Title: Diseases of the Respiratory Tract
1Diseases of the Respiratory Tract
2The MIND Paradigm
- M metabolic diseases
- Hormonal, nutritional, compromised organ systems
- I inflammatory diseases
- Trauma, reactive, Infection, immunologic
- N neoplastic diseases
- Benign, premalignant, malignant
- D developmental diseases
- Disorders of growth embryologic defects
3The Respiratory Tract
- Upper Respiratory Tract
- Oral Cavity
- Nasal Cavity
- Paranasal Sinuses
- Nasopharynx
- Larynx
- Lower Respiratory Tract
- Lungs (alveoli, bronchi, bronchioles)
- Pulmonary function tests physiologic tests that
measure the airway space capacities - Dyspnea shortness of breath
- Stridor closing off of vocal cords
- Productive cough bring up phlegm
- Nonproductive cough dry hack
- Hemoptysis coughing up blood
5Diseases of the Upper Airway
- Sinusitis, rhinitis
- Sinonasal papillomas
- Sinonasal cancer
- Laryngitis
- Vocal cord paralysis
- Cancer of the Larynx
- Infectious (Bacterial, viral, fungal)
- Allergic
- Signs and Symptoms
- Nasal Blockage/Obstruction (Edema)
- Sneezing
- Nasal Discharge
- Fever (viral and bacterial)
7Clouding of the sinus seen on a Radiograph
8Sinonasal Polyps
- Arise from respiratory epithelium
- Growths with narrow stalk (pedunculated)
- Papillary pattern of growth (papillomas)
- Nasal Obstruction
- Visualization
- Direct in the nasal cavity
- Detected with Radiographs of the sinonasal region
- Certain types can undergo cancerous change
9CT scan reveals the patient has a brain, two
eyeballs and a polypoid mass (Papilloma) in the
nose and sinus
10Sinonasal Carcinoma
- Malignant tumors of respiratory epithelium
- In the antrum, may invade into the mouth through
the palate - Associated numbness of the maxilla
- Often fatal
- Overuse of vocal cords (shouting, yelling,
singing loudly, talking naughty) - Trauma
- Viral or Bacterial infection of throat and vocal
cords - Allergic
- Signs and symptoms
- Hoarseness
- Sore throat
- Fever when infectious
12How to tell a
- Allergy from a
- Sinusitis from a
- Laryngitis from a
- Bronchitis from a
- Tonsillitis from a
- Pneumonia from an
- Ear Ache from a
- Flu
13NO Temp. 100 F or abovestuffy nose, sneezing
- Itchy eyes, nose, throat
- Pain around eyes,
- thick yellow nasal
- discharge
- Cat, dust, pollen allergy
- Cold plus sinusitis
14NO Temp. 100 F or abovestuffy nose, sneezing
- Cold plus otitis media
- Cold plus laryngitis
- Ear hurts
- Hoarseness
- NO
- Uncomplicated Cold
15Temp. 100 F or aboveNO Headache, chills and
sweats, rash, muscle aches, marked fatigue, cough
- Very sore throat and/or swollen neck glands
- Strep throat or tonsillitis
16Temp. 100 F or above Headache, chills and
sweats, rash, muscle aches, marked fatigue, cough
- Wheezing, coughing up gray-yellow phlegm
- Painful breathing and/or coughing up rust-colored
phlegm NO - Uncomplicated Fluor Lyme Disease
- Flu plus bronchitis
- Flu plus pneumonia
17Diseases of the Lungs
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD
- Pneumonias
- Granulomatous Infections
- Cancer
- Loss of airway space
- Major underlying causes
- Bronchitis (smoking)
- Emphysema (smoking)
- Asthma (allergy, familial, anxiety)
- Signs and Symptoms
- Wheezing (asthma)
- Productive cough (bronchitis)
- Dyspnea (shortness of breath)
- Cannot walk up a staircase without resting
- Sleep with many pillows
- Bacterial and Viral Etiologies
- Filling of air spaces with edema fluid
- Requires hospitalization, antibiotics
- Symptoms
- Dyspnea
- Cough, productive or nonproductive
- Fever
- Mycobacterium tuberculosum
- Mildly contagious, repeated exposures
- Lung Granulomas fill airspaces
- Necrosis of granulomas
- Signs and symptoms
- Productive cough
- Bloody sputum, hemoptysis
- Dyspnea
21Lung Cancer
- Bronchogenic Carcinoma
- Cigarette smoking is chief environmental risk
factor - Small Cell Carcinoma
- Both types metastasize
- Predispose lungs to pneumonia
22Dental Implications
- Upper tract diseases may cause maxillary pain,
mimicking toothache - Antral tumors may involve the palate
- Infections can be transmitted in the dental
operatory setting - COPD and other pulmonary diseases with dyspnea
require frequent uprighting of patient - Asthmatics keep inhalers in easy reach
- Oxygen tank for pulmonary emergencies
23Goodbye and Good Luck