CPE3010 Lecture 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CPE3010 Lecture 5


Title: Object Oriented Analysis and Design Author: HUNTSMAN Last modified by: School of Network Computing Created Date: 2/26/1995 1:49:12 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CPE3010 Lecture 5

CPE3010 Lecture 5
  • Java and Web Services

Java and Web Services
  • Many Java gurus/ developers HATE XML and Web
  • - too slow, too high an overhead, and back to
    the future because RPC is used and real objects
    can not be passed. Also no leasing in UDDI
  • BUT, Web Services are THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN, so
    Sun offers Java frameworks/ APIs for dealing with
    Web Services
  • - Java APIs for XML Processing and Web
    Services JAXB, JAX- RPC
  • - J2EE 1.4 provides support for web services
    through the JAX-RPC 1.1 API. It also supports JSR
    109, that builds on JAX-RPC.

Java APIs for XML Processing Web Services
  • Document-oriented
  • Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) -- processes
    XML documents using various parsers
  • Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) --
    processes XML documents using schema-derived
    JavaBeans component classes
  • SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) --
    sends SOAP messages over the Internet in a
    standard way
  • Procedure-oriented
  • Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) -- sends
    SOAP method calls to remote parties over the
    Internet and receives the results
  • Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) -- provides a
    standard way to access business registries and
    share information

Using Java and Web Services
Present and Future Java APIs
Java APIs
  • Not used extensively
  • Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) parsing and
    processing XML documents and a transformation
    engine supporting XSLT
  • Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) defines Java
    APIs for accessing XML registries. It will
    support both ebXML registries and repositories
    and UDDI
  • Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM) provides Java
    support for sending and receiving SOAP messages
  • Used extensively
  • Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) makes it
    easy to map XML data into Java objects
  • Java API for Remote Procedure Call (JAX-RPC), a
    procedure call is transmitted as XML.

  • - parses data as a stream of events or builds an
    object representation of it.
  • - supports XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language
    Transformations), providing control over the
    presentation of the data and enabling you to
    convert the data to other XML documents or to
    other formats, such as HTML.
  • - provides namespace support.
  • - allows you to use any XML-compliant parser
    from within your application
  • - also allows you to plug in an XSL processor,
    to control how your XML data is displayed.

Example Using JAXP
  • http//java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/xm

SAX API Simple XML Parsing
  • Event-based parser that reads an XML document
    from beginning to end. Each time it recognizes a
    syntax construction, it notifies the application
    that is running it by calling methods from the
    ContentHandler interface.
  • For example, when the parser comes to a less than
    symbol ("lt"), it calls the startElement method
    when it comes to character data, it calls the
    characters method when it comes to the less than
    symbol followed by a slash ("lt/"), it calls the
    endElement method, and so on.

Running XML Example
  • ltpriceListgt   
  • ltcoffeegt     
  • ltnamegtMocha Javalt/namegt     
  • ltpricegt11.95lt/pricegt   
  • lt/coffeegt   
  • ltcoffeegt     
  • ltnamegtSumatralt/namegt     
  • ltpricegt12.50lt/pricegt   
  • lt/coffeegt
  • lt/priceListgt

SAX Example
  • ltpriceListgt   parser calls startElement   
  • ltcoffeegt    parser calls startElement     
  • ltnamegtMocha Javalt/namegt    parser calls
    startElement,  characters, and endElement     
  • ltpricegt11.95lt/pricegt    parser calls
    startElement, characters, and endElement   
  • lt/coffeegt    parser calls endElement

SAX, contd.
  • You need to write a subclass implementing the
    appropriate methods to get the functionality you
  • To get the price per pound for Mocha Java, write
    a class extending DefaultHandler (the default
    implementation of ContentHandler) to implement
    the methods startElement and characters.
  • Create a SAXParser object from a SAXParserFactory
    object. You would call the method parse on it,
    passing it the price list and an instance of your
    new handler class (with its new implementations
    of the methods startElement and characters). In
    this example, price list is a file, but parse can
    also take other input sources, an InputStream
    object, a URL, or an InputSource object.
  • SAXParserFactory factory SAXParserFactory.newIns
  • SAXParser saxParser factory.newSAXParser()
  • saxParser.parse("priceList.xml", handler)

SAX, contd.
  • The result of calling the method parse depends on
    how the methods in handler were implemented.
  • The SAX parser will go through the file
    priceList.xml line by line, calling the
    appropriate methods.
  • In addition to the methods already mentioned, the
    parser will call other methods such as
    startDocument, endDocument, ignorableWhiteSpace,
    and processingInstructions, but these methods
    have default implementations and do nothing.

SAX, contd.
  • The following implements the methods characters
    and startElement so that they find the price for
    Mocha Java and print it out.
  • These methods work together to look for the name
    element, the characters "Mocha Java", and the
    price element immediately following Mocha Java.
  • These methods use three flags to keep track of
    which conditions have been met.

SAX Example, contd.
  • public void startElement(..., String elementName,
  •   if(elementName.equals("name"))     inName
  • else if(elementName.equals("price")
    inMochaJava )
  •     inPrice true     inName false
  • public void characters(char buf, int offset,
    int len)
  •   String s new String(buf, offset, len)   
  • if (inName s.equals("Mocha Java"))
  •     inMochaJava true     inName false
  • else if (inPrice)
  •     System.out.println("The price of Mocha
    Java is " s)     
  • inMochaJava false     
  • inPrice false        

SAX, contd.
  • Once the parser has come to the Mocha Java coffee
    element, here is the relevant state after the
    following method calls
  • next invocation of startElement -- inName is true
  • next invocation of characters -- inMochaJava is
  • next invocation of startElement -- inPrice is
  • next invocation of characters -- prints price

SAX, contd.
  • SAX parser can perform validation while parsing,
    to check that the data follows the rules
    specified in the XML document's schema. A SAX
    parser will validate if it is created by a
    SAXParserFactory that has validation turned on.
    This is done for the SAXParserFactory object
    factory in the following line of code.
  • factory.setValidating(true)
  • The parser knows which schema to use for
    validation by an XML document. The schema for the
    price list is priceList.DTD, so the DOCTYPE
    declaration should be similar to this
  • lt!DOCTYPE PriceList SYSTEM "priceList.DTD"gt

Object Model Parsing
  • Document Object Model (DOM), defined by W3C, is a
    set of interfaces for building an object
    representation, in the form of a tree, of a
    parsed XML document.
  • Once you build the DOM, you manipulate it with
    DOM methods such as insert and remove, as other
    tree data structures. Unlike SAX, a DOM parser
    allows random access to pieces of data in an XML
  • With a SAX parser, you can only read an XML
    document, but with a DOM parser, you can build an
    object representation and manipulate it in
    memory, adding a new element or deleting one.

DOM, contd.
  • In the previous example, SAX looked for one piece
    of data in a document. Using a DOM parser would
    have required having the whole document object
    model in memory, which is generally less
    efficient for searches involving just a few
    items, if the document is large.
  • The next example adds a new coffee to the price
    list using a DOM parser. We cannot use a SAX
    parser for modifying the price list because it
    only reads data.
  • Add Kona coffee to the price list. Read the XML
    price list file into a DOM and tinsert the new
    coffee element, with its name and price. The
    following code fragment creates a
    DocumentBuilderFactory object, which is then used
    to create the DocumentBuilder object builder. The
    code then calls the parse method on builder,
    passing it the file priceList.xml.

DOM Example
  • DocumentBuilderFactory factory
  • DocumentBuilder builder factory.newDocumentBuild
  • Document document builder.parse("priceList.xml")

DOM Example, contd.
  • document is DOM representation of the price list.
  • The following code adds a new coffee (with the
    name "Kona" and a price of "13.50") to the price
  • Because we want to add the new coffee right
    before the coffee whose name is "Mocha Java",
    first get a list of the coffee elements and
    iterate through the list to find "Mocha Java".
  • Using the Node interface in org.w3c.dom, the code
    creates a Node object for the new coffee element
    and the name and price elements. The name and
    price elements contain character data, so the
    code creates a Text object for each of them and
    appends the text nodes to the nodes representing
    the name and price elements.

DOM Example, contd.
  • Node rootNode document.getDocumentElement()
  • NodeList list document.getElementsByTagName("cof
  • // Loop through the list.
  • for (int i0 i lt list.getLength() i)
  •   thisCoffeeNode list.item(i)   
  • Node thisNameNode thisCoffeeNode.getFirstChild(
  • if (thisNameNode null) continue   
  • if (thisNameNode.getFirstChild() null)
  • if (! thisNameNode.getFirstChild() instanceof
    org.w3c.dom.Text) continue   
  • String data thisNameNode.getFirstChild().getNod
  • if (! data.equals("Mocha Java")) continue   

DOM Example, contd.
  • //We're at the Mocha Java node. Create and insert
    the new element.   
  • Node newCoffeeNode document.createElement("coff
  • Node newNameNode document.createElement("name")
  • Text tnNode document.createTextNode("Kona")   
  • newNameNode.appendChild(tnNode)   
  • Node newPriceNode document.createElement("price
  • Text tpNode document.createTextNode("13.50")
  • newPriceNode.appendChild(tpNode)   
  • newCoffeeNode.appendChild(newNameNode)   
  • newCoffeeNode.appendChild(newPriceNode)   
  • rootNode.insertBefore(newCoffeeNode,
  • break

DOM Output to XML
  • To transform the DOM tree to an XML document, the
    following code first creates a Transformer object
    that will perform the transformation.
  • TransformerFactory transFactory
  • Transformer transformer transFactory.newTransfor
  • Using the DOM tree root node, the following code
    constructs a DOMSource object as the source of
    the transformation.
  • DOMSource source new DOMSource(document)

DOM Output, contd.
  • The following code creates a StreamResult object
    to take the results of the transformation and
    transforms the tree into an XML file.
  • File newXML new File("newXML.xml")
  • FileOutputStream os new FileOutputStream(newXML)
  • StreamResult result new StreamResult(os)
  • transformer.transform(source, result)

  • JAXB compiles an XML schema into one or more
    classes. The generated classes handle all the
    details of XML parsing and formatting, they
    ensure that the constraints expressed in the
    schema are enforced, and in many cases they are
    much more efficient than using SAX or DOM.

JAXB Binding
JAXB, contd.
  • JAXB generates Java classes from XML schemas.
    JAXB provides methods for unmarshalling an XML
    instance document into a content tree of Java
    objects, and then marshalling the content tree
    back into an XML document.
  • JAXB hides the details and gets rid of the extra
    steps in SAX and DOM-- JAXB classes describe only
    the relationships defined in the schemas.

JAXB Architecture
JAXB Summary
  • Generate and compile JAXB classes from a source
    schema, and build an application that implements
    these classes
  • Run the application to unmarshal, process,
    validate, and marshal XML content through the
    JAXB binding framework

JAXB Steps
  • Generate classes. An XML schema is used as input
    to the JAXB binding compiler to generate JAXB
    classes based on that schema.
  • Compile classes. All of the generated classes,
    source files, and application code must be
  • Unmarshal. XML documents written according to the
    constraints in the source schema are
  • Generate content tree. The unmarshalling process
    generates a content tree of data objects
    instantiated from the generated JAXB classes
    this content tree represents the structure and
    content of the source XML documents.
  • Validate (optional). Validation of the source
    before generating the content tree.
  • Process content. The client application can
    modify the XML data represented by the Java
    content tree by means of interfaces generated by
    the binding compiler.
  • Marshal. The processed content tree is marshalled
    out to one or more XML output documents. The
    content may be validated before marshalling.

JAXB Details
  • javax.xml.bind defines abstract classes and
    interfaces used directly with content classes.
  • javax.xml.bind defines the Unmarshaller,
    Validator, and Marshaller classes.
  • JAXBContext is the entry point to JAXB. A
    JAXBContext instance manages the binding
    relationship between XML element names to Java
    content interfaces for a JAXB implementation to
    be used by the unmarshal, marshal and validation
  • javax.xml.bind also defines validation event and
    exception classes.
  • javax.xml.bind.util contains utility classes to
    manage marshalling, unmarshalling, and validation
  • javax.xml.bind.helper provides partial default
    implementations for some of the javax.xml.bind
    interfaces. Implementations of JAXB can extend
    these classes and implement the abstract methods.
    These APIs are not intended to be directly used
    by applications using JAXB architecture.

JAXB Details
  • The JAXBContext class provides an abstraction for
    managing the information necessary for unmarshal,
    marshal and validate.
  • JAXBContext jc JAXBContext.newInstance(
    "com.acme.foocom.acme.bar" )
  • The contextPath parameter contains a list of
    packages that contain schema-derived interfaces--
    the interfaces generated by the JAXB binding
    compiler. This parameter initializes the
    JAXBContext object to enable management of the
    schema-derived interfaces.
  • The JAXB provider implementation must supply an
    implementation class containing a method with the
    following signature
  • public static JAXBContext createContext( String
    contextPath, ClassLoader classLoader ) throws

  • The Unmarshaller class in the javax.xml.bind
    package converts XML data into a tree of Java
    objects. The unmarshal method for a schema allows
    for any global XML element declared in the schema
    to be unmarshalled as the root of an instance
  • The JAXBContext object allows the merging of
    global elements across a set of schemas (listed
    in the contextPath). Since each schema can belong
    to distinct namespaces, the unification of
    schemas to an unmarshalling context should be
    namespace-independent. A client application can
    unmarshal XML documents that are instances of any
    of the schemas listed in the contextPath

Unmarshalling, contd.
  • JAXBContext jc JAXBContext.newInstance(
      "com.acme.foocom.acme.bar" )
  • Unmarshaller u jc.createUnmarshaller()
  • FooObject fooObj   (FooObject)u.unmarshal( new
    File( "foo.xml" ) ) // ok
  • BarObject barObj   (BarObject)u.unmarshal( new
    File( "bar.xml" ) ) // ok
  • BazObject bazObj   (BazObject)u.unmarshal( new
    File( "baz.xml" ) )   // error, "com.acme.baz"
    not in contextPath

  • The Marshaller class converts a Java content tree
    back into XML data.
  • A simple example that unmarshals an XML document
    and then marshals it back out is a follows

Marshalling, contd.
  • JAXBContext jc JAXBContext.newInstance(
    "com.acme.foo" ) // unmarshal from foo.xml
  • Unmarshaller u jc.createUnmarshaller()
  • FooObject fooObj   (FooObject)u.unmarshal( new
    File( "foo.xml" ) ) // marshal to System.out
  • Marshaller m jc.createMarshaller()
  • m.marshal( fooObj, System.out )

JAXB Examples
  • http//java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.4/tutorial/

JAXB Customisation
  • Reasons for modifying default bindings
  • Create API documentation for the schema-derived
    JAXB classes, etc. add Javadoc annotations.
  • Provide meaningful names
  • To resolve name collisions.
  • To provide names for typesafe enumeration
  • To provide better names for the Java
    representation of unnamed model groups when they
    are bound to a Java property or class.
  • To provide more meaningful package names.
  • Overriding default bindings for example
  • Specify that a model group should be bound to a
    class rather than a list.
  • Specify that a fixed attribute can be bound to a
    Java constant.
  • Override the specified default binding of XML
    Schema built-in datatypes to Java datatypes.

  • JAX-RPC builds Web services and clients that use
    remote procedure calls and XML.
  • In JAX-RPC, a remote procedure call is
    represented by an XML-based protocol such as
  • Although SOAP messages are complex, the JAX-RPC
    API hides this complexity from the application
  • On the server side, the developer specifies the
    remote procedures by defining methods in a Java
    interface. The developer also codes one or more
    classes that implement those methods.
  • A client creates a proxy, a local object
    representing the service, and then invokes
    methods on the proxy. With JAX-RPC, the developer
    does not generate or parse SOAP messages. It is
    the JAX-RPC runtime system that converts the API
    calls and responses to and from SOAP messages.

  • In JAX-RPC, a remote procedure call is
    represented by an XML-based protocol such as
    SOAP. The SOAP specification defines the envelope
    structure, encoding rules, and conventions for
    representing remote procedure calls and
  • These calls and responses are transmitted as SOAP
    messages (XML files) over HTTP. JAX-RPC API
    hides SOAP complexityfrom the application
  • On the server side, the developer specifies the
    remote procedures by defining methods in an
    interface. The developer also codes one or more
    classes that implement the methods.
  • A client creates a proxy (a local object
    representing the service) and then simply invokes
    methods on the proxy.
  • With JAX-RPC, the developer does not generate or
    parse SOAP messages. JAX-RPC runtime converts
    the API calls and responses to and from SOAP

Developing a JAX-RPC Web Service
  • The starting point for developing a JAX-RPC Web
    service is the service endpoint interface. A
    service endpoint interface (SEI) is a Java
    interface that declares the methods that a client
    can invoke on the service.
  • Use the SEI, the wscompile tool, and two
    configuration files to generate the WSDL
    specification of the Web service and the stubs
    that connect a Web service client to the JAX-RPC
    runtime. Together, wscompile, the deploytool
    utility, and the Application Server provide the
    Application Servers implementation of JAX-RPC.

Summary of Steps
  • These are the basic steps for creating the Web
    service and client
  • 1. Code the SEI and implementation class and
    interface configuration file.
  • 2. Compile the SEI and implementation class.
  • 3. Use wscompile to generate the files required
    to deploy the service.
  • 4. Use deploytool to package the files into a WAR
  • 5. Deploy the WAR file. The tie classes (which
    are used to communicate with clients) are
    generated by the Application Server during
  • 6. Code the client class and WSDL configuration
  • 7. Use wscompile to generate and compile the stub
  • 8. Compile the client class.
  • 9. Run the client.

JAX-RPC Overview
JAX-RPC Service Side Use Cases
JAX-RPC Service Side
  • Service endpoint definition starts with a Java
    service endpoint interface.
  • Service developer can map a WSDL document to a
    Java service endpoint interface.
  • Once JAX-RPC service endpoint is defined and
    implemented, deployment requires server-side
    JAX-RPC runtime.
  • Deployment includes generation of artifacts
    (skeleton or tie class) based on the service
    endpoint interface.
  • During deployment, the tool configures one or
    more protocol bindings for this service endpoint.
  • A binding ties an abstract service endpoint
    definition to a specific protocol and transport.
    An example of a binding is SOAP over HTTP.

JAX-RPC Service Side Runtime
JAX-RPC Client Side Use Cases
JAX-RPC Client Side
  • Client uses the WSDL document to import the
  • A WSDL-to-Java mapping tool generates client side
    artifacts (includes stub class, service endpoint
    interface and additional classes) for the service
    and its ports.
  • Note that a service client may use dynamic
    invocation interface (DII) or a dynamic proxy
    mechanism instead of a generated stub class to
    invoke a remote method on a service endpoint.

JAX-RPC Client Side Runtime
Client invokes Service
Remote Method Call
  • The processing of a remote method call includes
  • Map remote method call to the SOAP message
    representation map parameters, return value and
    exceptions (for the remote method call) to the
    corresponding SOAP message serialization and
    deserialization based on the mapping between Java
    types and XML data types.
  • Process SOAP message Process SOAP message
    based on the mapping of call to the SOAP
  • Process HTTP request Transmit SOAP request as
    part of HTTP request. SOAP response is
    transmitted as HTTP response.

Service Side Response
Create Service (Simplified)
  • Service definition interface extends
    java.rmi.Remote and its methods throw a
    java.rmi.RemoteException object.
  • package coffees
  • import java.rmi.Remote
  • import java.rmi.RemoteException
  • public interface CoffeeOrderIF extends Remote
  • public Coffee getPriceList() throws
  • public String orderCoffee(String coffeeName, int
    quantity) throws RemoteException
  • The method getPriceList returns an array of
    Coffee objects, each of which contains a name and
    a price.

Simple Service, contd.
  • The method getPriceList will query the company's
    database to get the current information and
    return the result as an array of Coffee objects.
  • The second method, orderCoffee, will also need to
    query the database to see if the particular
    coffee specified is available in the quantity
  • The implementation will set the internal order
    process in motion and send a reply informing the
    customer that the order will be filled.

Simple Service, contd.
  • package coffees
  • public class CoffeeOrderImpl implements
  • public Coffee getPriceList() throws
    RemoteException     . . .      
  • public String orderCoffee(String coffeeName, int
    quantity) throws RemoteException     . . .   

Simple Service, contd.
  • The mapping tool uses the interface and
    implementation to generate the stub and tie
    classes and to create the WSDL description for
    the service.
  • Packaging a Web service definition is done via a
    Web application archive (WAR). A WAR file is a
    JAR file for Web applications,. For example, the
    CoffeeOrder service could be packaged in the file
  • An XML file called a deployment descriptor must
    be with the WAR with information for deploying a
    service definition.
  • One of the files referenced in a web.xml file is
    a configuration file that is automatically
    generated by the mapping tool.
  • Deploying CoffeeOrder example in a Tomcat
    container can be accomplished by copying the
    jaxrpc-coffees.war file to webapps directory.

Coding the Client
  • This Web services client creates an instance of
    CoffeeOrderIF and uses it to call the method
    getPriceList. Then it accesses the price and name
    fields of each Coffee object in the array
    returned by the method getPriceList in order to
    print them out.
  • The class CoffeeOrderServiceImpl is one of the
    classes generated by the mapping tool. It is a
    stub factory whose only method is
    getCoffeeOrderIF. It creates instances of
    CoffeeOrderIF. The instances of CoffeeOrderIF
    that are created by CoffeeOrderServiceImpl are
    client side stubs that can be used to invoke
    methods defined in the interface CoffeeOrderIF.
  • The method getPriceList will block until it has a
    response and returned it.
  • Because a WSDL document is being used, the
    JAX-RPC runtime will get the service endpoint
    from it.

The Client, contd.
  • public class CoffeeClient
  • public static void main(String args)
  • try
  • CoffeeOrderIF coffeeOrder new
  • CoffeeOrderServiceImpl().getCoffeeOrderIF
  • Coffee priceList
  • coffeeOrder.getPriceList()
  • for (int i 0 i lt priceList.length i)
  • System.out.print(priceListi.getName()
    " ")
  • System.out.println(priceListi.getPrice()
  • catch (Exception ex)
  • ex.printStackTrace()

Client talks to Service !!!
  • The JAX-RPC runtime determines the endpoint for
    the CoffeeOrder service (which is its URI) from
    its WSDL description. If a WSDL document had not
    been used, you would need to supply the service's
    URI as a command line argument.
  • java coffees.CoffeeClient
  • The RPC is a static method call. The RPC was
    determined at compile time. It is possible to
    call a remote method dynamically at run time with
    the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) or a
    dynamic proxy.

JAX-RPC Supported Types
  • Primitive types boolean byte double float int
    long short
  • java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Byte java.lang.Double
    java.lang.Float java.lang.Integer java.lang.Long
    java.lang.Short java.lang.String
    java.math.BigDecimal java.math.BigInteger
    java.net.URI java.util.Calendar java.util.Date
  • java.util.Collection Classes List ArrayList
    LinkedList Stack Vector Map HashMap Hashtable
    Properties TreeMap Set HashSet TreeSet

JAX-RPC Value Types
  • A value type is a class whose state may be passed
    between a client and remote service as a
    parameter or return value. For example, in an
    application for a university library, a client
    might call a remote procedure with a value type
    parameter named Book, a class that contains the
    fields Title, Author, and Publisher.
  • A value type must have a public default
    constructor, not implement the java.rmi.Remote
    interface, and its fields must be supported
    JAX-RPC types.
  • The value type may contain public, private, or
    protected fields
  • A public field cannot be final or transient.
  • A non-public field must have corresponding getter
    and setter methods.

JAX-RPC More Detail
Creating a Service
  • These are the basic steps for creating a service
  • Code the service endpoint interface and
    implementation class.
  • Build, generate, and package the files required
    by the service.
  • Deploy the WAR file that contains the service.

Coding the Service
  • A service endpoint interface declares the methods
    that a remote client may invoke on the service.
    In this example, the interface declares a single
    method named sayHello.
  • A service endpoint interface must conform to a
    few rules
  • It extends the java.rmi.Remote interface.
  • It must not have constant declarations, such as
    public final static.
  • The methods must throw the java.rmi.RemoteExceptio
    n or one of its subclasses.
  • Method parameters and return types must be
    supported JAX-RPC types.

Service Example
  • In this example, the service endpoint interface
    is HelloIF.java
  • package helloservice
  • import java.rmi.Remote
  • import java.rmi.RemoteException
  • public interface HelloIF extends Remote public
    String sayHello(String s) throws RemoteException

Service Example, contd.
  • package helloservice
  • public class HelloImpl implements HelloIF
  • public String message "Hello"
  • public String sayHello(String s) return
    message s

Building the Service
  • asant build
  • The build task command executes these asant
  • compile-service
  • generate-wsdl
  • The compile-service Task
  • This asant task compiles HelloIF.java and
    HelloImpl.java, writing the class files to the
    build subdirectory.

Building the Service, contd.
  • The generate-wsdl Task
  • The generate-wsdl task runs wscompile, which
    creates the WSDL and mapping files. The WSDL file
    describes the Web service and is used to generate
    the client stubs. The mapping file contains
    information that correlates the mapping between
    the Java interfaces and the WSDL definition.
  • The files created are MyHelloService.wsdl and
    mapping.xml. The generate-wsdl task runs
    wscompile with the following arguments
  • wscompile -define -mapping build/mapping.xml -d
    build -nd build -classpath build

Building, contd.
  • The -classpath flag instructs wscompile to read
    the SEI in the build directory, and the -define
    flag instructs wscompile to create WSDL and
    mapping files. The -mapping flag specifies the
    mapping file name. The -d and -nd flags tell the
    tool to write class and WSDL files to the build
  • The wscompile tool reads an interface
    configuration file that specifies information
    about the SEI. In this example, the configuration
    file is named config-interface.xml and contains
    the following
  • lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
    ltconfiguration xmlns"http//java.sun.com/xml/ns/j
    ax-rpc/ri/config"gt ltservice name"MyHelloService"
    targetNamespace"urnFoo" typeNamespace"urnFoo"
    packageName"helloservice"gt ltinterface
    name"helloservice.HelloIF"/gt lt/servicegt

Building, contd.
  • This configuration file tells wscompile to create
    a WSDL file named MyHelloService.wsdl with the
    following information
  • The service name is MyHelloService.
  • The WSDL target and type namespace is urnFoo.
    The choice for what to use for the namespaces is
    up to you. The role of the namespaces is similar
    to the use of Java package names--to distinguish
    names that might otherwise conflict. For example,
    a company can decide that all its Java code
    should be in the package com.wombat.. Similarly,
    it can also decide to use the namespace
  • The SEI is helloservice.HelloIF.
  • The packageName attribute instructs wscompile to
    put the service classes into the helloservice

Packaging and Deploying Service
  • Package and deploy the service using either
    deploytool or asant.
  • Packaging and Deploying the Service with
  • Behind the scenes, a JAX-RPC Web service is
    implemented as a servlet. Because a servlet is a
    Web component, you run the New Web Component
    wizard of the deploytool utility to package the
    service. During this process the wizard performs
    the following tasks
  • Creates the Web application deployment descriptor
  • Creates a WAR file
  • Adds the deployment descriptor and service files
    to the WAR file

  • WAR File dialog box
  • Select the button labeled Create New Stand-Alone
    WAR Module.
  • In the WAR Location field, click Browse and
    navigate to ltINSTALLgt/j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxr
  • In the File Name field, enter MyHelloService.
  • Click Create Module File.
  • Click Edit Contents.
  • In the tree under Available Files, locate the
    ice/ directory.
  • Select the build subdirectory.
  • Click Add.
  • Click OK.
  • Click Next.

Deploytool, contd.
  • Choose Component Type dialog box
  • Select the Web Services Endpoint button.
  • Click Next.
  • Choose Service dialog box
  • In the WSDL File combo box, select
  • In the Mapping File combo box, select
  • Click Next.
  • Component General Properties dialog box
  • In the Service Endpoint Implementation combo box,
    select helloservice.HelloImpl.
  • Click Next.
  • Web Service Endpoint dialog box
  • In the Service Endpoint Interface combo box,
    select helloservice.HelloIF.
  • In the Namespace combo box, select urnFoo.
  • In the Local Part combo box, select HelloIFPort.
  • The deploytool utility will enter a default
    Endpoint Address URI HelloImpl in this dialog.
    This endpoint address must be updated in the next
  • Click Next.
  • Click Finish.

Deploytool, contd.
  • Specifying the Endpoint Address
  • To access MyHelloService, the tutorial clients
    will specify this service endpoint address URI
  • http//localhost8080/hello-jaxrpc/hello
  • The /hello-jaxrpc string is the context root of
    the servlet that implements MyHelloService. The
    /hello string is the servlet alias. To specify
    the endpoint address, you set the context root
    and alias as follows
  • In deploytool, select MyHelloService in the tree.
  • Select the General tab.
  • In the Context Root field, enter /hello-jaxrpc.
  • In the tree, select HelloImpl.
  • Select the Aliases tab.
  • In the Component Aliases table, add /hello.
  • In the Endpoint tab, select hello for the
    Endpoint Address in the Sun-specific Settings
  • Select File Save.

Deploytool, contd.
  • Deploying the Service
  • In deploytool, perform these steps
  • In the tree, select MyHelloService.
  • Select Tools Deploy.
  • You can view the WSDL file of the deployed
    service by requesting the URL http//localhost808
    0/hello-jaxrpc/hello?WSDL in a Web browser. Now
    you are ready to create a client that accesses
    this service.

  • Packaging and Deploying the Service with asant
  • To package and deploy the helloservice example,
    follow these steps
  • In a terminal window, go to ltINSTALLgt/j2eetutorial
  • Run asant create-war.
  • Make sure the Application Server is started.
  • Set your admin username and password in
  • Run asant deploy-war.
  • You can view the WSDL file of the deployed
    service by requesting the URL http//localhost808
    0/hello-jaxrpc/hello?WSDL in a Web browser. Now
    you are ready to create a client that accesses
    this service.

  • Undeploying the Service
  • At this point in the tutorial, do not undeploy
    the service. When you are finished with this
    example, you can undeploy the service by typing
    this command
  • asant undeploy

Coding the Client
  • Before invoking the remote methods on the stub
    the client must
  • Create a Stub object
  • (Stub)(new MyHelloService_Impl().getHelloIFPort())
  • The code in this method is implementation-specific
    because it relies on a MyHelloService_Impl
    object, which is not defined in the
    specifications. The MyHelloService_Impl class
    will be generated by wscompile in the following
  • Set the endpoint address that the stub uses to
    access the service
  • stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADD
    RESS_PROPERTY, args0)
  • At runtime, the endpoint address is passed to
    HelloClient in args0 as a command-line
    parameter, which ant gets from the
    endpoint.address property in the build.properties
  • Cast stub to the service endpoint interface,
  • HelloIF hello (HelloIF)stub

Coding the Client, contd.
  • package staticstub
  • import javax.xml.rpc.Stub
  • public class HelloClient
  • private String endpointAddress
  • public static void main(String args)
  • System.out.println("Endpoint address "
  • try Stub stub createProxy()
  • stub._setProperty
  • (javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRE
    SS_PROPERTY, args0)
  • HelloIF hello (HelloIF)stub
  • System.out.println(hello.sayHello("Duk
  • catch (Exception ex)
  • ex.printStackTrace()
  • private static Stub createProxy()
  • // Note MyHelloService_Impl is
  • return (Stub) (new MyHelloService_Impl().

Building the Client
  • asant build
  • Steps required in build
  • generate-stubs
  • compile-client
  • package-client
  • The generate-stubs task runs the wscompile tool
    as follows
  • wscompile -genclient -d build -classpath build
  • wscompile reads the WSDL file that was installed
    when the service was deployed. The wscompile
    command generates files based on the information
    in the WSDL file and on the command-line flags.
    The -genclient flag instructs wscompile to
    generate the stubs, serializers, and value types.
  • The compile-client task compiles
    src/HelloClient.java and writes the class file to
    the build subdirectory.
  • The package-client task packages the files
    created by the generate-stubs and compile-client
    tasks into the dist/client.jar file.

Full JAX-RPC Examples
  • http//java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/ind

XMS- Security
  • XML and Web Services Security (XWS-Security) for
    message-level security. Security information is
    in the SOAP message security information travels
    with the message. For example, a portion of the
    message may be signed by a sender and encrypted
    for a particular receiver. When the message is
    sent from the initial sender, it may pass through
    intermediate nodes before reaching its intended
    receiver. In this scenario, the encrypted
    portions cant be read by any intermediate nodes
    and can only be decrypted by the intended
    receiver. message-level security is also
    sometimes referred to as end-to-end security.
  • Features
  • Support for securing JAX-RPC applications.
  • A framework for a JAX-RPC application developer
    to secure applications by signing/verifying parts
    of SOAP messages and/or encrypting/decrypting
    parts of a SOAP message.
  • The message sender can also associate security
    tokens with the message. A token may hold the
    identity of the sender, a user name and password.

SAAJ Java API for SOAP with Attachments
SAAJ Extends DOM
  • SAAJ APIs extend their counterparts in
  • The Node interface extends the org.w3c.dom.Node
  • The SOAPElement interface extends both the Node
    interface and the org.w3c.dom.Element interface.
  • The SOAPPart class implements the
    org.w3c.dom.Document interface.
  • The Text interface extends the org.w3c.dom.Text
  • The SOAPPart of a SOAPMessage is a DOM Level 2
    Document, and can be manipulated by applications,
    tools and libraries that use DOM.

SOAP Connections
  • SOAP messages are sent and received over a
  • The connection is represented by a SOAPConnection
    object, which goes from the sender directly to
    its destination.
  • Messages sent using the SAAJ API are
    request-response messages. They are sent over a
    SOAPConnection object with the method call, which
    sends a message (a request) and then blocks until
    it receives the reply (a response).

SOAP SAAJ Details and Examples
  • http//java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.2/tutorial/

  • JAXR enables Java software programmers to use a
    single API to access a variety of XML registries.
    A unified JAXR information model describes
    content and metadata within XML registries.
  • Developers can write registry client programs
    that are portable across different target
  • The JAXR specification includes detailed bindings
    between the JAXR information model and both the
    ebXML Registry and the UDDI version 2

JAXR Architecture
  • A JAXR client accesses a business registry via a
    JAXR provider.
  • A JAXR provider provides access to a specific
    registry provider or to a class of registry
  • A JAXR provider implements two main packages
  • javax.xml.registry, which consists of the API
    interfaces and classes that define the registry
    access interface.
  • javax.xml.registry.infomodel , which consists of
    interfaces that define the information model for
    JAXR. These interfaces define the types of
    objects that reside in a registry and how they
    relate to each other. The basic interface in this
    package is the RegistryObject interface. Its
    subinterfaces include Organization, Service, and

JAXR Provider
  • Interfaces in the javax.xml.registry package
  • Connection. represents a client session with a
    registry provider. The client must create a
    connection with the JAXR provider.
  • RegistryService. The client obtains a
    RegistryService object from its connection. The
    RegistryService object in turn enables the client
    to obtain the interfaces it uses to access the
  • \BusinessQueryManager, allows the client to
    search a registry for information by the
    javax.xml.registry.infomodel interfaces.
  • BusinessLifeCycleManager, which allows the client
    to modify the information in a registry by either
    saving it (updating it) or deleting it.

JAXR Client
  • Establishing a Connection
  • Properties props new Properties()
    URL", "http//uddi.ibm.com/testregistry/inquiryapi
    ") props.setProperty("javax.xml.registry.lifeCycl
    eManagerURL", "https//uddi.ibm.com/testregistry/p
  • The client then sets the properties for the
    connection factory and creates the connection
  • connFactory.setProperties(props) Connection
    connection connFactory.createConnection()

JAXR Client
  • Querying a Registry
  • By name
  • By classification

Finding Services and ServiceBindings
  • Iterator orgIter orgs.iterator()
  • while (orgIter.hasNext())
  • Organization org (Organization)
  • Collection services org.getServices()
  • Iterator svcIter services.iterator()
  • while (svcIter.hasNext())
  • Service svc (Service) svcIter.next()
  • Collection serviceBindings
  • svc.getServiceBindings()
  • Iterator sbIter serviceBindings.iterator
  • while (sbIter.hasNext())
  • ServiceBinding sb
  • (ServiceBinding) sbIter.next()

Full JAX-RPC, SAAJ and JAXR Example
  • http//java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.2/tutorial/

Full Example, contd.
Full Example, contd.
  • The Coffee Break server obtains coffee from
  • Server uses SAAJ to communicate with one
    distributor. It uses JAXR to send a query
    searching for coffee distributors.
  • The Coffee Break server requests price lists from
    each of the coffee distributors. The server makes
    RPCs and waits for response, a JavaBeans
    component representing a price list. The SAAJ
    distributor returns price lists as XML documents.
  • Server processes the price lists from the
    JavaBeans components.
  • Server creates a local database of distributors.
  • When an order is placed, suborders are sent to
    one or more distributors.
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