1True Love Obedience (Deut. 61-9 John 316)
2- Let Us Consider
- John 316 in the context of other passages in
scripture - Mark 124 - unclean spirits acknowledges Jesus
as Son of God - -What conclusion are we forced to make?
- James 219 - confirms that obedience must
accompany belief - -Love, Faith, and Obedience cannot be separated!
3Love Obedience in Scripture Deut. 61-25
Thou shalt love the Lord thy Godand these
words today which I command you shall be in
your heart Psalms 119 (vss) -16 delight
myself in your statutes -20 my soul longs for
your judgements -24 your testimonies are my
delights -31 I cling to your testimonies -40 I
long for your precepts -47 I love your
commandments -97 O how I love your Law -113 I
love your Law -119 I love your
testimonies -159 I love your precepts Does
sound like a love that has a regard for Gods
4- Same Love That Jesus Speaks Of
- John 1415 If you love me, ..
- John 1421 He who has my commandments..
- John 1423 If anyone loves me,..
- John 1510 If you keep my commandments, .
- John 1514 You are my friends, if
- Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the
things which I say? (Lk 646) - Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lordbut he who
does the will (Mt 721)
5His yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matt
Love God with all Your Heart Matt 2237
Love One Another John 1512
Pray w/o Ceasing 1 Thess 517
Sing, Encourage Eph 519
Assemble Together Heb 1025
Preach the Word Mark 1615 Acts 84
Teach Others, Study Col 316 2 Tim 215
Rebuke False Teachers 1 Tim 13
Be Like Minded Phil 127-28
Abstain from every form of evil 1 Thess 522
Abstain from fleshly desires 1 Pet 211
Good Works (know to do and dont) James 417
Mercy, kindness, meekness, patience, forgiveness, love Col 312
6Examples of Loves Relationship to
Obedience Those With Excuses for Not
Obeying Adam (Gen 312) Eve (Gen
313) Cain (Gen 49) Moses (Exodus
311-413) Saul (1 Sam 108 1312
153-20) Jonah (Jonah 12 3) Elijah (1
Kings 1910) Rich Young Ruler (Luke
1818) Agrippa (Acts 2628)
7Examples of Loves Relationship to
Obedience Obedience without Excuses Noah
(Gen 75) Abram (Gen 121) David (2 Sam
1213) Saul (Acts 9) Apostles (Matt 2818,
Mk 1615) Us?? (John 1421) ..if anyone
loves me, he will keep my word. If we say we
love him and know him, we must keep his
commandments! (1 John 23)
8His yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matt
Love God with all Your Heart Matt 2237
Love One Another John 1512
Pray w/o Ceasing 1 Thess 517
Sing, Encourage Eph 519
Assemble Together Heb 1025
Preach the Word Mark 1615 Acts 84
Teach Others, Study Col 316 2 Tim 215
Rebuke False Teachers 1 Tim 13
Be Like Minded Phil 127-28
Abstain from every form of evil 1 Thess 522
Abstain from fleshly desires 1 Pet 211
Good Works (know to do and dont) James 417
Mercy, kindness, meekness, patience, forgiveness, love Col 312
9John 1431 But that the world may know that I
love the Father, and as the Father gave Me
commandment, so I do.
John 1415 If you love Me, keep My commandments.