Title: Boundaries and Self-Care
1Boundaries and Self-Care
- Integ?Net Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- 1-800-458-8183
2The challenge...
- Providing care can be an emotionally
- complicated process. It requires the ability
- to be meaningfully related to a patient and
- family yet separate enough to distinguish
- ones own needs.
3Why an Issue?
- Hospice volunteers are caring people and want to
do what is best. - In hospice work, boundaries can easily become
blurred due to the nature of what care is
provided and the setting (in patients homes at
times and in their world). - The population served is vulnerable and may not
be aware of interpersonal boundaries.
4Why an Issue?
- As patients and families face end of life issues,
signs of intimacy may appear. Patients and
family members often want to talk about really
personal issues. This could be interpreted as an
invitation to friendship.
5Professional Boundaries
- Defined as limits that protect the space between
the caretaker's power and the client's
vulnerability. - Maintaining appropriate boundaries safeguards
both the patient and the caretaker by controlling
or limiting this power differential. - This boundary setting allows for a safe
connection between the caretaker and the patient
based on the patient's needs.
6Professional Boundaries
- Boundaries in Patient care are mutually
understood, unspoken, physical and emotional
limits of the relationship between the trusting
patient and the caretaker. - A caretakers boundaries represent a set of
culturally and professionally (even for
volunteers) derived rules of how health care
providers and their patients interact.
7Professional Boundaries
- Fiduciary Responsibility best interest
- Therapeutic Relationship zone of helpfulness
- Boundary Crossing across and back with no
long-term harmful effects - Boundary Violation harm to the patient
- Violation Potential risk factors
8Be aware of
- Any applicable Licensing/Certification Code
- Any professional Ethical Code or Standards of
Care - Organizational Policies and Procedures
- Training needs
- Self
9Zone of Helpfulness
- Therapeutic or professional boundaries
- allow a safe relationship with the client based
on the clients needs - produce consistency and predictable behavior
- define how power is exercised within the
relationship - protect the client in the relationship
- protect the caregiver in the relationship
10Professional vs. NonprofessionalRelationship
- PROFESSIONAL (including volunteers)
- time-limited
- location defined
- goal-directed
- unequal power
- caretaker responsible for the relationship
- formal training
- may last a lifetime
- location unlimited
- pleasure directed
- equal power
- all parties responsible for the relationship
- no formal training
11Goal Empowering vs.Paternalistic
- Empowering...
- is based on a plan of care
- supports and recognizes primary relationships
- supports autonomy of patients
- assists to reveal and explore the full range of
options and choices - collaborates with treatment team
- Paternalistic
- assumes needs of patients
- replaces or subverts primary relationships
- fosters dependency
- undermines confidence by conveying that
patients are incapable of making own decisions - limits choices
- sabotages efforts of treatment team
- Sharing personal information
- Not seeing patients behavior as symptomatic
- Nicknames/endearments
- Touch
- Unprofessional demeanor
- Gifts/Tips/Favors
- Over-involvement
- Romantic or Sexual Relationships
- Secrets
13Your examples
14Causes of boundary issues
- Personality styles or behavioral health issues
- Stress/burnout/compassion fatigue
- Cultural misunderstandings
- Lack of training
- Other?
15Warning Signs ofOver-involvement
- Thinking of patient or family away from duties
- Spending free time with patient or family
sharing home phone number - Sharing personal information or concerns with a
patient or family - Being defensive about care
- Secretive behavior
- Gift giving to individual
- Inappropriate physical touch loaning or
sharing personal items - Feeling so strongly about situation that cant
hear feedback from team not remaining neutral - Feeling responsible if patients progress is
limited - Feeling possessive about a patient or family
(super caregiver, or you and me against the
world) - Other?
- What is my role? What is the plan of
care/goals? - Would I say or do this with another caretaker
present? - Would I document this interaction or
intervention? - Does my behavior with this patient differ from
my behavior with other patients? - What else could I do to help the patient
- reach these goals without me?
- Potential benefits?
- Potential harmful effects?
- Seek consultation
- Other?
17Decision Tree
- See second to last page of the handout
18Relationship BetweenBoundaries and Self-care
- generally the reason for poor boundaries
- is limited awareness or fulfillment of
- personal needs. The caregiver tries to
- meet his or her needs through contact
- and relationships with families.
- Accept that there are things you cant fix
- Practice relaxation
- restorative breathing
- repetitive exercise
- meditation
- Humor
- Social supports
- Healthy choices
- moderation (eating, alcohol, spending, etc.)
- exercise
- good nutrition
- adequate sleep
- Other?
20What is Compassion Fatigue?
- Compassion fatigue is thought to be a combination
of secondary traumatization and burnout
precipitated by the care delivery that brings
health-care professionals into contact with the
suffering. - Szabo, B. (2006). Compassion fatigue and nursing
work Can we accurately capture the consequences
of caring work? International Journal of Nursing
Practice 12 136142.
21Difference between Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
- "Compassion fatigue is when caregivers have such
deep empathy they develop symptoms of trauma
similar to the patient according to director of
the Army Institute of Surgical Research Col
Kathryn Gaylord. - The disorder can also resemble burnout which
occurs when emotional exhaustion is experienced
due to increased workload institutional stress
does not involve trauma - Compassion fatigue can have detrimental effects
on doctor-patient relationships since doctors
suffering from the disorder often either grow
distant from patients or get too close - Wilson, E. (2008). New Program Offers Care for
Caregivers. Department of Defense Military Health
System News, 23 May 2008.
22Secondary Traumatic Stress
- People who come into continued, close contact
with trauma survivors may also experience
emotional disruption, becoming indirect victims
of the trauma. - The natural, consequent behaviors emotions
resulting from knowledge about a traumatizing
event experienced by a significant other. - The stress resulting from helping or wanting to
help a traumatized or suffering person. - Bride, B. (2007). Prevalence of Secondary
Traumatic Stress Among Social Workers. Social
Work 51(2) 63-70.
23Compassion Satisfaction
- Compassion satisfaction is the ability for
clinicians to derive a great sense of meaning
purpose from their work. - It may aid in alleviating existential terror
endemic to the human condition when a society is
at war. - It may be an important buffer in managing and
transcending alterations in belief systems, and
physiological or emotional reactions seen in
compassion fatigue. - Stamm (1999 and 2002) as quoted in Tyson, J.
(2007). Compassion Fatigue in the Treatment of
Combat-Related Trauma During Wartime. Clinical
Social Work Journal 35183192
24Major factors contributing to Compassion Fatigue
- Poor self-care
- Previous unresolved trauma
- Inability or refusal to control work stressors
- Lack of satisfaction for the work
- Figley, C. R. (Ed.) (1995). Compassion fatigue
Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder
in those who treat the traumatized. New York
Brunner/Mazel. - Other?
25Predictors of Compassion Fatigue among Hospice
- Trauma
- Anxiety
- Life demands
- Excessive empathy (leading to blurred
professional boundaries) - Abendroth, M. Flannery, J. (2006). Predicting
the Risk of Compassion Fatigue A Study of
Hospice Nurses. Journal of Hospice and Palliative
Nursing 8(6) 346-356.
26Characteristics of clinicians experiencing
Compassion Fatigue
- Physically Chronic sense of exhaustion and
fatigue, insomnia, headaches, stomach aches, lack
of appetite, physical agitation or retardation,
frequent bouts of sickness (e.g., colds, sore
throats). - Psychologically Often feel irritable, are
overwhelmed by the volume and content of their
work. - Relationship with Clients Sense a reduction in
their baseline empathy for others, feel numb to
patients and families pain, are cynical
regarding clients ability to change and/or
perceive them as being responsible for many of
their problems. - Organizationally Often report a sense of feeling
scattered and unable to meet their professional
personal obligations. - Mendenhall, T. (2006). Trauma-Response Teams
Inherent Challenges and Practical Strategies in
Interdisciplinary Fieldwork. Families Systems,
Health 24(3)357-362.
27What You (and volunteers) Can Do
- Recognize the symptoms of compassion fatigue
- Learn to ask for help
- Be aware and accept the limitations of your
family, your job, and yourself - Maintain discipline in daily responsibilities and
duties - Take time out during the day
- Take short vacations at least twice a year
- Try to change little things that gnaw at you and
accommodate to those you can't change - Organize your time so you can concentrate on
vital tasks - Admit compassion fatigue is a real problem for
you and don't try to cover it up - Distinguish between stressful aspects of your job
or home life that you can change, and those you
can't change change what you can - Other?
28What clinicians need to ward off Compassion
- Boundary maintenance
- Self-care
- Good training
- Good supervision
- Radey, M. Figley, C.R. (2007). The Social
Psychology of Compassion. Clinical Social Work
35(1)207214 - Other?
29What leaders/organization can do
- Identify realistic attainable goals for each
department and evaluate accordingly - Help staff to maintain personal growth both at
home and on the job - Encourage and support staff to develop an active
outside life with a variety of interests - Encourage staff to personalize the work
environment with meaningful pictures, objects,
colors, etc. - Encourage staff to be comfortable with themselves
by setting limits how far to become involved with
clients and colleagues - Encourage and practice good communication skills
on the job - Provide for flexible working conditions on the
job - Encourage trying new ideas outside of the box
- Sponsor decompression techniques activities
such as meditation or exercise that relieve
tension and put staff into a more relaxed state - Build support systems among staff to discuss
problems and help each other look for solutions.
Don't just air gripes - look for solutions - Other?
30Thank you
- Comments
- Questions
- Scenarios
- Sounds good but