Title: the dti, Trade and
1- the dti, Trade and
- The World Summit on Sustainable Development
- Pillars of Sustainable Development
- SAs Objectives for WSSD
- SAs Assessment of Progress since Rio
- SAs Response The Global Deal Key Elements
- Linking the WSSD and the Doha Declaration
- Way Forward
3Pillars of Sustainable Development
- Rio Vision - integrative approach to
- Economic development
- Social development
- Environmental sustainability
- Development balanced betwn humanity's economic
and social needs and the capacity of the planet's
environment to meet present and future needs - Common but differential responsibility
4SAs Broad Objectives for WSSD
- Review progress in implementation of Rio Vision
- Identify weaknesses in implementation
- Consider action to ensure implementation
- Consider adaptations in light of new developments
ten years after Rio.
5SAs Assessment of Progress
- Some steps towards SD but severe and growing
constraints - Diminishing global and domestic resources to fund
sustainable development - Fragmented implementation of Agenda 21
- Poor governance
- Lack of political commitment to SD goals
6SAs Assessment of Progress
- Poor Implementation has resulted in
- Worsening global environmental conditions
- Increased marginalisation of developing
countries - Increasing levels of poverty, and global
socio-economic inequality
7SAs Response The Global Deal
- Adopt a forward-looking agenda
- No renegotiation of Agenda 21
- Renew commitment to Agenda 21/Rio Principles
- Practical approaches to integration of the three
pillars of sustainable development (eco, soc,
environ) - Focus on poverty eradication and reducing global
inequality -
8Key Elements of the Global Deal
- Political agreement on action needed to promote
SD - Poverty eradication built on achieving Millennium
Declaration Goals - halve poverty by 2015 - Coherent governance
- Social Platform WEHAB action plans
9Key Elements of the Global Deal
- Economic Platform
- Stabilise international financial flows
- Encourage long-term investment in developing
countries - Provide debt relief
- Improve the quantity and quality of ODA
- Enhance market access for developing countries
10 Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration
- Trade can be engine of economic growth
- Trade can contribute to poverty reduction
- Trade can integrate developing countries into
global economy reverse marginalisation - Marrakesh Agreement on SD
- Doha Declaration preamble on SD
- Doha Development Agenda
- Trade and Environment Negotiations
11WSSD and Doha Declaration Linking
- Use WSSD to Build Support for SA/Developing
country approach to WTO negotiations - Doha launched negotiation
- Outcomes uncertain/product of negotiations
- Negotiating outcomes to promote development and
integration are possible
12 WSSD and Doha Declaration Linking
- Predictable, enhanced market access for
developing country exports can - Increase investment/production in developing
countries - Rational, efficient global production
- Environmental benefits
- Development in the South
- Increase global flows of trade and investment
- Global economic growth
13Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration
- Difficulties During the Preparatory Process
- G77 Go beyond Doha on eliminating subsidies,
IPRs - EU Go beyond Doha and introduce
Precautionary Principle, Eco-labelling - US - Do not prejudge Doha negotiations
14Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration
- Friends of Chair Meeting No re-negotiation of
finely balanced Doha Declaration, WSSD to send
Political Message - Successful negotiations provide resources for SD
- Enhance market access for developing country
exports - Address implementation problems
- Operationalise special differential treatment
15Linking WSSD and Doha Declaration
- Enhanced technical cooperation and capacity
building for trade - Balanced, transparent, inclusive WTO negotiations
- Clarify linkages between WTO Rules and MEA
- On agriculture, industrial tariffs, subsidies,
IPRs, use agreed language from Doha
16Way forward
- Translate broad agreement into text
- Trade Ministers to consult
- New Text on Trade to be Negotiated in Joburg
- Ministerial Contact Groups in Joburg trade,
finance, governance - the dti to participate in negotiating trade text