Managing Business Relationships Leadership - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Managing Business Relationships Leadership


Managing Business Relationships Leadership Dr. Vesselin Blagoev * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Moral Leadership The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Managing Business Relationships Leadership

Managing Business RelationshipsLeadership
  • Dr. Vesselin Blagoev

Managerial Roles Activities
  • Informational- monitoring (scanning for)
    information, disseminating and acting as
  • Decisional. allocating resources (ie budgets and
    schedules), handling disturbances (pressures and
    crises) and negotiating.
  • Interpersonalleader, liaison and figurehead
  • In the last category we have the relationship

  • and
  • Leadership

  • A vital and, some argue, increasingly dominant,
    aspect of organisation is the role of management
    and leadership. Research and academic and
    practitioner interest in management and
    leadership has (sic) blossomed during the latter
    part of the twentieth century. As interest in and
    concern about organisational change has grown,
    the role of leadership has been emphasised.
    Brooks 2003 p.146.

  • T.J.Watson 2002 p.3 ( reproducing a conversation
    between Watson and a real life manager)
  • So the problem is..?
  • Its the people management thing. Its
    handling the people who work for me. They are a
    constant headache. Ive tried to read the books
    and Ive been on people management courses. I
    didnt miss one of the OB classes on my MBA
    course. But I still despair at the difficulty I
    have with managing people in my function.
  • Why is this do you think?
  • Perhaps its because they are marketing people.
    We often say that managing marketing people is
    like herding cats. Can you imagine trying to herd
    cats? Its a powerful image isnt it?

  • Does leadership matter?
  • Impact of ex- New York mayor Giuliani after the
    events of September 11th 2001.
  • In the weeks that followed, Giuliani provided
    the leadership that the public so craved. Day
    after day, his mastery of the details of rescue
    and recovery plus his calm explanations of awful
    news helped to reassure a traumatised city that
    the crisis was under control. He found just the
    right balance between being a hardnosed
    administrator and a caring and emotional
    leader. MBR (2004) p.72.

  • The ability to influence a group toward the
    achievement of goals

  • Leadersaim to influence and guide others into
    pursuing particular objectives or visions of the
    future and to stimulate them into wanting to
    follow Brooks 2003 p.150.

Management and Leadership
  • Management is about the efficiency
  • Leadership is about inspiration

Theories about Leadership
  • Trait theories
  • Behavioral theories
  • Contingency theories

  • Trait theories

LeadershipTrait theories
  • Theories that consider personal qualities and
    characteristics that differentiate leaders from
  • The leaders are born
  • Often described as charismatic, enthusiastic and

LeadershipTrait theories
  • Research in the 60s - over 80 traits
  • 5 are considered The Big Five

Trait theoriesThe Big Five
  • Extroverted enjoy being with people, full of
    energy, positive emotions, able to assert
  • Agreeable cooperation and social harmony, value
    the others
  • Conscientiousness disciplined, keep commitments
    they make

Trait theoriesThe Big Five
  • Emotional Intelligence (or inversely Emotional
    Stability) tendency to manage/experience
    negative feelings anxiety, anger, depression,
    emotionally reactive
  • Openness to Experience intellectually curious,
    creative and flexible

LeadershipTrait theories
  • Six traits on which leaders tend to differ from
  • Ambition and energy
  • Desire to lead
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Self-confidence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Job-relevant knowledge

  • Trait approach.personal qualities or
    characteristics .self-evidently a factor to some
    extent but the search for what leaders had in
    common only managed to establish the range of
    variation possible in leaders, from the short
    balding French Emperor to the handsome gay
    Macedonian one. P. Thompson D. McHugh 2002

  • Behavioral theories

LeadershipBehavioral theories
  • Specific behaviors differentiate leaders from
  • If there are such behaviors we can teach leaders

LeadershipBehavioral theories
  • Ohio State Studies
  • University of Michigan Studies
  • The Managerial Grid
  • Scandinavian Studies

LeadershipBehavioral theories
  • Ohio State Studies (late 40s)
  • Initiating structure define and structure
    his/her role, behavior that attempts to organize
    the work, goals, work relationships to achieve
    these goals
  • Consideration the extent to which the person is
    willing to base the relationships on mutual
    trust, respect for employees ideas, regard for
    their feelings

LeadershipBehavioral theories
  • University of Michigan Studies
  • Employee-oriented leader Emphasizing
    interpersonal relations taking a personal
    interest in the needs of employees and accepting
    individual differences among members
  • Production-oriented Emphasizing technical or
    task aspects of the job

LeadershipBehavioral theories
  • Blake Mouton (1964)
  • Managerial Grid A 9x9 matrix outlining 81
    different leadership styles. Concern for people
    (1.1-1.9 laissez-faire/easy going) and Concern
    for production (9.1-9.9 9.1 is authoritarian

LeadershipBehavioral theories
  • Scandinavian Studies (40-60s)
  • Development-oriented leader One who values
    experimentation, seeks new ideas, and generates
    and implements change
  • In the changing world effective leaders would
    use/show development-oriented behavior

  • Contingency theories

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Fiedler Contingency Model Favorability of
    leadership situation
  • Hersey Blanchards Situational Theory (Maturity
    of followers)
  • Vroom Yetton Leader-Participation (Quality and
    acceptance of leaders decisions)
  • House and Dressler Path-goal theory
  • Leader-Member Exchange Theory

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Fiedler contingency model Effective groups
    depend on a proper match between a leaders style
    of interacting with subordinates and the degree
    to which the situation gives control and
    influence to the leader.
  • Identifying leadership style LPC questionnaire
    -gt Least Preferred Coworker, 16 contrasting
    adjectives pleasant-unpleasant,
    efficient-inefficient. If you describe your LPC
    with favorable terms - you are relationship-orien
    ted. Otherwise task-oriented

Leadership Contingency theories
  • LPC Least preferred co-worker
    questionnaire/scale Rating given by leaders
    about the person with whom they could work least
  • Up to 20 questions pleasant/unpleasant,
    friendly/unfriendly helpful/frustrating,
    distant/close, co-operative/non-, open/guarded,
  • The LPC score is the sum of all marks ?
  • Pleasant
  • 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Interpretation the leader with a high LPC score
    derives most satisfaction from interpersonal
    relationships and if needed he/she is motivated
    to act in a supportive, considerate manner
  • The leader with low LPC score derives most
    satisfaction from a performance of a task and
    achieving objectives

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Favorability of the leadership situation
    (Fiedler) 3 major variables which determine the
    favorability of the situation and which affect
    the leaders role and influence ?

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Defining the situation
  • Leader-member relations The degree of
    confidence, trust and respect members have in
    their leader and their willingness to follow him
  • Task structure degree to which the task is
    clearly defined, assignments are procedurised
  • Position power degree of influence for hiring,
    firing, promotions, salary increase

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Fiedler constructs 8 combinations of group-task
    situations from these 3 variables
  • When the situation is
  • Very favourable (good L-member relations,
    structured task, strong position power) or
  • Very unfavourable (poor L-member relations,
    unstructured task, weak position power) ?
  • Then a task-oriented leader (low LPC score) with
    a directive, controlling style will be more

Leadership Contingency theories
  • When the situation is
  • moderately favourable and the variables are
  • Then a leader with an interpersonal relationship
    orientation (high LPC score) with a participative
    approach will be more effective

Leadership Contingency theories Cognitive Resource
  • Fiedler Garcia Cognitive resource theory
    states that stress unfavorably affects a
    situation and that intelligence (low pressure)
    and experience (high pressure) can lessen the
    influence of stress on the leader

Leadership Contingency theoriesSituational
Theory (SLT)
  • Hersey Blanchard? ReadinessAbility and
    Willingness of people to perform a specific task
  • R1 Low follower Readiness both unable and
  • R2 Low to moderate follower R unable but
    willing, lack ability but motivated
  • R3 Moderate to high follower Readiness able
    but unwilling, able but insecure
  • R4 Able and willing ability commitment

Leader behavior
High relat
S3 Share ideas facilitate in making decisions
S2 Explain your decisions and provide opportunity
for clarification
Hi task Hi rel
Hi task Lo rel
High task Lo rel
Lo task Lo rel
Relationship (supportive) behavior
S4 Turn over responsibi-lity for decisions and
S1 Provide specific instructions and control
Low relat
Low task
High task Task
Leadership Contingency theoriesSituational
Theory (SLT)
  • Task and Relationship behaviour ? 4 leadership
  • S1 Telling high amount of guidance but limited
    supportive behavior best for R1
  • S2 Selling high amount of guidance and
    supportive behavior best for R2
  • S3 Participating low amount of guidance but
    extensive supportive behavior best for R3
  • S4 Delegating little amount of guidance and
    supportive behavior best for R4

Leader behavior
High relat
S3 Share ideas facilitate in making decisions
S2 Explain your decisions and provide opportunity
for clarification
Hi task Hi rel
Hi task Lo rel
High task Lo rel
Lo task Lo rel
Relationship (supportive) behavior
S4 Turn over responsibi-lity for decisions and
S1 Provide specific instructions and control
Low relat
Low task
High task Task
Leadership Contingency theories LMX Theory
  • Leader-Member Exchange Theory Leaders create
    in-groups and out-groups. Subordinates with
    in-group status will have higher performance
    ratings, less turnover, and greater job

Leadership Contingency theoriesPath-Goal Theory
  • Path-goal theory (House, Dessler) it is the
    leaders job to assist followers in attaining
    their goals and to provide the necessary
    direction and/or support to ensure that their
    goals are compatible with the overall objectives
    of the group or organization

Leadership Contingency theoriesPath-Goal Theory
  • House ? 4 types of leadership behaviour
  • Directive
  • Supportive
  • Participative consulting with subordinates,
    evaluation of their opinion before decisions
  • Achievement-oriented setting challenging goals
    for the subordinates, asking for improvements in
    their performance, etc
  • The leader can practice different behaviors
    depending on the task and situation

Leadership Contingency theoriesPath-Goal Theory
Path-goal theory
Leader-ship beha-viour Directive Supportive Partic
ipa-tive Achieve-ment-oriented
Personal characteristics of subordinates (how
they react to Mgrs behavior)
Goal clarity improved job performance and
Subordinates perceptions and motivation
Nature of the task (routine and structured or
non-r and unstructured)
Leadership Contingency theoriesLeader-Participati
on Model
  • Vroom Yetton Leader-participation Model 2
    aspects of the leaders decision
  • Decision quality, or rationality, is the effect
    that the decision has on group performance
  • Decision acceptance refers to the motivation and
    commitment of group members in implementing the
  • The 3rd consideration is the amount of time
    required to make the decision

Leadership Contingency theoriesLeader-Participati
on Model
  • Vroom Yetton 5 main mgmt decision styles
  • Autocratic
  • A.1 Leader solves/makes decisions alone
  • A.2 Leader gets information from subordinates
    but makes the decisions alone
  • Consultative
  • C.1 problem is shared individually with relevant
    subordinates. Then L makes the decision
  • C.2 problem is shared with subordinates as a
    group, then L makes the decision
  • Group the problem is shared with sub as a
    group. L acts as Chair, not as advocate. All make
    the decision

Leadership Contingency theoriesLeader-Participati
on Model
  • Vroom Jago contingency model 12 contingency
    variables leading to 5 styles
  • Quality requirements
  • Commitment requirements
  • Leader information
  • Problem structure and time constraints
  • Commitment probability
  • Goal congruence and geographical dispersion
  • Subordinate conflict and information
  • Motivation time and development

Leadership Contingency theories
  • Task and Relationship behaviour
  • Task behavior the extent to which the leader
    provides directions for the actions of the
    subordinates, sets goals for them, defines their
    roles and how to perform
  • Relationship behavior is the extent to which L
    engages in two-way communication with
    subordinates, listens to them and provides
    support and encouragement

  • Leaders
  • as
  • Shapers of Meaning

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
  • The leaders frame the future in a way which is
    understandable and acceptable by the others
  • Framing is a way to use the language to manage
  • Framing has a double meaning
  • framing targeting (what to see)
  • framing positioning (how to see it)

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
  • Charismatic leadership Followers make
    attributions of heroic or extraordinary
    leadership abilities when they observe certain
  • The charismatic leaders have 5 important
    characteristics vision and articulation,
    personal risk, environmental sensitivity,
    sensitivity to follower needs, unconventional

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
  • Visions and articulation The leader has a vision
    expressed as an idealized goal that proposes
    a future better than the status quo. It is able
    to clarify the importance of the vision in terms
    that are understandable to others

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
  • Personal risk The leader is willing to take on
    high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage
    in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision
  • Environmental sensitivity Able to make realistic
    assessments of the environmental constraints and
    resources needed to bring about change


Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
  • Sensitivity to follower needs The leaders are
    perceptive of others abilities and responsive to
    their needs and feelings
  • Unconventional behavior Engages in behaviors
    that are perceived as novel and counter to norms

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
  • When Charisma is a Liability Charisma appears
    to be most appropriate when the followers task
    has an ideological component or when the
    environment involves a high degree of stress and
    uncertainty. The charismatic leaders are mostly
    in politics, religion, wartime, or crisis in the

Transactional and Transformational Leadership
  • Transactional leaders who guide or motivate
    their followers in the direction of established
    goals by clarifying role and task requirements
  • Transformational leaders who inspire followers
    to transcend their own self-interests and who are
    capable of having a profound and extraordinary
    effect on followers


Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
Transformational Leadership
  • Transformational leadership is built up on the
    top of transactional leadership. The
    transactional leader may want followers to adopt
    the charismatics world view and go no further,
    while the transformational leader will want them
    to question the established view even his own

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
Transformational Leadership
  • Characteristics of the Transactional leader
  • Contingent Reward Promotes exchange of rewards
    for efforts, promises rewards for good
    performance, recognizes accomplishments
  • Management by Exceptions (active) Looks for
    deviations from rules, takes corrective actions
  • Management by Exceptions (passive) Intervenes
    only if standards are not met
  • Laissez-Faire Avoids making decisions


Leaders as Shapers of Meaning
Transformational Leadership
  • Characteristics of the Transformational leader
  • Charisma Provides vision and sense of mission,
    instills pride, gains respect and trust
  • Inspiration Communicates high expectations, uses
    symbols to focus efforts, expresses important
    purposes in simple ways
  • Intellectual situation Promotes intelligence,
    rationality, and careful problem solving
  • Individualized Consideration Gives personal
    attention, treats each employee individually,
    couches, advises

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning Visionary
  • Visionary Leadership the ability to create and
    articulate a realistic, credible, attractive
    vision of the future for an organization or
    organizational unit that grows out of and
    improves upon the present
  • Quality of a Vision inspirational possibilities
    that are value centered, realizable, with
    superior imagery and articulation. Visions have
    to create inspirational and unique possibilities

Leaders as Shapers of Meaning Visionary
  • Qualities of the Visionary Leader
  • Ability to explain the vision to others The
    vision has to be clear in terms of required
  • Ability to express the vision through the
    leaders behavior
  • Ability to extend the vision to different
    leadership contexts The vision has to be clear
    in every office of the company marketing or
    other, Sofia and Portsmouth

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a better predictor
    wholl become a leader than IQ expertise or any
    other single factor
  • EI has 5 components
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Self-motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
  • Self-awareness Exhibited by self-confidence,
    realistic self-assessment, and self-deprecating
    sense of humor
  • Self-management Exhibited by trustworthiness
    and integrity, comfort with ambiguity, and
    openness to change
  • Self-motivation Strong drive to achieve,
    optimism, and high organizational commitment

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
  • Empathy Exhibited by expertise in building and
    retaining talent, cross-cultural sensitivity, and
    service to clients and customers
  • Social skills Exhibited by ability to lead
    change, persuasiveness, and expertise in building
    and leading teams

Contemporary Leadership Roles
  • The leaders are
  • Liaisons with external constituencies, i.e. upper
    management, other leaders, suppliers, customers
  • Troubleshooters. Set meetings to solve the
  • Conflict managers they help to process the
  • Coaches for the team members

Contemporary Leadership Roles
  • Mentoring
  • Mentor is a senior employee who sponsors and
    supports a less experienced employee

Attribution Theory of Leadership
  • Leadership is merely an attribution that people
    make about other individuals
  • Example George H. Bush lost the second term
    elections after saying Read my lips. No new

Moral Leadership
  • The means used by the leaders paying to the
    participants in riots good or bad ?
  • Using leaders charisma to benefit from
    followers full support religious fights
  • Leadership is not value free
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