Title: Alameda Unified School District
1Alameda Unified School District
- 2008 Construction Progress Report
- Construction Goals
- Build a new K-5 school
- Work at existing schools
- Address Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
compliance requirements - Upgrade Fire Alarm Systems as needed
- Upgrade HVAC Systems
- Repair aging building systems - i.e. roofs,
windows doors as needed - Repair worn or damaged finishes
- Perform site specific projects including play
structures, seal and re-line asphalt, irrigation
3 Source of the 91.4 Million Budget
4Current Budget all fund sources
Ruby Bridges 22,050,880 Â EHS 3,090,000
 sub total 22,050,880  Franklin 430,000
PHASE 2 Â Â Chipman part 2 0
AHS 9,166,249 Â WCDC 750,000
Lincoln 8,550,000 Â Â sub total 4,270,000
Earhart 5,504,457 Â PHASE 5 Â
Haight Elementary 5,560,000 Â Wood 1,380,000
Miller/Island 2,340,000 Â Bay Farm 1,200,000
  sub total 31,120,706  Adult 630,000
PHASE 3 Â Â HAHS 7,000,000
HAHS MIDDLE 50,000 Â Woodstock 1,516,992
Paden 1,680,000 Â Longfellow 1,253,000
Edison 2,335,000 Â Â sub total 12,979,992
Lum 1,812,000 Â TECHNOLOGY 5,000,000
Otis 1,910,000 Â FFE 1,995,318
Washington 2,670,000 Â INTERIM HOUSING 2,200,000
Chipman part 1 1,370,000 Â Â sub total 9,195,318
 11,827,000  Total 91,443,896
5 Board Approved Projects
School Approved Bid BOE Current Budget Including CM, and AE
Ruby Bridges- 9/6/05 22,050,880
Earhart 5/24/05 5,504,457
Lincoln 5/24/05 8,550,000
Alameda 5/30/05 9,166,249
Miller 5/30/05 2,340,000
Haight 5/09/06 5,560,000
Edison 5/08/07 2,335,000
Lum 5/08/07 1,812,000
Otis 5/08/07 1,910,000
Washington 5/08/07 2,670,000
Chipman increment 1 5/08/07 1,370,000
Paden 5/08/07 1,680,000
6Ruby Bridges Elementary School
- Scope
- Construct New K-5 School
- Accommodate students from Miller and Woodstock
Elementary Schools - Increased capacity ( increment II ) to
accommodate Longfellow students
- Project Start Date 6/13/05
- Current Status Completed
- Warrantee Work
- Electrical
- Current Budget 22,050,880
- Funds Expended 20,918,639
7Amelia Earhart Elementary School
- Scope
- Fire Alarm
- Portable Relocation
- ADA Compliance
- Project Start Date 6/21/05
- Current Status Completed
- Current Budget 5,504,457
- Funds Expended 4,966,040
8Lincoln Middle School
- Scope
- Electrical upgrade
- ADA compliance
- Restrooms
- 2 story addition
- Project Start Date 6/21/05
- Current Status 90 Complete
- Current Budget 8,550,000
- Funds Expended 8,266,070
9Haight Elementary School
- Scope
- Seismic Retrofit
- Alarm Systems
- ADA Compliance
- Exterior Paint
- Project Start Date 6/24/06
- Current Status Complete
- Current Budget 5,560,000
- Funds Expended 5,542,006
10Alameda High School
- Scope
- Fire Alarm
- ADA Compliance
- Electrical upgrade
- Interior finishes
- Grounds upgrades
- Exterior Paint
- Project Start Date 6/22/06
- Current Status 99 Completed
- Irrigation
- Current Budget 9,166,249
- Funds Expended 8,949,609
11Miller (Island High School)
- Scope
- ADA Compliance
- Interior Finishes
- Alarms
- Project Start Date 6/22/06
- Current Status Completed
- Warrantee Phase
- Current Budget 2,340,000
- Funds Expended 2,330,363
12Edison Elementary School
- Scope
- Heat and Ventilation
- ADA Compliance
- Alarms
- Project Start Date 6/18/07
- Current Status Complete
- Current Budget 2,335,000
- Funds Expended 2,320,269
13Otis Elementary School
- Scope
- Heat and Ventilation
- ADA Compliance
- Alarms
- Project Start Date 6/18/07
- Current Status Complete
- Current Budget 1,910,000
- Funds Expended 1,881,809
14Lum Elementary School
- Scope
- ADA Compliance
- Alarms
- Electrical Upgrade -Paging/Intercom
- Project Start Date 6/18/07
- Current Status Complete
- Warrantee Phase
- Electrical
- Casework
- Current Budget 1,812,000
- Funds Expended 1,791,739
15Washington Elementary School
- Scope
- Heat and Ventilation
- ADA Compliance
- Alarms
- Electrical Upgrade -Paging/Intercom
- Window Replacement
- Project Start Date 6/18/07
- Current Status Complete
- Current Budget 2,670,000
- Funds Expended 2,636,000
16Paden Elementary School
- Scope
- ADA Compliance
- Alarms
- Project Start Date 6/18/07
- Current Status Complete
- Current Budget 1,680,000
- Funds Expended 1,671,449
17Chipman Middle School Increment 1
- Scope
- ADA Compliance Restrooms
- Exterior Paint
- Project Start Date 6/18/07
- Current Status Complete
- Current Budget 1,370,000
- Funds Expended 1,362,926
18FFE Interim Housing and Technology
 Budget Expended Balance
TECHNOLOGY 5,000,000 4,327,426 672,574
Furniture Fixtures Equipment 1,995,318 597,415 1,397,903
INTERIM HOUSING 2,200,000 1,924,355 275,645
19Remaining Projects PHASE IV
- Preliminary Construction Estimates
- Chipman Middle School part II
- HVAC retrofit
- ADA Compliance parking lot, sidewalks, and other
minor work - Encinal High School
- HVAC coil replacement 200, 300, and 400 wing HV
systems - HVAC Gym system upgrade
- ADA Compliance major site accessibility work on
the gym and building 400 - Fire Alarm System Upgrade system replacement
- Woodstock Child Development Center
- Minor ADA work at entry of building
- HVAC repairs
- Floor coverings and interior paint
- Lighting retrofit
- Adult School
- Exterior Windows South and West restoration or
replacement - Repair Plaster and wood trim
- Exterior paint
- Historical Alameda High School
20Remaining Projects PHASE V
- Franklin Elementary School
- Minor ADA work at entry of building
- HVAC repairs to controls, boiler, circulation
pumps and 3-way valves - Replace worn blinds
- Wood Middle School
- ADA compliance in affected areas
- Fire Alarm System replacement
- HVAC repairs to most systems
- Exterior paint
- Bayfarm Elementary School
- ADA compliance path of travel and entrances to
classrooms - HVAC in Media Center
- Fire Alarm
- Utility retrofit Natural Gas flex connector
- Longfellow Education Center
- ADA compliance in affected areas
- Fire Alarm System replacement
- HVAC repairs to most systems
- Exterior paint
21Moving Forward
Summary    Â
 Budget Expenditures Expenditures Balance
Measure C 62,995,318 52,022,606 52,022,606 10,972,712
Modernization-Award 12,642,330 12,642,330 12,642,330 0
Growth 7,760,984 2,760,984 2,760,984 5,000,000
Developer Fees 6,210,264 6,210,264 6,210,264 0
Deferred Maintenance 1,835,000 1,835,000 1,835,000 0
TOTALS 91,443,895 75,471,184 75,471,184 15,972,712
 Measure C Detail  Measure C Detail  Measure C Detail  Measure C Detail  Measure C Detail
Balance from above 10,972,712 10,972,712
TECHNOLOGY Â Â -672,574 -672,574
FFE Â Â -1,397,903 -1,397,903
Working Balance 8,902,235 8,902,235
22Calendar of events
- June 24th 2008 Measure C Oversight Committee
Report - June 24th Authorization to Advertise for Bids on
phase 4 and 5 approved projects. - Construction Updates
- October 2008 Construction Update
- February 2009 Construction Update
- June 2009 Construction Update
23Measure C
- The largest portion of the work identified in
this report was funded through a bond measure
passed in 2004. Alameda Unified School District
would like to express our thanks to the citizens
of Alameda for your support of Bond Measure C. -