Literary Elements, Devices - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Literary Elements, Devices


Title: Literary Elements Author: Jennifer Mendez Last modified by: Linda Austin Created Date: 2/12/2006 12:10:23 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Literary Elements, Devices

Literary Elements, Devices Terms
Types of Literature
  • Prose
  • Novel/Novella, Myth,
  • Short Story, Folk Tale,
  • Drama
  • Tragedy, Comedy, Melodrama
  • Poetry

  • It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can
    usually be identified as one of four kinds.
  • Man versus Man
  • Man versus Nature
  • Man versus Society
  • Man versus Self

Comparison Contrast
  • Comparison and contrast are ways of looking at
    things and thinking about how they are alike and
  • Writers will draw distinctions between
    characters and ideas in order to support and
    emphasize the theme or other aspect of the work.

Point of View
  • POV is the perspective of the person telling the
    story the narrator.
  • First PersonThe narrator is a character in the
    story who can reveal only personal thoughts and
    feelings and what he or she sees and is told by
    other characters. He cant tell us thoughts of
    other characters.

Point of View
  • Third-Person ObjectiveThe narrator is an
    outsider who can report only what he or she sees
    and hears. This narrator can tell us what is
    happening, but he cant tell us the thoughts of
    the characters.

Point of View
  • Third-Person LimitedThe narrator is an outsider
    who sees into the mind of one of the characters.
  • Omniscient The narrator is an all-knowing
    outsider who can enter the minds of more than one
    of the characters.

  • Representation of a character or characters
    through what the character says/does and what
    other characters say about him/her.

  • Direct the text says specifically something
    about the characters qualities. Ex Charles
    loves his wife.
  • Indirect the text describes something about the
    character and the reader must infer the qualities
    from that. Ex He looked stunned when he heard

  • MAJOR Characters
  • Protagonist Antagonist
  • The main character the The character
  • character who moves force that opposes
  • forward the plot. the protagonist.
  • Foil
  • A character who provides a
  • contrast to the protagonist

  • Minor Characters
  • They are almost always flat or two-dimensional.
    They have one or two striking qualities. Their
    predominate quality is not balanced by an
    opposing quality. They are usually all good or
    all bad. They may be amusing in their own right,
    but they lack depth. They are also called STATIC
    characters because they do not change in the
    course of the story.

  • The time and place in which the story takes
  • The setting will emphasize the theme of the story.

  • A situation, incident, idea, or image that is
    repeated significantly in a literary work.
  • Example Struggle and violence are a recurring
    events in The Pearl.

  • ForeshadowingThe use of hints or clues to
    suggest what will happen later in the story.

Plot Structure
  • Climax

Rising Action
Falling Action
Inciting Incident
Division of the Plot
  • The introductory material which gives the
    setting, creates the tone, presents the
    characters, and presents other facts necessary to
    understanding the story.
  • Freytags Pyramid of a 5-Act Play has it that
    Act I is the Exposition/Introduction.

Division of the Plot
  • Inciting ForceThe event or character that
    triggers the conflict. The conflict reaches a
    turning point. At this point the opposing forces
    in the story meet and the conflict becomes most
    intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same
    time as the climax.

Division of the Plot
  • Rising ActionA series of events that builds from
    the conflict. It begins with the inciting force
    and ends with the climax.
  • Freytags Pyramid of a 5-Act Play has it
  • that Act II is the Rising Action.

Division of the Plot
  • Climax the moment of the highest interest and
    greatest emotion most intense moment.
  • Freytags Pyramid of a 5-Act Play has it
  • that Act III is the climax.

Division of the Plot
  • Falling ActionThe events after the climax which
    close the story.
  • Freytags Pyramid of a 5-Act Play has it
  • that Act IV is the Falling Action.

Division of the Plot
  • Resolution (Denouement)Rounds out and concludes
    the action.
  • Freytags Pyramid of a 5-Act Play has it
  • that Act V is the Resolution.

  • A symbol is a thing, person, or idea that stands
    for something else. For example, a rose might
    symbolize love or beauty.

Irony or Ironic
  • Irony is the contrast between what is expected or
  • what appears to be and what actually is.
  • Verbal IronyThe contrast between what is said
    and what is actually meant.
  • Irony of SituationThis refers to a happening
    that is the opposite of what is expected or
  • Dramatic IronyThis occurs when the audience or
    reader knows more than the characters know.

Tone vs. Mood
  • ToneThe authors attitude, stated or implied,
    toward a subject. Some possible attitudes are
    pessimism, optimism, earnestness, seriousness,
    bitterness, humorous, and joyful. An authors
    tone can be revealed through choice of words and
  • Mood The climate of  feeling in a literary work.
    The choice of setting, objects, details, images,
    and words all contribute towards creating a
    specific mood. For example, an author may create
    a mood of mystery around a character or setting
    but may treat that character or setting in an
    ironic, serious, or humorous tone

  • The main idea or underlying meaning of a
    literary work. A theme may be stated or implied.
    Theme differs from the subject or topic of a
    literary work in that it involves a statement or
    opinion about the topic. Themes may be major or
    minor. A major theme is an idea the author
    returns to time and again. It becomes one of the
    most important ideas in the story. Minor themes
    are ideas that may appear from time to time.

  • Themes are revealed throughout the work, and
    uncovered by thinking about the work as a whole.
  • Consider the main characters feelings and ideas.
  • Consider the thoughts and conversations of all
    the characters, especially those that are
  • Consider what the main character learns in the
    course of the story.

  • The use of language to describe a person, object
    or event in such a way as to appeal to the
    readers five senses (taste, smell, touch, sight,
  • The writer wants the reader to taste, smell,
    touch, see, and hear what the character/s taste,
    smell, touch, see and hear.

Figurative Language
  • Whenever you describe something by comparing it
    with something else, you are using figurative
    language. Any language that goes beyond the
    literal meaning of words in order to furnish new
    effects or fresh insights into an idea or a
    subject. The most common figures of speech are

Similes and Metaphors are a comparison of two
dissimilar things.
Figurative Language
  • SimileA figure of speech which involves a direct
    comparison between two unlike things, using with
    the words like or as. Example The muscles on his
    brawny arms are strong as iron bands.
  • Metaphor involves an implied comparison between
    two relatively unlike without using the words
    like or as. Example The road was a ribbon of

Figurative Language
  • Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the
    beginning of words or within words. Alliteration
    is used to create melody, establish mood, call
    attention to important words, and point out
    similarities and contrasts.
  • Example wide-eyed and wondering while
  • we wait for others to waken.

Figurative Language
  • Personification
  • A figure of speech which gives the qualities of
    a person to an animal, an object, or an idea. It
    is a comparison which the author uses to show
    something in an entirely new light, to
    communicate a certain feeling or attitude towards
    it and to control the way a reader perceives it.
  • Example a brave handsome brute fell with a
    creaking rending cry--the author is giving a tree
    human qualities.

Figurative Language
  • The use of words that mimic sounds. They appeal
    to our sense of hearing and they help bring a
    description to life. A string of syllables the
    author has made up to represent the way a sound
    really sounds.
  • Example Caarackle!

Figurative Language
  • An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect.
    It is not used to mislead the reader, but to
    emphasize a point.
  • Example Shes said so on several million

Figure of Speech
Figurative Language
  • A device used to create a special effect or some
    type of interesting comparison, often a phrase.
  • Example I havent seen you in a month of
    Sundays. This means you havent seen this
    person in a very long time.

Work Cited
  • Literary Elements. Orange Unified School
    District. N.p. n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2010.
  • (adapted from Kerry Jo Moores ppt.)
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