Title: Scanned Probe Imaging of Switching Centers in Molecular Devices
1Scanned Probe Imaging of Switching Centers in
Molecular Devices
Chun Ning (Jeanie) Lau Dr. Duncan Stewart Dr. R.
Stanley Williams Prof. Marc Bockrath (Caltech)
- HP Labs
- Quantum Science Research
2Molecular Electronics
- Challenges
- Fabrication
- Architecture
- New devices
- Ultimate limit of miniaturization
- Self-assembly ? low fabrication cost
3Fault-tolerant Architecture
Nano-imprint Lithography
- fast fabrication of nm scale features over cm area
- 1 THz multi-architecture computer
- Largest defect-tolerant computer
- 220,000 (3) defective components
- 106 gates operating at 106 cycle/sec
- addresses problem of lt100 yield
Heath et al, Science (1997).
6 Gbits/cm2
Y. Chen, G.Y. Jung et al. (2003).
4Molecular Switches
- Potential applications as memory or logic devices
- Previously studied systems Nanopore, STM,
cross-bar - Molecules studied rotaxane, catanane, OPE,
Unsolved Question
- What are the switching mechanism(s)?
- Proposed
- conformational change of molecules
- eletrical charge transfer, electron localization
- molecule-metal contacts
5Switching of Metal/Alkane/Metal Junctions
Our Experiment
6Switching of Metal/Alkane/Metal Junctions
- Asymmetric electrodes (Ti Pt)
- Reversible switching dependent on bias direction
Stewart et al, Nano Lett., in press.
7Novel Scanned-Probe Technique
- Apply mN force with AFM tip while measuring
device conductance - Simultaneously explores electrical and local
mechanical properties - AFM tip not electrically connected to the device
8AFM Imaging of Mechanically-induced Conductance
- Plot conductance through junction as a function
of tip position - AFM tip applies mN force ? pressure 103 104
9Conductance Map (off state)
Conductance (Off)
15 mm
Molecular junction in the off state exhibited
no observable electrical response to local
mechanical perturbation by the AFM tip.
10Conductance Map (On state)
Conductance (On)
15 mm
- A nanoscale conductance peak (switching
center) emerges when the junction turn on.
11Switching Centers
Switching on of a device is always accompanied
by the emergence of a new nanoscale
pressure-induced conductance peak.
12Switching off
The switching center faded and completely
vanished with successive switchings to lower
conductance states.
13Our Experimental Finding
Lau et al, in preparation.
- Under mechanical pressure, a single nanoscale
conductance peak (switching center) appears when
the junction is switched on, and disappeared
when off. - Formation and dissolution of nanoscale
structural inhomogenities on the junction give
rise to switching.
What are these inhomogenities?
14A Simple Model
- Transport across molecular monolayer via
tunneling - When switched on, electrodes move closer
together within a nanoscale region ? dominate
transport - Conductance only increase when the AFM tip is
compressing the nano-asperity.
Nano-asperity (top or bottom electrodes)
15Applying Pressure with AFM tip
Elasticity theory (LandauLifshitz) point force
applied to semi-infinite plane strain
at (x,y,d)
E Youngs modulus 80 GPa for metals and
alkane molecules d thickness of top electrode
30 nm
- Monolayer compressed by dz ( 0.2 Å for F 1
mN) - Spatial resolution 40 nm Limited by tip
radius and thickness of top electrode.
16A Simple Model
- Nano-asperity dominate transport
G Goff (Gon-Goff )exp (- b ? dz(x, y))
nano-asperity located at (0,0)
off state conductance
1.2 mS
No free parameters Goff 0.1mS, Gon1.3mS,
b1Å-1, dz (0,0) 0.2 Å
- Good agreement between model and data
- switching on ? growth of asperity
17Nanoscale Filaments
On/off ratio 105
- Ggtgtconductance quantum GQ ? Continuous
filamentary pathway - switching ? formation and dissolution of
nano-filaments - Nature and growth mechanism of filaments?
- (thermal migration, electrochemical reaction,
18Effect of Force on Conductance
600 nm
0.1 mN
Conductance within a switching center increases
with increasing applied force.
0.6 mN
1.5 mN
3 mN
Vbias 0.1 V
- Novel experimental technique that probes
nanocale conductance pathways through molecular
junctions - New switching mechanism with high on/off ratio
due to formation and break-down of conductive
Under Investigation
- filament growth mechanism
- pressure dependence
- other systems (other molecules, different
electrodes) - role of electrodes in metal/molecule/metal
structures ? better engineering of
molecule-based devices.
20mastery of nanoscale systems
- molecular devices
- superconducting nanowires nanorings
- ferromagnetic nanowires
- single molecules
- carbon nanotubes
- nanosensors
Were only at the base camp.
21Silicon ElectronicsWires SwitchesArchitectu
reLithography DepositionComplex physical
structurePerfect fabricationMemory Logic
NanoelectronicsWires SwitchesChemical
synthesis assemblySimple physical
structureImperfect fabricationArchitecture?Me
mory Logic
22Nanoscale filaments
Nanoscale filaments grows or shrinks ? switching
- Electromigration?
- Elecrochemical migration?
- Thermal migration?
- Single dominant pathway ? Runaway process?
23Switching Centers
Device A
Switching on of a device is always accompanied
by the emergence of a new nanoscale
pressure-induced conductance peak.
24Nanoscale Filaments?
Device A
Device B
- Unperturbed conductance 800 mS 10 GQ
- Small increase in conductance under pressure 1
- Unperturbed conductance ltlt GQ
- Relatively large increase in conductance under
pressure 16
25Nano-imprint Lithography
- nm scale features over cm area
Y. Chen, G.Y. Jung et al.
26Fault-tolerant Architecture
- 1 THz multi-architecture computer
- Largest defect-tolerant computer
- 220,000 (3) defective components
- 106 gates operating at 106 cycle/sec
- Built from programmable gate arrays
- Computes with look-up tables
Philip Kuekes
Collier et al, Science 1998.
27Nano-imprint Lithography
- fast fabrication of nnm scale features over cm
Y. Chen, G.Y. Jung et al.
28Nano-conducting Channels
Top Electrode
A local dominant nanoscale conducting channel
Bottom Electrode
Conductance image
29Switching On of Molecular Junctions
A conductance hot-spot appeared under mechanical
modulation when the junction was switched on.
- Diameter 50 nm AFM tip radius
- 10 increase in conductance under 2 mN
30Another Device
1.025 1.112
1.200 Current (nA)
A new hot spot always appeared after switching
on the junction
31Transport Through Molecular devices
Stewart et al, in preparation.
diode r5 x 105
Chang et al, APL (2003)
Single Molecule Measurements
Nanoscale junctions
32Molecular Electronics
- Ultimate limit of miniaturization
- Self-assembly ? low fabrication cost
- Designer molecules