Title: A little story about a cyclist ..
1A little story about a cyclist ..
..and a bit of physics.
2Would you drive a car like this?
Then there is a good chance you would end up like
4Have they not heard of my Laws of motion?
If you travel too close to the person in front
then you will not be able to stop in time
If you fall off then gravity pulls you to
When skin and road surface meet skin wears off
before the road surface
5These guys ignored Newton at their peril
6Would this guy ignore Newton?
You would think he would know better
7Yes he did
8One artist impression
9And another
10But it was very close to this
11The outcome.
Smashed helmet and concussed
Damaged shoulder joint
Broken Leg at the hip
Lost skin from shoulder thigh and legs
12But wait.. Physics comes to the rescue!
13Physics discoveries helped design many of the
features of this handy machine
14The discovery of xrays enabled us to see the
bones through the flesh to check for breaks..
15And this is my hip can you see the break?
16And here is how it was fixed bolted together
with 3 bolts
All it required now is 3 or 4 months to heal.
17And the shoulder
No break just a damaged joint
18A knowledge of Physics designed this helmet that
saved my head
Foam lining broke to reduce the impact
Surface scraped of on the road
19To check that there was no bleeding around the
brain a special x-ray device all CT was used
20This shows the slices of the brain that were
21And this this is one of the x-ray images
22An another imaging process called MRI was used
for even better images.
23And apparently, nothing significant was
24The moral of the story is
Even if you (stupidly) ignore Physics..
It may save you to ride another day
25However if everything else fails then one could
try the more traditional Chemical cure.
26(No Transcript)
27Graham Batchelor (Batch) Riccarton High School
- Video Clips were illegally nicked from various
sources - You Tube
- A light into darkness Produced to celebrate 100
years of Xrays