Title: Healthy Schools Leadership Program (HSLP) Evaluation Plan
1Healthy Schools Leadership Program
(HSLP)Evaluation Plan
2What Im going to talk about
- Present get your feedback on Evaluation Plan
for HSLP 06-08 cohort - Generate ideas for your own assessment/evaluation
work - Ideas for using the Healthy Youth Survey
- ? Please consider this a discussion!
3George tried to be a good monkey
4The Primary Evaluation Question
- Is the Healthy Schools Leadership Program (HSLP)
effective for making schools healthier? - Note that this is a state-level evaluation
question - I will present an ambitious scenario for
evaluation - We will attempt to be as rigorous as possible
- Im not a schools expert you are the schools
5Caveats to Evaluation Model
- Small numbers of schools (n15)
- Change takes time especially for long-term
outcomes - Our comparison group is the rest of the state
- If findings are positive, some will argue that
this is the results of your existing
capacity/readiness - The plan is ambitious looking for additional
resources to support evaluation
6Id like to say something stronger
- What we can say right now with certainty is
that if you spend resources implementing
coordinated school health it doesnt appear to
make your academic achievement any worse.
7Describe the Program
8Coordinated School Health Goals
- Health Education
- Physical Education
- Counseling/Support Services
- Food/Nutrition Services
- Healthy Environment
- Health Services
- Family/Community Involvement
- Staff Wellness
9Simplified Logic Model
B. Activities Asst Plan Evaluate
A. Inputs Teams HSLP training
C. Outputs Asst results Action Plan
E. Intermediate Outcomes Policy, procedure,
environment changes Sustainability
D. Short-term Outcomes Results from action plan
F. Long-term Outcomes Staff/studnt behavior
G. ImpactsHealth improvemt Academic achievemt
Non-HSLP External Factors
10Getting the Right Perspective Evaluation
11Specific Aim
- 1. Describe the extent to which the inputs
and activities are sufficient to generate outputs
assessment results, action plans (A/B?C,
Descriptive) - Were teams able to assemble wellness committees?
How did they function? Were they able to complete
assessment and planning? What priorities were
identified? What were the barriers and motivating
factors related to output completion? - Are there differences among HSLP teams in
satisfaction with outputs? What are the factors
(HSLP or other) associated with high/low
satisfaction? Was HSLP a critical factor in
achievements of high-quality outputs? - Data Sources Team interviews, action plans,
Healthy Schools Report Card
12Hypothetical Findings
- All schools assembled teams X included
community members - 12 of 15 teams created formal action plans
- All schools identified at least one nutrition
priority - School teams that were very satisfied with
their plans were more likely to have involved
community members and had a clear process for
translating assessment results into an action plan
13Specific Aim
- 2. Describe the extent to which participation
in the HSLP is associated with short-term
outcomes early results of action plans (A/B?D,
Descriptive) - Were school wellness teams able to use plans to
initiate change? How did implementation activity
begin? Which priorities did schools take action
on first? How were responsibilities identified?
What factors were associated with transition from
planning to action? - Are there differences among HSLP schools in their
satisfaction with/quality of early
implementation? Were some kinds of activities
more easily translated to quality action? What
are the factors (HSLP or other) associated with
high/low satisfaction? Was HSLP a critical factor
in initiating high-quality work? - Data Sources Team interviews, action plan
reports, Healthy Schools Report Card
14Hypothetical Findings
- 10 of 15 schools increased the overall number of
maintenance items on their Healthy Schools
Report Card - Teams reported highest satisfaction with their
work on XXX priorities - XX Teams (X) said they strongly agreed that
change would not have occurred without the HSLP
training and technical assistance
15Specific Aim
- 3. Describe the extent to which schools that
participated in HSLP change their environments
(A/B?E, Pre/post comparison to non-HSLP schools) - Did HSLP school environments change, and were
changes different than those of non-participating
schools? Which changes were achieved? - Are there differences among HSLP schools that
achieved policy/procedure/environment change vs.
those that did not? - How has sustainability been addressed? What
additional resources have been attracted for
school health? Has institutionalization of school
health work been achieved? - Data Sources SHEP, Healthy Schools Report Card,
HYS (perceived school environments), Staff
wellness survey (if perceived environment
indicators included)
16Sample Findings
Source SHEP 2004
17Specific Aim
- 4. Describe the extent to which schools that
participated in HSLP change their student/staff
behaviors (A/B ? F, Pre/post comparison to
non-HSLP schools for students, self-comparison
for staff) - Did HSLP schools student behaviors change, and
were changes different than those of
non-participating schools? - Did HSLP schools staff behaviors change?
- Are there differences among HSLP schools that
achieved behavior change vs. those that did not? - Data Sources HYS, Staff Wellness Survey
18Sample Findings
Source Healthy Youth Survey 2002-2004
19Specific Aim
- 5. Describe the extent to which schools that
participated in HSLP have had health impact (A/B
? G, Pre/post comparison to non-HSLP schools for
WASL, self-comparison for absenteeism) - Did HSLP schools student academic achievement
change, and were changes different than those of
non-participating schools? - Did HSLP schools student and/or staff
absenteeism rates change? - Are there differences among HSLP schools that
achieved impact vs. those that did not? - Data Sources WASL, Student absenteeism measures,
Staff absenteeism measures
20Sample Findings
21Data Sources Gathering Credible Evidence
Not everything that counts can be counted and
not everything that can be counted counts.
Albert Einstein
22Data Sources
- Proposing to use data you already collect, or new
data collection related to your HSLP
implementation - Exception interviews of team/administration
- For anything where we want to look at everyone
together, methods have to be standard - For some things it would be fine to have sentinel
schools - See school-specific data suggestions later
23Team Interviews
- During Spring 06 develop interview protocols for
assessing function and satisfaction among HSLP
participants (see evaluation questions) - Repeat in Spring 08
- Augment with interviews with other wellness
committee members (or lead administrators?) - Your role participate in interviews
24Healthy Schools Report Card
- Conduct assessment to identify priorities for
action planning - ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development) has a clear process/instrument - Your role use good assessment to develop plans,
provide a copy of whatever baseline (spring 06)
and follow-up (spring 08) assessment results
25HSRC Component Areas
- School health program policy strategic planning
- Coordination of school health programs
- Social and emotional climate
- Family and community involvement
- School facilities and transportation
- Health education
- Physical education and physical activity
- Food and nutrition services
- School health services
- Counseling, psychological and social work
services - School-site health promotion for staff
26HSRC Indicator Priority Rankings
- Multiple specific topics within components
- Rate with your team for each current status,
perceived benefit, perceived effort - Color-coded result report for combined scores
- Green short-term high priority
- Red short-term lower priority
- Lime long-term, highest priority
- Blue long-term, high priority
- Orange long-term, lower priority
- No color Maintenance
27HSRC Sample Component-Topic
- School health program policy strategic planning
- All staff members are provided with
time/resources to comply with health program
policies - Coordination of school health programs
- School health program members regularly inform
the principal, district superintendent, or school
board of current developments in the school
health program.
28Annual Action Plans Reports
- Design your action plan based on assessment
results - Your role provide action plan annually, report
of progress annually (format?)
29School Health Education Profile (SHEP)
- Survey of Secondary School Principals and Lead
Health Teachers - Sponsored by CDC
- Will be sent in Spring 06 and Spring 08
- Your role encourage completion of the survey
30SHEP/Profiles Data ExamplesSchool Health
Advisory Groups
- Have a School Health Advisory Group
- 59 of high schools
- 56 of middle schools
- 46 of combined secondary schools
- 55 overall
- Similar to 52 total in 2002
31SHEP/Profiles Data ExamplesTobacco
- A designated individual has primary
responsibility for seeing that the tobacco
prevention policy is enforced - 64 high school
- 68 middle school
- 59 secondary combined
- 65 overall
- Similar to 68 overall in 2002
- No association with school advisory presence
32SHEP/Profiles Data ExamplesNutrition
- Students can purchase fresh fruits/vegetables
from vending machines or at the school store,
canteen, or snack bar - 49 high school
- 45 middle school
- 39 secondary combined
- 46 overall
- Slight improvement from 39 overall in 2002
- No association with school advisory presence
33SHEP/Profiles Data ExamplesAsthma
- Obtain and use an Asthma Action Plan (or
Individualized Health Plan) for all students with
asthma - 77 high school
- 77 middle school
- 74 secondary combined
- 76 overall
- Improvement from 62 overall in 2002
- Schools with advisories are twice as likely to
obtain asthma plans as schools without advisories
34Staff Wellness Survey
- Designed by CDC available in March
- Assuming we can modify (shorten) if needed
- Assuming we (DOH/OSPI) can provide as online
survey and give data back to school teams - Are there other ways to measure staff absences?
- Your role engage staff to participate
- Caution poor participation will not yield useful
35Healthy Youth Survey (HYS)
- Administered Fall of even years
- Grades 6,8,10,12
- How many HSLP schools participated in 2002, 2004?
- Most powerful comparison will be 02-04-06
- Your role register to participate in 2006 (soon!)
36Student Absenteeism
- NCLB requires measurement of excused/unexcused
absences - Assuming no change in non-illness excused
absences, we can monitor changes in this rate
over time - Your role provide annual absence rates
37Academic Achievement/WASL
- Annual, building-level
- Grades 4,7,10
- Math, Reading, Writing
- Your role none needed
38Other School Factors
- Free reduced lunch enrollment this may be an
outcome, consider different measure of SES - Percent minority enrollment
- School/district size/enrollment
- School level (elementary, middle, high,
combination) - Urban/rural location
- Baseline levels of outcomes
- Other (baseline) funding sources for health
improvement - Your role none we can obtain
39Too much information?
41School-level Evaluation
- We wont evaluate you as individual teams
- Evaluating yourself on a few points would be
helpful in telling your story later - Suggest designating a lead for local evaluation
(just like any implementation piece)
42Sample School-level Evaluation Data
- vending revenue data
- key informant interviews with students or staff
- tracking of policy enforcement activities
- other data gathering from communities
- health room utilization data
- student absences use more advanced tracking
system (Public Health Tracking System grant
available from DOH environmental health) - lots of (digital) pictures of your environment
now and later
43Still Awake??
44Healthy Youth Survey
45Why do I need HYS now?
- Contribute to assessment, planning
- Identification of your priorities
- Describing affected students
- Gain attention for student health as a priority
46HYS 2004 Collaborative Effort of OSPI, DOH,
DSHS, CTED, FPC, and RMC Research
- State-level simple random sample of schools
- County-level samples drawn as appropriate
- Non-sampled schools also invited to participate
- Survey consistently administered in the Fall of
even years - Survey given to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders
- Survey booklets have one-page tear-off answer
sheet - Survey for 8th, 10th, and 12th graders uses 2
form interleaved administration
47HYS 2004 Participation
- The Healthy Youth Survey 2004 was completed
By 185,095 students
In 1,013 schools
In 235 school districts
In all 39 counties.
48Risk Protective Factor DataConsistent with CTC
MTF SurveysDevelopment led by DSHS/DASA OSPI
- WSSAHB Questionnaire
- Demographics
- Alcohol, Tobacco, other drugs
- School risk/protective factors
- Community risk/protective factors
- Peer-Individual-Family risk/ protective factors
49Youth Health Behavior DataConsistent with
National YRBS YTSDevelopment led by DOH
- YRBS Questionnaire
- Demographics
- Alcohol, Tobacco, Other drugs
- Nutrition
- Physical Activity
- Safety Behaviors (Helmets, Seatbelts)
- Mental Health/Depression/Suicide
- Additional Tobacco Indicators
50Getting the Best of Both
Form A WSSAHB-like
Form B YRBS-like
Survey Core
516th Grade Survey
One Form
Survey Core Mutually Agreed Items
52Core Survey Items
- Demographics
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use Items
- Key Violence-Related Items
- School-Specific Asset Items
- Depression
53Administration procedures
- Safe and confidential environment
- Standardized administration procedures (e.g.,
coordinator training, teacher training, written
instructions, teacher stays in room but at desk,
single class period to avoid discussion, absent
students do not make up) - Students informed of importance of survey
- No student name or other identifying information
- Students place own answer sheet in envelope
- Students provided resource list
54Data Cleaning Procedures
- Inconsistent answers
- Evidence of faking high level of substance use
- Dishonesty
- Wrong grade
55What is a Confidence Interval?
- The reported value is probably a little different
than the true value for all your students - We are 95 confident that the true value is
within the /- range, called the confidence
56Interpreting CIs Graphically
57Local Report Contents
- Introduction and Overview
- Highlights of Local Results
- Selected Results by Gender
- Responses to Items
- Risk and Protective Factors
- List of Core Items Item index
58For your continued exploration
- http//www.rmccorp.com/HYS06/index.htm
59- Students with severe persistent asthma symptoms
had - increased odds for academic risk
Source 2004 Healthy Youth Survey, state sample
only. Graph uses unadjusted estimates odds
ratios are for estimates adjusted for grade
(8-10-12) and maternal education (3-level).
60- Students with diabetes had increased odds for
academic risk
Source 2004 Healthy Youth Survey, state sample
only. Graph uses unadjusted estimates odds
ratios are for estimates adjusted for grade
(8-10-12) and maternal education (3-level).
61- Students who smoked any cigarettes during the
past month - had increased odds for academic risk
Source 2004 Healthy Youth Survey, state sample
only. Graph uses unadjusted estimates odds
ratios are for estimates adjusted for grade
(8-10-12) and maternal education (3-level).
62Healthy Youth Survey Website
- Some quick crosstabs examples you could run
- Kids who smoke are less likely to report having
access to an ATOD counselor (61 among smokers v.
71 among non-smokers, 10th grade state sample) - Kids who report being bullied are also more
likely to report depression (46 depression among
bullied v. 29 among non-bullied, 10th grade) - Kids who drank more than 2 soda pops per day were
more likely to report getting Ds and Fs (7 vs.
15 among heavy pop-drinkers, 10th grade)
63Healthy Youth Survey 2006 HSLP related measures
- Physical Education
- Number of days of PE per week
- How long doing actual activity in PE class
- Counseling/Student Support Services
- Is there a school counselor to talk about ATOD
- Is there someone you could go to for help
- Food/Nutrition Services
- New junk food module in 2006 asks about soda pop
and junk/fried food consumption at school, also
breakfast - Fruit vegetable 5-a-day consumption
- Soda pops per day (previous day)
64HYS 06 HSLP-related measures
- Healthy Environment
- Feeling safe at school
- Enjoy being in school/hate being in school
- Carry weapon on school property
- Bullying
- Teachers care about me
- Using tobacco on school property
- Been drunk or high at school
- Tobacco rules are usually enforced
- Health Education
- Number of times received tobacco education
- Number of times practices ways to say no
- How good in school at educating about HIV
65HYS 06 HSLP-Related Measures
- Family/Community Involvement
- Dinner with family at home
- Parent/guardian discussed tobacco at home
- How easy to get tobacco/alcohol if you wanted
some - Student Support Services
- Ever had an asthma action plan
66Your Questions
- What if I cant find my school or district
report? - What if I just need some general help getting
started with HYS data or the website? - What if I want more analysis done with our data?
- What if I have specific questions about HYS data
and our Health Department staff cant help me?
67You made it!
68What we talked about
- Present get your feedback on Evaluation Plan
for HSLP 06-08 cohort - Generate ideas for your own assessment/evaluation
work - Ideas for using the Healthy Youth Survey
69Here to help!
- General Questions
- Lori, Martin, Pam
- HSLP Evaluation Detail
- Julia Dilley 360-402-7877
- julia.dilley_at_state.or.us
- Healthy Youth Survey
- Diane Pilkey 360-236-3526
- diane.pilkey_at_doh.wa.gov