Title: Middleware for Context-aware Ubiquitous Computing
1Middleware for Context-aware Ubiquitous Computing
- Sungyoung Lee
- Ubiquitous Computing Group (UCG)
- Real-time and Multimedia LAB
- Kyung Hee University, Korea
- October 29, 2004
2Sequence of presentation
- Introduction
- Middleware for Context-Awareness
- CAMUS Architecture
- Feature Extraction Agent
- CAMUS Context Model
- Reasoning Mechanisms
- System Prototyping
- Conclusion and Future Work
- Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing
- Calm technology embedded, invisible, seamlessly,
unobtrusive, intelligent.
Image source Friedemann Mattern (ETH Zürich)
4Introduction (cont.)
- Context-awareness
- An important aspect of the intelligent pervasive
computing systems - Systems that can anticipate users needs and act
in advance by understanding their context.
5Introduction (cont.)
- Context
- The specific conditions, external to the
application itself, such as audience, speaker
(user), situation (place and its surroundings),
time, environmental and network conditions, etc.,
which determine the application behavior, will be
called the context of the application. - Out of Context Computer Systems That Adapt to,
and Learn from, Context, H. Lieberman, T.
Selker, MIT - A Survey of Context-Aware Mobile Computing
Research, by G. Chen, D. Kotz, Dartmouth College - Context-Aware Applications Survey, M.
Korkea-aho, Helsinki University of Technology
6Introduction (cont.)
- Context in our viewpoint
- the situational conditions that are associated
with a user location, surrounding conditions
(light, temperature, humidity, noise level, etc),
social activities, user intentions, personal
information, etc.
7Introduction (cont.)
- Sensing is a key enabling technology
- Heterogeneity
- e.g. location-sensing techniques triangulation,
proximity, scene analysis - (Jeffrey Hightower, Location Systems for
Ubiquitous Computing, IEEE Computer August
In the environment
On devices
8Introduction (cont.)
- Shortcomings of the previous systems
- Context acquisition and use was often tightly
integrated into a single application, and could
not easily be incorporated into other
applications. - Individual agents are responsible for managing
their own context knowledge
9Introduction (cont.)
- Shortcomings of the previous systems
- Lacking an adequate representation for context
modeling and reasoning - Existing solutions for Context information are
- Name-value pairs or entity relation model
- Objects to represent context with methods and
fields for retrieval of information - Simple matching mechanisms for context access,
and developers must perform low-level programming
for reasoning - Users often have no control over the information
that is acquired by the sensors - Privacy Concerns
10Middleware for Context-Awareness
- Desired Characteristics
- Support for heterogeneous and distributed sensing
agents - Make it easy to incrementally deploy new sensors
and context-aware services in the environment - Provide different kinds of context classification
mechanisms - Different mechanisms have different power,
expressiveness and decidability properties - Rules written in different types of logic (first
order logic, description logic, temporal/spatial
logic, fuzzy logic, etc.) - Machine-learning mechanisms (supervised/unsupervis
ed classifiers)
11Middleware for Context-Awareness
- Desired Characteristics (cont.)
- Follow a formal context model using ontology
- To enable syntactic and semantic
interoperability, and knowledge sharing between
different domains - Facilitate for applications to specify different
behaviors in different contexts easily, as well
as privacy policy and security mechanism - Graphical development tool to ease developers in
writing code.
12CAMUS Core Architecture
CAMUS ---------------------- Context- Aware Middle
ware for Ubicomp Systems
13CAMUS Details
- Feature Extraction Agents
- These sensing agents extract the most descriptive
features for deducing contexts in upper layers - Feature - Context Mapping performs the mapping
required to convert a given feature into
elementary context based on the meta-information
saved in the ontology repository - Self-configuring components
- Access wrappers
- Unification interface for acquiring contexts from
sensors and delivering to consumers.
14Feature Extraction Agent (cont.)
Table 1. Meta-data for feature encapsulation
Attribute Meaning
Sensor_ID The unique ID of the sensor board, assigned at development stage mapped to corresponding location/devices at deployment stage
Type_ID Sensor type e.g. audio, temperature etc., for further distinction of context information sources, especially in case multiple sensor types on a single board.
FeatureID Refers to feature category of each sensor type. It is actually the signature of corresponding feature extraction function in the library of the sensing device.
Feature Value Symbolic (e.g. light intensity) or absolute numerical value (e.g. temperature absolute value) of the extracted and segmented sensor feature.
Probability The uncertainty or confidence of the context information, could be 0/1 if the feature is segmented using thresholds, or within 0, 1 range if fuzzy sets are applied. This attribute is used to decide which feature values will be sent to backend system (probability gt 0) and useful for probability based context recognition mechanisms e.g. Bayesian networks.
Timestamp The absolute time when the feature is extracted. Used to keep consistency of context information, and sometimes useful for temporal reasoning mechanisms.
15Feature Extraction Agent (cont.)
Table 2. Examples of features and their semantic
meaning. Sensor_IDs 3,7 are mapped to Bedroom
Sensor ID Sensor Type Feature ID Value Value Time Stamp
Sensor ID Sensor Type Feature ID Numerical Value Segmented Value (Symbolic, Probability) Time Stamp
3 1 (Audio) 1 (Intensity) x (dB) 1 (Silent, 0.9) xxxxxx
3 1 (Audio) 1 (Intensity) x (dB) 2 (Moderate, 0.1) xxxxxx
3 1 (Audio) 1 (Intensity) x (dB) 3 (Loud, 0) xxxxxx
3 1 (Audio) 2 (ACDCRatio) y 1 (Low, 0) xxxxxx
3 1 (Audio) 2 (ACDCRatio) y 2 (Medium, 0.7) xxxxxx
3 1 (Audio) 2 (ACDCRatio) y 3 (High, 0.3) xxxxxx
7 4 (Temperature) 1 (AbsValue) 95 (oF) NA xxxxxx
7 5 (Humidity) 1 (Humidity) z () 1 (Dry, 1) xxxxxx
7 5 (Humidity) 1 (Humidity) z () 2 (Normal, 0) xxxxxx
7 5 (Humidity) 1 (Humidity) z () 3 (Humid, 0) xxxxxx
FT Sesnor_ID, Type_ID, Feature_ID,
Feature_Value, Probability, Timestamp
FT1 3, 1, 1, 1, 0.9, xxxxx Location.Bedroo
m, Environment.Sound.Intensity Silent,
Probability 0.9, TimeStamp xxxxx
16Formal Context Modeling
- In order to have common understanding among HW/SW
entities, they must have invariant meanings, i.e.
the context semantics must be formalized - Advantages
- Storing context for long-term
- Communicating context universally with other
systems - Leads to its testability of being a formalized
knowledge - Result
- A growing pool of well-tested context knowledge
available to different context aware systems
17Formal Context Modeling (cont.)
- Formal Context Modeling using OWL
- Context entities are concepts in a domain under
investigation - Ontologies are used for above purpose, defined as
- Specification of a conceptualization of a domain
- Domain contains the vocabularies of concepts and
relationships among them - _at_syntactic level
- They are XML documents
- _at_structure level
- They consist of a set of triples
- _at_semantic level
- They constitute one or more graphs with partially
pre-defined semantics
18Formal Context Modeling (cont.)
- Why OWL?
- OWL ontologies enable applications to interpret
contexts based on their semantics.\ - Ontologies hierarchical structure lets
developers reuse domain ontologies (for example,
of people, devices, and activities) in describing
contexts and build a practical context model
without starting from scratch. - Semantic Web tools such as federated query,
reasoning, and knowledge bases can support
context interpretation.
19CAMUS Context Model
Basic Model
20Context Model in detailsAgent ontology
21Context Model in details Device ontology
- Based on FIPA device ontology specification
- gt knowledge reuse
22Reasoning Mechanisms
- The contextual information provided by the
environment leads to only elementary contexts - Some contexts are useful only when they are
combination of some elementary and/or composite
contexts, and also need consistency of contextual
23Reasoning Mechanisms (cont.)
- Our framework supports various pluggable
reasoning modules and developer of the context
Aggregator services can exploit any kind of
reasoning mechanism based on application
requirements - These reasoning modules are broadly classified
into ontology context reasoning mechanisms
24Reasoning Mechanisms (cont.)
- Inference services in DL (Description Logic)
- Terminological Reasoning
- Subsumption check - checks if one concept is a
sub-concept of another - Consistency check - checks for (in)consistency of
concept definitions - Taxonomy construction - explicit concept
hierarchy - Classification - determines the concepts that
immediate subsume or are subsumed by a given
25Reasoning Mechanisms (cont.)
- Inference services in DL (Description Logic)
- Instance Reasoning
- Consistency check - existence of a model of ?
- Realisation - given a partial description of an
instance, finds the most specific concepts that
describe it - Individual retrieval - finds all instances that
are described by a given concept
26Examples for Ontology Reasoning
27Examples for Ontology Reasoning
28Reasoning Mechanisms (cont.)
An example of Context Reasoning Using
Bayesian Net to deduce User Activity
29System Prototyping
- A Smart Home has been set up for system
prototyping. - RFID tags, Door Sensors, Bluetooth and WLAN
access points are used for location and identity
detection - Audio/Video based activity recognition
30System Prototyping
- A Smart Home has been set up for system
prototyping. - Jini is used as underlay communication and
discovery mechanisms - Jena2 Semantic Web Toolkit is used to implement
the Context Repository, Context Reasoner, and
Context Query Engine. - OSGi Gateway for interconnection with other
31Our Research Contributions
- A Middleware Framework for building Context-Aware
applications - Unified Sensing Framework for Context acquisition
from disparate sensors - Abstractions to relieve the developers of the
burden of low level interaction with various
hardware devices - Formal Context Modeling in terms of ontologies
using OWL - To enable syntactic and semantic
interoperability, and knowledge sharing between
different domains - Ontology and Context Reasoning Mechanisms
- Pluggable Modules
32Conclusion and Future work
- We believe that formalizing domains should be
seen as emergent phenomenon constructed
incrementally, leading to the sharing of
contextual information among heterogeneous
context-aware systems - API for application developers to access systems
functionalities while hiding the complexity of
underlying context processing - (gathering contexts from sources, managing
contexts in knowledge base, handling application
queries, and reasoning about contexts based on
rules) - Privacy policy and security mechanism
33Selected References
- 1 M. Weiser, The Computer for the 21st
Century, Scientific America (Sept. 1991) 94-104
reprinted in IEEE Pervasive Computing. (Jan.-Mar.
2002) 19-25 - 2 M. Satyanarayanan, Pervasive Computing
Vision and Challenges, IEEE Personal
Communications (Aug. 2001) 10-17 - 3 Dey, A.K., et al., A Conceptual Framework
and a Toolkit for Supporting the Rapid
Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications,
Anchor article of a special issue on
Context-Aware Computing, Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) Journal, Vol. 16. (2001) - 4 S. Jang, W. Woo, Ubi-UCAM A Unified
Context-Aware Application Model, Context 2003,
Stanford, CA, USA. (Jun. 2003) - 5 J. Hong, The Context Fabric,
http//guir.berkeley.edu/projects/confab/ - 6 Kumar, M. Shirazi, B.A. Das, S.K. Sung,
B.Y. Levine, D. Singhal, M, PICO a middleware
framework for pervasive computing, IEEE
Pervasive Computing, Vol. 2 Issue 3. (July
Sept, 2003) 72- 79 - 7 Chen Harry, Tim Finin, and Anupam Joshi, An
Intelligent Broker for Context-Aware Systems,
Ubicomp 2003, Seattle, Washington. (Oct. 2003) - 8 Hung Q. Ngo, Anjum Shehzad, S.Y.Lee,
Developing Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing
Systems with a Unified Middleware Framework,
accepted for publication, The 2004 International
Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
(EUC04), Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan, 25-27
August, 2004. - 9 Anjum Shehzad, Hung Q. Ngo, S.Y. Lee, Formal
Modeling in Context Aware Systems, KI-Workshop
Modeling and Retrieval of Context (MRC2004),
34- For further discussion
- Sungyoung Lee
- Ubiquitous Computing Group
- Kyung Hee Univ. KOREA
- Email sylee_at_oslab.khu.ac.kr
- www http//ucg.khu.ac.kr