Title: Faking Dynamics of Cloth Animation for Animated Films
1Faking Dynamics of Cloth Animation for Animated
- Fabian Di Fiore
- Expertise Centre for Digital MediaHasselt
University, Belgium - fabian.difiore_at_uhasselt.be
- Visually pleasing animations of cloth models are
an important feature of many of today's movies
and games, and of the professional clothing
industry (fashion, textile) - Existing animation and simulation techniques
depend on real dynamics simulation - prohibitive in terms of computational cost
- prohibitive in terms of user control
need for allowing animators to interactively
create visually pleasing animations of cloth
models while keeping them in full control of the
animation process
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions motivation
3Related Work
- Magic Carpet in Aladdin (1992, Disney)
- initially, full CGI model
- texturally ok, but dynamics too computerish
- hybrid solution (2D 3D)
- animation entirely drawn on paper
- (i.e. traditional 2D)
- 3D model artist laid out computer model over
- the drawn carpet, frame by frame
- corner tassels were manually drawn
- afterwards
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
4Related Work
- Faking dynamics of Ropes and Springs
- (1997, Ronen Barzel)
- Toy Story movies
- simple method for modelling 1D flexible linear
- bodies such as ropes and springs
- default natural rest shape
- controls that perform gross modification and
deformations of the rest shape over time - no dynamic simulation
- limited to 1D
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
- Fake dynamics for cloth animation in animated
films - distinguish between a modelling phase and a
separate animation phase - cloth is modelled hanging from arbitrary
constraint points - interactively create and control the animation by
adjusting the shape of models over time - using intuitive deformation tools and keyframe
animation techniques
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
8Cloth Modelling
- Representation
- cloths surface quadrilateral mesh
- initially a 2D grid consisting of 3D coordinates
- user specifies density, dimensions and constraint
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth modelling
9Cloth Modelling
- Surface Approximation
- positions of constraint points known
- determine inner points between each pair of
constraint points using catenaries
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth modelling
10Cloth Modelling
- Surface Approximation (ctd)
- beware of crossings
- different 3D position according to employed
catenary - remove lowest catenary as points can only be
lifted during the following relaxation step
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth modelling
11Cloth Modelling
- Surface Approximation (ctd)
- determine remaining points through subdivision
- through subdividing each triangle by creating
catenary between highest vertex and triangles
centroid repeat recursively - points along each new catenary can be calculated,
however, severe approximation errors are induced - instead,show 3D catenaries and let user adjust
constraint points
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth modelling
12Cloth Modelling
- Surface Approximation (ctd)
- determine remaining points at once
- for each point P straight lines are drawn between
the vertices and P - we compute 3D positions for the intersections V
x and z coords by interpolating between edges
end points, y through catenary between edges end
points - construct catenaries between vertices and
intersection points V x and z coords by
interpolation, y through the highest located
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth modelling
13Cloth Modelling
- Relaxation
- intended for fine-tuning the surface
- involves displacing the grid points until some
constraints are obeyed - for each point, its placement is at a certain
distance d from its neighbours (d is influenced
by the point's position on the catenary and the
elasticity parameter) - for each point the angle formed with consecutive
neighbours is related to the stiffness parameter
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth modelling
14Cloth Dynamics
- Sway Deformation
- swing back and forth or to and fro due to
external force (e.g., wind) - by means of a displacement vector for each point
- adjustable parameters indicate the magnitude,
direction and speed of swaying
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth dynamics
15Cloth Dynamics
- Wave Deformation
- defined by the parameters magnitude, frequency,
and phase - other parameters are time (t) and speed (v) to
shift waves in time and attenuation (a) to cause
a larger waving effect in the centre of the cloth
and a fall off near the constraint points
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth dynamics
16Cloth Animation
- Key frame animation system
- allows animators to easily adjust and edit pose
and timing with per-frame accuracy - key frames are easily created by building rest
shapes - dynamic motions are incorporated in the timeline
by superimposing them on the key and in-between
frames - layered approach multiple instances of
deformations can be used together
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions cloth animation
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions
- Concept of fake dynamics for cloth animation in
animated films - Cloth is hanging from arbitrary constraint points
- Existing animation and simulation techniques are
often prohibitive in terms of user control - Our system allows the user to interactively model
and animate cloth models over time using
intuitive deformation tools and keyframe
animation techniques
Introduction Related Work Contribution
Approach Results Conclusions