Title: Bi Nanowires -----200 nm (~80
1 A. Thermopower for pure element
(2007.1.2- 2007.1.12)
(2006.12. 18- 2006.12.31 )
Te Nanowires ---200 nm (80µm thick)
---70 nm ---20
Bi Nanowires -----200 nm (80µm thick)
-----70 nm
-----20 nm
Goal Collect the data and analyze the
difference. It is the basis for
improving the thermopower of Bi2Te3
If the values of thermopower are reasonable, the
thermal diffusivity measurements will be carried
out. It is ready to prepare the paper.
If the values of thermopower are bad, it is
necessary to re-think about materials and
2 B. Thermopower for Bi2Te3 (2007.1.15- 2007.2. 28
1. Bi2Te3 Nanowires -----200 nm (80µm thick)
-----70 nm
-----20 nm 2. Review
the previous data 3.
Goal Obtain higher thermopower values,
acceptable resistivity, and thermal
conductivity. ?
get ZT Deadline for paper (2007.3.1)
3C. Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluid--Au (??, ??,
(2006.12.14- 2007.1.31 )
1. Theory study --- Model for Heat Conduction in
Nanofluids (P.R.L,
93, 144301 (2004))--(??, ??, ??) 2. Thermal
diffusivity measurements of Au Nanorod/H2O
(to give assistance) The results will
determine whether it is needed to continue Au
nanorod program. 3. Review the measured data. (Au
N.P Au N.R)
(2007.2.1? ? )
Any suitable materials for publishable ???
Goal excellent thermal conductivity for