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During the furlough period, these households may not have information on the duration of the furlough or its ultimate impact on household income. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What

Whats New withSchool Nutrition
  • October 8, 2013

  • Introductions
  • USDA Foods Update
  • Mailings
  • Program Reminders
  • Administrative Review
  • USDA Guidance Memos
  • Training Opportunities
  • Questions Answers

  • Whats New with the School Nutrition Team
  • Deb Wollin, SNS Nutrition Program

School Year (SY) 2013-14 USDA Foods Entitlement
  • Wisconsin School Food Authorities (SFAs)
    receiving USDA Foods through participation in the
    National School Lunch Program (NSLP) receive an
    entitlement dollar balance (Program Year
    Entitlement) that is to be spent towards the
    value of USDA Foods.
  • The Program Year Entitlement is to be determined
    by the annually published federal assistance rate
    multiplied by the SFAs prior years total
    claimed reimbursable NSLP meals.

School Year (SY) 2013-14 USDA Foods Entitlement
  • SFAs are required to place their annual USDA
    Foods orders approximately six months in advance,
    during the annual USDA Foods ordering time frame.
  • Therefore, each SFAs Program Year Entitlement is
    initially based on second preceding year NSLP
    meal count data.
  • In other words, the amount of Program Year
    Entitlement dollars that SFAs used to place the
    annual order for SY 2013-14 was based on SY
    2011-2012 NSLP meal count data.

School Year (SY) 2013-14 USDA Foods Entitlement
  • Annually, after the prior years NSLP meal count
    data has been finalized, all SFAs Program Year
    Entitlement is updated to reflect this prior year
  • This process typically occurs at the end of
    October or beginning of November. However,
    preliminary School Year (SY) 2012-13 NSLP meal
    count data at a national level indicated global
    drop in NSLP meal counts.
  • Therefore, rather than wait until the
    October/November time frame, USDA made the
    decision to update all states SY 2012-13 NSLP
    meal count data and resulting SY 2013-14 USDA
    Foods entitlement data in August.

School Year (SY) 2013-14 USDA Foods Entitlement
  • Cumulatively, as a state, Wisconsin did
    experienced a significant drop in SY 2012-13 NSLP
    meal counts.
  • This meal count update resulted in a negative
    entitlement balance for the state of Wisconsin
    and therefore many SFAs for SY 2013-14.
  • In order to eliminate this negative entitlement
    balance, Wisconsin needed to adjust down SFAs SY
    2013-14 USDA Foods order requests and cancel USDA
    Foods orders.

School Year (SY) 2013-14 USDA Foods Entitlement
  • The Wisconsin USDA Foods Section has completed
    the SY 2013-14 USDA Foods order adjustments to
    eliminate the SFAs negative entitlement balance.
  • Since USDA had already purchased Wisconsin USDA
    Foods orders for several months of SY 2013-14,
    the USDA Foods affected by this adjustment
    process were based on the USDA Foods orders still
    available for USDA cancellation/adjustment.
  • This means that not all brown-box USDA Foods
    (USDA Foods shipped directly from USDA) and not
    all bulk USDA Foods for further processing were
    affected by this adjustment process.

School Year (SY) 2013-14 USDA Foods Entitlement
  • Additional details regarding the adjustment
    process and USDA Foods affected can be found on
    the USDA Foods Mailings and Notices web-page at
    the following link
  • http//fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_commoditymail

Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program Update
  • DoD has entered into a contract with a new
    produce vendor, General Procurement Services
    (GPS), for the State of Wisconsins DoD Fresh
    Fruit and Vegetable Program. 
  • Since DoD just recently awarded the contract,
    unfortunately GPS is still working on finalizing
    the details regarding the delivery schedule and
    specific delivery dates for each participating

Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program Update
  • In addition, Department of Public Instruction
    (DPI) has been made aware of delivery issues as
    SFAs place their produce order via the DoD
    ordering system, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
    Ordering System (FFAVORS).  
  • The delivery date chosen by SFAs in FFAVORS as
    they order is not accurate at this time.  SFAs
    choose the delivery date in FFAVORS expecting the
    date would stay the same as they had in the past,
    however, GPS is setting up different delivery
    dates, therefore resulting in missed delivery
  • Therefore, DPI strongly advises that SFAs do not
    place any DoD orders at this time, until the
    delivery issues are resolved. 

Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program Update
  • DPI will provide an update(s) as the information
    and details become available from DoD and GPS. 
  • For the meantime, please continue to send
    complaints to the DoD customer liaisons
  • Charlene Washington, charlene.h.washington_at_dla.mil
    ,  (215 )737-2545 or
  • Brian Kern, Brian.Kern_at_dla.mil, (740) 415-6551
  • When filing a complaint, please include your
    FFAVORS account number (i.e. YWI)
  • Also, please send a copy of the complaint to the
    DPI contact person Dino Ante, antonio.ante_at_dpi.wi
    .gov, as DPI continues to monitor the situation.

Whole Wheat Flour (100410) Vendor Substitution
  • The USDA vendor that was to supply the 100410,
    whole wheat flour made a substitution and shipped
    all-purpose flour to the state of Wisconsin and
    not whole wheat flour, as ordered. 
  • The shipment received by this USDA vendor covers
    delivery orders from September 2013 January
  • Unfortunately, since the all-purpose flour has
    been shipped out to commercial distributors and
    to schools, there will not be replacement of the
    all-purpose flour to whole wheat flour.

Whole Wheat Flour (100410) Vendor Substitution
  • However, the DPI recognizes that some SFAs may be
    unable to use some or all of the all-purpose
    flour received. 
  • In this event, the DPI will provide entitlement
    value and handling charge credit for cases of
    all-purpose flour that your SFA is unable to
    utilize.  If your SFA is requesting credit, a
    credit form will need to be completed. 
  • A copy of the credit form was provided to all
    affected SFAs.
  • If your SFA needs another copy of this credit
    form, please contact
  • Laura Sime at laura.sime_at_dpi.wi.gov

Whole Wheat Flour (100410) Vendor Substitution
  • SFAs that are unable to utilize all cases
    received during these months are encouraged to
    transfer/donate to another SFA or outlet that can
    utilize the all-purpose flour.  In the event of
    transfer/donation, it  is NOT NECESSARY to inform
    the DPI of the transfer/donation details.
  • In order to receive credit, the credit form needs
    to be completed and returned by Thursday, October
    31, 2013.
  • For SFAs that are unsure of how many cases that
    will be received by month of the whole wheat
    flour for September 2013 January 2014, this
    information can be accessed from the Wisconsin
    USDA Foods Ordering System under Program Year
    2014.  September 2013 and October 2013 case
    quantities can be accessed under the Orders
    tab.  November 2013 January 2014 order data can
    be viewed under the Adj. column of the Survey
    tab data.

USDA Foods Contact Information
  • Laura Sime at laura.sime_at_dpi.wi.gov or (608)
  • Lynne Slack at lynne.slack_at_dpi.wi.gov or (608)
  • Dino Ante at antonio.ante_at_dpi.wi.gov or (608)

The Federal Shutdown
  •  The USDA will continue to make funds available
    and pay reimbursement claims for all meals served
    prior to October 1, 2013.
  • DPI School Nutrition Staff have available funding
    and will be working through the month of
  • USDA food deliveries USDA has contracts with
    vendors that obligate them to perform and ship
    all food products purchased on time. 
  • Most materials have been purchased through
    December delivery. The food will not stop
  • For the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, the
    second allocation of funds for School Year
    2013-2014 will be provided to States by FNS once
    the Federal government resumes operations.

The Federal Shutdown
  • Question  Can households of furloughed employees
    be approved for free or reduced price school meal
    benefits?  Should they be removed from the
    program when the furlough is over?

  • September 24, 2013
  • Training Opportunities for the 2013-14 School
  • September 30, 2013
  • School Food Authorities Scheduled to Receive an
    Administrative Review in the 2013-2014 School
    Year (SY)
  • September 30, 2013
  • Verification (NSLP) SY 2013-14

Program Reminders
  • 2013-14 Contracts
  • August claim due Oct 30 Sept claim due November
  • Direct Certification should have been run at
    least once
  • Annual Financial Report was due August 30
  • Civil Rights Compliance Self-Evaluation
    Form/Civil Rights training on/before October 31
  • FNS 10 due November 1
  • Paid Lunch Price Report due November 1
  • Verification Activities Completed November 15
  • Verification Collection Report due February 1,

Administrative Review
  • Consultants are starting to schedule the AR
    on-site reviews.
  • Documentation and Information may be requested
    prior to the on-site review.
  • For more information on what to expect on an AR
    and resources to help you prepare, the DPI
    website has a webpage dedicated to preparing for
    the AR located at http//fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_ar

USDA Guidance Memos
  • SP 56-2013 Collaboration with State School
    Business Officials on New Administrative Review
    Section Resource Management
  • SP 58-2013 Paid Lunch Equity Additional
    Guidance for School year 2013-2014
  • SP 59-2013 Review of Provision 2/3 Base Year

Training Opportunities
  • http//fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_snt_training
  • Fall Training Opportunities
  • Menu Certification Workshops
  • Small Victories
  • Great Beginnings Academy
  • Whats New with School Nutrition
  • Whats New with School Nutrition webinars

Thanks for Participating
  • Next Whats New with School Nutrition
  • Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Non-Discrimination Statement
  • The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits
    discrimination against its customers, employees,
    and applicants for employment on the bases of
    race, color, national origin, age, disability,
    sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and
    where applicable, political beliefs, marital
    status, familial or parental status, sexual
    orientation, or all or part of an individuals
    income is derived from any public assistance
    program, or protected genetic information in
    employment or in any program or activity
    conducted or funded by the Department.  (Not all
    prohibited bases will apply to all programs
    and/or employment activities.)
  • If you wish to file a Civil Rights program
    complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA
    Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found
    online at http//www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filin
    g_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866)
    632-9992 to request the form. You may also write
    a letter containing all of the information
    requested in the form. Send your completed
    complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.
    Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of
    Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202)
    690-7442 or email at program.intake_at_usda.gov.
  • Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have
    speech disabilities may contact USDA through the
    Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 or (800)
    845-6136 (Spanish).  
  • USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
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