Title: @Wales
- Natalie Williams
- _at_Wales Digital Media
- Welsh Assembly Government
2_at_Wales Digital Media Initiative Remit
- Promote the digital media sector
- Support digital media clusters
- Incubate companies that are new, or new to Wales
3Cluster support (pan Wales) Networks_at_Wales
4_at_WalesSupporting digital media clusters
- Pan Wales network 1500 delegates
- Regional events
- Elevator pitch competitions
- Sector and SME awards
- Supporting trade show delegations
5Business Incubation
- A business incubator is an economic development
tool designed to accelerate the growth and
success of entrepreneurial companies through an
array of business support resources and services. - A business incubator's main goal is to produce
successful firms that will leave the program
financially viable and freestanding.
6Characteristics of Business Incubation
- Selective
- Supportive
- Time-limited
74 phases of incubation
8The _at_Wales team
- Is the proposal within our remit?
- Is it compelling?
- Does the financial proposal add up?
- Is the management team competent?
- Will the proposal add value?
- The sector/industry/market
- To Wales
- Can we help?
Working Environment Network Access to Funding Advice
Press Relations Trade Business Development Credit Card Processing
Legal Advice Access to Investors Very High Bandwidth LAN
Promotion Mentoring Accounting Patent Agent
Office Services IT Innovation Software Marketing
11Time limited
- Graduation-focused
- Viable and freestanding
- 9 months (lt 3 to 18 months)
- Continuing support package
- _at_Wales, Technium, CBTC
12Sample portfolio
IT3 www.it3.com Saiph Broadband Spindogs www.spi
ndogs.com Ping Media www.pingwales.com
13GraduatesViable, freestanding
14Cardiff Digital Media Centre Saint Line House
- One of the most technically- advanced office
locations in UK - Ultra-wide bandwidth connectivity for business
- and community
- 3 floors devoted to incubation
- 2 floors shared companies space
- Research, meetings, secure storage and servers
15Questions Comments
- Natalie Williams
- Marketing and Public Relations
- _at_Wales Digital Media
- Welsh Assembly Government
- Tel 44 (0)29 2044 4777
- Cell 44 (0)7919 324 528
- Natalie.williams_at_Wales-UK.com