Presentation to the Joint Committees - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Presentation to the Joint Committees


Title: Sustainability Management and Reporting Author: Nick Rockey Last modified by: PMG Created Date: 1/19/2003 2:57:41 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Presentation to the Joint Committees

  • Presentation to the Joint Committees Meeting on
    Second 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Special
    Measures Bill (proposed section 76 B16-2006) and
    2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Special Measures
    Bill (proposed section 75 B13-2006)
  • 14 July 2006

Mr Mthobi Tyamzashe Executive Director,
Stakeholder Relations.
An Outline
  • Introduction
  • Vodacom Key Areas of Concern
  • Discussion of Concerns
  • Recommendations

1. Introduction
  • Vodacom is represented by Mr Mthobi Tyamzashe
    Executive Director, Stakeholder Relations and Mr
    Peter Matlare, Executive Director, Commercial.
  • Vodacom thanks the Portfolio Committee on Sport
    and Recreation and the Select Committee on
    Education and Recreation for the opportunity to
    submit comments on both Bills.

Introduction cont.
  • Vodacom has been a key supporter sponsor of
    sport in SA for more than a decade.
  • Vodacom works closely with federations, clubs and
    individuals to promote best practice in South
    African sport.
  • Vodacom believes that the success of the 2010
    World Cup is critical to all South Africans.
  • Vodacom will be there beyond 2010.

Mr Peter Matlare, Executive Director, Commercial.
  • Key considerations with respect to the proposed

  • We all worked hard to get the right to host the
    2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup.
  • We all celebrated when we won the award.
  • We are all committed to making it a success.
  • We believe that gain should be for all.
  • Those who negotiate with FIFA on the detail of
    the commercial arrangements must ensure that
    Africa is a net beneficiary.

2. Vodacom Key Areas of Concern
  • Vodacom accepts in principle the need to have
    clean stadia for a certain period before,
    during and after the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup.
  • There are however some consequences which might
    not have been identified by the policy makers
    which we wish to bring to the attention of the
  • These have been identified by Vodacom and some of
    the federations and clubs we have dealings with.

2. Vodacom Key Areas of Concern
  • Vodacoms key concerns relate to
  • Clause 2 of the Section 76 Bill
  • Clause 7 of the Section 76 Bill
  • Clause 5 of the Section 75 Bill, and
  • Clause 9 of the Section 75 Bill.
  • These concerns are with regards to both the World
    Cup and the Confederation Cup.

3. Discussion.
  • Clause 2 of the Section 76 Bill
  • Clause 2 reads thus the Minister of Trade and
    Industry can stipulate a period in excess of one
    month after completion of the final competition
    as the date on which the protection afforded by
    the declaration of the competition as a protected
    event, shall end

3. Discussion.
  • Clause 2 of Second 2010 FIFA Bill
  • Vodacom submits that the period contemplated in
    terms of clause 2 should
  • be reasonable and must take into account
    existing rights and contractual arrangements of
    stadium owners, their sponsors and other business
  • There is no compensation by FIFA or the LOC for
    stadium owners during the period.
  • -We believe that the duration of the period may
    put some organisations in financial jeopardy.

3. Discussion
  • Clause 2 of the Section 76 Bill
  • Vodacom is concerned that an overly lengthy
    period will have the following potential adverse
  • Sponsors will suffer considerable loss, and
    undue prejudice to their brand value if the
    period is too long as the penalties wont
    compensate for such loss of brand value
  • Stadium owners will suffer severe financial loss
    if they are required to pay substantial penalties
    to their sponsors for loss of branding rights
    over a long period in terms of the respective
    sponsorship contracts and
  • Business partners of stadium owners such as
    companies which are in the business of selling
    advertising space at the various stadiums will
    suffer severe financial prejudice if the stadiums
    are required to be clean for a long period of

3. Discussion.
  • Clause 5 (b) (iv) of the Section 75 Bill
  • iv) zone surrounding or adjacent to a stadium,
    venue, place or facility that the LOC identifies
    as an exclusion zone in which prescribed
    commercial activities by any person other than
    persons identified by the LOC are prohibited.

  • Vodacom seeks clarity on whether this would mean
    closure of private business operations falling
    within the designated zones as this will have
    severe commercial implications.
  • Small business might be severely affected.
  • Surrounding business will be affected.

3. Discussion.
  • Minister's Regulation making powers in terms of
    clause 9 of the Section 75 Bill and clause 7 of
    the Section 76 Bill.
  • In terms of clause 7 of the Section 76 Bill and
    clause 9 of the Section 75 Bill, the Minister is
    empowered to promulgate certain regulations.
  • Clause 7 of the section 76 Bill specifically
    provides that the Minister consults with the
    Ministers of Trade and Industry, Agriculture and
    Land Affairs, and Health
  • Vodacom submits that consultation should not only
    be limited to the afore-mentioned Ministers but
    should also include all relevant stakeholders,
    including amongst others, sports federations,
    commercial entities and sponsors.

4. Recommendations
  1. As regards clause 2 of the Section 76 Bill
    Vodacom proposes that the period contemplated in
    terms of clause 2 of the section 76 Bill should
    be restricted to a cumulative period of three
    months i.e. the period before, during and after
    completion during the protection subsist must not
    exceed three months.
  2. A key question is who should compensate for
    losses suffered ?
  3. As regards clause 5 of the 2010 FIFA Bill Vodacom
    humbly requests the Committee to consider the
    potential adverse impact of the designation of
    areas surrounding or adjacent to stadiums and
    other venues on private business operations.
  4. As regards clause 7 of the Second 2010 FIFA Bill
    and clause 9 of the 2010 FIFA Bill Vodacom
    submits that the Minister must also consult all
    relevant stakeholders including amongst others,
    sports federations, commercial entities and
    sponsors before promulgating regulations

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