DIVISION OF FIRMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: DIVISION OF FIRMS Author: Purdue Created Date: 7/2/2003 3:53:49 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Garamond Times New Roman ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
M ney ense
Managing Credit and Debt
Managing Credit
  • Buy Now, Pay Later

Financial Aptitude Test
  1. Its always smart to send in the minimum payment
    due on a credit card bill each month and stretch
    out the card payments as long as possible instead
    of paying the bill in full. T/F
  2. Your credit record can be a factor when you apply
    for a loan or credit card, but cannot affect
    non-credit decisions, such as applications for
    insurance for an apartment. T/F
  3. While one or two late payments on bills may not
    damage your credit record, making a habit of it
    will count against you. T/F
  4. Theres no harm in having many different credit
    cards, especially when the card companies offer
    free T-shirts and other special giveaways as
    incentives. The number of cards you carry wont
    affect your ability to get a loan what matters
    is that you use the cards responsibly. T/F

Financial Aptitude Test
  1. A debit card may be a good alternative to a
    credit card for a young person because the money
    to pay for purchases is automatically deducted
    from a bank account, thus avoiding interest
    charges or debt problems. T/F
  2. It makes no sense for young adults to put money
    aside for their retirement many years away.
    People in their 20s should focus entirely on
    meeting monthly expenses and saving for
    short-term goals. T/F

Financial Aptitude Test
  • Answers
  • False
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False

Credit and Debt
  • Terms You Should Know
  • Credit is time given for payment for goods sold
    on trust
  • Debt is a condition of owing

Credit Terms
  • APR the amount it costs annually when you decide
    to carry a balance (not pay off your credit card
    in full) each month.
  • Can range from 0 to as high as 25 annually
  • Finance Charge Actual dollar cost of using

Credit Terms
  • Grace Period the number of days you have to pay
    your bill in full before incurring finance
    charges (typically 25 days).
  • Beware of cards with no grace period! Interest
    accrues from the moment you charge an item.
  • You dont get a grace period when you carry a
  • Annual Fee the amount you pay annually as a
    credit cardholder for the privilege of using
  • If you pay your balance each month, you should
    avoid cards with an annual fee.
  • Some annual fee cards have lower interest rates,
    so if you carry a balance each month you may
    actually save money with an annual fee card.

Credit Terms
  • Transaction Fees You may be charged additional
    fees for ATM cash advances, balance transfers,
    late charges and exceeding your credit limit.
  • Some cards also charge a monthly fee for not
    using the card!
  • Late Fee If your payment is not processed by the
    due date, you may be assessed a late fee of up to
  • Avoid this expense by mailing timely payments.
  • Remember, creditors must receive a payment at
    least every 30 days.

Credit Terms
  • Minimum Payment the least amount you must pay
    each month to avoid additional transaction fees
    (typically 2 of the balance).
  • Credit Limit The maximum amount you can charge

Type of Credit Lender Advantages Disadvantages
HOME MORTGAGE Commercial bank Savings and loan Credit union Homes often increase in value. Interest rates for mortgages are relatively low The interest paid is tax-deductible. Mortgages are long-term commitments. Obtaining a home loan involves extensive credit checks.
CAR LOANS Commercial bank Savings and loan Credit union Consumer finance company Cars can make it easier to work and earn an income. Cars lose their value relatively quickly. The car you purchase may have little value when the last payment is made.
COLLEGE LOANS Commercial bank Savings and loan Credit union Federal government A college education is a good borrow investment. necessary. Interest rates can be relatively low. Students sometimes borrow more than necessary. New graduates can face difficulty in repaying large loans.
PERSONAL LOANS Commercial bank Savings and loan Credit union Consumer finance company Personal loans allow individuals to purchase today that boat or vacation they want. Personal loans have relatively high interest rates. Some young people may borrow more than their income should allow.
CREDIT CARDS Commercial bank Savings and loan Department store Oil companies Other financial institutions, e.g., American Express Credit cards are convenient to use and useful in an emergency. Credit cards provide a record of charges. Credit cards have relatively high interest rates. Some young people may borrow more than their income should allow.
Managing Credit Cards
  • Teaser rates
  • When you receive a credit card offer in the mail,
    examine the fine print that comes with the
  • Many cards will offer great introductory rates,
    such as 3.9 APR.
  • Often these rates will rise after a limited
    period of time (usually six months).
  • After the introductory time period, your APR
    could go up significantly. Not a good deal if
    youre carrying a balance!

Managing Credit Cards
  • Stick with one or two
  • Pay in full every month
  • Pay on time
  • Avoid cash advances

Managing Credit Cards
  • Stay within the limit
  • Review your statements
  • Report a lost or stolen card immediately
  • Protect your history
  • Protect personal information

Managing Credit Cards
  • Read your credit card contract carefully and be
    sure to examine any letters that subsequently
    arrive announcing changes to the terms of your
    contract. Many cards are eliminating grace
    periods and adding annual fees for customers who
    pay in full each month.
  • Contact your creditors if you cant make your
    payment on time or at all. They may be willing to
    work out a deal for you if youre in good
  • Ask your creditor to reduce your APR if youre
    being charged a high interest rate and carrying a
    balance. Many creditors may be willing to do this.

Managing Credit Cards
  • Think before you buy an item on sale with your
    credit card. Will you really save money? Probably
  • Remember that offers to reduce your minimum
    monthly payment will only cost you more in
    interest during the long run.
  • Develop a sound spending plan for yourself. This
    will help you avoid using credit cards to make up
    for any shortfalls in your cash flow.
  • Shop carefully for a credit card! The offer you
    get in the mail may not be the best deal. Check
    www.bankrate.com to compare credit cards and
    their rates.

So Many Credit Card OffersWhats the Difference?

0 110 annual fee 129 set-up fee (one-time)
4.99 9.9 (initially)
25 days if the new balance is paid in full by the payment due date 25 days
2.5 of the new balance, minimum of 15 0
15 if balance is less than 200 35 if balance is greater than 200 25 and an increased APR
3 of advance, 10 minimum 3 of balance, 5 to 50, Late 35 if over 2 over limit LOTS OF FEES
Credit Card A (Providian) Credit Card B
Annual fee
Interest rate (APR)
Grace period
Minimum payment
Late fee
Other fees
  • If you were to choose one of these credit cards,
    which one would it be?
  • What are the benefits of the card you chose?
  • What are some of the costs of the card you chose?

Common Lenders of Credit
  • 1. Commercial banks and savings and loans
  • Very similar in the types of financial services
    they provide their customers, but regulated by
    different agencies
  • Include loans, savings accounts, and checking
  • 2. Credit unions
  • Not-for-profit cooperatives enterprises owned by
    their members
  • Provide many of the same financial services as
    commercial banks and savings and loans.
  • 3. Consumer finance companies
  • Lend money to individuals usually for things such
    as automobiles or household appliances
  • Often their customers do not qualify for bank
    credit and therefore pay a higher rate of

What Are Lenders Looking For?
  • Lenders look for certain qualities in loan
    applicants. These qualities are called the Four
    Cs of Credit capacity, character, capital and
  • Capacity the ability of the consumer to repay
    the debt.
  • The basic question is Have you been working
    regularly in an occupation that is likely to
    provide enough income to support your use of
  • ?Do you have a steady job?
  • ?What is your salary?
  • ?How reliable is your income?
  • ?Do you have other sources of income?
  • ?How many other loan payments do you have?
  • ?What are your current living expenses?
  • ?What are your current debts?
  • ?How many dependents do you have?
  • ?Do you pay alimony or child support?
  • ?Can you afford your lifestyle?

What Are Lenders Looking For?
  • Character whether you possess the honesty and
    reliability to pay credit debts
  • ?Have you used credit before?
  • ?Do you pay your bills on time?
  • ?Do you have a good credit report?
  • ?Can you provide character references?
  • ?How long have you lived at your present
  • ?How long have you been at your present job?
  • Collateral serves as a type of insurance for the
  • The creditor is interested in determining whether
    you have any assets that could be sold to pay off
    your loan in the event that you are unable to do
  • ?Do you have a checking account?
  • ?Do you have a savings account?
  • ?Do you own any stocks or bonds?
  • ?Do you have any valuable collections or
  • ?Do you own your own home?
  • ?Do you own a car?
  • ?Do you own a boat?

What Are Lenders Looking For?
  • Capital having personal items of value.
  • ?Do you have a car?
  • ?Do you have a home?

  • Credit Reports and Scores

  • How Credit Works For and Against You
  • Maintaining Good Credit
  • A good rating on a credit report means that in
    the past bills have been paid on time.
  • How Bad is Bad Credit?
  • A poor rating indicates overdue or unpaid items.

Your Credit Report
  • Your ability to qualify for a loan depends on a
    credit report.
  • A credit report is a record of an individuals
    personal credit history.
  • When a person applies for a loan, the lender will
    order a credit report to see how well the
    applicant has managed credit in the past.
  • A credit report will tell, in detail, how much
    the person has borrowed, from whom, and whether
    the bills have been paid on time.
  • Credit reports are compiled by credit bureaus,
    which regularly collect information on millions
    of consumers.
  • Credit bureaus get information from a variety of
    sources, including stores, credit card companies,
    banks, mortgage companies, and medical providers.

Credit Reporting Agencies
  • Mistakes can and do occur on credit reports. For
    example, a credit report may contain
  • information about someone with the same name, or
    paid accounts may be listed as
  • unpaid. The law provides individuals with a means
    of requesting and reviewing their credit
  • report and having mistakes corrected. Under the
    Fair Credit Reporting Act you have the
  • right to get a copy of your credit report from a
    credit bureau. The three largest credit
  • bureaus are

Equifax P.O. Box 105496 Atlanta, GA 30348-5496 www.equifax.com 800.997.2493 Experian P.O. Box 2104 Allen, TX 75013-2104 www.experian.com 888.397.3742 Trans Union P.O. Box 1000 Chester, PA 19022 www.transunion.com
Free annual credit report www.annualcreditreport.
com (only authorized source)
Information on FICO Scores Credit
  • Whats In Your FICO Score
  • http//www.myfico.com/CreditEducation/WhatsInYour
  • The Federal Trade Commission
  • http//www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/credit/inde

Other Credit Items
  • Credit Traps and Predatory Lending
  • Credit Counseling
  • Identity Theft
  • The Golden Rule

Credit Advantages
  • Access to cash in an emergency
  • Ability to use it now
  • Safety and convenience

  • Debt is the entire amount of money you owe to

  • Secured debt the creditor has given you credit
    to buy an item that they can take back
    (repossess) if you dont make your payments.
  • Generally secured debt involves major purchases.
    Examples of include
  • House or condominium, Land, Time share,
    Automobile, Boat
  • If you allow a secured debt to be repossessed for
    non-payment, youll damage your credit rating.
  • Unsecured debt credit granted to you where
    property cant be repossessed. Examples include
  • Credit cards, Student loans, Payday loans,
    Medical bills not covered by insurance

  • Good debt
  • Example borrowing to pay for a home--considered
    good debt because youre purchasing a tangible
    asset that will generally be worth more over
  • Most secured debts are usually considered good
    debt but there are some exceptions. For instance,
    new cars lose as much as 20 of their value as
    soon as they are driven off the lot.
  • Bad debt
  • Most unsecured debts are considered to be bad
    debt with the exception of student loans.
  • If you complete your degree, the money you
    borrowed to pay for your education will be
    returned to you throughout your lifetime by the
    type of job. Youll obtain and the higher wages
    youll earn.
  • Its never good to carry credit card debt.
    Interest rates can be staggering, and balances
    and interest costs will grow when you make
    irregular or minimum payments.

A Word About Debt
  • What is a debt load? What is a safe amount of
    credit for you to carry? How do creditors find
    out what a persons debt load is? How do I know
    my own debt load?
  • This debt/income ratio is figured with monthly
  • To figure this ratio add all of your non-housing
    monthly payments except for your utilities or
    taxes. Then compare that total with your total
    gross annual wages divided by 12. If you dont
    have fixed monthly payments on revolving debts
    such as credit cards, estimate your monthly
    payments at 4 of the total amount you owe.
  • Monthly debt payments/Total monthly income
    monthly non-housing debt/income ratio. Its
    usually expressed as a percentage so move the
    decimal point 2 places to the right and add the

Rule of Thumb
  • A conservative rule of thumb the 20-10 Rule.
  • Total household debt including your housing
    payments shouldnt exceed 20 of your net
    household income.
  • Remember your net income is how much you bring
    home in your paycheck and monthly payments on
    the debt shouldnt exceed 10 of net monthly
  • Another conservative rule of thumb for mortgage
    debt is the 28/36 rule.
  • Your non-housing debt shouldnt exceed 28 of
    your gross (your total) income, and your total
    debt consumer debt plus housing debt
    shouldnt exceed 36 of your gross income.

How Much Debt Can You Afford?
  • Example
  • Yearly income after taxes and deductions 28,000
  • Monthly income 2,333 (28,000/12)
  • Amt. of consumer pmts. per month you can afford
  • (15-20 of your after tax income)
  • 2,333 .15 355 to 2,333 .20 467

  • So youve got a bunch of debt. What do you do?
    Add up your debts and find out where you stand.
    You cant make payoff decisions without a clear
    picture of what you owe. Look at the amounts owed
    and determine how much you are paying to all of
    your creditors.

Amt. Owed APR Monthly Pmt. Payoff Goal
VISA 2,500 18.0 40 5 years
Dentist 150 5.0 25 6 months
Student Loan 25,000 8.2 340 10 years
Car 10,000 9.0 200 5 years
Total 37,650 605
Manage Your Debt
  • Paying 605 every month is going to pay off your
    debt. The secret to getting rid of debt is to
    keep paying at least 605 a month until the debt
    is gone. In six months when the dentist is paid
    off, take the extra 25 and apply it to the Visa
    card since it has the highest interest rate.
  • Keep the payments at 605. To quickly reduce your
    debt, apply any extra cash to high interest debt.
    Using this payment strategy, the debt in this
    example would be paid off in less than 10 years.

Managing Debt
  • Negotiating with Creditors
  • The Perils of Credit Card and other Consumer Debt
  • Debt Consolidation Options
  • The IRS

Tips How to Get Out of Debt
  • Dont wait to act
  • Create a plan to get out of debt
  • Cut expenses
  • Honestly assess your ability to pay and take
    appropriate action
  • Try to increase income
  • Keep making payments when debt is paid off
  • Consolidate loans
  • Limit the number of credit cards you own
  • Try to stop most credit card offers from arriving
    in the mail (call (888) 5OPT-OUT
  • Debt Counseling

Financial literacy isnt just a matter of
knowing what you have and knowing your options.
It is a matter of planning for lifes milestones.
Thank You!
  • National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
  • M ney ense
  • For more information visit www.nabainc.org

360 Degrees of Financial Literacy
  • 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is a national
    effort of the CPA profession to improve the
    financial understanding of Americans. It
    provides a comprehensive approach to financial
    education, focusing on the information Americans
    need at every life stage, from childhood to
    retirement. CPAs volunteer their time and
    expertise to educate members of their communities
    about financial issues.
  • Visit www.360financialliteracy.org for tools to
    help you make sound financial decisions.
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