Title: Shi Yang
1CAPWAP Protocol and Dot11 Binding MIB
- Shi Yang
- David T. Perkins
- IETF 70th 3 Dec 2007, Vancouver
- Problem Domain
- Design Objectives
- Basic Idea
- An Example of MIB Usage
- Current MIB Work Status
- Next Step
General information for MIB design
3Problem Domain
- The IEEE standards have well-defined MIB for
wireless binding technologies such as 802.11,
802.16. - Current centralized wireless architectures of
most vendors do not reuse IEEE MIB standards,
while they define some private MIBs. - It will make interoperability impossible IEEE
and IETF WLAN MIBs will be unable to work well
together - .
We require a way to avoid reinventing the
wheel for Centralized Wireless Architecture.
4Design Objectives for MIB
- To work well under centralized architectures,
and provide a way to centrally manage and control - wireless network by SNMP
- To be consistent with CAPWAP protocol
- To reuse current MIB standards and future
extensions for a wireless binding technology - To enable interoperability between vendors
- To meet operator requirements for centralized
IEEE WG MIB standards
5Basic Idea (1/3)
- The SNMP agent run on the AC side, and it MAY
not be required on the WTP side - MIB files defined separately
- 1) CAPWAP protocols (CAPWAP-MIB)
- 2)Wireless binding (CAPWAP-Dot11 MIB)
- The CAPWAP-MIB is independent of any wireless
binding technologies
The MIB design follows same idea as CAPWAP
Centralized Control
SNMP Agent
6Basic Idea (2/3)
- To decide on the configured and monitored MIB
objects is NOT - very difficult, as CAPWAP protocol already
defines them well
- To be independent of any wireless binding
technologies and - Have ability to reuse MIB standards of other
SDOs, is the Main - Challenge for design of the CAPWAP MIB
- The ifIndex (RFC1213) will play a role in
bridging between - MIB standards defined by different SDOs
7Basic Idea (3/3)
- The operator could manage and control the
centralized wireless - architectures using multiple MIB standards
defined by - multiple SDOs, while keeping them loosely coupled.
IETF Organization
IEEE 802.11 WG
Other Wireless Binding
IEEE 802.16
- MIB function
- Background Information
- Basic Idea
- WTP Virtual Radio Interface
CAPWAP-MIB function - From AC to centrally
managed and monitored WTPs - As a generic
mechanism, the MIB module is independent of any
specific wireless binding technologies - The
MIB module supports CAPWAP protocol parameters
queries - The MIB module supports showing the
WTPs current state - The MIB module supports
indicating the WTP Virtual Radio Interface and
PHY radios mapping relationship - Counters are
provided for WTP, radio's reboot event,
hardware failure etc. - The MIB module provides
the various notification like channel-up, join
failure, etc.
10Background Information (1/2)
- As centralized Wireless architecture, the
operator has to - prepare configuration at AC side before WTPs
connects to AC. - For any wireless binding technology, the
configuration - and management of radio is very important.
- Under centralized Wireless architecture
Identified by
PHY Radio
Radio Id
11Background Information (2/2)
- As usual, the standard of a binding technology
provides MIB - standard for radio management on its own.
- For example, according to IEEE 802.11 WG MIB
standards, - the MIB tables such as Dot11OperationTable are
able to - support WTP radio configuration.
- These tables use ifIndex as the index, and work
well under - standalone Wireless architecture
IEEE 802.11 WG MIB
Identified by
PHY Radio
12Basic Idea
- To reuse MIB objects (defined by SDOs such as
IEEE) for - radio is very import
- To reuse IEEE 802.11 WG and other WGs MIB
standards, - the key point is to reuse the idea of ifIndex
- To have a way to maintain the mapping
relationship between - WTP id radio id and ifIndex
PHY Radio
IEEE 802.11 WG MIB
Identified by
Identified by
How to map to each other?
Radio Id
13WTP Virtual Radio Interface (1/2)
- IfIndex can identify an interface in abstract
way, and it does NOT - care for an interfaces PHY location (WTP or AC)
- AC can have interfaces of WTP Virtual Radio
Interface ifType, - it will logically represents PHY radios on the
WTPs side - It looks like that PHY radios are located on the
AC side - Operator can operate radios by MIB tables (such
as IEEE - 802.11 WGs) with ifIndex of WTP Virtual Radio
Interface - as Index
WTP Virtual Radio Interface 1
PHY Radio 1
WTP Virtual Radio Interface 2
PHY Radio 2
WTP Virtual Radio Interface n
PHY Radio n
14WTP Virtual Radio Interface (2/2)
- As an Abstract interface, "WTP Virtual Radio
Interface" could be used by any wireless binding
technology such as IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 - The table of capwapRadioBindTable will indicate
the mapping - relationship between WTP id Radio id and
PHY Radio
IEEE 802.11 WG MIB (or any wireless binding)
INDEX capwapWTPId, capwapRadioId
Radio Id
- MIB function
- Background Information
- WTP Virtual Radio Interface
- Virtual AP
- CAPWAP-DOT11-MIB Function
- The MIB module supports the reuse of current
IEEE 802.11 WG MIB standards and future
extensions - The MIB module supports the configuration of the
MAC mode and tunnel mode for Wireless service - The MIB module supports virtual AP
17Background Information (1/2)
- As centralized Wireless architecture, the
operator has to prepare configurations for each
wireless at AC side before WTPs are - able to connect to AC
- Under centralized Wireless architectures
Identified by
Wireless Service
Wireless Id
Operator could configure MAC type or tunnel mode
for a Wireless service
18Background Information (2/2)
- IEEE 802.11 WG MIB does not suggest how to
support virtual AP
- According to IEEE 802.11 MIB standards, the MIB
tables such as - Dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsTable are able to
support - Wireless configuration (such as authentication
algorithm), - and these tables use ifIndex as index
IEEE 802.11 WG MIB
Identified by
Wireless Service
19Wireless Service Interface
- A Wireless service could be abstracted as an
Interface, and - which could be identified by ifIndex.
- On the AC side, the MIB table CapwapDot11Wireless
ConfigTable - will indicate the mapping relation between A
Wireless ID and - ifIndex of a Wireless Service Interface
Wireless ID 2
Wireless ID
Wireless ID 3
Wireless Service Interface
With ifIndex of it to reuse IEEE MIBs
20Virtual AP
- By the table of capwapDot11WirelessBindTable,
the operator are able to bind Wireless service to
a specific radio through SNMP - Wireless system will dynamically create the
"Wireless BSS Interface - BSS interface will be used for the data
forwarding function
Wireless ID
Dynamically Create
Wireless BSS Interface
Identified by ifIndex
- CAPWAP-MIB focus in how to manage and control
WTP, and how to support any wireless binding
through the mechanism of WTP Virtual Radio
Interface - CAPWAP-DOT11-MIB focus in how to support
configuration of MAC type and tunnel mode for
WLAN service, and how to support Virtual AP. With
WLAN Service Interface, it is able to - Reuse IEEE 802.11 MIB.
- Wireless binding related MIB objects will be
defined - by IEEE such kinds SDOs
- IF-MIB could be used to model interface (such
as WLAN Service interface)
22An example of MIB Usage (1/4)
1) The mapping relationship between WTP
Virtual Radio Interface and WTP Id Radio id
(CAPWAP-MIB) When configuration for a WTP is
prepared before it connects to AC, the following
information is available in the
Identify a WTP
In CapwapRadioBindTable capwapWTPId
1 capwapWTPVirtualRadioifIndex 10
Identify a radio
ifIndex of a WTP Virtual Radio Interface
The type of Wireless Binding
23An example of MIB Usage (1/5)
2) Operator configure Wireless radio through
In Dot11OperationTable (Example)
ifIndex 10,
dot11RTSThreshold 2347,
dot11ShortRetryLimit 7,
dot11LongRetryLimit 4,
dot11FragmentationThreshold 256,
dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime 512 .
ifIndex of a WTP Virtual Radio Interface
Wireless Radio Parameter
24An example of MIB Usage (2/5)
3) Configure wireless service
A) Create a "Wireless Service Interface" through
In CapwapDot11WirelessConfigTable
capwapDot11WirelessId 1,
capwapDot11WirelessServiceIfIndex 20,
capwapWTPMACType splitMAC(2),
dot3Tunnel, capwapDot11WirelessConfigRowStatus
Wireless ID
ifIndex of Wireless Service Interface
MAC Type and Tunnel Mode
25An example of MIB Usage (3/5)
B) Configure Wireless parameters of "Wireless
Service Interface" through IEEE 802.11 MIB.
In Dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsTable
(Example) ifIndex
20, dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsIn
dex 1, dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm
Shared Key, dot11AuthenticationAlg
orithmsEnable true
ifIndex of Wireless Service Interface
Wireless Authentication Parameter
26An example of MIB Usage (4/5)
4) Bind Wireless service to WTP radio
In CapwapDot11WirelessBindTable
ifIndex 10,
capwapDot11WirelessId 1,
capwapDot11WirelessBSSIfIndex 30,
capwapDot11WirelessBSSRowStatus create
ifIndex of WTP Virtual Radio Interface
Wireless Id
ifIndex of Wireless BSS Interface
27An example of MIB Usage (5/5)
5) Operator query the statistic data
Operator could query statistic data of WTP,
radio, station objects by IF-MIB, IEEE 802.11 MIB
(such as dot11CountersTable), CAPWAP-MIB and
CAPWAP-DOT11-MIB (such as capwapWTPRebootStatsTabl
Counters refer to CAPWAP Protocol
28Current MIB Work Status
- The first version(00) of CAPWAP-MIB and
- CAPWAP-DOT11-MIB were published in July 2007.
- http//tools.ietf.org/id/draft-yangshi-capwap-802
dot11-mib-00.txt - http//tools.ietf.org/id/draft-yangshi-capwap-bas
e-mib-00.txt - The latest MIB drafts (version 01) are planed to
be published - after IETF-70th Meeting.
- The co-editor of drafts are Shi Yang and David T.
Perkins - Request More Comments from CAPWAP WG
29Next Step
- to be CAPWAP WGs Formal Drafts.