Title: Ethics in Management Research
1Ethics in Management Research
- What are ethics?
- What are ethical principles
- Ethical business behaviour
- Brief history of evolution of ethics in research
- Ethical principles
- Ethics in research
- Qualitative vs quantitative data
3What are ethics?
- Societal norms adopted by a group
- A conception of conduct that is right or wrong
- Deal with fundamental human relationships
- Are a universal human trait
4Ethical Principles What are they?
- Guides to moral behaviour
- Good honesty, keeping promises, helping others,
respective rights of others - Bad lying, stealing, deceiving, harming others
- Universality of ethical principles should apply
in the same manner in all countries, cultures,
communities - Relativity of ethical principles vary from
country to country, community to community
5Ethical Relativism
- Defined by
- Various periods of time in history
- A societys traditions
- The special circumstances of the moment
- Personal opinion
- Meaning given to ethics are relative to time,
place, circumstance, and the person involved
6Reasons for Ethical Business Behaviour
- Fulfill public expectations for business
- Prevent harming others
- Improve business relations
- Improve employee productivity
- Reduce penalties
- Protect business from others
- Protect employees from their employers
- Promote personal morality
7Business Ethics Across Organizational Functions
- Accounting ethics honesty, integrity, accuracy
- Marketing ethics (Professional Codes of Conduct
in Marketing Information Systems from
American Marketing Association) - Information systems ethics
- Others
8History of Ethics in Research
- In the past not given attention
- Changed with Nuremberg trial findings
- Nuremberg Code (1948)
- Thalidomide (late 1950s)
- Declaration of Helsinki (1964)
- Tearoom Trade (1960s)
- Milgram (1963)
- Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972)
9Ethics in Research Why?
- To protect rights and welfare of research
participants - and
- to protect the wider society or community within
which the research is being conducted
10Mechanisms of Protection
- Ethical regulations or guidelines
- Law
- Universal principles of human rights
11Ethical Principles
- In research, help to make and to justify
decisions - Are abstract and difficult to implement in
practical situations - Key phrases
- Voluntary participation
- Informed consent
- Risk of harm
- Confidentiality
- Anonymity
12Human Subjects
- Canada
- Tri-council Policy Statement Ethical Conduct
for Research Involving Humans - Medical Research Council of Canada
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC) - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
of Canada (SSHRC) - http//www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/english/policystatemen
13Ethical Principles Guiding Research
- Respect for human dignity
- Respect for free and informed consent
- Respect for vulnerable persons
- Respect for privacy and confidentiality
- Respect for justice and inclusiveness
- Balancing harms and benefits
- Minimizing harm
- Maximizing benefit
141. Human Dignity
- Cardinal Principle
- Basis of ethical obligations
- Two essential components
- The selection and achievement of morally
acceptable ends - The morally acceptable means to those ends
- Protect the multiple and interdependent interests
of the person (bodily, psychological, cultural
152. Consent
- Presumption that individuals have capacity and
right to make free and informed decisions - In research dialogue, process, rights, duties,
requirements for free and informed consent by the
research subject - Your research cannot proceed without consent
- Consent must be maintained throughout
163. Vulnerable Persons
- Ethical obligations towards vulnerable persons
- Diminished competence
- Diminished decision-making capacity
- Entitled to special protection, special
procedures to protect their interests - Entitlement (based on grounds of human dignity,
caring, solidarity, fairness) to special
protection against abuse, exploitation,
174. Privacy Confidentiality
- Fundamental to human dignity
- Standards protect the access, control,
dissemination of personal information - Helps to protect mental, psychological integrity
- 9-11
185. Harms and Benefits
- Balance critical to ethics of human research
- Foreseeable harms should not outweigh anticipated
benefits - Harms-benefits analysis affects welfare and
rights of subjects
196. Justice and Inclusiveness
- i.e., fairness and equity
- Procedural justice
- Application process
- Distributive justice
- Harms and benefits
207. Non-malfeasance
- Duty to avoid, prevent or minimize harm
- No unnecessary risk of harm
- Participation must be essential to achieving
scientifically and societally important aims that
cannot be realized without the participation of
human subjects - Minimizing harm requires smallest number of human
subjects that will ensure valid data
218. Beneficence
- The duty to benefit others
- The duty to maximize net benefits
- Produce benefits for subjects themselves, other
individuals - Produce benefits for society as a whole and for
the advancement of knowledge (usually the primary
22Qualitative vs Quantitative Data
- Quantitative
- Logic rests on generalizability
representativeness - Sample size is criterion for judging rigour
- Respondents can refuse to answer questions
- Qualitative approaches
- Designed to best reflect experiences
- Therefore most qualitative research less formally
structured - Logic rests on notice of saturation the point
at which no new insights are likely to be
obtained - Saturation guides sample size
23Qualitative Issues
- More invasive therefore ethical issues more
subtle - Tendency to investigate more completely
- Reliance on observations, interviews, stealthy
methods can lull subjects - Easy to violate confidentiality and trust
- Power and status differentials
24Confidentiality Anonymity
- Quantitative Techniques
- Can be easier
- Anonymity of the firm sometimes impossible
- Pseudonyms common but do not eliminate problem
- Qualitative Techniques
- Smaller sample sizes
- Informed consent more critical
- Problems with data presentation/ publication
25Obligations of the Researcher
- Follow code of ethics
- Objectivity
- No misrepresentation
- Preserve anonymity and confidentiality
- Competing research proposals
26Rights Obligations of Subject
- Right to informed consent
- Obligation to be truthful
- Right to privacy
- Right to confidentiality
- Right to no harm
- Right to be informed
27Rights Obligations of Client (User)
- Ethical conduct between buyer and seller
- Obligation to reduce bias
- Do not mis-represent data
- Privacy
- Commitment to research
- Pseudo-pilot studies
- Advocacy
- The language you use is very, very important.
What may be clear to you may not be clear to the
reader. The reader, who is your prospective
participant, is in a different world than you
dont expect the reader to read your mind, to
know your intentions.