Lecture 4 The Formation and Evolution of CMEs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 4 The Formation and Evolution of CMEs


Lecture 4 The Formation and Evolution of CMEs Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) Appear as loop like features that breakup helmet streamers in the corona. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 4 The Formation and Evolution of CMEs

Lecture 4The Formation and Evolution of CMEs
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
  • Appear as loop like features that breakup helmet
    streamers in the corona.
  • Three part structure
  • Bright outer rim
  • Dark cavity behind rim
  • Bright inner core of erupted prominence material

Scales of CMEs
  • Gray areas are covered by codes
  • Micro inertial length, Larmor radius
  • As CME propagates out through the solar system
    both time and spatial scales increase (apparent
    shrinking is do to log log plot)

  • Suspensions of cool (T104K), dense (n1010-1011
    cm-3) chromospheric material surrounded by the
    hot (T106K) and tenuous (n107-109 cm-3) corona

Prominence Magnetic Field
  • Magnetic field is found to be approximately
    aligned with the filament.
  • Highly sheared field.
  • Called a filament when viewed from above.
  • Can be stable for days or weeks.

Fundamental Questions
  • How are CMEs initiated?
  • Widely accepted that the energy of CMEs is stored
    in coronal magnetic fields the strongly sheared
    field of a filament (prominence) channel.
  • The CME is thought to be the catastrophic
    disruption of the force balance between the
    upward magnetic pressure of the filament and the
    downward tension of the overlying field.
  • How this disruption occurs is the main unanswered
    question in CME initiation.
  • Flux cancellation models
  • Breakout models
  • Flux injection model

Flux Cancellation Models
  • Flux cancellation is the disappearance of
    magnetic fields of opposite polarity at the
    neutral line separating them.
  • Flux cancellation at the neutral line of a
    sheared arcade causes the flux rope that supports
    prominence material.
  • Equilibrium breaks down if flux cancellation
    continues after the flux rope is formed.
  • A new equilibrium forms farther out.
  • In reality the solar wind pulls the flux rope out
    and forms a current sheet at which reconnection

A Simulation Study of the Eruption of a
CME(Linker et al., 2003)
  • The initial configuration azimuthal symmetry
  • Build a model of a helmet streamer
  • Use a spherically symmetric MHD solar wind
  • Use a potential magnetic field
  • Integrate until an equilibrium results.
  • To create a source of free magnetic energy put a
    shear flow near the neutral line of the streamer
    specify the tangential E field.

Formation of a Flux Rope
  • (top) Projected field lines (shading) and
    azimuthal field (color)
  • (middle) Current density out of the plane.
  • (bottom) Polarization brightness that a
    coronagraph would observe.
  • Flux cancellation forms a stable flux rope within
    the helmet streamer (1350tA)
  • Once the configuration is beyond a stability
    threshold halting the flux cancellation cannot
    stop the eruption (1390tA).
  • Prominence formation is part of the flux
    cancellation mechanism.

(No Transcript)
Change in Magnetic Energy and Kinetic Energy
  • Magnetic energy closed flux (top-bottom), kinetic
    energy (bottom)
  • During formation of helmet streamer B2/2µ0
    increases 15 (tlt600)
  • Energization of streamer (600gttgt1300)
  • Flux rope formation (1320)
  • Eruption (1380)
  • Energy of open flux (top-top) eruption occurs
    when closed energy open energy
  • Half of energy goes into flux rope.

Add azimuthal asymmetry
  • Azimuthal models entire coronal field must be
    opened and flux rope is detached from the Sun.
  • 3D model allows azimuthal asymmetry.
  • Reduce magnetic flux only in one sector of Sun.
  • Creation of flux rope and eruption occur as

Structure of flux rope
  • Isosurface of density
  • Field lines in flux rope after it has propagated
    away from the Sun
  • Note that both ends of the flux rope are attached
    to the Sun.

The Breakout Model
  • Reconnection occurs external to the filament
    channel quasi-potential overlying flux and
    neighboring flux systems.
  • Axisymmetric system with two spatial dimensions
    and three velocity dimensions (MacNeice et al.,
  • Imposed shear flow at the equatorial neutral line
    generates a Bf which produces an upward
    magnetic pressure (50251s, 70680s)
  • As fluxrope expands outward downward tension on
    overlying field lines increases stretch
    radially the field near the null.
  • Reconnection begins at the top of the expanding
    rope (79008)
  • Vertical current sheet forms deep inside (85185)

Mass Density and Radial Velocity of Flux Rope
The Breakout Model and Observations
  • The main feature of the breakout model
  • Flare reconnection does not initiate the
  • Multipolar pre-eruption topology
  • Density difference shows changes in density.
  • The three part structure seen in coronagraph
    images is found in the simulations.

Lynch et al., 2004
Energetics of the Breakout Model
  • Azimuthal magnetic energy solid line
  • Azimuthal magnetic energy below 1.5RS
    dashed-dotted line
  • Change in non-azimuthal energy dashed line
  • The kinetic energy dotted line with triangles.
  • Initially about half of the azimuthal magnetic
    energy is converted into kinetic energy. By the
    end of the simulation all magnetic energy about
    1.5RS has been converted.

Flux Injection Model (Chen, 1989, 1996)
  • The underlying magnetic field of a CME is that of
    a three-dimensional flux rope.
  • While all models end up with flux ropes this one
    starts with them.
  • The flux rope is determined by the Lorentz force,
    pressure gradients and drag on the coronal
  • It is difficult to distinguish between the flux
    cancellation models and the flux injection model
    since they evolve in the same way once the flux
    rope emerges.

CME Evolution and Propagation (Forbes et al.,
  • A CME propagates through the interplanetary
    medium as an ICME.
  • Assume a flux tube (the CME) circles the Sun like
    in the symmetric simulation.
  • Under excess internal pressure the flux tube
    expands that expansion is resisted by the
    inertial reaction of the medium into which it
  • The excess total pressure (particle plus
    magnetic) causes the flux tube to accelerate into
    the medium over coming gravity and drag.

Basic Interaction
  • The interaction can be written in words
  • Expansion
  • (Ambient mass density) X (Rate of expansion)2
    Delta Pressure (inside outside)
  • Acceleration
  • (Mass of CME Virtual mass) X Acceleration
    Force of gravity Delta (outside magnetic and
    particle pressure on lower surface area outside
    magnetic and particle pressure on upper surface
    area) Drag
  • Virtual mass allows us to correct for the force
    necessary to move all the ambient medium away
    volume of cylinder time the mass density of the
    ambient medium.
  • Problem is in turning this into equations.
  • Standard drag term CDA? abs (VCME Vsw) (VCME
    Vsw) where CD is a drag coefficient, and
    (VCME Vsw) is relative velocities of CME and
    solar wind.
  • How to do it is controversial.

MHD simulation of CME propagation in the
heliosphere (Riley et al., 2003)
  • Combined a CME eruption model (flux cancellation)
    with a solar wind model.
  • Flux cancellation model was used as input to
    solar wind model.
  • Flux cancellation model assumes g1.05 to mimic
    near-isothermal corona.
  • Solar wind model has g5/3.
  • Discontinuity at interface is harmless
    affecting only temperature slightly.
  • Corotation enforced at the boundary between the
  • Plasma and magnetic field parameters were set at
    the outer boundary of the heliospheric simulation

Evolution of the CME out to 0.5AU
  • Number density black Vr color contours
    Magnetic field lines blue
  • White line is boundary between solutions.
  • Flux rope becomes circular and then pancake
    shaped kinematic expansion as ejecta expands
    and then collision with surrounding material.
  • Shock and flux rope develop concave deformations.

Evolution of CME out to 5AU
  • Density red, field lines black and velocity
  • Ejecta becomes more distorted with distance.
  • Acceleration related to post eruption

Comparison with spacecraft observations
  • Ejecta was traveling faster than ambient solar
    wind shock (both)
  • Speed profiles are similar
  • Simulated B does not have peak in sheath (ACE))
  • Magnetic discontinuity not found in simulation
  • B modeled better at Ulysses.
  • Strong magnetic structure at Ulysses but not at
    ACE Ulysses passed near center of flux rope
    ACE near the flank
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