The Mongols - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Mongols


Title: Chinese Nationalism Author: jhauck Last modified by: JHauck Created Date: 2/17/2004 3:38:44 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: after | india | mongols | second | world


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Mongols

The Mongols
  • The Choice is made! Whoa! Ho! Ho! Whoa-oa! The
    Traveller has come! Nobody choose anything!
    Did YOU choose anything? No. Did YOU? My
    mind is totally blank. I didn't choose anything.
    I couldn't help it. It just popped IN there.
    What? What just popped in there? I... I... I
    tried to think... LOOK! No! It CAN'T be!
    What is it? It CAN'T be! What did you do, Ray?
    It's the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man

  • Ghostbusters
  • When the evil time traveler comes to destroy

  • Who were they?
  • Nomads
  • Herded livestock
  • Generally acknowledged with coming from the area
    of Eurasia open plains of Central Asia
  • Mongolia
  • Also called Tartars
  • Expert horsemen
  • Excellent archers and conducted most warfare on

  • Class Question
  • What was so important about the Mongols
    conducting warfare on horseback at this time?
  • What effect did it have on their enemies?
  • What psychological effect did/does horseback or
    mobilized warfare have?

  • Who were they?
  • Often seen as bloodthirsty and most times were
    ruthless to their adversaries but they did have a
    somewhat complex society
  • They did have
  • Laws
  • Religious practices
  • Advanced military technology
  • Saddle
  • Stirrups
  • Didnt have
  • Most Mongols were illiterate

  • Who were the Mongols
  • The Mongols are seen as borrowers not creators
  • As we will see that while the Mongols will not
    produce a Golden Age and they will not impact the
    world with their own culture they will diffuse
    other cultures and unite cultures

  • The Fear
  • It was generally known that if the Mongol Horde
    was heading towards your town, village, city you
    did not have many options
  • Fight and be crushed and lose your life
  • Retreat to you homes or houses of worship and be
    burned alive
  • Or give in an hope that you and your people would
    be saved-this did not always happen!

  • Warriors and Warfare
  • While the Mongols were brutal they were not
    without organization
  • They could cover 25 miles in a day
  • Horsemen could cover 90 miles
  • Their bows were effective at up to 300 yards-even
    on horseback
  • Mongol horses were very hardy and could endure
    traveling great distances
  • The army numbered 80,000 to 100,000 men

  • Warriors and Warfare
  • Armies were divided into
  • Units
  • Light and heavy cavalry
  • Scouting units
  • spies
  • Men were rewarded for bravery and punished for

  • Warriors and Warfare
  • The goals of the Mongols prior to a battle was to
  • Know their enemy
  • Know the land
  • The goals of the Mongols during the battle were
  • Win
  • The goals of the Mongols after the battle
  • Destroy those who resisted
  • This ensured that future villages, towns and
    cities did not resist in the future

  • Genghis Khan
  • In the 1100s and beginning of the 1200s the
    Mongols were involved in clan wars
  • The Mongols lacked a sense of unity
  • Mongols fought themselves more then they fought
    their enemies
  • There were approximately 30 tribes and about 1.5
    to 3 million Mongols

  • Genghis Khan
  • Born between 1155 and 1162
  • His family had been disgraced in a clan war
    however Genghis became an important clan leader
  • Genghis had tremendous military and
    organizational skills
  • This allowed Genghis to organize and united the
    Mongols and then turn them on the world

  • Quick notes about Genghis Khan
  • You should know that he is also known as
  • Temujin (original name)
  • Chingiz Khan
  • Jenghiz Kahn
  • Chinggis Khan
  • Genghis Khans adopted name means
  • Genghis-limitless strength
  • Khan-ruler

  • On to China
  • Once Khan had unified the Mongols he turned
    towards China
  • In 1211 the Mongols invaded China
  • By 1215 the Mongols had crossed the Great Wall
    and seized the Jin (Jurchen) capital of Beijing
  • By 1218 the Khwarazm Empire home of the Silk Road
    and the trade city of Samarkand had be captured
  • By 1219 the city of Heart in Afghanistan had been
  • By 1223 the Mongols had defeated and absorbed the
  • Genghis Khan and the Mongols now turned to the
    west and Russia

  • Genghis Khan
  • In 1227 Genghis Khan dies
  • This became the end of the first expansion of the
  • Genghis sons carried out the second wave of
  • Genghis third son Ogodei or Ugedei became the
    great Khan

  • What the Mongols had done so far
  • The now controlled key points of the Silk
    Road-which means they had a great source of
  • They had learned new technology especially from
    China-siege warfare that would be useful in their
    conquest of Russia
  • Their small but effective army was able to
    conquer large amounts of land and bigger empires
    in a short period of time
  • 1209-1227

  • Ogodeis Empire
  • The Mongols did not stop when Genghis Khan died
  • Ogodeis armies moved into China and by 1234 the
    Mongols were at the doorstep of the Song Empire
  • Korea was forced into a tributary system
  • Ogodeis real goal however was the Mongol
    expansion into the west

  • In 1236 the Mongols were ordered west
  • 150,000 to 200,000 troops Lead by Batu (nephew to
    Ogodei) known as the Golden Horde moved into
    eastern Europe

  • Europe
  • From 1237 to 1240 most of Russia and Ukraine were
  • From 1240 to 1242 Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and
    Poland fell under Mongol occupation
  • The Mongol invasion had caused great fear and
    panic in eastern Europe
  • However in 1241 Ogodei died and Batu returned to
    Mongolian homeland

  • Class Questions
  • 1
  • The Mongols pushed into eastern Europe and China
    in a relatively short period of time 1209-1242
  • What do you see as a major problem of this for
    the Mongols?
  • 2
  • The Mongol push into Europe stopped short of what
    is today Austria and Germany because of two thing
  • What two things would have stopped the Mongols in
    this area

  • Europe
  • By 1242 the Mongols were overextended from China
    to eastern Europe especially with having such a
    small army
  • Hard to keep supplied
  • Hard to maintain control of territory conquered
  • In Eastern Europe the Mongols were unfamiliar
    with fighting in forest and against castled
  • Mongols were better equipped to fight on open
    plains and flat grasslands

  • Pax Mongolica
  • In the 1240s and 1250s the Mongols continued to
    expand their empire mostly in the east and south
  • The Mongols moved further into China putting
    pressure on the Song Empire
  • Tibet was controlled by the Mongols
  • The Mongols moved into the Middle East destroying
    the Abbasid Caliphate and now controlled
  • The Caucasus, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Persia, and

  • The Empire
  • The created a single system of government for the
    areas they controlled
  • They imposed laws
  • Encouraged economic growth
  • Mostly for their tribute system

  • The Empire
  • They created safe routes of travel for people to
    move about and trade
  • Silk Road
  • Traders from the East could meet with and
    exchange goods and ideas with those from the west

  • Pax Mongolica
  • This era of peace was called Pax Mongolica
  • It was created in two ways
  • Fear
  • Fear of or the use of force by the Mongols
  • Administratively
  • The Mongols used the Turkic language as their
    adopted language
  • The Mongols created a system of codes or laws
    (yasa) mostly borrowed from the Chinese
  • Adopted the use of paper currency
  • Adopted and allowed for religious tolerance
  • Accepted Buddhism and Islam
  • Created a postal system to keep news flowing from
    one end of the empire to the other

  • Pax Mongolica
  • The Empire
  • The Empire was divided into smaller independent
    empires or hordes
  • The Mongols began to assimilate into the cultures
    they had conquered

  • Class Question
  • A Chinese proverb says
  • One can conquer an empire on horseback, but one
    cannot govern that empire from horseback
  • What does this mean and what will it mean for the
    vast empire of the Mongols?

  • The Empire Breaks Apart
  • In 1260 civil war breaks out among the Mongol
    leaders to see who will become the next great
  • The nephews and grandsons of Genghis Khan begin
    to break up the empire into small independent
    states called Khanates

  • The Khanates
  • The Golden Horde-Russia and Eastern Europe
    (Kipchak Khanate)
  • Domain of the Great Khan-Mongolia Homeland
  • The Jagadai (Chaghadai) Khanate-Central Asia and
    lands to the west
  • Il-Khan-Middle Eastern

Khubilai Khan
  • One great leader does rise out of the battle for
    the empire
  • Khubilai Khan
  • By 1271 Khubilai Khan had conquered and united
    all of China
  • In 1279 the Song Dynasty feel to the Mongols

Khubilai Khan
  • Khubilai did several things for China
  • Rid China of the many warring factions and
    created the Yuan Dynasty
  • The Mongols adopted the Buddhism and rejected
  • Mandarin became the official language of China
    and is still the official language
  • Expanded and secured the Chinese boarders with
    the strong Mongol troops
  • Forced most of Chinas neighbors to pay tribute

Khubilai Khan
  • Internal Repairs
  • Rebuilt the roads which increased trade
  • Created a government bureaucracy
  • Built new cities for trade
  • Restored trade with the west
  • The Silk Road became the vital avenue of trade
    and cultural exchange

Khubilai Khan
  • Economy
  • Because of the increase in trade and the
    re-opening of the Silk Road China became a very
    wealthy country
  • The merchant class in China became very important

Yuan China
  • While the Mongols opened trade and increased
    their wealth they also increased the cultural
    diffusion of Europe?
  • Discuss how?
  • Could one say that the cultural diffusion under
    the Yuan and the Mongols was as if not more
    important than the cultural diffusion of the

Marco Polo
  • In the 1270s Marco Polo visited China
  • Polo spoke of the rich and glorious land of China
  • This further stimulated trade with China

Yuan China
  • After the death of Khubilai Khan China feel into
  • In the early 1300s China lost 30 to 40 percent
    of its population because of the bubonic plague
  • There was severe economic loss because of the
    loss of population and the plague

Yuan China
  • Civil Wars
  • China experienced a series of civil wars brought
    on by leaders trying to fill the role of Khan
  • In 1368 Zhu Yuanzhang finally ended the Yuan
    Dynasty and established the Ming Dynasty (Chinas
    longest lasting Dynasty)

The Other Mongol Khanates
  • The Golden Horde
  • Established control over Russia
  • They did little to promote the advancement of
    Russia and contributed to the economic and social
    problems Russia would experience after the

The Golden Horde
  • In Russia the Mongols cut Russia off from Western
    European ideas of the times
  • The Russian did not incorporate any ideas from
    the Renaissance or Reformation into their society
    so Russia fell behind the western Europe
  • Because of the hard tariff system most of Russia
    remained poor and most people were serfs because
    of little money in the country.
  • Both of these problems will keep Russia behind
    western Europe

The Other Mongol Khanates
  • Il-Khans
  • Most Mongols in this area converted to Islam
  • Assimilated into the Islamic culture
  • Were attacked by fellow Mongols
  • Finally were displaced by the fast growing
    Ottoman Turks

The Other Mongol Khanates
  • Jagadai Khanate
  • Controlled Central Asia
  • Most converted to Islam
  • Controlled parts of the Silk Road
  • Jagadai warlord Timur tries to take back all the
    lands of Genghis Khan
  • Timur is a ruthless warrior
  • Attempts to take over
  • Russia, Persia, northern India, and parts of the
    Il-Khan in the Middle East
  • After his death his empire shrinks until the
    1500s when it finally falls apart

Impact of the Mongols
  • The Mongols did not advance cultures but instead
    diffused cultures
  • Mongols in some cases became assimilators like
    the Il-Khan
  • In areas where Islam was the primary religion
    they became Muslims
  • In other areas they reject the Mongol ways for
    the cultures of the conquered people
  • China
  • Khubilai Khan kept the Chinese from speaking
    Mongolians, forbid them from marry Mongols and
    reject Confucianism
  • China never became Mongolized

Impact of the Mongols
  • The expanse of the Mongol Empire
  • Because of the great expanse of the empire and
    trade routes cultures were able to interact
  • Europe and China
  • China and the Middle East
  • While the Mongols were brutal they expanded and
    empire that touched every major civilization in
    the world
  • The Mongols connected the world and this
    connection would last until today

Impact of the Mongols
  • Effects of Europe and Russia
  • Because the Mongols were illiterate the Mongols
    retarded cultural advancement in Russia
  • The forms of tribute weakened the Russian economy
  • Cities were destroyed
  • In Russia many Mongols became inhabitants of
    Russia and assimilated into the culture

Class Questions
  • Could one say that while the Mongols culturally
    diffused the areas they conqueror that they also
    caused problems in the world
  • What were some of the problems?
  • What major event probably would not have happened
    in Europe if not for the Mongols?
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