Title: Physics Department
1Physics Department
- Computer resources
- Physics colloquium series
- Careers in physics program
- Welcome new and returning students, faculty, and
staff - SPS T-shirt design contest
- Undergraduate honors and award programs
- Lab teaching assistant, tutoring, and grading
opportunities - Research opportunities
- Presentations by undergraduate research students
2Physics Department
- Computer resources
- Presentation by Ching-Wan Yip and Tim Miller.
3Physics Department
- Physics colloquium series
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Careers in physics program
Physics Department
- Coordinated by Professor Dany Kim-Shapiro
- Events
- Thursday Sept. 16th Mark Wilson Editor for
Physics Today - Tuesday Oct 12 Hank Yochum Sweet Briar
College - (?) November Mark Roberson MCNC
7Physics Department
- Welcome new and returning students, faculty, and
staff - New Faculty Members
- Jed Macosko - Assistant Professor of Physics --
undergraduate and graduate degrees from MIT and
UC-Berkeley and post doctoral training at UNM
expert in biophysics experimental research - Lukasz Turski Visiting Professor of Physics
-- Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy
of Sciences, and the Department of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences -- College of Science of
Cardinal Wyszynski University collaborating
with Professor Bill Kerr and his students. - New Staff Members
- Jiwen Liu, Swati Basu, Mick Knaggs
- New Graduate Students
- Matthew Cass, Todd Fallesen, and Ye Yuan
- New Undergraduate Students (juniors)
- Zachary Abernathy, Kevin Berardinelli, Richard
Gaut, Jared Hill, Katherine Lee, John McQuirt,
Thomas Rutledge, Tyler Zimmerman - New Prospective Undergraduate physics majors
8Physics Department
- Welcome new and returning students, faculty, and
staff - Undergraduate Physics Majors
- Zachary Abernathy, Ivan Azarov, Kevin
Berardinelli, Matthew Caudill, Ierisha Davis,
Richard Gaut, Kristen Hall, Jared Hill, Charles
Inman, Katherine Lee, Ben Martin, John McQuirt,
Thomas Rutledge, Bryan Stephens, Jacqueline
VanDeventer,Tyler Zimmerman
9Physics Department
- Welcome new and returning students, faculty, and
staff - Physics Graduate Students
- Yonas Abraham, Doug Bonessi, Matthew Cass,
Faith Coldren, Kevin Conley, David Evanich, ,
Todd Fallesen, Jason Grigsby, William Hirsch,
William Hodge, Kris Huang, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold
Kielbasa, Nicole Levi, Wenhua Liu, Lu Peng,
Yong Qiu, Matt Rave, Jean Rockford, Ping Tang,
Gang Xiong, and Ye Yuan
10Physics Department
- Since last spring
- Students who completed their graduate work
- Chanté Singleton Completed her MS degree with
Daniel Bourland ? medical physicist at Anderson
Cancer Institute in Savannah, GA. - Virginia Lockamy Completed her PhD degree with
Dany Kim-Shapiro ? resident in medical physics at
U. Minn. - Xuili Xu -- Completed her PhD degree with Dany
Kim-Shapiro ? postdoctoral position at NIH - Keijing Chen -- Completed her PhD degree with
Dany Kim-Shapiro ?postdoctoral position at Johns
Hopkins University
11Physics Department
Physics Department VIP Staff Judy Swicegood
Administrative Coordinator Gale Burns
Secretary Chin-Wan Yip Instructional Technology
Analyst Machele Cable Physics Laboratory
Manager Bob Morris Machine Shop
Instructor Burak Uçer Laser specialist Tim
Miller Computer cluster administrator and guru
Research Group VIP Staff NanoTech Richard
Czerw, Ben Harrison, Jiwen Liu, Scott Webster
Fetrow Group Mick Knaggs and Stacy Knutson
Kim-Shapiro Group Jinming Huang, Swati Basu,
Man Cho
12Physics Department
Physics Department Faculty
Rick Matthews (Chair) Olin 217
Paul Anderson Olin 308 Natalie Holzwarth Olin 300
Keith Bonin Olin 310 William Kerr Olin 310
Bob Brehme (emeritus) Dany Kim-Shapiro Olin 208
Eric Carlson Olin 306 Jed Macosko Olin 215
David Carroll Olin 214 Fred Salsbury Olin 301A
Greg Cook Olin 304 Howard Shields (emeritus) Olin 216
Jacquelyn Fetrow Olin 301B Lukasz Turski Olin 303C
Martin Guthold Olin 302 Jack Williams (emeritus)
George Holzwarth (emeritus) Olin 300 Richard Williams Olin 212
13Physics Department
- Welcome new and returning students, faculty, and
staff - Please see Judy Swicegood in Olin 100
- To prepare your photo for our display case.
- Please check your mailboxes in the Physics Dept.
Office (Olin 100 or 108) for important
announcements - All declared physics majors have mailboxes in Rm.
108 and graduate students have mailboxes in Rm.
100. - Judy needs some forms by Sept. 1st from all
undergraduate graders and teaching assistants. - To obtain keys to rooms in Olin Physical Lab,
please see Machele Cable in Olin 110.
14Machele Cable
Bob Morris
Judy Swicegood Gale Burns
104 Lab
112 Machine shop
Bill, Will, Matt, Jason,David
105 Lab
First floor of Olin Physical Laboratory
15Dany Kim-Shapiro
David Carroll
Richard Williams
Rick Matthews
Jed Macosko
Kris, Ivan, Anne, Matt, Lu, Wenhua, Jerry, Gang,
Second floor of Olin Physical Laboratory
16Greg Cook
Natalie/George Holzwarth
Paul Anderson
William Kerr
Eric Carlson
Keith Bonin
Martin Guthold
Yonas, Ping, Qui
Stacy, Mick, Michael, Ye
Current journals
Jacque Fetrow
Fred Salsbury
Luckasz Turski
Third floor of Olin Physical Laboratory
17Physics Department
- SPS (Society of Physics Students)
- Coordinated by Professor Martin Guthold first
meeting in a few weeks - T-shirt design contest
- T-shirt comments by Natalie Holzwarth
18Physics Department
- Undergraduate honors and award programs
- Presentation by Professor W. C. Kerr.
19Physics Department
- Lab TA, Tutorial, and Grading Opportunities
- Undergraduate TAs and graders have forms in
their mail boxes and should return them to Judy
Swicegood soon. - Announcements by Professor Keith Bonin
20Physics Department
- Research opportunities
- Undergraduate students are especially encouraged
to participate course credit, Wake Forest
University Fellowships, or individual faculty
21Web site http//www.wfu.edu/undergraduate_college
22Web site http//www.wfu.edu/undergraduate_college
23Physics Research Participation Experimental
Research Group Area of research Slots Current students
Keith Bonin Laser and optical physics, biophysics 1 Doug Bonessi, Jean Rockford
David Carroll Nano-technology 5 Faith Coldren, Jerry Kielbasa, Nicole Levi
Martin Guthold Atomic force microscopy of biological molecules 1 Wenhua Liu, Lu Peng, Saami Yazdani, Minnu Mudigonda,Bryan Stephens
Jed Macosko Biophysics 2 Jean Rockford
Dany Kim-Shapiro Biophysics 1 Matthew Cass, Kris Huang, Anne Jeffers, Ivan Azarov, Kevin Berardinelli, Toyin Okanlawon, Rachel Maree
Richard Williams Solid state and laser physics 2 Yonas Abraham, Jerry Kielbasa, Yong Qiu, Gang Xiong
Undergraduate students
24Physics Research Participation
Theoretical/Computational Physics
Research Group Area of research Slots Current students
Paul Anderson Gravitational physics 2
Eric Carlson Particle physics and astrophysics 1 Bill Hirsch
Greg Cook Gravitational physics and computational astrophysics 1 David Evanich, Jason Grigsby, Matthew Caudill
Jacquelyn Fetrow Computational biophysics 3 Ryan Huff, Michael Hicks
Natalie Holzwarth Computational materials physics 3 Yonas Abraham, Kevin Conley, Ping Tang
William Kerr Computational solid state physics 1 William Hodge, Matthew Rave
Rick Matthews Computational solid state physics 1 Ben Martin
Fred Salsbury Computational biophysics 2 Ye Yuan, Jared Hill
Undergraduate students
25Undergraduate physics students who participated
in research this summer At WFU Ivan Azarov
(Dany Kim-Shapiro) Matthew Caudill (Greg
Cook) Michael Hicks (Jacquelyn Fetrow) Jared Hill
(Fred Salsbury) Bryan Stephens (Martin
Guthold) Elsewhere Ierisha Davis Ben Martin