Title: Evolution
1Evolution a Theory in Crisis
Part 2 of 3 The Philosophical Bankruptcy of
Darwinian Evolution
Part 1 The Scientific Bankruptcy of Darwinian
Evolution Part 3 The Biblical Creation
Alternative Its Implications
A set of beliefs reached by investigation
contemplation of the cause and nature of being
and reality.
Your take on life
- Logical Positivism Existentialism Relativism
- Pragmatism Utilitarianism Postmodernism
3James Dewey Watson (Co-discoverer of the
structure of DNA) Charles Darwin will
eventually be seen as a far more influential
figure in the history of human thought than
either Jesus Christ or Mohammed.
4It was because Darwinian theory broke mans
link with God and set him adrift in a cosmos
without purpose or end that its impact was so
fundamental. No other intellectual revolution
in modern timesso profoundly affected the way
men viewed themselves and their place in the
5The philosophical direction of Darwinism?
The cosmos is all there is.
61st Panel in Origin of Species exhibit
_at_Natural History Museum
7- The entire scientific ethos philosophy of
modern Western man is based to a large extent
upon the central claim of Darwinian theory that
humanity was not born by the creative intentions
of a deity but by a completely mindless trial
error selection of random molecular patterns. The
cultural importance of evolution theory is
therefore immeasurable, forming as it does the
centrepiece, the crowning achievement, of the
naturalistic view of the world, the final triumph
of the secular thesis which since the end of the
middle ages has displaced the old naïve
cosmo-logy of Genesis from the western mind.
Michael Denton Ph.D.
8Dark shadows
- Theology
- History
- Morality
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
9Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)
light came as in a flood and all was clear.
Not only had I got rid of theology and the
supernatural, but I had found the truth of
10I have done a great deal of work on Darwin and
can say with some assurance that Darwin did not
derive his theory from nature but rather
superimposed a certain philosophical world-view
on nature and then spent 20 years trying to
gather facts to make it stick. George
11LENIN (1870-1924)
MARX (1818-1883)
STALIN (1879-1953)
HAECKEL (1834-1919)
HITLER (1889-1945)
NIETZSCHE (1844-1900)
MAO (1893-1976)
FREUD (1856-1939)
12The Darwin statue Leninkept on his desk in the
13Frontispiece from Ernst Haeckels 1868 book The
Natural History of Creation
14Darwinism provided scientific justification for
15From Darwin to Hitler
Darwinism by itself did not produce the
Holocaust, but without Darwinism, especially in
its social Darwinist and eugenics permutations,
neither Hitler nor his Nazi followers would have
had the necessary scientific underpinnings to
convince themselves and their collaborators that
one of the worlds greatest atrocities was really
morally praiseworthy. Richard Weikart -
associate professor of modern European history at
California State University.
16An illogical outworking of the teachings of Christ
17A logical outworking of atheistic evolutionary
181904 The new world view actually rests on the
theory of evolution. On it we have to construct a
new ethicsAll values will have to be revalued
Darwinian biologist Arnold Dodel
19Darwinism continues to provide justification for
- Eugenics (screening)
- Abortion
- Embryonic Stem Cell research
- Euthanasia
- Infanticide
20- I had motives for not wanting the world to
have meaning consequently assumed it had none,
and was able without any difficulty to find
satisfying reasons for this assumption For
myself, as no doubt for most of my contemp-
oraries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was
essentially an instrument of liberation. The
liberation we desired was simultaneously
liberation from a certain political and economic
system and liberation from a certain system of
morality. We objected to the morality because it
interfered with our sexual freedom we objected
to the political and economic system because it
was unjust. - Aldous Huxley
21Not all atheists are immoral, but morality as
goodness cannot be justified with atheistic
presuppositions He may have personal moral
values, but he cannot have any sense of
compelling and universal moral obligation. Moral
duty cannot logically operate without a moral
law and there is not moral law in an amoral
22William ProvineBiologist at Cornell University
- Darwinism means
- No life after death no ultimate foundation
for ethics no ultimate meaning for life no free
23The 4 Big Questions
- 1. Origin
- How did life come to be?
- 2. Meaning
- To what purpose is my life?
- 3. Morality
- How may I distinguish between right wrong?
- 4. Destiny
- What happens to me when I die?