Title: Ubiquitous Computing Toolkits
1Ubiquitous Computing Toolkits
- Tara Matthews
- Advance User Interface Software Fall 2004
2Goals of Ubicomp
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
3Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices Ubicomp Infrastructure
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
4Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users CSCW (not covered)
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
5Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop Physical UIs /
Mobile - augmenting surrounding environment (other
lectures) - provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
6Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
Context-Aware - Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
7Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users Peripheral
Displays - aware of users interruptiblity
8Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
Interruptibility (not covered)
9Toolkits for Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
- Goals accomplished? Evaluation
10Toolkit Categories
- Ubicomp infrastructure
- Context-aware
- Peripheral displays
- Evaluation
- Not covering
- CSCW (separate field)
- Interruptibility (no toolkits yet)
- Physical UIs (covered in Jacks lecture)
- Mobile Devices (covered in an unclaimed lecture)
11Ubicomp Infrastructure
- iROS
- Stanford Interactive Room Operating System
- iStuff
- Physical application toolkit build on iROS
- Aura
- CMU Distraction-Free Ubiquitous Computing
project - Distributed services infrastructure
- Gaia
- University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Infrastructure for Active Spaces
- Interactive Room (iRoom) Operating System
- Definition A ubiquitous computing environment
where groups come together to collaborate on
solving problems (not a toolkit) - Contains
- Embedded devices large display screens,
table-top display, other output devices - Mobile devices mobile devices brought into space
can be used with embedded facilities
13iROS Goals
- Facilitate common Interactive Workspace usages
observed in iRoom prototype workspace - Move data between devices
- Control devices apps from other devices
- Coordinate apps, including ones not written to
work together - Additional goals
- Provide for heterogeneity of devices in
workspace, new devices being added over time - Allow easy integration of legacy devices
- Robust to transient failures
- Portable across installations
- Actions appear instantaneous to users
- 3 sub-systems
- Event Heap stores and forwards events
- Data Heap facilitates data movement in an
interactive workspace - iCrafter provides a system for service
advertisement and invocation, along with a user
interface generator for services.
15Event Heap
- Tuple space model
- Associated memory content is addressable using a
pattern - Distributed systems based on blackboard model are
easily created in tuple space - Decouples apps in space time
- Added semantics
- Apps not designed to work together, so need
- Self-describing tuples, Flexible typing, Typed
tuples - Apps can snoop or interpose
- Tuple sequencing
- Data shared can build up
- Tuple expiration
- Benefits
- Anonymous coordination
- Interposability
- Snooping
16Event Heap
Figure Example operation showing placed events,
and using template events for matching
17Data Heap
- Provides type location independent storage
- Machine independent
- Dont need explicit location of data
- Type independent
- If a set of type converters are available, system
automatically transforms the data
Figure Shows automatic retrieval of a Word
document in PostScript form
- Universal control system control anything from
anywhere - Services advertise how they can be controlled
- System returns appropriate interface per device
- Interfaces can range from fully custom to
dynamically generated
- Toolkit to prototype physical UIs
- Flexible, lightweight components
- Protocol independence
- Platform independence with cross-platform
capabilities - Ease of integration with existing applications
- Support for multiple simultaneous users
- Built on iROS
- iStuff wireless devices (e.g., iButton, iSlider,
iLight) send/receive events to/from Event Heap
via a proxy - PatchPanel translates events (e.g., iButton
light on light off) - Apps get events from devices via PatchPanel
Event Heap
24iStuff Architecture
25iStuff Devices
- CMU Distraction-Free Ubiquitous Computing
theme - Mobility allow users to move computational tasks
from one place to another - Maximize use of available resources
- Minimize user distraction drains on attention
- Personal information aura spans wearable,
handheld, desktop, infrastructure devices - Requires new system design hardware, network,
OS, middleware, UI support
27Aura Research Framework
- Research Examples
- UI / Agents / Speech
- Task-driven computing
- Rapid service configuration
- Energy-aware adaptation
- Multi-fidelity computation
- Nomadic data access
- Intelligent networking
- Power-aware devices
- Wearable computers
- Users
- Tasks
- Services
- OS / Network
- Physical Devices
28Aura Example Scenario
- Fred prepares presentation is late
- Fred gets PDA Aura transfers slides to it
- Finishes slides on PDA walking to meeting
- Aura finds location of meeting from calendar
uploads slides to projection machine - Aura recognizes unfamiliar meeting attendees
faces skips budget slides
29Aura Architecture
- User tasks are represented as set of distributed
services - Database query interface to access distributed
services - Easily search mixed environments for needed
services - A key service is People Location Service
- Environments self-monitor re-negotiate task
support given runtime variation of capabilities
resources - Can detect when task requirements (e.g., min
response time) arent met, search deploy
alternative configurations to support task - Uses software architecture models (graph of
components connectors) for runtime adaptability
30Aura Architecture
- Task Manager tracks user context, environment,
task changes - Context Observer provides info on physical
context reports relevant events Task
Environment Managers - Environment Manager handles access to
distributed services - Suppliers provide services for tasks (text
editing, video playing,...)
31Privacy in Aura
- Aura services depend on user location info
- Introduces privacy concerns
- Location policies define who gets location info,
where, when, and at what granularity - e.g., Bob is allowed to know Alices location
when she is in NSH - Similar to Bell Labs Houdini systems rules
- Not based on how users actually disclose location
- Infrastructure for Active Spaces, UIUC
- Like Aura
- Distributed services architecture accessed via
structured queries - Main difference
- Focus on user customization of apps based on
resources in current space
33Toolkit Categories
- Ubicomp infrastructure
- Context-aware
- Peripheral displays
- Evaluation
- Context is key to ubicomp environment that reacts
correctly to users current situation - Definition Info used to characterize the
situation of a person, place or object relevant
to the interaction between a human a
computational service - Primary context types
- Identity (who), Location (where), Time (when),
Activity (what) - Secondary context types
- e.g., for identity email address, phone number,
birthdate, etc
35Context-Aware Applications
- Definition Uses context to provide relevant info
and/or services to the user, where relevancy
depends on the users task - 3 categories
- Present information services to users
- e.g., nearby wireless networks, directions
- Automatically execute services
- e.g., phone vibrates when in meeting
- Tag info with context for later retrieval
- e.g., class lectures and notes
36Toolkits for Context
- 3 main approaches
- Widget model
- Context Toolkit
- Dey, Abowd, Salber, 2001
- Based on architecture of GUIs
- Distributed services model
- Context Fabric
- Hong Landay, 2001
- Based on client-server dialog
- Blackboard model
- iRoom
- Winograd, 2001
- Based on artificial intelligence apps (Engelmore,
37Widget Model Context Toolkit
- Operating system view
- Abstraction to hardware (sensors)data is
secondary - Similar to GUI input handling uses widget
abstractions for handling context input - Uses 3 abstractions
- widgets, interpreters aggregators
- Separates semantics from low-level input sensor
handling - Apps can focus on context, not sensors or
analysis of sensor input - Allows re-use of context widgets, interpreters
- Tight coupling less robust to component failure
- Single-manager (Discoverer) control less
40Context Toolkit Architecture
- Encapsulate info about a single piece of context
(e.g., location or activity) - Hide details of underlying sensors from apps
- Provide customizable reusable building blocks
of context sensing - Provide historical context info
- Include optional services, or actuation of output
in environment - Like Interactors responsible for input output
- e.g., light widget could sense light level
adjust lights accordingly - Get context by subscription or polling
- Callback methods used to notify subscribers
- Widgets ability to aggregate context info
- Collect sensory info about an entity (person,
place, thing, etc.) from multiple sources into
one widget - Hide more complexity about context-sensing
mechanisms by combining multiple sensors - Enable maintainability and efficiency
- Abstract sensor info
- Use lower level sensory information to deduce
higher level info - e.g., identity location sound sensors ?
is there a meeting?
45Putting an App Together
- Discoverer enables apps to locate and subscribe
to context components - Distributed infrastructure uses p2p comm.
46Distributed Services Model
- Database view (vs. OS view of CTK)
- Data is primary, hardware is secondary
- Focus on how data is modeled, distributed,
protected, used - Middleware technologies that can be accessed
through a network - Example infrastructureInternet serviceDNS
- Any kind of device or application can use context
gathering processing services by adhering to
predefined data formats network protocols
- Interoperable independent of hardware platform,
OS, programming language - Decoupling Sensors, services, apps can be
changed w/o affecting each other - Simpler devices sensors, processing power, data,
services w/in infrastructure shared
- Applications must poll for data (proactively)
- Servers are specialized per sensor
49Context Fabric
- Includes 3 pieces
- Distributed data model of people, places, things
- each device has a space private data goes to
local space - multiple views of context (mine, yours, theirs)
- Context Specification Language (like SQL)
- apps specify what context info they need in
uniform way - e.g., "What are the nearby movie theaters?
- Context service as API (per device)
- interpret CSL queries and provide context info
50Privacy in Context Fabric
- Decentralized architecture allows it to capture,
store, process, share in privacy-sensitive
manner - Capture, store, process data on users device
- Provides mechanisms for end-user control of
sharing - Plausible deniability built-in
- e.g., if request for context info denied, system
can reply unknown
- Also follows distributed services model
- Uses SQL-like interface to access a set of
distributed contextual services - Handles privacy through user-set policies
52Blackboard Model
- Communication goes through a centralized server
- Components
- post messages shared blackboard
- subscribe to get posted messages matching
specified pattern - Route by matching message content to subscriber's
pattern - Pattern matching uses AI (often apply
sophisticated inference procedures to logical
representations) - Direct communication between components simulated
by including an identifier for path endpoints as
a field in message - Announce-listen style
- Components that provide services periodically
post events - Component that uses the data listens to these
events, if one does not appear within the
expected time can initiate restart operations
- Ease of configuration
- Robustness to component failure
- When component fails, only communication link
broken is from it to blackboard - Dependent components can detect failure and call
for restart - Simplicity provided by a uniform communications
path (to the blackboard) - No complex protocol for finding ports or
resources, establishing connections
- Communication less efficient
- Each communication requires 2 hops
- General message structure not optimized for
particular data or interaction protocol
55iRoom iStuff
- Event Heap the blackboard central
communication server
56Review of Context Approaches
- Widget Model CTK
- Widget architecture where Discoverer acts as a
manager of context widgets - Distributed Infrastructure Model ConFab, Aura,
Gaia - Client-server architecture where client apps
communicate directly w/ services using structured
language - Blackboard Model iRoom, iStuff
- Central server architecture where apps
communicate only w/ server events are routed
using subscriber pattern matching
57Toolkit Categories
- Ubicomp infrastructure
- Context-aware
- Peripheral displays
- Evaluation
58Peripheral Displays
- Provide awareness with min attention
- Separate from primary task
- Important to ubicomp vision of many devices to 1
user - Non-focal display not used unless providing
peripheral info - Enable you to monitor many info sources while
maintaining a calm environment - But, only calm if designed to manage attention
they attract
59Why is creating PDs hard?
- Need to abstract info to be glance-able
- Need mechanisms for dynamically managing
attention PDs attract - Deciding attention levels to attract(notification
levels) - Displaying info appropriately (transitions)
- Peripheral Display Toolkit (PTK)
- Supports these 3 key issues in PD creation
60Example PTK Applications
- Remote Activity
- Social Guitar
- Audio Monitor
- Motion Monitor
- Remote Awareness Display
- Bus Displays
- Bus Mobile
- Bus LED
- Instant Messenger Status
Orb showing remote activity
Bus LED BusMobile
IM Picture Frame
Social Guitar
61PTK Architecture
- Support for managing impact on human attention
using abstraction, notification levels, and
transitions - Simplified code design and code re-use
- Library of common PD components
62Architecture Diagram
63Library Components
- Input
- audio, camera, Phidgets, Context Toolkit, online
calendars, news, stocks, weather, Web page
parser, serial port
64Library Components
- Input
- audio, camera, Phidgets, Context Toolkit, online
calendars, news, stocks, weather, Web page
parser, serial port - Output
- ticker text, Ambient Orb, Phidgets
65Library Components
- Input
- audio, camera, Phidgets, Context Toolkit, online
calendars, news, stocks, weather, Web page
parser, serial port - Output
- ticker text, Ambient Orb, Phidgets
- Abstractors
- motion, people counting, voices, phone ringing
66Library Components
- Input
- audio, camera, Phidgets, Context Toolkit, online
calendars, news, stocks, weather, Web page
parser, serial port - Output
- ticker text, Ambient Orb, Phidgets
- Abstractors
- motion, people counting, voices, phone ringing
- Notification
- exact match, threshold, contains, degree of
67Toolkit Categories
- Ubicomp infrastructure
- Context-aware
- Peripheral displays
- Evaluation
- 3 tools for evaluating people in natural settings
from Intille et al. - Context-aware experience sampling based on GPS or
other sensors - e.g., ask questions when user goes to store
- Ubiquitous sensing system that detects
environmental changes - e.g., tape-on touch, proximity, light sensors
- Image-based experience sampling system
- i.e., take a picture ask user about it later
69Summary Ubicomp Goals
- Scalable interfaces
- multiple devices
- inter-device communication
- multiple users
- Natural interaction
- getting away from the desktop
- augmenting surrounding environment
- provide context-appropriate services
- Calmness
- more info w/o overwhelming users
- aware of users interruptiblity
70Summary Ubicomp Toolkits
- Ubicomp infrastructure
- iROS, iStuff, Aura, Gaia
- Context-aware
- Context Toolkit, Context Fabric, iRoom
- Peripheral displays
- Peripheral Display Toolkit
- Evaluation
- Intilles toolkit
- Groupware Architectures
- Phillips, W.G., 1999. Architectures for
Synchronous Groupware, Tech. Rep..
http//phillips.rmc.ca/greg/pub/ - Greenberg, S. and Roseman, M., 1999. Groupware
Toolkits for Synchronous Work. In
Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (Ed.), Trends In CSCW'99, No.
7 in Trends in Software, John Wiley Sons, New
York, NY, USA, ch. 6, pp. 135168. - Roseman, M. and Greenberg, S., 1992. GROUPKIT a
groupware toolkit for building real-time
conferencing applications. In Proceedings of the
conference on Computer-supported cooperative
work, ACM Press, pp. 4350. http//doi.acm.org/10.