplies, including the batteries and
    low voltage power packs, have some resistance due
    to the way they are made. This is called internal

E V v E IR Ir
For an open circuit, I 0 ? lost volt v
0. e.m.f. E terminal voltage V.
Example 2Suppose a high-resistance voltmeter
reads 1.5 V when connected across a dry battery
on open circuit, and 1.2 V when the same battery
is supplying a current of 0.3 A through a lamp
of. Find (a) the e.m.f., and(b) the internal
resistance of the battery.
(a) E.m.f 1.5 V (b) Lost volt 0.3 V 0.3
1.2r r 0.25 W
Examples relating internal resistance
  • The typical internal resistance of an E.H.T. is
    of the order of MW (106 W)
  • To limit the current it supplies and to ensure
    the safety when using the E.H.T.

Variation of power output with external resistance
lost volt
r E
terminal voltage
Power output to R is a maximum when R r,
internal resistance.
I E / (R r)
What should be the value of R such that maximum
power is delivered?
  • Hence, maximum power is delivered (P0 is maximum)
  • R r.
  • In this case, the external resistance is matched
    to the internal resistance and the corresponding
    power E2/(4R)

Variation of efficiency with the external
When R is large, h ?1
The efficiency equals 50 when R r
Examples of Loads in an Electric Circuit (1)
  • Loading for greatest power output is common in
    communication engineering.
  • For example, the last transistor in a receiver
    delivers electrical power to the loudspeaker,
    which speaker converts into mechanical power as
    sound waves.
  • To get the loudest sound, the speaker resistance
    (or impedance) is matched to the internal
    resistance (or impedance) of the transistor, so
    that maximum power is delivered to the speaker.

  • The resistance of a conductor is due to the
    collisions between
  • (1) electrons and the vibrating ions (crystal
    lattice) and
  • (2) electrons and the defects in crystal lattice
    at very low temperature.
  • When the same p.d. is applied across different
    conductors, different currents flow. Some
    conductors offer more opposition or resistance to
    the passage of current than others.

  • The resistance R of a conductor is defined as the
    ratio of the potential difference V across it to
    the current I flowing through it.

Current p.d. relationships
  • Ohmic conductor

Their I V graphs are straight lines through the
origin. They obey Ohms law, which states that
the p.d. across a conductor is directly
proportional to the current flowing through it,
provided that the temperature is constant. Hence,
they are called linear or ohmic conductors.
Current p.d. relationships
  • Filament lamp
  • The I V graph bends over as V and I increase,
    indicating that a given change of V causes a
    smaller change in I at larger values of V. That
    is, the resistance of the tungsten wire filament
    increases as the current raises its temperature
    and makes it white-hot. In general, the
    resistance of metals and alloys increases with

Current p.d. relationships
  • Semiconductor diode

The I V graph shows that current passes when
the p.d. is applied in one direction but is
almost zero when it acts in the opposite
direction. A diode therefore has a small
resistance if the p.d. is applied one way round
but a very large resistance when the p.d. is
reversed. This one-way property makes it useful
as a rectifier for changing alternating current
(a.c.) to direct current (d.c.)
Current p.d. relationships
  • Thermistor

The I V graph bends upwards. This shows that
its resistance decreases sharply as its
temperature rises.
Current p.d. relationships
  • Electrolyte

The I V graph shows that there is almost no
current flow until the p.d. exceeds a certain
value. The phenomenon is due to the existence of
a back e.m.f., which the applied p.d. must exceed
before the electrolyte conducts.
  • Ohms law as a special case of resistance
    behaviour. Most of the electronic components are

Effect of temperature on the resistance of a
metal conductor (2)
  • For metals and a lot of insulators, when
    temperature is raised, the lattice ions vibrate
    more vigorously, increasing the frequency of
    collision between electrons and the lattice. The
    average drift velocity is reduced and the
    resistance therefore increases. 

T ? ? R?
  • For semi-conductors, when temperature is raised,
    greater vibration of atoms breaks bonds, freeing
    more charge carries (such as electrons) and
    thereby producing a marked decreased of
  • T ? ? R?

The resistance of a conductor depends on its
length and thickness.
  • Notice that the electrons seem to be moving at
    the same speed in each one but there are many
    more electrons in the larger wire.  
  • This results in a larger current which leads us
    to say that the resistance is less in a wire with
    a larger cross sectional area.

It can be shown that R?1/A.
Resistance in a Conductor (2)
  • The length of a conductor is similar to the
    length of a hallway.  A shorter hallway would
    allow people to move through at a higher rate
    than a longer one.
  • So a shorter conductor would allow electrons to
    move through at a higher rate than a longer one
  • It can be shown that R ? l .

Resistivity of a material
  • ? is called the resistivity of the material.

The unit of ? is ?m.
Resistivities of various materials
Material Class ?/?m
Copper Good conductor 1.7 ? 10-8
Silver Good conductor 1.6 ? 10-8
Nichrome Conductor 1.1 ? 10-6
Graphite Conductor 8.0 ? 10-6
Germanium Semiconductor 0.6
Silicon Semiconductor 2300
Quartz insulator 5.0 ? 1016
Example 3Find the resistance of a copper wire if
its length and diameter are 5 m and 2 mm
  • Solution
  • R rl/A
  • For the copper wire, r 1.7 x 10-8
  • l 5 m
  • A pr2 p(0.002)2 1.2566 x 10-5 m2
  • R 1.7 x 10-8 x 5 / (1.2566 x 10-5)
  • 6.76 x 10-3 W

Power and heating effect
  • The power of a device is the rate at which it
    transfers energy.
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