Title: Motivation: From Concepts to Applications
1Motivation From Concepts to Applications
Essentials of Organizational Behavior,
9/e Stephen P. Robbins/Timothy A. Judge
2After studying this chapter, you should be able
- Discuss the ways in which employees can be
motivated by changing the work environment - Explain why managers might want to use employee
involvement programs - Discuss how the different types of variable-pay
programs can increase employee motivation - Describe the link between skill-based pay plans
and motivation theories - Explain how employee recognition programs affect
3The Job Characteristics Model
- Proposes that any job can be described in terms
of five core job dimensions - Skill variety
- Task identity
- Task significance
- Autonomy
- Feedback
4The Job Characteristics Model
5Motivating Potential Score (MPS)
Skill variety Task Identity Task significance
x Autonomy x Feedback
6How can jobs be Redesigned?
- Job Rotation or Cross-training the periodic
shifting of an employee from one task to another - Job Enlargement increasing the number and
variety of tasks - Job Enrichment increasing the degree to which
the worker controls the planning, execution and
evaluation of the work
7Guidelines for Enriching a Job
8Alternate Work Arrangements
- Flextime allows some discretion over when
worker starts and leaves - Job Sharing two or more individuals split a
traditional job - Telecommuting work remotely at least two days
per week
9Employee Involvement
- A participative process that uses the input of
employees to increase their commitment to the
organizations success
10Employee Involvement Programs
- Participative Management subordinates share a
significant degree of decision-making power with
their immediate superiors - Representative Participation workers are
represented by a small group of employees who
participate in decisions affecting personnel
11Rewarding Employees
- Major strategic rewards decisions
- What to pay employees
- How to pay individual employees
- What benefits to offer
- How to construct employee recognition programs
12What to pay
- Need to establish a pay structure
- Balance between
- Internal equity the worth of the job to the
organization - External equity the external competitiveness of
an organizations pay relative to pay elsewhere
in its industry - A strategic decision with trade-offs
13How to pay Variable-Pay Programs
- Bases a portion of the pay on some individual
and/or organizational measure of performance - Piece-Rate Pay workers are paid a fixed sum for
each unit of production completed - Merit-Based Pay pay is based on individual
performance appraisal ratings - Bonuses rewards employees for recent performance
14Variable Pay Programs (cont.)
- Profit-Sharing Plans organization-wide programs
that distribute compensation based on an
established formula designed around profitability - Gain Sharing compensation based on sharing of
gains from improved productivity - Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) plans in
which employees acquire stock, often at
below-market prices
15How to pay Skill-Based Pay Plans
- Pay is based on skills acquired instead of job
title or rank - Doesnt address the level of performance, only
ability to perform skill
16Flexible Benefits
- Allows each employee to put together a benefit
package tailored to their own needs and situation - Modular plans predesigned packages to meet the
needs of a specific group - Core-plus plans core of essential benefits and
menu of options to choose from - Flexible spending plans full choice from menu
of options
17Employee Recognition Programs
- Are in addition to extrinsic compensation systems
- Are intrinsic rewards
- Can be as simple as a spontaneous comment
- Can be formalized in a program
- Recognition is the most powerful workplace
18Implications for Managers
- Recognize individual differences
- Use goals and feedback
- Allow employees to participate in decisions that
affect them - Link rewards to performance
- Check the system for equity
- Discussed the ways in which employees can be
motivated by changing the work environment - Explained why managers might want to use employee
involvement programs - Discussed how the different types of variable-pay
programs can increase employee motivation - Described the link between skill-based pay plans
and motivation theories - Explained how employee recognition programs
affect motivation