Title: Communicable Disease Control
1Communicable Disease Control
- Lee Carn, RN, BSN, NCSN
- Power Point by Jill Crider
- Principles of Communicable Disease
- Effective Disease Prevention in Schools
- Bloodborne Pathogens Universal Precautions
- Reportable Diseases
- Use of Communicable Disease Section of the School
Health Manual
3The Chain of Infection
Causative agent
Susceptible Host
Portal of Exit
Portal of entry
Mode of Transmission
4The Chain of Infection
People, Surfaces Water, Food
Causative agent
Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Parasites
Susceptible Host
Droplets Excretion Secretion
Oral Wound Mucous Membranes Respiratory Sexual
Portal of Exit
Portal of entry
Mode of Transmission
Air, Direct contact, Fecal-Oral, Blood STD
- Surveillance - Observation for cases
- Medical Evaluation - Referral
- Reporting
- Contact Prophylaxis
6Effective Disease Prevention in Schools
- Isolation - Exclusion from school
- Standard Precautions
- Immunization
- Prevention Education
7Health room Cleanliness
- Maintaining cleanliness to prevent the
transmission of communicable diseases in the
health room. - Hand washing
- Bactericidal Solutions
- Clean countertops, cots, equipment
8Other Cleanliness Concerns
- Class room cleanliness
- Diapering
- Toileting
9Bloodborne Pathogens
- Bloodborne pathogens are disease-causing
microorganisms that may be present in human blood
or other potentially infectious material (OPIM)
10Bloodborne Pathogens
- District Control Plan
- Your job puts you at risk to be exposed to
bloodborne pathogens. - Two most common
- Hepatitis B
11Bloodborne Pathogens
- Practice Standard Precautions
- Treat all human blood and certain body fluids as
if they are known to contain bloodborne pathogens.
12Bloodborne Pathogens
- Engineering Controls - appropriate containers for
disposing of regulated waste, sharps containers. - Work Practice Controls - procedures you must
follow on the job to reduce exposure
13Bloodborne Pathogens
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Gloves
- Gowns
- Face shields
- Protective masks
- Resuscitation shields
- Housekeeping
14Bloodborne Pathogens
- Exposure Incident
- Notify the nurse for evaluation and follow-up
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
15Reportable Diseases
- List of Notifiable conditions in NMSHM
- First call nurse - she will determine next step.
- Exercise restraint. Avoid spreading rumors.
16Communicable Disease Manual
- Clinical Description
- Transmission
- Prevention Education
- School Action
- Check the School Health Manual for links.
- Questions?
- Thank you for attending!