Title: Computer Society Topics for Standards Committees (SC)
1Computer Society Topics for Standards Committees
- Design Automation SC 26-Jun-08
- John Walz, IEEE-CS VP for Standards
- Improve standards sponsor (SC) vitality
- Improve IEEE brand and relevance by producing
timely and excellent standards - Leverage cooperation with IEEE Technical
Committees experts - Expand relations to ISO, IEC, ANSI SDO
- Expand world-wide presence China, India
- Standards excellence acceptance criteria,
road-map, modeling - Publicity for sponsors volunteers work
- Awards for volunteers
- Need for collaboration tools
3Your Vitality measures
- Discuss DASC best accomplishments
- New/revised Par/Std increased over 2006
- Participate on IEEE-SA Standards Board
- Participate on IEEE Council on EDA
- Joint SA CAG sponsorship of Standards
- IEEE-SA Sponsor 2007 Award for outstanding
contributions to corporate standards - TC on Design Automation (TCDA) incl. DASC
- TCDA Purpose includes Standards
- TCDA has roadmap new technologies
- Design standards processes at EDPS conference
- Consortia relationships including specifications
for IEEE standards and technology roadmap
(SPIRIT) - . . .
- Your DASC areas to work?
- Attended 1 of last 3 CS/SAB mtg
- DASC Status Report Out of date September 2006
- Appeals to IEEE-SA (2006)
- Todays meeting date not on web
- TC on VLSI (TCVLSI) involvement?
- Adoption of IEC standards?
- . . .
- Companies conformance to DASC Standards?
- High coverage measurement in terms of market
share - Growth worldwide diversity IEEE memberships?
4SC/Technical Committees (TC) Relationships
- Create relevant and timely standards by engaging
CS Technical Committees (TC) membership into
Standards Committee (SC) Groups Study, Working,
Balloting - Promote awareness and deployment of Standards and
sales of CS derivative supportive products by
engaging CS Technical Committees to use Standards
information and products in their conferences and
publications - DASC work area maps to
- TC on Design Automation (TCDA)
5SC/TC Relationships Benefits
- TC experts GOLD members are quick to uncover
emerging technology for Standards - TC experts can drive new SC Study Groups to
propose standards. - TC experts can comment / ballot on SC Working
Group draft standards as to the relevancy to the
current problem - TC experts can recommend channels for SC products
supporting deployment of standards
GOLD Graduates Of the Last Decade
6Society model for developing standards
- SC are designed to use Societys infrastructure
of technical activities, conferences, awards,
publications, and Chapters, for - Access to technical experts for the Standards
Study Group, Working Group, Balloting Group - Contribution to Standards Committee roadmap of
current and future projects - Early detection of emerging technologies
- Expert reviews of draft PAR and draft standards
- Co-location of Standards Working Group meetings
with Conference - Support of standards deployment and
implementation - Recognize volunteers
- Provide opportunities for volunteers to be authors
7Society model for developing standards
Technical Activities
Study Group
Working Group
Ballot Group
User Group
Standards Committees
Society governance infrastructure
8Your interactions w/ Technical Committee(s)
- Validate the TC mapping TC for DA VLSI
- Validate the Conference mapping
- Propose Contact with TC Standards Champion to
- Add Standards Champion name to your web page
organization chart - Invitation for TC GOLD industry practitioners to
join existing Standards Working Groups - Review your current Projects and invitation to
join Standards Balloting Groups - Reveal your SC view of the technology road map
and where your current future PARs fit in - Start up discussion forum on emerging technology
and invitation for future Standards Study Groups - Call for contributions for the future direction
of these standards projects - Ask for an speaking invitation for next relevant
9Your involvement with other CS Boards
- Conferences
- Electronic Design Processes (EDP)
- Design Automation and Test
- Symposium on VLSI
- Publications
- ?
- Chapters
- ?
- Awards
- ?
10Your Standards Technology Roadmap
- Benefits
- Interoperability Standards
- Relevant Standards
- Invitation for experts
- TC, Industry executives
- Awareness
- Articles, white papers, conference BoF
- TCDA has roadmap new technologies
11Your Standards Technology Roadmap
- Modeling framework with a set of views which,
when consistent and read together, defines a
complete model of a system of users, technology,
Standards - Requirements view
- Information view
- Stakeholder view
- Process structure view
- Process content view
- Process behavioral view
- Process instance view
- Examples
- Semiconductors Roadmap (ITRS)
- Nanotechnology Standards Roadmap
- NIST Information Security document Roadmap
- ICT Security Standards Roadmap
12Your Industry inputs / feedback for the SC
- IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group (CAG)
- ?
- IEEE-CS Advanced Technology Executive Forum
(ATEF) - ?
13Your PAR draft standard approval criteria, e.g.
LMSC(802) Criteria for Standards
- Broad Market Potential
- Broad sets of applicability
- Multiple vendors and numerous users
- Balanced costs
- Compatibility
- Conformance with Architecture, Management, and
Interworking documents - Each standard shall include a definition of
managed objects that are compatible with systems
management standards
- Distinct Identity
- Substantially different from other standards
- One unique solution per problem (not two
solutions to a problem) - Easy for the document reader to select the
relevant specification - Technical Feasibility
- Demonstrated system feasibility
- Proven technology, reasonable testing
- Confidence in reliability
- Economic Feasibility
- Known cost factors, reliable data
- Reasonable cost for performance
- Consideration of installation costs
14Your experiences with IEEE standards groups
- Joint Sponsorship of Standardization Projects
- Test Technologies?
- P1800, P1801, P1850, P1685, P1735,
- SCC20 Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems?
- IEEE Councils,
- CEDA Standards Committee
- Victor Berman
- Dennis Brophy
- Gary Delp
- Stanley Krolikoski
15Your Relationships with your International
Standards Development Organization (SDO)
- Validate the International SDO mapping
- IEC TC 93 - Design Automation
- Benefits
- Fast track IEEE Std for Dual Logo
- Adoption of IEC standards?
- Victor Berman
- Dennis Brophy
- National TAG to ISO, IEC committees
- ?
- Opportunities to use ISO/JTC1 PSDO
- ?
16Your Relationships with Consortia
- Joint memberships
- Joint leaders such as established liaisons
- Formal / MOU
- IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) member
17DASC relations w/ Consortia
IEEE Relationship key M joint memberships L
joint leaders such as established liaisons F
Formal / MOU CAG member of IEEE-SA Corporate
Advisory Group
Victor Berman, 23-Apr-08
18Your Recognition Awards, Appointments,
Authorship for experts
- IEEE-CS Service Awards CoA OCA
- ?
- SA-SB SAB Appointments
- Dennis Brophy, SA BoG
- Victor Berman, SA SB
- Karen Bartleson, SA SB NesCom
- Experts as Authors
- Conferences
- e.g. Podcasts Webinars
19Your volunteers authorship experiences
- Podcasts
- Webinars
- Video
- Computer Standards Column
- White Papers
- Journal
- Tutorials
- Workshop
- ReadyNotes (e.g. eBooks)
- Books
20IEEE-CS Consensus IP Products
Value Chain
CS Press Book
Computer article
Web White paper
Computer Standards Column
Video Webinar
Std Summary Sheet
Video overview
Podcast QA
Elevator Speech
Authors capability
21Your Plans aligned with IEEE-SA Strategic
Planning Five Key Focus Areas
- Organizational Business Model
- Reflect the full life cycle of standards
- Nurturing Strategic Technologies
- Incubate technologies that may become
market-relevant standards - Process Efficiency
- Streamlined process time to completion for the 4
stages of standards development - 1. time to initiation,
- 2. time to draft document creation,
- 3. ballot and resolution,
- 4. full life cycle support.
- The overall results will include faster time to
- Education about Standards
- 1. Improve the understanding of standards
- 2. Speed the adoption of standards and standards
related products - 3. Increase global participation / acceptance and
get more people involved in the process - Global Participation and Perception
- Collaborate across world time zone for relevant
standards - Recognize and adopt/assimilate the best
22Collaboration tools
- Web page (MS, Google, Yahoo)
- Email accounts (MS Hotmail, Google Gmail, Yahoo)
- Email group alias (IEEE, Yahoo)
- Shared documents for editing peer review (e.g
Google Docs, MS Office Live, MS SkyDrive) - Group calendar (e.g. Google, , MSN Calendar)
- Web presentations (e.g. MS LiveMeeting, WebEx)
- Telecommunications (e.g. Skype,
freeconference.com) - Wiki (sharedinsights.com)
- Mind Mapping (mindmeister.com)
- Forum discussions (sharedinsights.com, CS
Communities CS SE Online, CS Distributed Systems
Online, WEB Development Online, CS Newsfeed) - blogs (sharedinsights.com)
- Polls
- Social network (Linkedin.com, Plaxo, IEEE)
- ?
23Your Action Plans for excellence