Title: National Animal ID: Adult and Youth
1National Animal IDAdult and Youth
- Scott P. Greiner, Ph.D.
- Extension Animal Scientist, Beef
- Virginia Tech
2Recent Developments
- USDA published timeline
- January 2008- premise registration and animal ID
required - January 2009- reporting of defined animal
movements required program mandatory - USDA agrees to privatized animal movement
3State Vet. USDA Premise Allocator
Cow Calf Stocker Feeder Packer Markets
Private Database
NAIS Database
Premise/movement data Industry/production data
Premise/movement data
4Virginia Status
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6Experiences With RFID
Virginia Cooperative Extension Virginia
Cattlemens Association Livestock Markets Area
Cattlemens Associations
7Source and Age Verification
- VQA cattle
- Buckingham Cattlemens Assoc. (Lynchburg)
- Central Virginia Cattlemens Assoc. (Radiant)
- Amelia Area Cattlemens Assoc. (Blackstone)
- Digital Angel combo tag
- Readers
- Y-tex panel readers
- Digital Angel tarp reader
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15Read Rates
- CVCA- Radiant
- Y-tex, 29 in. chute width (panels on left)
- 95 on 105 cows (all in left ear)
- 90 on 600 feeder cattle (90 tagged in left
ear) - Buckingham- Lynchburg
- Y-Tex, 27 in. chute width (panels on both sides)
- 80 on feeder cattle (many tagged in right ear)
- Digital Angel tarp reader- read rate??
- Amelia- Blackstone
- Same reader as Radiant narrowed to 27 in.
- 76 read for 300 feeder cattle (60 in left ear)
16Observations- Tags
- Proper placement- left ear
- Read range varies by tag manufacturer
- Read range varies with tags from same mfg.
- RFID tags require specific applicator
17Observations- Readers
- Factors affecting read success
- Manufacturer
- Chute width
- Tag placement/orientation
- Animal size
- Cattle flow rate
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19What about the tags?
- Projected release 2005??
- 15 digit number
- 840 USA
- Tag distribution, official allocators- details
in the works - Currently no place to go with data (voluntary
20Animal Tracking
21Affected Species
- Beef and Dairy Cattle
- Sheep Goats
- Swine
- Poultry (including game birds)
- Horses
- Bison
- Llamas Alpaca
- Aquaculture
22Animal ID Programming
- Premise registration
- Incorporate with other programs
- Paper vs. web registrations
- Program will become mandatory
- Cooperate with other entities (markets,
beef/sheep groups, etc.) - Repetition and persistence prevail
23Why Do We Need ID?
- National animal identification will enhance
disease preparedness - Will reduce the financial and social impacts of
animal health incidents - ID will help gain market access and increase
consumer demand - Promote continued confidence in animal products
24Basic Message
Maintaining the health of the U.S. herd is the
most urgent issue for the industry and animal
health officials to address, and therefore, is
the most significant focus of the U.S. Animal
Identification Plan.
the goal of the National Identification System
is to have the capability to identify all
premises that had direct contact with a foreign
animal disease (FAD) within 48 hours after
25National Animal Identification System
- Work in progress and evolving
- Currently voluntary
- Animal Health Focus
- Management and surveillance
- Electronic System
- Premise ID
- Animal ID
- 48 hour traceback
26Basic Principles -Each premise uniquely
identified -Individual animals uniquely
identified -Coupling of premise and individual
animal ID as animal moves (changes
premises) -Animal movement data (tracking)
stored in National Database
- Regulators need to know where animals have been,
animals they have been commingled with, and
person to contact
27Programming Examples
- Premise ID mandatory with some local marketing
groups (feeder cattle or heifers) - Partnerships with livestock market
- VQA RFID project
- Premise registration
- Provide mechanism for adult education
- Captive audience
- ANR/4H collaboration
- Targeted educational program with leaders and
29Animal ID Opportunities
- Provide standardization for
- Age verification
- Source verification
- Process verification
30Producer Confusion
- Confusion/misconceptions
- Why do we need this???
- Caught up in details (premise vs. individual
registration vs. tracking vs. who/what/when) - Cost
- Government program
- Wait and see attitude
31VCE Plans
- Posters
- Display
- Web resources
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