Title: Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation
1Joint Committee on Standards for Educational
- Evaluation Standards
- Joan Kruger
- Spring 2008
2Joint Committee on Standards for Educational
- http/www.wmich.edu/ evalctr/jc
- American Association of School Administrators
- American Counseling Association
- American Evaluation Association
- American Educational Research Association
- American Indian Higher Education Consortium
- American Psychological Association
- Canadian Evaluation Society
- Canadian Society for the Study of Education
- Consortium for Research on Educational
Accountability and Teacher Evaluation
- Council of Chief State School Officer
- Council of the Great City Schools
- National Association of Elementary School
Principals - National Association of School Psychologists
- National Association of Secondary School
Principals - National Council on Measurement in Education
- National Education Association
- National Legislative Program Evaluation Society
- National Rural Education Association
3What is it?
- Created in 1975, the Joint Committee (JC) is a
coalition of major professional associations
concerned with the quality of education - It is incorporated in the US as a private
non-profit organization - It is accredited by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) and all standards
become certified by ANSI
4What is its mission?
- To promote concern for evaluations of high
quality based on sound evaluation practices and
procedures - To meet existing and emerging needs in the field
of evaluation
5Where is it located and what is the role of CES?
- The Joint Committee is housed at the Evaluation
Center, Western Michigan University - Canadian Evaluation Society has been a Sponsoring
Organization since 1994 and participates as a
voting member, participates in special projects,
and promotes all Standards (Program, Personnel
and Student) to CES members.
6Direct Products of the JC
- Publications 3 sets of evaluation standards
- Personnel Evaluation Standards. 2nd ed. 2008.
Corwin Press - Program Evaluation Standards. 2nd ed. 1994.
3rd in testing. Sage - Student Evaluation Standards. 2003. Corwin
7Associated Accomplishments
- Adoption and adaptation by schools, states, and
organizations nationally and internationally. - Numerous associated materials (e.g., Checklists
for metaevaluation). - http//www.wmich.edu/evalctr/checklists/
- Widespread translation and/or dissemination
internationally, for use in Europe (especially
Germany and Switzerland, Latin America, Africa
and others)
8Pervasive Nature of Program Evaluations
- Primary tool for guiding program evaluation,
crossing all academic disciplines and courses - Evaluations regularly clients and stakeholders in
a wide variety of decision situations.
9Impact of Program Evaluations
- Evaluations done well can be of significant
service. - Clients are victims of and harmed by poor
evaluations in both high- and low-stake
10Barriers to Sound Program Evaluations
- Inadequate preparation
- Inadequate administrative and technical support
- Professional disagreements
- Lack of shared language
- Inadequate policy
11Why do we need Program Evaluation Standards?
- What is available?
- Assessment measurement design
- Performance management systems
- Standards for student and personnel evaluation
- What are the gaps?
- No standards for the programs evaluations across
disciplines. - No desktop reference to ensure quality
12What is a Standard?
- A principle commonly agreed upon by experts in
the conduct and use of evaluation for the
measurement of the value or quality of an
evaluation. - A standard is seen as a principle governing good
practice vs. a rule - Technical guide to conduct evaluations
- Criteria of good practice for those who receive
and are affected by an evaluation
13What is a Standard?
- A guideline may provide the evaluator with a
recommendation to help ensure basic quality
evaluation. Other evaluators, in the same
situation in the same or similar institutions
following the guidelines, may also ensure basic
quality. - The CES felt standards used as guidelines would
help evaluators make more consistent quality
judgements over time.
14What is a Standard is not.
- Rules are much more restrictive. The evaluator
must or should conform to rules. This may lead
to a narrower rating of a program or project by
not allowing the evaluator to adapt the standard
to the norms of the evaluation setting. - Rules are usually policed by a professional body,
and offenders may be reprimanded.
15How are the Standards Organized?
- All three sets of Standards are organized into
four main categories - Utility
- Propriety
- Feasibility
- Accuracy
- To ensure that an evaluation will serve the
information needs of intended users. -
- To ensure that an evaluation will be conducted
legally, ethically, and with due regard for the
welfare of those involved in the evaluation as
well as those affected by its results. - Additional resource Canadian Evaluation Society
Ethical Guidelines - http//www.evaluationcanada.ca/site.cgi?s5ss4_
- To ensure that an evaluation will be realistic,
prudent, diplomatic, and frugal.
- To ensure that an evaluation will reveal and
convey technically adequate information bout the
features that determine worth and merit of the
program being evaluated.
20How are the Standards Presented in the Book?
- A uniform pattern is followed
- Standard Statement
- Overview (Explanation, Rationale, Caveats)
- Guidelines
- Common Errors
- Two illustrative case studies
- Supporting documentation (references)
21Number of Standards(Program proposed 3rd ed)
Category Program Personnel Student
Utility 8 5 7
Propriety 7 5 7
Feasibility 4 3 3
Accuracy 8 8 12
TOTAL 27 21 29
22National Public Hearings
- National Public Hearings The Joint Committee
will hold open forums at meetings of each of the
sponsoring organizations to gain additional
feedback from members of these organization (See
5.3.5 of the Operating Procedures-). - 5.3.5 National Public Hearings
- National Public Hearings shall be held to provide
an open forum for discussion and critique of the
standards. Hearing schedules shall be publicized
and all interested parties will be encouraged to
participate. In addition, each Sponsoring
Organization will be asked to select members of
their organization and encourage them to respond
to the draft through the vehicle of the hearings.
(NOTE If the standards under consideration are
to be submitted to the American National
Standards Institute for approval as American
National Standards, the Joint Committee shall
also arrange for announcement of the draft in
ANSI's STANDARDS ACTION for comment, in
accordance with Section 1.2.6 of the ANSI
Procedures for the Development and Coordination
of American National Standards.)
23Process for Hearing
- Overview of the Standards
- Comments from CES members and others (criticisms,
observations, recommendations) - Comments from Field test participants
24Further Communication
- Visit the JC web site at
- http//www.wmich.edu/evalctr/jc/ and enter ES
review page. - Contact Arlen Gullickson arlen.gullickson_at_wmich.ed
25Next Steps
- Complete field tests
- Complete National Hearings
- Revise
- Final Approval by the Joint Committee
- Submission to American National Standards
Institute for certification - Publish
26Evaluation Web Sites
- Canadian Evaluation Society (CES)
- http//www.evaluationcanada.ca/
- Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund
(CESEF) for students and those new to eval. - http//www.evaluation-education.org/index.html
- Saskatchewan Chapter, CES
- http//sk.evaluationcanada.ca/
- American Evaluation Association (AEA)
- http//www.eval.org/