The Revolutionary War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Revolutionary War


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War
American Strengths
  • Patriotism - People willingly gave their lives to
    defend their liberty.
  • Knowledge of the land.
  • Fighting tactics taught by Native Americans.
  • Aid from France - During the first two years of
    the war, France secretly supplied the rebels with
    90 of their gunpowder.
  • George Washington - Inspired courage and

American Weaknesses
  • Men - Continental Army never had more than 20,000
  • Many soldiers only enlisted for six months or a
  • Men were not trained for battle.
  • Guns and powered were in short supply.
  • Food shortages -
  • Uniforms.
  • Lack of money.

British Strengths
  • 50,000 troops (well-trained)
  • 30,000 Hessian Mercenaries hired to fight.
  • Loyalists
  • Food, uniforms, weapons and ammo.
  • Navy was strongest in the world.

British Weaknesses
  • Distance between Britain and America.
  • King George was never able to convince the
    British people that defeating the rebels was
    vital to their future.
  • Poor leadership in England - Lord George Germain
    was running the war but never stepped foot in
  • Britain was fighting in other areas.
  • Overconfidence.

Military tactics
  • American
  • Guerilla tactics! Fight a hit run war!
  • Retreat!?! Not necessary to win a battle, just
    wear the British down!
  • Make an alliance with one of Englands enemies!
  • British
  • Divide Conquer break colonies in ½ by
    focusing on the Middle colonies
  • Prevent goods from getting to colonies
  • Get help from Loyalists

The Colonies at WarThe War in the North
  • After battles in Mass. And New York the hopes of
    the Patriots were dim.
  • When Washington and his men retreated from NY and
    crossed the Delaware into Penn. They were in
    desperate shape.
  • Washington came up with a daring strategy. He
    planned to launch a surprise attack on the
    British at Trenton

The Colonies at WarThe War in the North
  • On Dec. 25, 1776, Washington led 2,400 soldiers
    across the icy Delaware river. Under the cover
    of darkness, all men crossed unseen. The next
    morning they attacked the sleeping Hessians and
    defeated them.
  • After they learned of the defeat at Trenton,
    General Cornwallis pursued Washington and his
    troops. One week later Washingtons troops
    defeated the British at Princeton.
  • These victories gave the army hope and confidence.

The Colonies at WarThe War in the North
  • The British plan now was to take control of the
    Hudson River valley in NY. If successful, the
    strategy would benefit the British by cutting NE
    off from the rest of the colonies.

The Colonies at WarThe War in the North
  • Burgoynes plan failed and three weeks later, the
    Americans attacked Burgoyne in the Battle of
  • In the Battle of Saratoga the British lost
    hundreds of troops.
  • Until the victory at Saratoga, neither France nor
    any other country had been willing to openly
    support the colonists

  • The victory at Saratoga made it clear that it was
    possible for the Americans to succeed.
  • In February 1778, French King Louis XVI signed
    the Treaty of Alliance assuring the Americans the
    support they needed.
  • The French sent money, weapons, troops, and
    warships to the Americans.
  • Spain also entered the war against Britain.

The War Moves West
  • As the war continued in the East, the British
    recruited Native Americans to help them in their
    frontier campaign farther west.
  • At first, the Native Americans didnt want to
    take sides, but later most joined the British,
    believing it would help them turn back the white
    settlers moving into their land.

  • Fighting broke out in the Ohio Valley as British
    and Native American forces began their invasion
    of frontier settlements.
  • George Rogers Clark led volunteers on a raid
    against the British in the Ohio Valley. He made
    a surprise attack on the British fort at
    Vincennes. Clarks capture of Vincennes weakened
    the British in the Ohio valley.

The War at Sea
  • Navy was established in 1775.
  • Its very few ships had little effect on the
    outcome of the war.
  • The colonist relied mainly on armed private ships
    called privateers.
  • In 1779 an American warship, The Bonhomme Richard
    attacked the British ship the Serapis.

  • John Paul Jones sailed to the coast of Great
    Britain and attacked the British warship .
  • The Bonhomme Richard was torn with cannonballs.
    Seeing that the ship was on fire, the British
    commander ordered Jones and his men to surrender.
    Jones replied I have not yet begun to fight!
  • He and his men boarded the Serapis and fought
    one-on-one and defeated the British.
  • John Paul Jones became known as the father of the
    American Navy.

The War moves South
  • The British turned their attention to the
    Southern Colonies when France entered the war in
    1778. They believed they had more support in the
    South and that would help them win more battles.
  • Until 1778 only a few isolated conflicts had
    occurred between the Patriots and Loyalists in
    the South. But in one battle in 1776, Patriot
    forces crushed a Loyalist uprising at Moores
    Creek Bridge, NC. Although a small battle, the
    impact was great.

  • In the South, for almost three years the British
    marched through Georgia, the Carolinas, and
    Virginia without suffering a major defeat.
  • General Washington felt disheartened by the heavy
    losses in the South. At the same time, news of
    another loss added to his concern.
  • Benedict Arnold, one of Washingtons most trusted
    generals, had been caught spying for the British.
    Arnold tried to turn the American fort at West
    Point over to the British. Arnold escaped and
    became a General in the British Army.

  • SC Patriots felt angry about the defeat at
    Charleston. Looking for revenge, many of them
    took the situation into their own hands by
    forming bands and raiding British camps using
    hit-and run attacks.
  • One of the most famous of the raiders was Francis
    Marion, known as the Swamp Fox. He was known
    for his imaginative tactics and success in battle.

  • Francis Marion and Daniel Morgan fought off the
    British in the South.
  • In 1781, Morgan defeated the British in SC at the
    Battle of Cowpens.
  • Following the victory at Cowpens, Morgan and
    other troops joined together with hopes of
    crushing Cornwalliss weakened force. The armies
    met in a bloody battle known as the Battle of
    Guilford Courthouse in NC. Although Cornwallis
    drove the Patriots from the battlefield, the
    Americans badly battered his troops.

Victory at Yorktown
  • Following the hit-and-run attacks in the South,
    Gen. Cornwallis led his 7,500 troops north to
  • On a peninsula formed by James River and
    Chesapeake Bay.
  • Thought this would be a great location. From
    here he could receive supplies from British

  • Aug. 29, 1781, the commander of the French fleet
    Admiral Francois de Grasse, anchored 29 warships
    in Chesapeake Bay. Blocked supplies and escape by
  • At the same time Washingtons army and 7,000
    French troops led by General Jean de Rochambeau
    hurried VA.
  • The armies and French navy trapped Cornwallis.
  • On October 17, 1781, Cornwallis wrote Washington,
    requesting a cease-fire.
  • Two days later the British officially surrendered.

The Surrender
  • The troops met at the river facing each other.
    Washington waited to accept General Cornwalliss
  • Cornwallis was not there. Instead, he had named
    Gen. Charles OHara to act in his place.
  • Learning this, Washington selected Gen. Benjamin
    Lincoln to represent the Americans.
  • As 7,000 British troops turned over their
    weapons, the British band played a tune titled
    The World Turned Upside Down.

Treaty of Paris
  • John Jay, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams
    traveled to Paris to meet and work out the
    details of the treaty.
  • September 3, 1783 the two sides signed the Treaty
    of Paris.
  • Treaty stated
  • Great Britain acknowledged the independence of
    colonists and removed all troops from American
  • Set new boundaries for the US - Included land
    West of the App. Mountains to the Miss. River.
  • Great Britain returned Florida to Spain.
  • Americans had to pay Loyalist for property lost.

Spying on the Enemy
  • Spying was common during the war.
  • When captured, spies were labeled as traitors and
    typically sentenced to death.
  • Nathan Hale, 24 years old spied for Washington.
    He was captured and sentenced to death. His
    reported last words reflect his Patriotic Spirit
  • I only regret that I have but one life to lose
    for my country.

African Americans and the War
  • Nearly 1,000 enslaved joined the British and
    gained their freedom.
  • About 5,000 served as soldiers, minutemen,
    scouts, and other positions for the Continental
  • Salem Poor fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
    American commanders singled him out for his skill
    and valor.
  • Had to serve 1 year to gain freedom.

Women and the War
  • Ran the family farm or business.
  • Followed husbands to war and cooked, sewed,
    carried ammo and served as nurses.
  • A few took part in the battles
  • Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley - Spent seven years by
    her husbands side in battle. Soldiers called her
    Molly Pitcher because she carried water
    pitchers to the men during battles. - During the
    battle of Monmouth her husband was wounded. She
    took his place at the cannon firing at the
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