Title: Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi: Gerakan Internasional
1Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi Gerakan
- Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih
- Kantor Jaminan Mutu UGM
2(No Transcript)
3To reflect and... Act. The difference between
the poor countries and the rich ones is not the
age of the country, the natural resources, the
intellectuality, the skin color...
4What is the difference then?
5The difference is the attitude of the people,
framed along the years by the education the
6On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich
developed countries, we find that the great
majority follow the following principles in their
7 1. Ethics, as a basic principle. 2.
Integrity. 3. Responsibility. 4. Respect to the
laws rules. 5. Respect to the rights of
other citizens. 6. Work loving. 7. Strive for
saving investment. 8. Will of
super action. 9. Punctuality.
8We are not poor because we lack natural resources
or because nature was cruel to us.
9We are poor because we lack attitude. We lack
the will to comply with and teach these
functional principles of rich developed
10In Education We Trust !
Picture Sebastião Salgado
11Topik Diskusi
- Klarifikasi Istilah Penjaminan Mutu, Regulasi
dan Akreditasi dalam Pendidikan Tinggi - Prinsip Dasar Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi
- Aplikasi di UK
- Aplikasi di USA
- Aplikasi di Australia
- Internasionalisasi Penjaminan Mutu
12Klarifikasi Tiga Istilah
13Tiga Istilah
- Regulasi Akademik (Academic Regulation)
- Penjaminan Mutu (Quality Assurance)
- Akreditasi
14Regulasi Akademik adalah
- The act of regulating and being regulated
- Making rules (defining principles, procedures,
expectation and accepted practices) - Ruling (controlling, directing, governing)
- Conforming to rules
- Measurement of performance
- Adjustment
- (Jackson, 1997)
15Penjaminan Mutu (Quality Assurance) adalah
- Upaya untuk memastikan bahwa sistem, proses dan
prosedur sesuai dengan standar/harapan/rencana/ya
ng dijanjikan
(Damrong, 2003)
16Quality Assurance in Higher Education is.
- A systematic management and assessment
procedures adopted by a higher education
institution or system to monitor performance and
to ensure achievement of quality outputs or
improved quality - (Harman and Lynn Meek, 2000)
17 Akreditasi adalah
- Accrediting is the process whereby an
organisation or agency recognises a college or
university or a programme of study as having met
certain pre-determined qualifications or
standards - (Selden, 1960)
18Kesamaan (1)
- Tujuan akuntabilitas publik
- Rujukan standar/baku mutu/accepted good
19Kesamaan (2)
- Penilaian kinerja (performance) kepatuhan
(conformance) terhadap rujukan - Dua tahap mekanisme internal oleh institusi ybs
dan mekanisme eksternal oleh badan independen
20Perbedaan (1)
- Organisasi Pelaksana
- Penjaminan Mutu Pemerintah atau yang ditunjuk
Pemerintah atau perwakilan universitas - Akreditasi Organisasi Profesi
- Regulasi Akademik Pemerintah dan atau
Organisasi Profesi
21Perbedaan (2)
- Publikasi Hasil
- Penjaminan mutu milik publik
- Akreditasi milik pihak yang
diakreditasi - Regulasi akademik milik publik
- Partisipasi
- Penjaminan mutu wajib
- Akreditasi sukarela
- Regulasi akademik wajib
22Regulasi Akademik/ Regulasi Pendidikan Tinggi
Penjaminan Mutu
Multi-stakeholder Multi-level
23Multistakeholder in Higher Education.
- How to achieve the balance
Self-Regulation/Institutional Regulation
External Regulation (National agencies)
Collective Regulation Professional bodies
24Multistakeholder in Higher Education.
- How to achieve the balance
Professional bodies
25Single stakeholder (Pemerintah).
- Dalam sejarah hanya terjadi di Uni Sovyet (Negara
26Multistakeholder (Pemerintah, Organisasi Profesi,
How to achieve the balance
Tingkat Internasional
Tingkat Nasional
Tingkat Regional
Tingkat Universitas
Tingkat Fakultas
Tingkat Jurusan
Tingkat Program Studi
Tingkat Jurusan
Tingkat Individu (Dosen Karyawan - Mhs
28If there is no balance
29Key Principles for QA in Higher Education
- Principle of accountability
- Principle of self-evaluation
- Principle of external peer-review
(Stewart, 1998)
30Principle of Accountability
31Principle of Accountability
- to the providers of funding
- to the users of graduates
- to the licensing authorities
- to the citizens of the country
The Curriculum of educational programme must be
competency (outcome)-based
32Principle of Self Evaluation
33Principle of Self-Evaluation (1)
- Indication of maturity and confidence
(self-controlled) - Pre-supposes organisational framework supportive
of monitoring and evaluation - Requires procedural arrangements for exercising
Policies will be implemented without external
pressure for implementation
34Principle of Self-Evaluation (2)
- Internal quality control mechanism as the basis
for quality improvement - Continuous
- Internal preparation for the visit of external
To make the visit efficient and effective
35Principle of External Review (1)
- The primary safeguard of QA in Higher education
- Requires national structure to ensure common
quality framework for all higher education
36Principle of External Review (2)
- Wide spectrum of external advice sought
- from external examiners
- From policy makers
- from community
- from practitioners in the profession
37Principles into Practice
38Principle of Accountability (1)
- Stakeholders able to seek evidence that
competency-basis of the curriculum is being
implemented and evaluated as claimed
39Principle of Accountability (2)
- Sanctions available to ensure that standards are
maintained and that proposed remedial action is
40Principle of Self-Evaluation (1)
- Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the
operation of the educational program - Regular audit of effectiveness of systems
41Principle of Self Evaluation (2)
- Regular review of performance against objectives
of the education program - Periodic review of curriculum in relation to
community health care needs
42Principle of External Review
- Willingness to accept external review
- Mechanisms for considering external reports
- Procedures for dealing with recommendations from
external reviewers
43Implication (1)
- Appropriate national and local organisational
structure and operational framework to deal with
QA issues - Formal institutional committee structure with
relevant procedures in relation to, e.g.
planning, approval, and review of courses
44Implication at National Level (1)Harman and
Lynn Meek (2000)
- Responsible Organisation or Agency
- Unit or Section within Government
- Separate Quality Assurance Agency established by
Government - Separate Quality Assurance Agency established
collectively by higher education institutions - Agency established jointly by the Government and
higher education institutions
45Implication at National Level (2)
- Participation in reviews and other activities
- Voluntary
- Compulsory
- Voluntary, with some measure of
46Implication at National Level (3)
- Methodologies of review and assessment
- Self-study or self-evaluation
- Peer review by panels or experts, usually with
use of external panel members and site visits - Analysis of statistical information or use of
performance indicators - Surveys of students, graduates, employers and
professional bodies - Testing the knowledge, skills and competencies of
47Implication at National Level (4)
- Focus
- National reviews of disciplines
- reviews of research only
- reviews of teaching only
- reviews of combination of research, teaching
and other activities
- Focus
- Institutional Evaluations
- reviews of teaching only
- reviews of research only
- reviews of quality assurance processes
- Comprehensive reviews teaching, research,
management, and quality assurance process
48Implication at National Level (5)
- Focus comprehensive of national evaluations of
higher education system - Purposes
- Accountability
- Improvement and renewal
- Combination of purposes
49Implication at National Level (6)
- Reporting and Follow-up Activities
- Report provided solely to the institution or unit
concerned - Report solely for the institution and published
- Formal reports to the Ministry
- Public Reports
- Performance funding
- Accreditation or validation
- Improvement and renewal activities
50Principles into Practice Example in UK
51Historical Precedent forQA in Higher Education
- In UK, Council for National Academic Awards
(CNAA) set up in 1960s to validate courses in
non-university institutions - CNAA insisted on (a) an organisational
framework for evaluation (b) a wide
consultation on goals of courses and
(c) a constant, critical appraisal of
evaluation system
52CNAA Emphasis (1979)
- Regular monitoring and evaluation of course
operation and teaching - Monitoring and evaluation to be done by staff
teaching the course and by the institution - Purpose to maintain standards
53Q.A in UK Higher Education
- Government argues (1987) that quality in
universities will be judged by (a) academic
standards of courses (b) teaching quality (c)
student achievements - Government links funding with assessment of
quality (1991) - Funding Councils introduce subject-by-subject
assessment of quality
541997 Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
55Conceptual FrameworkStandard-based QA HE di UK
6. Code of Practice as the basis for external
5. External Examiner
4. Subject Benchmarks
3. Accredited Teaching Staff
Increasing level of security
2. Program Specification and progress files
1. National Qualification Framework
Increasing level of Comparability
56Tingkat Nasional
57Point of Reference Standard-based QA HE UK
- National level 10 Codes of Practice
- Code of Practice for Program Approval,
Monitoring and Review - Code of Practice for Students with Disability
- Code of Practice for Student Assessment
- Code of Practice for Student Support
- Code of Practice for the Assurance of Quality
and Standards in Higher Education - Code of Practice for Placement Learning
- Code of Practice for External Examining
- Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research
Program - Code of Practice for Collaborative Learning
- Code of Practice for Career Education,
Information and Guidance -
58National Qualification Framework
1 Certificate C level Certificates for Higher Education To have a sound knowledge of the basic concepts and have learned how to take different approaches to solving problems
2 Intermediate I level Foundation degrees, Diploma, Bachelor degrees To have a sound understanding of the principles in their field of study and will have learned to apply those principles widely
3 Honours H level Bachelor degrees with honours To have developed an understanding of a complex body of knowledge, some of it at the current boundaries of an academic discipline
4 Masters M level Masters degree, postgraduate certificates, postgraduate diplomas To have shown originality in the application of knowledge, and understand how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research
5 Doctoral D level Doctorates To create and interpret knowledge which extends the forefront of a discipline, usually through original research. To conceptualise, design and implement research projects to generate the significant new knowledge and understanding. Ability to make informed judgment on complex issues, innovation in solving problems in specialist field
59National QA BodyQuality Assurance Agency (QAA)
- Assessment against Aims and Objectives
- Assessment of the student learning experience and
Student Achievement - Assessment by Peer Review
- Combination of internal and external Assessment
60Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC)
- Curriculum Design, Content and Organisation
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Student Progression and Achievement
- Student Support and Guidance
- Learning Resources
- Quality Assurance and Enhancement
61Conceptual FrameworkStandard-based QA HE di UK
6. Code of Practice as the basis for external
5. External Examiner
4. Subject Benchmarks
3. Accredited Teaching Staff
Increasing level of security
2. Program Specification and progress files
1. National Qualification Framework
Increasing level of Comparability
62Tingkat Kolektif
63Point of ReferenceStandard-based QA HE di UK
- Di Tingkat Kolektif dilakukan oleh asosiasi
disiplin ilmu - Subject Benchmark is statements that desribe the
attributes, skills and capabilities that a
graduate in a specific subject might be expected
to have. Each statement has been written by a
group of academics from the subject area. It is
not a curriculum
64Point of ReferenceStandard-based QA HE di UK
65Conceptual FrameworkStandard-based QA HE di UK
6. Code of Practice as the basis for external
5. External Examiner
4. Subject Benchmarks
3. Accredited Teaching Staff
Increasing level of security
2. Program Specification and progress files
1. National Qualification Framework
Increasing level of Comparability
66Tingkat Institusi
67Point of ReferenceStandard-based QA HE di UK (5)
- Di Tingkat Institusi/ Program Studi
- Program Specification is a concise description of
the intended outcomes of learning from a higher
education programme and the means by which these
outcomes are achieved and demonstrated. - Program Specification should make explicit the
intended learning outcomes and helps students to
understand the teaching learning methods that
enable the outcomes to be achieved, the
assessment methods to demonstrate the achievement
and the relationship of the study programme with
national qualification framework and other
professional qualification
68Contoh Aplikasi di USA
70Aplikasi di Australia
71Australian Universities Quality Agency
72Australian Quality Assurance Framework
States/Territories Accreditation Based on
National Protocols
Australian University Agency Audit
Universities Responsibles For Academic Standards
Performance data, QA Research
Australian Qualification Framework National
Register and Award Description
73Internationalisation of Quality Assurance
74Higher Education Relevance in the 21st Century
- Production in the context of its application
- Transdisciplinary
- Heterogenity in skills
- Diversity in management
- Social accountability
- Broadly based system of quality control
75European Network of Quality Assurance in HE
- Comparable degrees
- Credit accumulation transfer
- Free movement for students and staffs
- European cooperation in quality assurance
- European dimension in quality assurance
76ASEAN University Networkfor QA (AUN-QA)
- Strive to implement the QA system
- Institute a QA exchange and program
- Common recognisition of QA system
- Cross-external audits
- Quality criteria for core activities