Title: Physics Education in Canada
1Physics Education in Canada
- Tetyana Antimirova and Pedro Goldman
- Department of Physics,
- Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science
- Ryerson University
- 2008 OAPT
Conference - 22-24 May
2Welcome to Ryerson!
- State of physics teaching
- What is PER and PER subfields
- Challenges of PEP in Canada due to current
funding model and our efforts to change it - Latest Canadian PER initiatives
- Physics Education at Ryerson
- Looking into the future
4Current State of Secondary Science Education in
Canada PISA 2006
Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA) 57 countries took part in the
assessment. Canada came up 3rd! Only students
from Finland and Hong-Kong, China outperformed
Canadian students in science!
- However, science performance is uneven among the
Canadian provinces. - Alberta is significantly better than any Canadian
province, while Quebec, Ontario, and BC performed
at the average level, and the rest of the
provinces performed significantly below the
Canadian average.
6Challenges for Postsecondary Education
- Increasing expectations for student engagement
and satisfaction - Meeting the needs caused by changing demographics
7Changing Demographics
- More people than ever before pursue
post-secondary education - Large Classes (100-200 students is a new norm,
some classes are up to 1500 students) - In Ontario younger population
- Too many distractions
- Many students are forced to work while going to
- The transition from high school to university is
very painful for many students - Many programs/universities report low graduation
rates - The success or failure during the first year is a
good predictor of students future at the
university - Universities invest into lots of resources into
first-year intervention to ease the transition
(first-year offices, orientation courses,
additional free tutoring, etc.) - but many of
these measures are mostly subject non-specific - Drastic differences between high school and
university in study culture and expectations are
not taken into account yet
9Ontario Statistics
- One out of 6 high school students takes grade 12
physics course - 95 of them pass the course
- Overall, much lower success rate is reported in
the University introductory physics courses
10University Introductory Physics
- Even by conservative estimates
- Up to 30 of those who attempt introductory
physics courses, drop these courses and take them
later - Up to 25-30 students fail introductory physics
courses in their first attempt - Minus 15 rule- For those who pass, the grade
is lower by 15 on average
11Adjusting to University
- First Year Student Survey 2007 at Ryerson
- A lower percentage of respondents (64 in
2007 compared to 78 in 2004), reported success
with performing adequately in courses requiring
mathematical skills -
12General Population
- According to various estimates, only between 0.5
and 2 of university population major in Physics - Phobia of physics
- The rest
- Take required physics courses for
engineering, pre- medical, other science programs
or have no exposure to physics at all
13- The task of the physics teacher today is to
figure - out how to help a much larger fraction of the
- population understand how the world works, how to
- think logically, and how to evaluate science
Joe Redish -
14- Teaching physics can be both inspirational and
frustrating - Joe Redish
15What is Physics Education Research (PER)? PER
- Cognitive mechanism
- Curriculum and instruction
- Epistemology and attitudes
- Institutional change
- Problem solving and reasoning
- Research methods
- Socio-cultural mechanisms
- Student conceptions
- Teacher education and TA training
- Effective use of technology in teaching
16What Are We Concerned With?
- empirical investigations of student understanding
- modeling student learning
- PER-based curricular materials (development,
testing, evaluation, implementation) - PER-based diagnostic instruments and
assessments-our research tools
17Practicalities A four-step, Scientific Approach
to Teaching
- Establish what students should learn
- Scientifically measure what students are actually
learning - Adapt instructional methods and curriculum and
incorporate effective use of technology and
pedagogical research to achieve desired learning
outcomes - Share findings, disseminate and adopt what works
- Four-step approach from Carl
Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI)
18Tools Using Technology in Science Teaching
- Interactive engagement in large lectures
(Clickers) - Using live data collection (sensors and probes,
LoggerPro) to provide students with the
opportunity to test their ideas about science - Using video-based motion analysis
- Using online computer simulations (PhET) in large
lectures as well as in labs, tutorials and
homework assignments - Using online interactive homework systems, such
as MasteringPhysics
19Evaluating Impact Action Research
- To know where we are going
- Monitoring introduced changes
- Pre- and post-instruction testing
- Use of standardized conceptual tests for
measuring the impact -
20Science Education Research Groups in Canada
21PER in Canada
- Unlike the USA, Europe, Australia and Latin
America, there are only few Physics Education
groups in Canada - All PER initiatives in Canada happen despite the
lack of PER funding on national and provincial
levels - These initiatives are initiated by individuals,
small groups and some universities - PER movement in Canada is building from the
ground up!
22Science Education Funding in Canada
Sc. Ed.
23Current State of Science Education Funding in
24Latest Development Lobbying for Funding Model
- Lobbying for joint committees of major Canadian
- granting agencies (NCERS, SSHRC and CIHR) to
review - grant applications in subject-based Science
Education - Research
- Currently the signatures are being collected in
the - support of the initiative of Dr. M.Milner-Bolotin
and - Dr. P.Walden.
25Looking Into the Future
- Physics Education Research (as any subject-based
science education research) requires consistent
funding for research and curriculum development
and evaluation, preferably from national granting
agencies - Subject-based Science education research (PER in
particular) should be centered at science
departments - Science (physics) departments should be involved
in the training of science teachers
26Despite Current Obstacles A Few Canadian
Post-Secondary Science Education Initiatives
- University of British Columbia Carl Wieman
Science Education Initiative (CWSEI) - 12
million over 5 years, started January 2006.
Funded by the University. - University of Toronto Renovation of
Undergraduate Physics Labs (studio-based physics
teaching) - funded mainly by the University - Alan Slavins work at Trent University on
Students Achievements in Introductory Physics
27A Few Canadian Post-Secondary Science Education
Initiatives (continued)
- Ryerson University Hired two tenure track
physics education faculty at the Department of
Physics the scope of our PER-related activities
is growing - Perimeter Institute initiatives
- Toronto District School Board (TDSB) involvement
with PER - University of Calgary Undergraduate Laboratory
project funded by University, includes hiring
postdoctoral researcher for PER-Latest
28Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI)
- University of British Columbia Carl Wieman
Science Education Initiative (CWSEI) - 12 million over 5 years, started January 2006.
Funded by the University. - Science Education in the 21st Century Using the
Tools of Science to Teach Science - Achieving the most effective, evidence-based
science education
29Undergraduate Physics Labs at University of
- Renovation of Undergraduate Physics Labs
(studio-based physics teaching) - 4.7 million
- State-of-the-art studio both space and equipment
- Merging laboratory and tutorials, while
preserving lectures - Impact study
30The Latest! Calgary Initiative
- Modernization of Undergraduate Physics Labs
- Includes hiring a postdoctoral researcher to
conduct PER - 2-year project funded by the University
- Impact study
31Ryerson Developments
- Ryerson University Hired two tenure track
physics education faculty at the Department of
Physics (2004 and 2007) - Two more faculty members are involved in PER on a
part-time basis - The scope of our PER-related activities is
increasing steadily
32TDSB Activities
- Conferences (for example, Eureka in November
2007) - Growing collaboration with Universities
- Involvement with OAPT, STAO
- Involvement with physics teachers training
- Teachers professional development
- This is rather a snapshot, not a comprehensive
account of physics education in Canada - Only relatively new developments and trends were
mentioned - We might be not aware of some of the initiatives
taking place -
- If you happen to know the groups that we did not
mention, we would like to hear about them!
34Physics Education _at_ Ryerson
http//www.physics.ryerson.ca/ PROGRAMS ?BSc
in Medical Physics ?MSc in Biomedical
Physics ?Applied to OCGS for PhD in Biomedical
Physics ?Long-term goal MSc in Science
(Physics) Education
35 Our Faculty
- 15 faculty members (10 in Medical Physics, 2 in
Physics Education) - Largest university-based Biomedical Physics group
in Ontario - Physics Education is designated as our second
area of expansion (2 full-time and 2 part-time
faculty members) - We believe that we are the only Physics
Department in Canada which hired tenure-track
faculty for PER
36We Teach
- Introductory physics courses for over 800
students in Engineering Programs - Introductory physics courses for over 300
students for Science Program (Medical Physics,
Chemistry, Biology and Contemporary Science) - Our typical undergraduate physics classes have
lecture section between 100 and 200 students
37We Teach (continued)
- Advanced physics courses for our own
undergraduate BSc program in Medical Physics - Graduate courses for our graduate MSc program in
Biomedical Physics - Several elective courses for Liberal Arts Program
(including very popular Astronomy course) - Innovative Course for Architectural Science
Program (new!)
38Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics at Ryerson
- A new Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics
program at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario
was launched in Fall 2006 (first intake of
second-year students). - Small at first, but very strong group of students
will graduate after Winter 2009
39Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics Program at
Ryerson University
- Beyond first year courses include such topics as
radiation therapy, image analysis, medical
diagnostics and computer modeling techniques. - In the final year the students undertake an
independent, faculty-supervised thesis project in
an area of personal research interest.
40Our Graduate Programs
- Master of Science in Biomedical Physics launched
in Fall 2006 - Our own MSc. Students will graduate this summer
- Application for PhD program in Biomedical Physics
is submitted to OCGS - Tentative plans for Masters Program in Science
Education (starting with Physics Education) fit
well with the Universitys Academic plan
41Our PER-Related Activities
- Common theme the impact of new technologies on
- students learning
- Clickers
- Probe/sensor technologies for real-time data
acquisition, Logger Pro - Interactive computer simulations (PhET)
- On-line tutoring/homework systems (Mastering
Physics) - Video-based motion analysis
- Our Goal to implement activity-based,
inquiry based learning in all our courses
42Personal Response Systems
- Our Department was instrumental in
University-wide adoption of eInstruction clickers
in Fall 2007 - Members of our Department piloted clickers in
several Physics courses for Science program
students in 2005-2006 - Currently clickers are used in several large
enrollment physics courses for Sciences and
Engineering programs
43Our Ongoing PER Activities
- Plans for total undergraduate lab renovations (we
are still in a fundraising stage) - Implementation of video-analysis assignments (in
progress) - Action research in our introductory Physics
course for Science programs (pre- and post-
44High School Physics Courses Experience and
Learning Outcomes in University Introductory
Physics Courses
- The common introductory physics course for all
Science Programs (300 students) at Ryerson
combines the students who took Ontario grade 12
high school physics or its equivalent, and those
who did not - This natural split allowed us to probe how the
previous exposure to high school physics
influences the learning outcomes in the
university introductory physics courses
45Science Programs Classat Ryerson
- 60 took grade 12 physics course or equivalent
- 40 did not
- We teach them in one class
46FALL 2007 Did you take high school physics?
47Our Conclusions
- Although there are huge variations in individual
performance, statistically, the knowledge gap
between the two groups (with and without high
school physics background) does not shrink after
the instruction. - Course dropout rates are significantly higher
among the students who did not take grade12
physics or equivalent - The high school exposure to sciences does matter!
- We must communicate this information to the
students, parents, teachers and high school
48Pilot study
- Impact of Student Major on their Achievement
- in Introductory Physics
- Implement pre- and post testing (FCI, FMCE)
- Implement Attitude Towards Science surveys
49Experiential Learning
- Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin developed innovative
course (PCS107) for first-year students
Architectural and Building Science Program - Dr. Carl Kumaradas will introduce
project-based small-group learning in our
second-year - Introduction to Medical Physics course
50High School-University Transition
- Why to collaborate?
- Postsecondary and secondary education have
similar goals to provide successful
student-centered teaching and learning - Face somewhat similar challenges
- Both systems can benefit from sharing experiences
and exchanging ideas - Help our students with smooth transition from
high school to university
51Mutual University-High School Visits
- In Fall 2007 David Doucette visited my PCS120
first year class for students enrolled in
Sciences Programs - I visited grade 11, grade 12 and advanced
placement physics classes in Davids high school
in Richmond Hills. - University instructors can learn a lot from high
school teachers group work, inquiry-based
teaching and student-centered approach
52What We Can Offer
- To send our Faculty to your class to talk about
Medical Physics and Biophysics - To invite your high school classes for a site
visit at Ryerson - Once we get new teaching labs we will be able to
provide workshops for teachers if needed
53Looking Into the Future
- PER movement is gaining momentum at all levels of
educational system - We hope there will be even more opportunities if
the funding model problem gets solved -
- The community of educators is ready for a change,
but the institutional support is needed for
consistent and sustainable changes
- 1. Antimirova, T., M. Milner-Bolotin, et al.
"Physics Education on the Move in Canada"
Newsletter of the International Consortium on
Physics Education (ICPE), Spring 2008. - 2. Milner-Bolotin, M. and T. Antimirova
(2007). "Physics Education in Canada Recent
developments." Canadian Undergraduate Physics
Journal VI(1) 28-29.
IDEAS Please feel free to contact us
- Phone (416) 9795000 x 17416
- Email antimiro_at_ryerson.ca
- Tetyana Antimirova
- Assistant Professor
- Assistant Chair for the
- Undergraduate Studies
- Department of Physics
- Ryerson University
- Phone (416) 9795000 x 16538
- Email goldman_at_ryerson.ca
- Pedro Goldman
- Professor and Chair
- Department of Physics
- Ryerson University
56- We would like to thank Marina Milner-Bolotin for
providing some materials for this presentation.
57Thank you!