Title: Dynamics of the family of complex maps
1Dynamics of Singularly Perturbed Rational Maps
Dynamics of the family of complex maps
Paul Blanchard Toni Garijo Matt Holzer Dan
Look Sebastian Marotta Mark Morabito
Monica Moreno Rocha Kevin Pilgrim Elizabeth
Russell Yakov Shapiro David Uminsky Sum Wun
2Dynamics of Singularly Perturbed Rational Maps
1. The Escape Trichotomy
Cantor set
Sierpinski curve
Cantor set of circles
3Dynamics of Singularly Perturbed Rational Maps
2. Classification of escape time Sierpinski
curve Julia sets
All are Sierpinski curve Julia sets, but with
very different dynamics
4Dynamics of Singularly Perturbed Rational Maps
3. Julia sets converging to the unit disk
? -.0001
? -.000001
? -.01
5Dynamics of Singularly Perturbed Rational Maps
4. Cantor necklaces and webs
6These lectures will deal with the dynamics of
the family of complex maps
where c is the center of a hyperbolic
component of the Multibrot set
7These lectures will deal with the dynamics of
the family of complex maps
where c is the center of a hyperbolic
component of the Multibrot set
But for simplicity, well concentrate for the
most part on the easier family
8Why the interest in these maps?
9Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
10Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
we completely understand the dynamics of
When but when , the dynamical behavior
11Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
Second, how do you solve the equation
12Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
Second, how do you solve the equation
You use Newtons method (of course!)
13Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
Second, how do you solve the equation
You use Newtons method (of course!)
14Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
Second, how do you solve the equation
You use Newtons method (of course!)
a singular perturbation of z/2
15Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
Second, how do you solve the equation
You use Newtons method (of course!)
Whenever the equation has a
multiple root, the corresponding Newtons method
involves a singular perturbation.
16Why the interest in these maps?
First, these are singular perturbations of
Second, how do you solve the equation
Third, we are looking at maps on the boundary of
the set of rational maps of degree 2n --- a
very interesting topic of contemporary research.
17Dynamics of
complex and
A rational map of degree 2n.
18Dynamics of
complex and
A rational map of degree 2n.
The Julia set is
The closure of the set of repelling periodic
points The boundary of the escaping orbits The
chaotic set.
The Fatou set is the complement of .
19When , the Julia set is the unit circle
20When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
21When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
22When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
23When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
24When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
25When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
26When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
27When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Colored points have orbits that escape to
Escape time
red (fastest) orange yellow green blue violet
28When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
29When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
30When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
31When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
32When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
33When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
34When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
35When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
36When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
37When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
38When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Black points have orbits that do not escape to
39When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
40When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
41When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
42When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
43When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
44When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
45When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
46When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
47When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
48When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
49When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
50When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
51When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
52When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
53When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
54When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
55When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
56When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
57When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
58When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
59When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
60When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
61When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
62When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
63When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
64When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
65When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
66When , the Julia set is the unit circle
The Julia set is the boundary of the black
colored regions.
67But when , the Julia set explodes
When , the Julia set is the unit circle
68But when , the Julia set explodes
When , the Julia set is the unit circle
A Sierpinski curve
69But when , the Julia set explodes
When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Another Sierpinski curve
70But when , the Julia set explodes
When , the Julia set is the unit circle
Also a Sierpinski curve
71Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
72Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
2n free critical points
73Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
2n free critical points
74Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
2n free critical points
Only 2 critical values
75Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
2n free critical points
Only 2 critical values
76Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
2n free critical points
Only 2 critical values
77Easy computations
J(F?) has 2n-fold symmetry
2n free critical points
Only 2 critical values
But really only 1 free critical orbit since the
map has 2n-fold symmetry
78Easy computations
is superattracting, so have immediate
basin B mapped n-to-1 to itself.
79Easy computations
is superattracting, so have immediate
basin B mapped n-to-1 to itself.
0 is a pole, so have trap door T mapped n-to-1
to B.
80Easy computations
is superattracting, so have immediate
basin B mapped n-to-1 to itself.
0 is a pole, so have trap door T mapped n-to-1
to B.
So any orbit that eventually enters B must do
so by passing through T.
81Part 1. The Escape Trichotomy
Dynamics of the family of complex maps
Paul Blanchard Matt Holzer U. Hoomiforgot Dan
Look Sebastian Marotta Monica Moreno Rocha Yakov
Shapiro David Uminsky
821. The Escape Trichotomy
There are three distinct ways the critical
orbit can enter B
831. The Escape Trichotomy
There are three distinct ways the critical
orbit can enter B
is a Cantor set
841. The Escape Trichotomy
There are three distinct ways the critical
orbit can enter B
is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
(this case does not occur if n 2)
851. The Escape Trichotomy
There are three distinct ways the critical
orbit can enter B
is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
(this case does not occur if n 2)
is a Sierpinski curve
86parameter plane when n 3
Case 1
is a Cantor set
87parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
88parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
89parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
90parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
91parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
92parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
93parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
94parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
95parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
96parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
97parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
98parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
is a Cantor set
Draw symmetric curves connecting the two
critical values to in B
is a Cantor set
The preimages are curves passing through the
critical points and connecting c to
is a Cantor set
The preimages are curves passing through the
critical points and connecting c to and
to 0
is a Cantor set
Choose a large circle in B
is a Cantor set
and locate its two preimages
is a Cantor set
Construct the regions I0, ... I2n-1
is a Cantor set
Each of the regions I0, ... I2n-1 is mapped 1-1
over the union of the Ij
is a Cantor set
Each of the regions I0, ... I2n-1 is mapped 1-1
over the union of the Ij
is a Cantor set
Each of the regions I0, ... I2n-1 is mapped 1-1
over the union of the Ij
is a Cantor set
Each of the regions I0, ... I2n-1 is mapped 1-1
over the union of the Ij
is a Cantor set
Each of the regions I0, ... I2n-1 is mapped 1-1
over the union of the Ij
is a Cantor set
110Case 2 the critical values lie in T, not B
parameter plane when n 3
111parameter plane when n 3
lies in the McMullen domain
112parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
Remark There is no McMullen domain in the case
n 2.
113parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
114parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
115parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
116parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
117parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
118parameter plane when n 3
J is a Cantor set of simple closed curves
lies in the McMullen domain
J is a Cantor set of circles
Why is the preimage of T an annulus?
120Could it be that each critical point lies in a
disjoint preimage of T?
121Could it be that each critical point lies in a
disjoint preimage of T?
No. The map would then be 4n to 1 on the
preimage of T.
122Could it be that each critical point lies in a
disjoint preimage of T?
No. The map would then be 4n to 1 on the
preimage of T.
By 2n-fold symmetry, there can then be only
one preimage of T
123Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
124Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
n(D) - 2 (deg F) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
125Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
n(D) - 2 (deg F) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
In our case, R is the trap door and D ??? is
the preimage of T
126Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
n(D) - 2 (deg F) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
We have deg F 2n on D, so
n(D) - 2 ( 2n ) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
127Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
n(D) - 2 (deg F) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
and R T is a disk, so n(R) 1
n(D) - 2 ( 2n ) (1 - 2) ( of critical
points in D)
128Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
n(D) - 2 (deg F) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
and there are 2n critical points in D
n(D) - 2 ( 2n ) (1 - 2) ( 2n ) 0
129Riemann-Hurwitz formula
F D R holomorphic branched covering
n(D), n(R) number of boundary components of D,
n(D) - 2 (deg F) (n(R) - 2) ( of
critical points in D)
and there are 2n critical points in D
n(D) - 2 ( 2n ) (1 - 2) ( 2n ) 0
so n(D) 2 and the preimage of T is an
J is a Cantor set of circles
So the preimage of T is an annulus.
J is a Cantor set of circles
B and T are mapped n-to-1 to B
J is a Cantor set of circles
The white annulus is mapped 2n-to-1 to T
J is a Cantor set of circles
So all thats left are the blue annuli, and each
are mapped n-to-1 to the union of the blue and
white annuli.
J is a Cantor set of circles
So there are sub-annuli in the blue annuli that
are mapped onto the white annulus.
J is a Cantor set of circles
2n to 1
J is a Cantor set of circles
n to 1
n to 1
2n to 1
J is a Cantor set of circles
n to 1
n to 1
2n to 1
then all other preimages of F-1(T) contain no
critical points, and F is an n - to -1
covering on each, so the remaining preimages of
T are all annuli.
J is a Cantor set of circles
n to 1
n to 1
2n to 1
These annuli fill out the Fatou set
removing all of them leaves us with a Cantor set
of simple closed curves (McMullen)
139Curiously, this cannot happen when n 2. One
reason involves the moduli of the annuli in the
preimages of T.
140Case n 2
A is mapped 4-to-1 to T
141Case n 2
A0 and A1 are mapped 2-to-1 to A ? A0 ?A1
142Case n 2
So mod(A0) mod( A ? A0 ?A1 ) and mod(A1)
mod( A ? A0 ?A1 )
143Case n 2
So mod(A0) mod( A ? A0 ?A1 ) and mod(A1)
mod( A ? A0 ?A1 ) so there is no room in the
middle for A
144Another reason this does not happen
The critical values are
When n gt 2 we have
145Another reason this does not happen
The critical values are
When n gt 2 we have
so the critical values lie in T when is
146Another reason this does not happen
The critical values are
But when n 2 we have
147Another reason this does not happen
The critical values are
But when n 2 we have
So, as , and
1/4 is nowhere near the basin of when
is small.
148Parameter planes
n 2
n 3
No McMullen domain
McMullen domain
149Parameter planes
n 2
n 3
No McMullen domain
McMullen domain
150n 2
n 3
No McMullen domain
McMullen domain
151n 2
n 3
No McMullen domain
McMullen domain
152There is a lot of structure around the McMullen
domain when n gt 2
but a very different structure when n 2.
153Case 3 the critical orbit eventually lands in
the trap door
is a Sierpinski curve.
154Sierpinski Curve
A Sierpinski curve is any planar set that is
homeomorphic to the Sierpinski carpet fractal.
The Sierpinski Carpet
155Topological Characterization
Any planar set that is 1. compact 2.
connected 3. locally connected 4. nowhere
dense 5. any two complementary domains are
bounded by simple closed curves that are
pairwise disjoint
is a Sierpinski curve.
The Sierpinski Carpet
156Case 3 the critical orbit eventually lands in
the trap door.
parameter plane when n 3
lies in a Sierpinski hole
157parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
158parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
159parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
160parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
161parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
162parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
163parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
164parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
165parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
166parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
167parameter plane when n 3
J is a Sierpinski curve
lies in a Sierpinski hole
168Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
169Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
Reason The equation reduces to a polynomial
of degree (n-1)(2n)(k-3) , and it can be shown
that all the roots of this polynomial are
distinct. (You can put a Böttcher coordinate on
each Sierpinski hole).
170Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
Reason The equation reduces to a polynomial
of degree (n-1)(2n)(k-3) , and it can be shown
that all the roots of this polynomial are
distinct. (You can put a Böttcher coordinate on
each Sierpinski hole). So we have exactly that
many centers of Sierpinski holes, i.e.,
parameters for which the critical points all
land on 0 and then .
171Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 3 escape time 3 2 Sierpinski holes
parameter plane n 3
172Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 3 escape time 3 2 Sierpinski holes
parameter plane n 3
173Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 3 escape time 4 12 Sierpinski holes
parameter plane n 3
174Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 3 escape time 4 12 Sierpinski holes
parameter plane n 3
175Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 4 escape time 3 3 Sierpinski holes
parameter plane n 4
176Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 4 escape time 4 24 Sierpinski holes
parameter plane n 4
177Have an exact count of the number of Sierpinski
Theorem (Roesch) Given n, there are exactly
(n-1)(2n)k-3 Sierpinski holes with escape time
n 4 escape time 12 402,653,184 Sierpinski
Sorry. I forgot to indicate their locations.
parameter plane n 4
178Main Question
Given two Sierpinski
curve Julia sets, when do we know that the
dynamics on them are the same, i.e., the maps
are conjugate on the Julia sets?
These sets are homeomorphic, but are the
dynamics on them the same?
179Part 2. Dynamic Classification of Escape
Time Sierpinski Curve Julia Sets
J ( F? )
J ( F? )
When do F? and F? have the same (conjugate)
1801 If and are drawn from the same
Sierpinski hole, then the corresponding maps
have the same dynamics, i.e., they are
topologically conjugate on their Julia sets.
parameter plane n 4
1811 If and are drawn from the same
Sierpinski hole, then the corresponding maps
have the same dynamics, i.e., they are
topologically conjugate on their Julia sets.
So all these parameters have the same dynamics on
their Julia sets.
parameter plane n 4
1821 If and are drawn from the same
Sierpinski hole, then the corresponding maps
have the same dynamics, i.e., they are
topologically conjugate on their Julia sets.
This uses quasiconformal surgery techniques
parameter plane n 4
1831 If and are drawn from the same
Sierpinski hole, then the corresponding maps
have the same dynamics, i.e., they are
topologically conjugate on their Julia sets.
2 If these parameters come from Sierpinski
holes with different escape times, then the
maps cannot be conjugate.
184Two Sierpinski curve Julia sets, so they are
185escape time 3
escape time 4
So these maps cannot be topologically conjugate.
186is the only invariant boundary of an
escape component, so must be preserved by any
187is the only preimage of , so this curve
must also be preserved by a conjugacy.
188If a boundary component is mapped to after k
iterations, its image under the conjugacy must
also have this property, and so forth.....
The curves around c are special they are the
only other ones in J mapped 2-1 onto their images.
This bounding region takes 3 iterates to land on
the boundary of B.
But this bounding region takes 4 iterates to
land, so these maps are not conjugate.
1913 What if two maps lie in different Sierpinski
holes that have the same escape time?
For this it suffices to consider the centers of
the Sierpinski holes i.e., parameter values for
which for some k ? 3.
1923 What if two maps lie in different Sierpinski
holes that have the same escape time?
For this it suffices to consider the centers of
the Sierpinski holes i.e., parameter values for
which for some k ? 3.
Two such centers of Sierpinski holes are
critically finite maps, so by Thurstons
Theorem, if they are topologically conjugate in
the plane, they can be conjugated by a Mobius
transformation (in the orientation preserving
1933 What if two maps lie in different Sierpinski
holes that have the same escape time?
For this it suffices to consider the centers of
the Sierpinski holes i.e., parameter values for
which for some k ? 3.
Two such centers of Sierpinski holes are
critically finite maps, so by Thurstons
Theorem, if they are topologically conjugate in
the plane, they can be conjugated by a Mobius
transformation (in the orientation preserving
Since 8 ? 8 and 0 ? 0 under the
conjugacy, the Mobius conjugacy must be of the
form z ? ?z .
194If we have a conjugacy
195If we have a conjugacy
Comparing coefficients
196If we have a conjugacy
Comparing coefficients
197If we have a conjugacy
Comparing coefficients
Easy check --- for the orientation reversing case
is conjugate to via
198Theorem. If and are centers of
Sierpinski holes, then iff
or where is a
primitive root of unity then any
two parameters drawn from these holes have the
same dynamics.
n 3
Only and are conjugate centers since
n 4
are conjugate centers where .
199n 3, escape time 4, 12 Sierpinski holes, but
only six conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
200n 3, escape time 4, 12 Sierpinski holes, but
only six conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
201n 3, escape time 4, 12 Sierpinski holes, but
only six conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
202n 3, escape time 4, 12 Sierpinski holes, but
only six conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
203n 4, escape time 4, 24 Sierpinski holes, but
only five conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
204n 4, escape time 4, 24 Sierpinski holes, but
only five conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
205n 4, escape time 4, 24 Sierpinski holes, but
only five conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
206n 4, escape time 4, 24 Sierpinski holes, but
only five conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
207n 4, escape time 4, 24 Sierpinski holes, but
only five conjugacy classes
conjugate centers
Theorem For any n there are exactly (n-1)
(2n) Sierpinski holes with escape time k.
The number of distinct conjugacy classes is given
a. (2n) when n is odd
b. (2n) /2 2 when n is even.
209For n odd, there are no Sierpinski holes along
the real axis, so there are exactly n - 1
conjugate Sierpinski holes.
n 3
n 5
210For n even, there is a Cantor necklace along
the negative axis, so there are some real
Sierpinski holes,
n 4
211For n even, there is a Cantor necklace along
the negative axis, so there are some real
Sierpinski holes,
n 4
212For n even, there is a Cantor necklace along
the negative axis, so there are some real
Sierpinski holes,
n 4
213For n even, there is a Cantor necklace along
the negative axis, so there are some real
Sierpinski holes,
n 4
214For n even, there is a Cantor necklace along
the negative axis, so we can count the number of
real Sierpinski holes, and there are exactly n
- 1 conjugate holes in this case
n 4
215For n even, there are also 2(n - 1) complex
Sierpinski holes that have conjugate dynamics
n 4
216n 4 402,653,184 Sierpinski holes with escape
time 12 67,108,832 distinct conjugacy classes.
Sorry. I again forgot to indicate their
217n 4 402,653,184 Sierpinski holes with escape
time 12 67,108,832 distinct conjugacy classes.
Problem Describe the dynamics on these
different conjugacy classes.
218Part 3 Julia sets converging to the unit disk
With Toni Garijo, Mark Morabito, and Robert T.
219Part 3 Julia sets converging to the unit disk
With Toni Garijo, Mark Morabito, and Robert T.
n 2 When , the Julia set of
is the unit circle. But, as , the
Julia set of converges to the closed unit
220Part 3 Julia sets converging to the unit disk
With Toni Garijo, Mark Morabito, and Robert T.
n 2 When , the Julia set of
is the unit circle. But, as , the
Julia set of converges to the closed unit
n gt 2 J is always a Cantor set of circles
when is small.
221Part 3 Julia sets converging to the unit disk
With Toni Garijo, Mark Morabito, and Robert T.
n 2 When , the Julia set of
is the unit circle. But, as , the
Julia set of converges to the closed unit
n gt 2 J is always a Cantor set of circles
when is small.
Moreover, there is a ? gt 0 such that there is
always a round annulus of thickness ?
between two of these circles in the Fatou set.
So J does not converge to the unit disk when
n gt 2.
222Theorem When n 2, the Julia sets converge to
the unit disk as
n 2
223Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
224Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
225Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
226Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
227Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
228Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
229Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
These disks cannot lie in the trap door since T
vanishes as . (Remember
is never in the trap door when n 2.)
230Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
The must accumulate on some nonzero
point, say , so we may assume that
lies in the Fatou set for all i.
231Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
The must accumulate on some nonzero
point, say , so we may assume that
lies in the Fatou set for all i.
232Sketch of the proof
Suppose the Julia sets do not converge to the
unit disk D as
Then there exists and a sequence
such that, for each i, there is a point
such that lies in the
Fatou set.
The must accumulate on some nonzero
point, say , so we may assume that
lies in the Fatou set for all i.
But for large i, so stretches into an
annulus that surrounds the origin, so
this disconnects the Julia set.
233So the Fatou components must become arbitrarily
234For the family
the Julia sets again converge to the unit
disk, but only if ? ? 0 along n - 1 special
rays. (with M. Morabito)
n 6
n 4
235Things are much different in the family
when 1/n 1/d lt 1, i.e. n, d ? 2 (but not
both 2)
236n d 3 Note the round annuli in the Fatou
237It can be shown that, when n, d 2 and not
both equal to 2 and ? lies in the McMullen
domain, the Fatou set always contains a round
annulus of some fixed width, so the Julia sets do
not converge to the unit disk in this case.
238- Consider the family of maps
- where c is the center of a hyperbolic
component - of the Mandelbrot set.
c 0
239- Consider the family of maps
- where c is the center of a hyperbolic
component - of the Mandelbrot set.
c -1
240- Consider the family of maps
- where c is the center of a hyperbolic
component - of the Mandelbrot set.
c -.12 .75i
241When , the Julia set again expodes
and converges to the filled Julia set for z2
c. (with R. Kozma)
242When , the Julia set again expodes
and converges to the filled Julia set for z2
c. (with R. Kozma)
243When , the Julia set again expodes
and converges to the filled Julia set for z2
c. (with R. Kozma)
244When , the Julia set again expodes
and converges to the filled Julia set for z2
c. (with R. Kozma)
245When , the Julia set again expodes
and converges to the filled Julia set for z2
c. (with R. Kozma)
An inverted Douady rabbit
246If you chop off the ears of each internal
rabbit in each component of the original Fatou
set, then whats left is another Sierpinski curve
(provided that both of the critical orbits
eventually escape).
247The case n gt 2 is also very different
(E. Russell)
248When ? is small, the Julia set contains a
Cantor set of circles surrounding the
249infinitely many of which are decorated and
there are also Cantor sets of buried points
250Part 4 Cantor necklaces and webs
A Cantor necklace is the Cantor middle thirds
set with open disks replacing the removed
251Part 4 Cantor necklaces and webs
A Cantor necklace is the Cantor middle thirds
set with open disks replacing the removed
Do you see a necklace in the carpet?
252Part 4 Cantor necklaces and webs
A Cantor necklace is the Cantor middle thirds
set with open disks replacing the removed
Do you see a necklace in the carpet?
253Part 4 Cantor necklaces and webs
A Cantor necklace is the Cantor middle thirds
set with open disks replacing the removed
There are lots of necklaces in the carpet
254Part 4 Cantor necklaces and webs
A Cantor necklace is the Cantor middle thirds
set with open disks replacing the removed
There are lots of necklaces in the carpet
255 There are lots of Cantor necklaces in these Julia
sets, just as in the Sierpinski carpet.
a Julia set with n 2
256 There are lots of Cantor necklaces in these Julia
sets, just as in the Sierpinski carpet.
another Julia set with n 2
257 There are lots of Cantor necklaces in these Julia
sets, just as in the Sierpinski carpet.
another Julia set with n 2
258 There are lots of Cantor necklaces in these Julia
sets, just as in the Sierpinski carpet.
another Julia set with n 2
259 There are lots of Cantor necklaces in these Julia
sets, just as in the Sierpinski carpet.
another Julia set with n 2
260Even if we choose a parameter from the Mandelbrot
set, there are Cantor necklaces in the Julia
n 2
261Even if we choose a parameter from the Mandelbrot
set, there are Cantor necklaces in the Julia
n 2
262n 2
And there are Cantor necklaces in the parameter
263The critical circle ray
264The critical circle ray
Critical points
265The critical circle ray
Critical points
n 2
266The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
n 2
267The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
n 2
268The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
n 2
269The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
n 2
270The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
Critical points prepoles lie on the critical
n 2
271The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
Critical points prepoles lie on the critical
n 2
272The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
Critical points prepoles lie on the critical
Which is mapped 2n to 1 onto the critical line
n 2
273The critical circle ray
Critical points
Critical values
Critical points prepoles lie on the critical
Which is mapped 2n to 1 onto the critical line
n 2
274Critical points
Critical values
Critical point rays
n 2
275Critical points
Critical values
Critical point rays are mapped 2 to 1 to a ray
external to the critical line, a critical value
n 2
276Suppose is not positive real.
n 2
277Suppose is not positive real. Then the
critical values do not lie on the
critical point rays.
278Suppose is not positive real.
There are 4 prepole sectors when n 2
and the critical values always lie in I1 and
279Suppose is not positive real.
There are 4 prepole sectors when n 2
and the critical values always lie in I1 and
And the interior of each Ij is
mapped one-to-one over the entire plane minus the
critical value rays
280Suppose is not positive real.
There are 4 prepole sectors when n 2
and the critical values always lie in I1 and
And the interior of each Ij is
mapped one-to-one over the entire plane minus the
critical value rays
In particular, maps I0 and I2 one-to-one
over I0 I2
281Choose a circle in B that is mapped strictly
outside itself
282Choose a circle in B that is mapped strictly
outside itself
283Choose a circle in B that is mapped strictly
outside itself
Then there is another circle in the
trap door that is also mapped to
284Consider the portions of I0 and I2 that lie
between and , say U0 and U2
285Consider the portions of I0 and I2 that lie
between and , say U0 and U2
U0 and U2 are mapped one-to-one over U0 U2
286Consider the portions of I0 and I2 that lie
between and , say U0 and U2
U0 and U2 are mapped one-to-one over U0 U2
So the set of points whose orbits lie for all
iterations in U0 U2 is an invariant Cantor set
287Consider the portions of I0 and I2 that lie
between and , say U0 and U2
U0 and U2 are mapped one-to-one over U0 U2
So the set of points whose orbits lie for all
iterations in U0 U2 is an invariant Cantor set
288The Cantor set in U0 ? U2 contains
2 points on ?B
289The Cantor set in U0 ? U2 contains
2 points on ?B
290The Cantor set in U0 ? U2 contains
2 points on ?B
2 points on ?T
291The Cantor set in U0 ? U2 contains
2 points on ?B
2 points on ?T
4 points on the 2 preimages of ?T
292The Cantor set in U0 ? U2 contains
2 points on ?B
2 points on ?T
4 points on the 2 preimages of ?T
Add in the appropriate preimages of ?T.....
293The Cantor set in U0 ? U2 contains
2 points on ?B
2 points on ?T
4 points on the 2 preimages of ?T
Add in the appropriate preimages of ?T..... to
get an invariant Cantor necklace in
the dynamical plane
294Cantor necklaces in the dynamical plane when n
295When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
296When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
Start with an open disk....
n 3
297When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
Then surround it by 4 smaller disks
n 3
298When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
Then do it again....
n 3
299When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
and so forth, joining the open disks by a Cantor
set of points
n 3
300When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
n 4
n 3
301When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
n 3
n 4
302When n gt 2, get Cantor webs in the dynamical
n 3
n 3
303Same argument we have 2n prepole sectors
n 3
304Same argument we have 2n prepole sectors
If is not positive real, then the critical
value ray always lies in I0 and In as long
as lies in a symmetry region
n 3
305Same argument we have 2n prepole sectors
If is not positive real, then the critical
value ray always lies in I0 and In as long
as lies in a symmetry region
A symmetry region when n 3
n 3
306Same argument we have 2n prepole sectors
If is not positive real, then the critical
value ray always lies in I0 and In as long
as lies in a symmetry region
A symmetry region when n 4
n 3
307Same argument we have 2n prepole sectors
If is not positive real, then the critical
value ray always lies in I0 and In as long
as lies in a symmetry region
So consider the corresponding regions Uj not
including U0 and Un which contain
n 3
308Each of these Uj are mapped univalently over
all the others, excluding U0 and Un, so we
get an invariant Cantor set in these regions.
n 3
309Each of these Uj are mapped univalently over
all the others, excluding U0 and Un, so we
get an invariant Cantor set in these regions.
Then join in the preimages of T in these
n 3
310Each of these Uj are mapped univalently over
all the others, excluding U0 and Un, so we
get an invariant Cantor set in these regions.
Then join in the preimages of T in these
and their preimages....
n 3
311Each of these Uj are mapped univalently over
all the others, excluding U0 and Un, so we
get an invariant Cantor set in these regions.
Then join in the preimages of T in these
and their preimages....
etc., etc. to get the Cantor web
n 3
312Other Cantor webs
n 4
n 5
313Other Cantor webs
Next time well see how Cantor webs and
necklaces also appear in the parameter planes for
these maps.