Swine Housing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Swine Housing


Swine Housing The majority of pigs today are raised in total confinement Confinement Production What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of raising swine in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Swine Housing

Swine Housing
  • The majority of pigs today are raised in total

Confinement Production
  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages
    of raising swine in confinement?

  • Less labor per cwt of pork produced
  • A more stable environment
  • Fewer parasites
  • Less disease problems
  • Increased productivity

  • Buildings and equipment are very expensive
  • Energy costs
  • Reproductive problems
  • Waste disposal

Waste Handling
  • Manure disposal is a critical part of raising
    pigs in total confinement (3-4 T/200 lb hog/yr.
  • Typical methods of handling waste in confinement
    buildings include
  • Gutter flush to a lagoon
  • Manure pit
  • Mechanical scraper

Floors in Swine Buildings
  • Solid concrete
  • Partially slotted
  • Total slotted
  • Expanded metal
  • Plastic coated expanded metal
  • Plastic

Farrowing Facilities
  • In the past individual farrowing houses were
    quite common when sows and pigs were raised on
  • Today most farrowing houses are central in
  • Central farrowing houses consist of one or more
    rooms that accommodate groups of sows

Farrowing House Continued
  • Most producers use farrowing crates
  • Years ago the majority of sows were kept in
    individual pens prior to and after farrowing
  • Crates are preferred today because they result in
    more pigs weaned per litter

Nursery Facilities
  • Nursery barns often contain several rooms with
    each room designed to accommodate the number of
    pigs from an individual farrowing room
  • Small pens designed to handle 6 to 8 pigs are
    very common although some pens may be large
    enough to handle 16 to 25 pigs

Nursery Building Continued
  • The facilities are designed to provide a fairly
    stable environment
  • These facilities may be designed to accommodate 3
    week old pigs or perhaps 10 d old pigs
  • Supplemental heat is provided via heat lamps,
    radiant heaters or perhaps heat in the floor

Grow-Finish Facilities
  • Environmentally enclosed (totally enclosed)
    buildings are the most popular today
  • Open-front buildings popular in the 60s
  • Modified open front (MOF) buildings were popular
    in the 80s
  • Hoop buildings are the most recent
  • Space requirements of 8-10 sq.ft./hd for G-F

  • Nipple waterers are very popular in confinement
  • Water cups are also popular
  • Some buildings (particularly gestation buildings)
    may use a concrete feed trough as a place to
    provide water after feeding
  • Rule-of-thumb provide one waterer/15 pigs

Feeding Equipment
  • Self feeders are generally used for nursery and
    grow-finish pigs
  • Breeding stock are generally limit fed via floor
    feeding or in self feeders
  • Pigs per feeder space range from 2 for nursery
    pigs to 4-5 for finishing pigs.

Terms you should know
  • Segregated early weaning (SEW)
  • Split-sex feeding
  • Phase feeding
  • Multiple-site systems
  • All-in-all-out (AIAO)

Terms defined
  • SEW refers to weaning the pigs at 10-14 days of
    age when they are still protected from diseases
    via passive immunity from the mothers milk.
    These pigs are removed from the sow and placed in
    a separate building.

Terms continued
  • Split-sex feeding refers to feeding gilts and
    barrows separate since gilts are normally leaner
    than barrows and as a result have a higher
    protein requirement.
  • Phase Feeding refers to frequent changes in the
    diet to more closely meet the specific nutrient
    requirements for various weight groups.

Terms continued
  • Multiple-site systems generally refers to
    having a different location for
    breeding-gestation-farrowing versus nursery
    versus grower-finishing.
  • AIAO refers to a management system where all
    animals from a particular building or room are
    moved in and out on the same day.
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