World Tavern Poker - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World Tavern Poker


The bar The strip My Schedule Tab ANSWER is C * Review Questions What do you ... Keep them at the bar so they are sure to order another beverage and/or some food! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 66
Provided by: MikeMat
Tags: beverage | poker | tavern | world


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World Tavern Poker

World Tavern Poker Training Program
World Tavern Poker is a poker league similar to a
dart or a pool league. Each week during the
season, you will be hosting Live No Limit Texas
Hold Em Poker Tournaments. During each
tournament, the top 20 players will receive
points. Those points will be used to determine a
players ranking at 3 levels in the Tavern, in
the Region and in the Nation. At the end of each
season, the top ranked players in your tavern
will be invited back to compete in your Tavern
Championship. The top players ranked in your
Tavern are then invited to the Regional
Championship (in areas with 5 or more hosting
locations) and then on to the National
Championship! There are never any buy-ins to the
World Tavern Poker events. Instead, your players
are competing for points and prizes that you
provide (i.e. gift certificates, prizes from your
distributors, etc). Most of all, these
tournaments are meant to be FUN! The more fun
your players have, the more often they will come
out and the more they will spend in food
drink! In regions with less than 5 locations
we will make other arrangements.
  • The Season Each season is comprised of 16 weeks
  • 15 weeks of regular season play The weekly
    tournaments are live, No-Limit Texas Hold Em
    poker where play goes until there is 1 winner.
  • 1 week of Tavern Championship The winner of
    your Tavern Championship receives the trophy and
    other prizes you provide.
  • 1 week of Tournament of Champions (for Gold
    Package members) The Top 2 players from each
    regular season tournament will compete for a seat
    at the Annual TOC in Las Vegas (where they can
    win a WSOP Main Event seat)

Player Registration Before each tournament,
your players will register online at The more players that
register online in advance, the easier it will be
to manage your tournaments and your scoring!
The Points During each tournament, the top 20
players will receive points based on where they
finish and how many players competed. (Please see
your Tavern Manual for more details on the point
system). The Rankings Your players are ranked
based on the average of their top scores. The
average of their top 8scores determines their
tavern ranking. The average of their top
12scores determines their regional ranking. The
average of their top 16 scores determines their
national ranking. Note The points and the
rankings are calculated automatically once you
enter the scores from each tournament.
How to Play No-Limit Texas Hold Em
Texas Hold Em
Texas Hold Em is a 7 card stud poker game where
players are trying to make their best 5 card hand
out of 7 total cards. Before the first hand have
one player deal the cards face up to each player
until an ace is shown. That player is the first
dealer, otherwise known as the button. The
deal then rotates clockwise. The player to the
right of the dealer is responsible for shuffling
the other deck, shuffling back.
Texas Hold Em
In Texas Hold Em, there are forced bets known as
blinds. These blinds are posted before each
hand is dealt. The player to the left of the
dealer is the little blind and the player 2 spots
to the left of the dealer is called the big
blind. When play begins each player receives 2
cards facedown, pocket or hole cards.
Ultimately, 5 community cards are dealt in the
center of the table. The players will make their
best 5 card hand from those 7 total cards.
Dealing the Hand
  • After the blinds are posted, each player is
    dealt their 2 hole cards.
  • Betting begins with the player to the left of
    the big blind (position 3) and continues until
    the pot is right (meaning that all players have
    called all bets/raises or folded).
  • The dealer then burns the top card (throws one
    card away face down) and then deals 3 cards in
    the center of the table, known as the flop.
  • Another round of betting occurs starting with
    the 1st player to the
  • left of the dealer and ends when the pot is

Dealing the Hand
  • The dealer burns another card and deals 1
    community card, the turn, and another round of
    betting occurs until the pot is right.
  • The dealer then burns another card and deals the
    final card, the river and the final round of
    betting occurs until the pot is right.
  • The player with the best 5 card hand wins the pot.

Raising the Blinds
Coloring up simply means to remove all lower
value chips from play and replace with higher
value chips. This reduces the amount of chips on
the table. This is explained further in the
Running your Tournament section.
During the tournament, the blinds are raised to
keep play moving and allowing tournaments to
finish on time. Blinds should be raised every 20
minutes for 35 or more players and every 25
minutes for less than 35.
Betting Raising Example
Player 1 SB
Player 5
  • 1,000 little blind (forced bet)

Bet is 2,000 and Calls
Bet is 2,000 Minimum raise is 2,000 Raises
Bet is 5,000 Minimum raise is 3,000 Calls the
2,000 big blind (forced bet)
Splitting Pots (Side Pot Example 1)
If a player does not have enough to call another
players bet, they can go all-in with what
they have. See the example below
Player 3 cannot match players 1 and 2 bet, but
can still call all in and a side pot is created.
Splitting Pots (Side Pot Example 2)
Players 1 2 have the right to both the main and
the side pots. Player 3 can only win the main
pot. Players 1 2 can continue betting
Texas Hold Em Rules Review
  • The cards always call themselves.
  • You never go to a 6th card for a tie-breaker.
  • In the case of a tie, it is a split pot.
  • As each player is betting, they should keep
    their current bet in front of them until the pot
    is right. No splashing the pot.
  • It is important that players keep their chips
    and cards on the table at all times, especially
    when on break.
  • There are different variations of Texas Hold
    Em, in the case of a .discrepancy, follow the
    rules within your manual.
  • As you get down to 20 players, be sure to
    announce that they must check in with you
    when they get knocked out. Otherwise
  • they will not receive their points for the

Strategic Marketing
Like any part of any business, the success of
your poker tournaments will depend upon the
success of your marketing. The ideas in this
section are PROVEN to be successful for our bars.
Please take them very seriously.
Strategic Marketing
  • Maintain consistent days/times for your
    tournaments It is important to make schedule
    changes early in the season since players plan
    their week around your taverns poker games.
  • Utilize the marketing Tools on the website It
    includes the training program, our WTP logo,
    table tents, flyers, posters, etc
  • Prizes from your distributors Work with your
    beer distributors to get free prizes for your
    players you can use these to give out during the
  • Give out good and consistent prizes Start your
    season with good prizes and maintain them
    throughout so players know what they are getting
    (gift certificates are great).
  • Tell everyone Make sure to get the word out to
    all of your regular
  • customers.

Strategic Marketing
  • Add poker night information to your existing
    advertising You
  • can use the WTP logo from the Marketing CD for
    existing television, radio,
  • paper advertising add poker information to your
    on-hold phone message as well!
  • Flyers inside your tavern Post your flyers on
    the front door, in the
  • bathrooms, and even by the tvs
  • Exterior sign boards You can also request that
    your beer distributors make signs for inside and
    outside of your tavern.
  • Website You should add a link to our website,, we have a link to your site
    (when applicable).
  • Hold 2 tournaments each night The majority of
    our taverns hold 2
  • tournaments a night so that players have the
    opportunity to stay around, spend money and play
    more poker!

Strategic Marketing
Proper staffing Make sure your wait staff is
rotating through the tables on a regular basis as
players will NOT go to the bar during the poker
games. Eliminate the pros The WTP is free
poker where people new to the game can learn and
have fun so we need to make sure it is an
enjoyable and relaxed experience. Focus on the
ego Call out the first player knocked out of
the tournament, announce the tavern leader and
the last tournament winner. Create a positive
and fun final table experience Place the final
table near the bar so others can watch the
action Poker on TVs have poker playing on the
televisions when its available Get feedback
from your players Listen to your players
thoughts and suggestions.
In-House Marketing
Begin by marketing your poker tournaments to your
current customers. Everyone plays poker these
days and youll be amazed at the response when
they hear you are starting with the
WTP. Posters/Buttons In your registration pack
you received some posters and buttons. Get the
posters up right away. Great locations for
posters are on the front door, the bathroom
doors, and by the tvs. Make sure your staff
wears the buttons and they are aware of the days
and times for poker. Marketing Tools The
website has more posters, flyers, table tents,
logos and more. USE THESE! In many cases your
beer distributors will print the posters for you.
Poker Table Set Up Set up a small poker
display at the front door. Customers may not
read the signs, but when they see some cards and
chips on a poker table, it will get their
attention! Tell Everyone Be sure your servers
and bartenders mention poker night to everyone
who enters your business. We can assure you, if
2 guys sit down at the bar, at least one of them
plays poker!
External Marketing
Website If you have a website, be sure to post
information on it right away about the Poker
League including a link to the
m. There is a link on the WTP site to your
tavern (when applicable). The WTP Logo You
make sure to use the WTP logo wherever possible!!
You will find versions of the logo on the
website. Newspaper If you already use
newspaper advertising, add Poker to it, or better
yet, have one complete ad dedicated to Poker.
With the popularity of poker you will be amazed
at the response! Radio/Television As with
newspaper, if you advertise on the radio or
television be sure to add Poker to it!
External Banners Be sure to have your beer
distributors create large banners for both inside
and outside your bar. Give them the Marketing CD
so they can pull images to use.
Prizes Its true that the players are playing
for points and prizes. That being said, we
recommend giving good and consistent prizes each
week! You should plan on giving away 1-2 per
player in prizes. T-Shirt Prize Packs THIS
IS A GREAT DEAL!! Players love to brag about
their wins and that is exactly what they can do
with our t-shirt prize packs. 30 Tournament
Champion shirts and 1 Tavern Champion shirt (see
the images on right). Gift Certificates Gift
certificates are the best prizes you can give.
While a 25 gift certificate is cash to the
player, it may only cost you half that amount.
Poker Supplies Chip sets and table tops are
another option for prize giveaways. Visit your
local discount store to find some great quality
poker prizes.
Tournament Marketing
Take Control Of The Tournaments As we mentioned
before, players like venues that start on time
and raise the blinds on time. In tournaments
larger than 3 tables, I would recommend against
letting the pit boss play in the
tournament. Set Up Near The Bar Set up your
tables as close to the bar as possible. As
players get knocked out, they like to sit at the
bar and watch the rest of the tournament.
Final Table Set up your final table near the
bar with lots of room around it (if possible).
When it gets down to the end, players will gather
round to watch the final players duke it
out! Music, Music, Music Keep it turned up and
fun. Yes, you will have players who ask you to
turn it down, they are concentrating dont
listen ? The more exciting the environment, the
more money they will spend. Eliminate The Pros
From time to time you will get players who want
to play every rule as if they were in a 10,000
tournament. Remind them that we are here to have
fun and that many players are new to the game.
If they persist with their whining, ask them to
Strategic Marketing
Focus On The Ego Make sure to have your current
tavern rankings posted somewhere that players
will see! They love it. Another great idea is
to hang a photo of the weekly tournament winners
in your tavern. Market Other Events Use your
poker nights to let your players know about other
events you have scheduled at your business. Use
The Send Mail Function We cannot express to you
how important it is to use the Send Mail
function. Taverns that send out weekly e-mails
to their players talking about the winners, the
losers, tavern specials and more have the most
successful tournaments. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE
THIS! Fun, Fun, Fun I told you we would
mention this again. KEEP IT FUN! If you find
your tournaments are getting quiet and serious,
crank it up! Consider alternating the tournament
director to keep them fresh and enthusiastic.
How to Host a World Tavern Poker Event
Tavern Registration Pack
You received your tavern registration pack with
lots of great tools to help you run successful
tournaments. The following is a description of
what is included.
Tavern Manual This gives you all the
information you will need about the league, Texas
hold em, using the website and more! Be sure to
focus on the Marketing Section. There are dozens
of great tips to help your tavern maximize
profits on poker night. Tournament Directors
Guide This is a quick reference guide that the
tournament director may use when running your
tournaments. It includes setting up a
tournament, marketing tips, rules and
regulations, using the website and more. Table
Tents/Rule Cards Write a table on each card
with a thick magic marker. These cards also
explain the WTP rules and blind structure so the
players do not have rely on you for the answers
to their questions. You can also use these
around the bars to advertise your weekly
Tavern Registration Pack
New Player Cards Are your players not sure how
to register? These cards allow you to give them
the information on how to register online as a
player and for your tournaments. Posters, Flyers
and Buttons Be sure to get your posters and
flyers up (front door, near televisions or by the
bathrooms) and have your staff wearing the
buttons! It is also important that your staff
can answer basic questions about poker night
(i.e. dates and times). Poker Timer This will
allow the tournament director to easily raise the
blinds on time. Tavern Champion Trophy This
goes to your Tavern Championship winner.
Trophys are mailed out at the end of the
season. Purple Clip Board Marker Use the
clipboard to stay organized. Clip the sign out
sheet to it weekly and store old sign out sheets
inside. Season Schedule The season schedules
shows you the schedule for the season including
tavern championship week.
Hosting A WTP Tournament
The most important thing is that the WTP
tournaments are designed to be self-managing.
While you are responsible for overseeing the
event, the more you get involved, the less
enjoyment the players will have.
  • The players know how to play Hold Em.
  • Let them try to resolve issues themselves
  • coming to you.
  • Ultimately, you are the final decision maker.
  • As the tournament director for your taverns
    poker night,
  • your level of enthusiasm will directly impact
    the success of your WTP tournaments!

Setting Up Your Tournament
You received a Tournament Directors Guide with
your Tavern Registration Pack. Below we
highlight a few of the key elements
Table/Chair Set Up Be sure to have your
tables/chairs set up at least an hour before the
tournament starts. We recommend 8-10 players at
each table. Make sure to setup near the bar area
so as players are knocked out they can continue
to watch play. Starting Chips Option one 5,000
points Each player receives 20 chips (5,000
points) 15 red (100 points each), 3 green (500
points each) and 2 black (1,000 points each).
You will notice that each row in the chip trays
holds exactly 20 chips. The white chips have a
value of 5,000 points each. Option two starting
with 10,000 points Each player receives 21 chips
(10,000 points) 15 red (100 points each), 3
green (500 points each), 2 black (1,000 points
each), and 1 white (5,000 points). Starting with
10k in points will keep players in the tournament
longer and works great for tournaments under 30
people. If you choose 10k in chips with over 30
people you will just need to lower the time on
blind levels to what works best for you. 2 Decks
of Cards on Each Table Make sure that each
table has two decks, 1 red and 1 blue so that
play will move continuously. There should also
be a cut card of opposite color for each deck so
as to guard the bottom card. Tavern Specials
Be sure to announce your tavern specials before
the tournament begins. Registration Area
Create a staging area where you can check
players in and keep your supplies. Be sure this
is an area you can get to quickly, but not one
where players will be hanging out. Less than
honest players may try to steal chips.
Setting Up Your Tournament
Print Registration Form This step needs to be
done as close to tournament time as possible
since players register late. Also remember the
website automatically assigns players tables if
they have registered in advance. Check Players In
Check players in as they arrive, and give them
their table assignments. Prizes Displayed
Arrange your tournament prizes by the
registration area for the players to see. Make
Them Wait at the Bar Do not let your players
sit at the tables until you are ready to start.
Keep them at the bar so they are sure to order
another beverage and/or some food! Send Players
to Tables Dont worry about players that didnt
show up yet. Once everyone is seated, fill in
the empty seats with players on the waiting
list. Make Announcements/Review Rules Review
the rules each week, especially the NO GAMBLING
RULE! Do not get complacent with this as you
will have at least a few new players each week.
You can announce the tavern leader at this point
and/or the winner of the previous
tournament. Hand Out Chips If you have more
than 5 tables, we strongly recommended asking 1
player from each table to come up and get their
chips. This will save a lot of time and energy.
Running Your Tournament
Raise Blinds on Schedule Players like when the
blinds are raised on schedule. Remember, every
20 minutes for tournaments with 35 or more
players and every 25 minutes with less than 35.
You will eventually find what works for your bar
? Prepare to Color up Chips Just before the
break, you will be eliminating all red chips from
play. Simply deliver some green and black chips
to each table along with some empty chip trays.
Ask 1 player to be responsible for coloring up.
This is denoted on the table rule cards. NOTE
the WTP rounds up, therefore, if a player has 3
or 4 red chips they receive a green chip. If
they have 1 or 2 they get removed with no
replacement. Consolidating Tables as Needed As
players are eliminated, begin to consolidate
tables. Your goal (though not always possible)
is to have all tables with an even of players.
If you send 1 or 2 players to a new table and
they sit in the blind, they can choose to sit out
until the deal passes them. If you send 3 or
more to a new table, they reset the deal with the
First Ace. Track the Top 20 Keep an eye on the
of players left. When you get down to 20, make
sure they know they have to check out to receive
points! Focus on the Final Table Make sure to
highlight the final table so that it is a special
experience. It should be your nicest poker table
and located where everyone can watch. Enter
Scores on the Website Be sure to enter the
results within 48 hours of the tournament. The
players love their points and rankings!
Tips to Make Your Tournaments FUN!
The absolutely most important part of running a
successful WTP event is to MAKE IT FUN and
constantly advertise. The more serious the
tournaments become, the less the players will
Great Staff If your staff is enthusiastic your
players will be too! Table service is important
during poker since the players will be focused on
the game. If the wait staff is not checking in
with the players regularly you will be losing
. Keep The Music Up It should be good music
that gets their feet tapping and gets them more
energized. Announce the 1st Player Out Players
will cheer and create even more excitement. Be
Available Make Jokes Players like to know
someone is in charge. Start on time, raise the
blinds on time, and be there to answer questions
or resolve any disputes. Walk around, make fun
of someones shirt, their sunglasses, etc Have
An Opening Toast Just before beginning the
tournament, have a toast with the Tournament
Director and all the players.
Tips to Make Your Tournaments FUN!
Update Your Points Remember, the points are
what these players are playing for update them
on time! That will keep your tavern rankings
up-to-date. Hold Satellite Tournaments Once
players are knocked out you can hold one table
Sit N Go tournaments so that people stay around
for the late game and continue to spend money
(maybe offer a small prize to the winner)!!
Players love to continue playing more poker while
they are waiting Make it Even More Fun Give a
prize to the first player out. Offer a prize for
specific hands that show up in between blinds
(i.e. first player with trip aces gets a free
t-shirt). Never Stop Marketing Get your
posters up, table tents out, add poker to your
existing advertisements and most of all, dont
get complacent! You should constantly be trying
to get new players coming out on poker night.
How To Use The Website
The website is a
comprehensive site that can handle everything but
running the tournaments for you ? This section
will detail each of the functions of the site.
Be aware that changes are made to the site on a
regular basis that may cause some slight
The Home Page
When you first visit, you
will see a series of buttons across the top.
These buttons are to access information without
having to sign into the site. Signing
In At the top you will see a section for
entering your username and password. Once a
player or a tavern is registered and signed in,
they will have access to more functions such as
registering for tournaments, checking their
ranking and much more..
Newsletter Page
Once a player or tavern signs in, the first
screen they will come to is the Newsletter page.
This Newsletter allows WTP to get important
information out to our Players and Taverns. This
includes information on Tavern and Regional
Championships, changes to rules, marketing ideas
and more. Please be sure to take the time to
read the newsletters!
Players Site
After signing in pressing enter on the bottom
of the newsletter page, players will find all of
their information by using the tabs in the center
of the page.
My Events Shows them the events they registered
for as well as how they finished My Profile
Allows them to change their profile. Register
In this section they can register for the
upcoming events. Tourn Results Check the
results of any tournament. My Rankings Shows
them where they are ranked at each Tavern,
Region, and in the Nation.
Newsletter Gives them the latest news Shop
Takes them to our store Feedback In this
section they can send feedback to each bar they
have played Players Club Coming Soon! WTP
Open Information on the upcoming World Tavern
Poker Open
Player Registration Registering for Events
The player can view a complete Tournament
Schedule in every region of the country. First
they select the location in which they would like
to play. Each event is listed in date order.
They then simply click on the Register Button.
Tavern Sign In
After signing in as a Tavern and choosing enter
at the bottom right of the newsletter page, you
will find a number of tabs to manage your
Marketing Tools This gives you a number of
downloadable images/files including table tents,
flyers, posters, training documents and
more Newsletter Current information related to
the taverns Championships Details on upcoming
Championship Events Shop Order additional
supplies for your tavern Create a Tourn If you
need to create an additional tournament you can
do it here.
My Schedule This gives you the details of each
of your tournaments, the ability to add players,
edit your tournaments, and send emails to all
your players Print Tourn Reg This allows you
to print your tournament registrations, player
sign in/out sheets, tavern rankings, and table
assignments Update Scores Enter the results
for each of your tournaments Rankings Check
the current players rankings for your
tavern Season Schedule Shows you the entire
season schedule.
My Schedule Tab
Season Choose the appropriate season (default
is current season) Week Choose the appropriate
week for the events you would like to
view Date/Time Tournaments are listed by date
and time of the event. of Players This shows
you how many players are currently registered for
this event. By clicking on the , you can view
the player list
Add Player If a player did not register online,
you can add them to the tournament by clicking on
the Add link (more details in next slides) Edit
If you need to make changes to an event, click
on the Edit link Send Mail This is a great
marketing tool! It allows you to send an e-mail
to your players (more details in next slides)
Player List found under My Schedule Tab
By clicking on the number of players registered
for each of your events, it will open a window
with a details list of those players
Unregister Players If you have a player
registered who is not invited to your Tavern to
play, you can click on the box next to their
name, and then click on Unregister Players at the
bottom of the screen. They will be deleted from
the event and also receive an e-mail informing
Position This tells you at which seat the
player is positioned. I dont recommend
requiring the players to sit in specific
seats Last Name Players Last Name First Name
Players First Name Table No. This tells you
at which table the player is currently seated
Add Players found under My Schedule Tab
If a player has not registered online for an
event, you can add them to the tournament by
getting their First Name, Last Name, and
Username. Search You can search the players
in a number of ways including Last Name, First
Name and User Name. Find The Correct Player
With over 35,000 players, we probably have 50
Sean Smiths. Find the appropriate player by
matching their username. Select Click on the
box next to the correct name. At this point you
can continue searching and checking all needed
players before moving to the next step. Add All
Selected Players Once you have selected all of
the players, click on this button to add them to
the event
Edit An Event found under My Schedule Tab
If you need to make a change to an event that is
already scheduled, click on the Edit button under
Event Details. A window will open showing you
the details of that event. Simply make the
appropriate changes. Delete If you want to
delete the event in its entirety, click this
button. Update Click the Update button when
you are finished making your changes. Cancel
If you do not want to make any changes to the
event, simply click the Cancel button.
Send Mail found under My Schedule Tab
The Send Mail is a great feature that is too
often not utilized by the Taverns. This gives
you the ability to send messages to your players
about Poker or about other events at your Tavern.

To All Players By checking this box, it will
send the e-mail to EVERY PLAYER who has ever
played at your Tavern. If you only want to the
message to the players registered for this event,
do not check this box. Subject Type in the
subject of the e-mail. We recommend putting your
tavern name in this area. Message Type in your
message, but keep it short. People generally
dont read long e-mails. Send Once your
message is complete, click on the send button.
Depending on the number of players, this may take
a few moments.
Print Tournament Registration Tab
Just before your event starts, click on the Print
Tourn Registration on the main page. This will
allow you to print the player list and seat
Season Select the correct Season Week
Select the correct week you would like to
print Print Click on the Print button next to
the appropriate event
Print Tournament Registration Tab
When you click on the Print function you will be
taken to an options page. Your registration form
will print in alphabetical order by the players
last name. We highly recommend printing all of
the options on this page.
Blank Registration Form For players to sign in
at the tournament who did not register
online. Top 20 Blank To track the Top 20
players from the tournament. Top 20 Ranked
Print the Top 20 Ranked Players In Your Tavern
for everyone to see! Player Registration Form
This will print your registered player list for
check in including their table
assignments. Print In Table Seating (button)
This option allows you to print by table order
rather than player order. Rearrange Players
(button) This option will randomly rearrange
your players seating order.
Enter Tournament Results Update Scores Tab
Once your tournament is over, click on the Update
Scores. Find the correct tournament and click on
the Add or Update Scores link. Please note that
the Add or Update Scores link is only available
after the date and time has passed.
Enter Tournament Results Update Scores Tab
Once you click on the ADD/UPDATE Scores link, it
will open a new window showing you all the
players who have registered for this event in
Alphabetical Order. NOTE Be sure to ADD ALL
PLAYERS to the event BEFORE you update
scores. Rank Next to each players name is a
drop down menu. Simply select the appropriate
the place that player finished. Absent You can
mark players absent (that did not show up). This
is not required. Add Once you have assigned
the ranks, click on the add button to complete
the scoring. Messages If you have missed a
ranking, you will receive a message telling you.
You have the option of making the rankings
continuous (moving players up to the empty space)
or leaving that place blank. It is your choice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How many players should I expect? 10-15 is
standard for the first tournament, but it will
take off after that. Remember, the more you
market your events, the more players you will
get. How many players get points? The Top 20.
Even if you only have 15 play, they will all get
points. How do I calculate the points? You
dont, the system will do it for you after you
enter the finishing results. How long do I have
to enter points. You can enter points at any
time after the tournaments are completed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if a player shows up that did not
register? LET THEM PLAY! You never want to turn
away a patron! You can add them to the
tournament through the website. Visit the
Website section of this training to get the
details. Use the blank registration forms to get
them signed up. What if they are not registered
with the WTP? If they are not a registered
player with us, you will not be able to add them
to the event. At tournament time have them sign
in on the blank sign in form where they will need
to use a potential username. Tell them to
register at soon after the
tournament with the username they gave you. You
will then be able to add them to the tournament
and give them their ranking. What if they dont
have a computer? Although 75 of America has
computers, you may have players without access.
First be sure that they are being honest and not
lazy. Second, get their info, and you can
register them by clicking on the PLAYER
REGISTRATION button on the home page. DO NOT
player. Each week they show up, you can simply
ADD them to the event.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many players are invited to the Tavern
Championship? All of the ranked players will be
invited to your tavern championship. That means
that if they have played in at least 8
tournaments they are eligible to play. How
many players are invited to the Regional
Championship? In markets where Regional
Championships are held, the Top 10 Ranked Players
in your tavern plus the semi-final table winners
from your Tavern Championship get invitations to
the Regional Championships. As well, we
generally invite a number of players who are
ranked in the Region. When will I get the
details for the Regional Championships? As we
get closer to the end of the season we confirm
number of Taverns, Players, Locations and
Prizes. What type of prizes are given at
Regionals? It depends on the number of bars
included. The more bars in that area, the larger
the prizes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is invited to the National Championship? The
top players from each Regional Tournament. As
well, each season we invite a certain number of
top players ranked in the Region and Nation.
Check out the website for the latest info. What
does the National Champion receive? The final
table (8 final players) will receive seats into
WSOP events. Further information is on the
website. What is the World Tavern Poker
Open? The WTP Open is 3 days of poker and
parties all based around our National
Championship. Details are on the site!
Well, that concludes the training program. Now
its time to test your knowledge of what you just
learned We know that it is extremely important
for the success of your tournaments that you
understand this information and follow the
guidelines. The next few slides will review
everything from the training. Please go through
each question and get comfortable with the
information. Players will be asking about these
topics each week. Please feel free to revisit
this program when needed, especially when you
bring new people in to run your weekly
tournaments. This is a great tool to use when
training your staff to be the Tournament
Director and/or using the WTP website. Again
thank you again for joining the World Tavern
Poker. We are confident that you will enjoy your
experience in the Worlds Largest Poker
League! Have fun! The WTP Team
Review Questions
How many weeks are in each season
(including regular and tavern championship)? A)
4 B) 16 C) 25 D)52
ANSWER is B 15 weeks of regular season and the
16th week is the Tavern Championship
How many players receive points in
each tournament? A) Top 100 B) Top 10 C) Top
20 D) None
Review Questions
  • How are players ranked at each level
  • the Tavern, the Region, and the
  • Tavern Average of Top 2 scores
  • Region Average of Top 4 scores
  • Nation Average of Top 6 scores
  • B) Tavern Average of Top 8 scores
  • Region Average of Top 12 scores
  • Nation Average of Top 16 scores
  • C) Tavern Average of Top 10 scores
  • Region Average of Top 15 scores
  • Nation Average of Top 20 scores

Review Questions
  • What happens during the final week of
  • the season?
  • A) We all go to Atlantic City B) Tavern
  • C) The Regional Championship D) Pub Crawl

ANSWER is B but A D would be fun too!
  • How many players are invited to the Regional
  • Championship?
  • Top 20 players ranked in your tavern plus the Top
    5 from the Tavern Championship
  • Top 10 players from your tavern plus the table
    winners from your semi finals.
  • C) The player with the highest bar tabs from the

Review Questions
  • What is the most important rule to review before
  • each tournament?
  • No Smoking
  • No Swearing
  • No Yelling at the Tournament Director
  • D) No Gambling

Review Questions
  • What do you do if a non-registered player wants
  • participate in a tournament?
  • Kick them out of the tavern immediately
  • Let them play and ask them to register online
    after the tournament
  • Ask them to do a shot before they play

What will directly impact the success of your
tournaments, both financially and player
satisfaction? A) Your drink specials B) Your
menu C) Your location D) Your enthusiasm
Review Questions
What is the starting chip value for each
player? A) 1,000 B) 339.5 C) 1 D) 5k
or 10k
What should you print from the WTP website before
each tournament? A) The logo B) The season
schedule C) Nothing D) All forms under the
Print Tourn Reg Tab
Review Questions
  • What happens if you send 2 or 3 people to a new
  • table?
  • A) They get up and start walking
  • 2 they can sit out until the deal passes them
    3 or
  • more the tables resets the deal with the first
  • C) Everyone starts to sing We Are Family

ANSWER is A B, C if they are really drunk
What is the most important thing to do after
the tournament? A) Get a drink B) Update
ANSWER is B, but we recommend A
Review Questions
  • Who gets the tavern trophy each season?
  • The best of the losers
  • The season point leader
  • The winner of the Tavern Championship (Week 16)

  • Who shuffles the cards at the tables?
  • The Tournament Director
  • Greg Raymer
  • The player to the right of the dealer

Review Questions
  • Blinds should be raised every _____ minutes (35
  • more players.
  • 20 B) 3.5 C) 30

  • What is the buy-in to the WTP?
  • A six-pack of beer
  • Nada
  • 1.00


Review Questions
  • What are some of the strategic marketing ideas
  • mentioned in training?
  • 2 tournaments a night
  • Good and consistent prizes
  • Great staff
  • All of the above

  • What does proper staffing mean?
  • That the staff have matching shirts
  • That the staff is constantly rotating through the
    poker tables asking for drink orders to boost
  • That the staff uses proper english

ANSWER is B but A would be nice too!

Review Questions
  • Where should you setup your tournaments?
  • In the ladies restroom
  • By the appetizer station in the kitchen
  • By the action, near the bar, close to the music
  • On the sidewalk

  • What is the most important part of your WTP
  • tournaments?
  • To have FUN, FUN, FUN
  • To develop professional poker players
  • To gamble away your life savings


Review Questions
  • What function on the website can the taverns use
  • to remind existing players about weekly
  • tournaments?
  • Update Scores
  • Send Mail
  • Newsletter

  • Where do you go to add players to events?
  • The bar
  • The strip
  • My Schedule Tab


Review Questions
  • What do you do first, add players or update
  • Neither
  • Ask someone else to do it
  • Ok, add players, then update scores

  • In the add player section, what are the ways you
    can search for a player?
  • First name, last name, username, email
  • Dress size
  • Favorite shot

Congratulations!You have completed the training
for the WTP!Remember, the success of your
tournaments is directly impacted by your
enthusiasm!Good Luck and Have Fun!
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