Under 21 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Under 21 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BULLETIN 1 The Namibian Waterski Association Is honoured to invite you to the 6th IWWF Under 21 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • The Namibian Waterski Association
  • Is honoured to invite you to the
  • To be held at the Von Bach Dam
  • Okahandja Namibia
  • From the 12 till 15 September 2013
  • Contacts
  • Chairman Martin Schmidt, at Tel 264 81
  • E-mail martin.schmidt_at_mtcmobile.com.na

LOCATION OF THE SITE The S Von Bach dam is is
located 79km north of Windhoek on the B1,and 5km
from the town of Okahandja The site is a man made
lake, which over the years has been used for many
standings list homologated competitions. The
competition area is a fairly well-sheltered area
with minimum backwash. All international flights
arrive and depart from the Hosea Kutako
International Airport 40km from Windhoek. If
you have hired a vehicle, follow the directions
to the ski site as described below. GPS Co-
Ordinates S-22012558, E016965688 DIRECTIONS Th
e road from the airport to Windhoek is 45km and
another 79km from Windhoek in a northerly
direction to Okahandja on the B1 to the S Von
Bach dam. Once you leave the airport,make a right
turn and take the main road Sam Nujoma Drive to
Windhoek At the intersection of Sam Nujoma and
Nelson Mandela Avenue turn right. Follow Nelson
Mandela Avenue till you get to the T-junction
where you will turn right into Robert Mugabe
Avenue. Follow Robert Mugabe Avenue around the
traffic circle, using the second exit and
continue through the next intersection(traffic
lights) At the next traffic light after the
intersection and after the sign board that says
Okahanja and B1 turn right on the B1. Continue
for 70km and before arriving at Okahandja you
will find a board that says S Von Bach Dam. Turn
off right and follow the signs to the dam. (See
Attached map) TRANSFERS/TRANPORT Transport one
way, to/from the Airport to the official Hotel,
must be arranged with the Hotel when reservation
is made, this will be free of charge. Transport
from the official Hotel to ski site and back will
be provided free of charge, Please note that only
two trips in the morning and two trips back in
the afternoon will be offered.(this is
provisional and might change as we are still in
negotiations) Entry Fee The entry fee will be
150 Euros per skier for 1 event, and 200 Euros
for Multi eventers. Entrance fee includes 1 lunch
ticket per official ski day on site 1 ticket
for final banquet. Entry fees are to be
preferably paid by bank transfer, but can also be
paid cash on arrival at site. Payment Most
credit cards are accepted in Namibia Visa
MasterCard However All on site payments I.e entry
fees, food drinks is to be made in cash
  • Food and refreshments
  • Food and refreshments will be available on site
    at the lake
  • Transport and Accommodation for the Jury and
  • Accommodation for the officials is arranged at
    the Okahandja Country Lodge about 18 min drive
    from the ski site.
  • Once finalized, all officials should confirm
    their their sleeping preferences I.e with spouse,
    sharing or not sharing etc. with the Namibian
    Waterski Association.
  • Transport for all Officials,WTC an EB members
    will be arranged free of charge from Windhoek
    International Airport to the hotels and to and
    from the ski site. Once finalized all officials
    to supply Namibian Waterski Association with
    flight dates and times.
  • Accommodation for the athletes and additional
  • The Official Hotel for skiers will be in Windhoek
    79km from the ski site, and to be confirmed in
    the next bulletin.
  • Should you not wish to stay at the official hotel
    in Windhoek, The following private accommodation
    establishments which are closer to Okahandja can
    be contacted, Unfortunately they do not provide
    or offer transport, and this should be arranged
    by hiring a vehicle from a car rental company
  • Please call them and make your own arrangements
    as soon as possible as they all work on a first
    come first serve basis
  • Tungeni Resort
  • Situated near the ski site
  • Our twenty-two newly renovated air-conditioned
    chalets offer modern accommodation facilities and
    a relaxing and comfortable holiday experience in
    a natural setting. Rooms are en-suite and
    includes a coffee station,
  • 264 (61) 400 205
  • 264 (61) 221 333
  • reservations_at_tungeni.com

  • Rocklodge
  • Situated 12km past Okahandja on the Swakopmund
  • 16 comfortable and spacious en-suite
    air-conditioned rooms, each with a small private
  • 5 houses, each with 3 en-suite air-conditioned
    bedrooms and a spacious living area.
  • Tel 264-62-503 840Cell 264-81-7255 991Fax
    264-62-503 170E-mail  therocklodge_at_gmail.com
  • http//www.rock.lodge.na
  • Midgard County estate
  • Situated 64 km from Okahandja
  • Although only situated 64km this is on a gravel
    road and transport takes about 1.5hrs to
    site.(road not good)
  • Midgard Country Estate has a total of 46 air
    conditioned rooms with en-suite bathrooms
    including 5 family rooms and 5 luxury rooms. 
  • OL Leisure Reservations OfficeTel 264 61 207
    5360Fax 264 61 234 021Email reservations_at_ol-l
  • http//www.midgard.na
  • Ombo Rest Camp
  • Situated 12km from Okahandja
  • 2 luxury Family bungalows, a 2 bed bungalow and a
    double bed bungalow, all fully equipped for
    self-catering and including air-conditioning
  • Tel  264 62 502003Fax 264 62 503768Cell
    264 81 206 2791E-mail omborestcamp_at_africaonline

Khaya Guest House Situated in Okahandja CONTACT
DETAILSTel264 (0)62 500429 / 264 (0) 81 214
8056 Fax264 (0)62 500729 Address 507
Voortrekker Road Okahandja Namibia http//www.khay
aguesthouse.com Okapuka Lodge Situated 49
kilometers outside Okahandja on the
B1 Accommodation is 16 thatched rooms, built to
blend in with the surrounding bush. They are all
equipped with an en-suite bathroom and toilet,
telephone, tea coffee station, mini-bar and
fridge and an open terrace. There are also a
further 4 rooms, (with a balcony) that form part
of the lodge. These are furnished with cane and
wall-to-wall carpets. They too have an en-suite
bathroom with toilet shower, satellite TV,
telephone, tea/coffee station, mini-bar and
fridge. Phone ( 264 61) 234607Phone ( 264
61) 257175Fax ( 264 61) 234690
okapuka_at_iafrica.com.na www.okapuka-ranch.com/
Oropoko Lodge Situated 58 km From Okahandja on
the Swakopmund road In 9 individual bungalows you
are accommodated in 30 luxurious rooms and 3
suites. They are existing of a cozy furnished
bedroom with a seating corner, bathroom and
separate toilet Phone 264 62 503871Fax
    264 62 503842264 81 124 2652 oropoko_at_iafri
ca.com.na http//www.oropoko.com.na Elegant
Farmstead Situated 26 km from Okahandja, 8 x
twin rooms. 2 x triple rooms. 1 x family
room 264 61 301 934 264 81 3028255 info_at_the-eleg
ant-collection.com http//www.the-elegant-farmstea
OKAHANDJA, Let us know if you need more
information Visa Requirements Visas are
required for some countries, please check with
your embassies or consulates Doping Control In
accordance with the IWWF anti-doping Rules,drug
controls will be conducted during the
competition. In entering this competition, all
athletes agree to be subject to doping
control. Information about the IWWF Anti-doping
Programme can be found at http//www.iwsf.com/any
iDoping/WEBpageinformation10.htm where there are
also links to the list of banned
substances. Training Training on the
championship site will be possible upon
request Our intention is to provide the official
boats from 26 August 2013 Training will be
possible until Tuesday the 10 September
2013 Cost All disciplines 55 euro per fifteen
minute slot.Training has to be paid beforehand,
by bank transfer. Please book with the organizers
well in advance. Alternate Ski Site Von Bach
Water ski Club has another slalom course
approximately 5 minutes away situated on the same
dam (no ramp) Training on that site must also be
booked with the organizers
Official Tow boat The official tow boat will be
MASTERCRAFT world tournament Team
edition Model Prostar 197 engine Ilmor 6.0
liter Zero off Rev Q (or latest) Intention
to Enter Form In accordance with IWWF Rule 2.05,
each federation is required to submit an
Intention to Enter the Championships form. The
Intention to Enter Form must be done
exclusively online through the world admin
database system. You can do this by going to
www.iwsftournament.com/worldadmin/ and use the
password provided with to enter on line. Entries
must reach IWWF no later than 30 July
2013. General Information The lake is a malaria
free area so no malaria precautions are
necessary All payments made by bank transfers
are to be made to Account NameNamibia
Waterski Association Bank Nedbank Account nr
11010001643 Branch code 461696 Swift code
Provisional time table Wed 11 Sep Arrival,
accreditations General meeting with all team
captains, official and staff at the ski
site18h00 Opening ceremony Thursday 12
Sep Preliminary rounds 19H00 Team gathering in
Okahanja (to be confirmed ) Friday 13
Sep Preliminary rounds Saturday 14
Sep Preliminary rounds Finals Sunday 15
Sep Finals Final Night party Provisional
Timetable subject to Chief Judges
decision Bulletin 2 will be ready by 1st
AVAILABLE www.under21worldsnwsa.com
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