1 A RandomizEd Trial of ENtERal Glutamine to
MinimIZE Thermal Injury Laboratory Training
Study Sponsors Dr. Paul Wischmeyer (US) Dr. Dominique Garrel (Canada) Clinical Evaluation Research Unit Director Dr. Daren Heyland Project Leader Rupinder Dhaliwal Project Assistant Maureen Dansereau
2Blood Sample Overview
Lab Manual p 4
All patients will have blood samples taken unless
they refuse consent For DNA studies, lymphocyte
function studies, inflammatory cytokines heat
shock proteins
3Blood Draws
Lab Manual p 4
- Blood Draws
- Draw 1 (4 days post start of study intervention)
48 hrs - Draw 2 (7days post start of study intervention)
48 hrs - Draw 3 (14 days post start of study intervention)
48 hrs - Draw 4 (21 days post start of study intervention)
48 hrs - If a draw can not be obtained due to a weekend,
draw on the closest working day - Draw from a central line
- If no central line, draw with routine blood work
- DO NOT draw blood if no central line
- no scheduled blood draw
4Materials Provided
Lab Manual p 5, 6
- Lab Kits (4 kits per patient) each containing
- 2 Heparin CPT tubes
- 1 Citrate CPT tube
- 1 Sodium Heparin tube
- 1 Paxgene DNA tube (Kit 1 only)
- 30 Cryovials
- 40 Labels
- For expired tube replacement contact Elizabeth
Luzier (Lab Manual p 7)
5Materials Needed
Lab Manual p 5
- Centrifuge variable speed
- Pipette calibrated for 50 to 500 microlitre
pipetting - - 80 C (-112 F) Freezer
- Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)
- Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)
- 0.9 Normal Saline Solution
- 15 ml conical tubes
- Timer
- Ice
- Gloves
- Biohazardous waste disposal system
Supplies for shipping specimens on dry ice
6Cryovial/Tube Labels
Lab Manual p 7
- Each kit will contain enough labels for each
cryovial/tube - Add one label to each cryovial/tube used
- Label includes an ID as follows
7Lab Sample Log Labels
Lab Manual p 8
- Add to labels
- enrollment number
- date and time of the blood draw
8Blood Draw Preparation
Lab Manual p 8
- BEFORE drawing blood
- Ensure all necessary materials and equipment are
present (including a cup/container of ice
bedside) - Fill out and affix labels to tubes
9Blood Draw Order
Lab Manual p 8
- Draw blood in the following order
- (1) 2 x Red/green speckled top tubes
- (2) 1 x Blue/black speckled top tube
- (3) 1 x Green top tube
- (4) 1 x PAXGENE tube (1st draw only)
- Invert all tubes 8-10 times
- Place Green Top tube (sodium heparin) only on ice
immediately and keep it on ice until further
processing (do not exceed 30 minutes)
10Green Top Tube (Sodium Heparin)
Lab Manual p 9, 16
Process within 30 minutes of collection
- Step 1
- Remove green top tube from ice and place in
centrifuge - Centrifuge at 1000 RCF (g) for 5 minutes
- If red cells are re-suspended in plasma
when removing tube from - centrifuge, repeat centrifuge process
above. - Step 2
- Pipette plasma in 500µL (0.5 mL) aliquots
into 4 green topped - cryovials
- Step 3
- Place cryovials in - 80 C freezer
- Store at - 80 C (-112 F) until shipment
to central lab
11Lab Manual p 16
Green Top Tube (Sodium Heparin)
12Speckled Red/Green Blue/Black Top tubes
Lab Manual p 10, 17
Keep at room temperature and process within 2
- Centrifuge for 30 minutes at room temperature at
1800 RCF - Pipette off the plasma without disturbing the
cell layer - Aliquot 500µL of plasma from the Blue/Black top
tube into each of the 8 labeled (ACD) orange
cryovials - Aliquot 500µL of plasma from Red/Green top tubes
into each of the 16 labeled red cryovials - Freeze at 20 C (-4 F) for 1 day
- Store at -80 C until shipping
13 Speckled Red/Green Top Blue/Black Top tubes
Lab Manual p 17
14Speckled Blue/Black Top
Lab Manual p 11, 18
Using the already processed Blue/Black top tube
- Gently re-suspend the cells above the gel barrier
- Transfer into 2 labeled (ACD PBMC) orange
cryovials - Estimate volume and add DMSO to a final
concentration of 10 (see table) - Cap cryovials and mix gently by inverting several
times - Freeze at 20 C (-4 F) for 1 day
- Store at 80 C (-112 F) until shipping
15Speckled Blue/Black Top Tube
Lab Manual p 18
16 Speckled Red/Green Top
Lab Manual p 12, 19
Using the already processed Red/Green top tubes
- Pull out the white cell layer from both Red Green
Top tubes - Add to one new 15 ml centrifuge tube
- Add PBS to the conical tube to bring total volume
to 15 ml - Cap tube and mix by inverting several times
- Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 600 RCF
- Aspirate and discard supernatant without
disturbing cell pellet - Add PBS to the conical tube to bring total volume
to 10 ml - Cap tube and mix by inverting several times
- Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 600 RCF
- Aspirate and discard supernatant without
disturbing cell pellet - Freeze cell pellet at -80º C (-112 F) until
17Speckled Red/Green Top Tubes
Lab Manual p 19
Lab Manual p 12, 20
- Place tube upright in wire rack
- Freeze at - 20º C (-4º F) for 24 hrs NOTE Do
not freeze in styrofoam, - tube will crack
- After 24 hours, transfer to -80º C
- (-112 F) freezer
- Maintain at -80ºC (-112 F) until
- shipping
19Lab Sample Log
Lab Manual p 13, 21
- Complete One log per patient, add
- Affix cryovial labels with Patient ID to Lab
Sample - Log in space provided
- Date blood samples taken for each draw
- each cryovial/tube processed per day by colour
- Total samples processed per day
Date sample taken on label date recorded on
eCRF worksheet!
20Packaging Shipping
Lab Manual p 15
- Each patient place following in smaller
individual blood draw boxes (total of 4 blood
draw boxes per patient) - Cryovials
- DNA tube
- PBMC 15mL centrifuge tube
- Place smaller boxes securely in a larger shipping
box - Add dry ice
- Add completed Lab Sample Logs (one log per
patient) - Ship via FedEx within 8 weeks of collection to
Colorado (Mon-Wed) - Indicate Bill Recipient on the FedEx shipping
label - Check local courier services for
21Packaging Shipping
- Important Considerations
- Please be sure to inquire about your local
service schedules and the latest time of day that
you can call to arrange for a pick-up - Local courier service (pickup and delivery) may
be limited prior to, during and following
observed holidays. It is imperative that you
check local service schedules in advance of the
holiday. - Specimens should be shipped from Mondays through
Wednesdays only.