Title: Agenda
Why is it important that meiosis produces haploid
cells? What is a tetrad? What stage of meiosis
can crossing over occur in? Why is crossing over
- Go over Vocabulary set 2 Definitions
- Go over Section 8-2 Review Worksheet
- Notes Meiosis
- Complete Meiosis Skill Worksheet
2- Binary fission- a form of asexual reproduction in
prokaryotes - Mitosis- process of cell division that forms two
new nuclei each with the same number of
chromosomes - Asexual reproduction- reproduction that does not
involve the union of gametes offspring are
genetically identical to parent - Meiosis- process of cell division during which
the number of chromosomes decreases to half the
original number by two divisions of the nucleus - Gamete- reproductive cell sperm or egg
- Cell plate- the precursor of a new plant cell
wall that forms during cell division - Cytokinesis- division of cytoplasm
- Spindle fiber-one of the microtubules that assist
in the movement of chromosomes in dividing
eukaryotic cells - Synapsis- pairing of homologous chromosomes
during meiosis - Tetrad- four chromatids in a pair of homologous
chromosomes that come together as a result of
synapsis - Crossing-over- the exchange of genetic material
between homologous chromosomes during meiosis
that results in genetic diversity - Genetic recombination- regrouping of genes in
offspring that results in a genetic makeup
different than parents - Independent assortment- random distribution of
the genes to gametes - Spermatogenesis- the process by which male
gametes form - Oogenesis- the process by which female gametes
form - Polar body-a short lived product of the formation
of gametes by meiosis - Sexual reproduction- reproduction in which
gametes fuse
4Sexual reproduction requires meiosis.
- Meiosis produces haploid (n) gametes so that
after fertilization, the embryos will be diploid. - Meiosis also permits recombination (crossing
over) so that each new gamete will have genes
from both mother and father.
5Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
Homologous chromosomes synapse or pair. (tetrad)
Crossing over occurs. Spindle fibers form.
Microtubule spindle apparatus attaches to
chromosomes. Homologous pairs align along spindle
Homologous pairs of chromosomes separate and move
to opposite poles.
One set of paired chromosomes arrives at each
pole, and nuclear division begins.
6Prophase II
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Chromosomes recondense. Spindle fibers form
between centrioles (if present).
Microtubule spindle apparatus attaches to
chromosomes. Chromosomes align along spindle.
Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite
Chromatids arrive at each pole, and cell division
4 haploid daughter cell. Genetically different
due to independent assortment.
7Crossing-over happens in early prophase I of
8(No Transcript)
9Crossing Over
10Why is recombination important?
- Why is it important that meiosis produces haploid
cells? - What is a tetrad?
- What stage of meiosis can crossing over occur in?
- Why is crossing over important?
How is spermatogenesis different than
oogenesis? What is a polar body?
- Vocabulary Review Game
- Notes
- Read Lecture Four Sexual Evolution From X to Y
- Web Activity
- Complete Essay
Dont forget Vocabulary Set 2 Quiz is Wednesday!
13Spermatogenesis- Production of sperm cells
- Produces four haploid sperm cells
14Oogenesis- Production of mature egg cells
or ova
- Produces one haploid egg cell and 3 polar bodies
which degenerate
15Mitosis Meiosis comparison
Recombination happens here
16Mitosis Meiosis comparison II.
(mitosis ends here)
17ReviewHow is spermatogenesis different than
oogenesis?What is a polar body?
- Read Lecture Four Sexual Evolution From X to Y
- Web ActivityLog onto Howard Hughs Medical
Institute Website and select Gender Testing for
Female Athletes - http//www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/gender/index.ht
ml - Complete Essay