Title: The Equip For Equality PABSS Project Presents
1The Equip For Equality PABSS Project Presents
2Equip For EqualityProtection and Advocacy
- Mission To advance the human and civil
rights of people with physical mental
disabilities - Equip For Equality Services Include
- ? Self-Advocacy Assistance ? Information
Referral - ? Public Policy Advocacy ? Training
Education - ? Abuse/Neglect Investigations ? Latino
Outreach - ? Traumatic Brain Injury Project ? Legal
Advocacy - ? Special Education Issues ? Guardianship
Reform - ? Employment Issues ? Assistive Technology
3PABSS A Blue Ribbon Project
PABSS Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries
of Social Security
PABSS Breaking Down Barriers to Employment
4The Ticket To Work
- Is This A Winning Ticket?
5The 1996 GAO Report
- In July 1996, the Government Accounting Office
(GAO) recommended that SSA place more emphasis on
return-to-work efforts. (SSA Disability
Return-to-Work Strategies From Other Systems May
Improve Federal Programs GAO/HEHS-96-133). - GAO estimated that if 1 of the disability
beneficiaries on the rolls returned to work,
lifetime cash benefits would be reduced by 2.9
billion. - GAO determined that these savings would double
if as many as 2 of the beneficiaries returned to
61996 GAO ReportPrinciple Findings
- Intervene early to facilitate return to work
- Identify and provide necessary return-to-work
services and manager cases - Provide incentives to engage in return-to-work
7The Ticket to Work
- Ticket To Work And Work Incentives Improvement
Act Of 1999 - Enacted on Dec. 17, 1999. Senate Vote 99 to 0
- Goals
- Increase beneficiary choice in obtaining
rehabilitation and vocational services to help
them go to work and attain their employment
goals - Remove barriers that require people with
disabilities to choose between health care
coverage and work and - Assure that more Americans with disabilities have
the opportunity to participate in the workforce
and lessen their dependence on public benefits.
8The Ticket to Work A Winning Ticket?
- The Ticket To Work Program provides for
- Assistance through PABBS and BPAO Programs
- Improved Work Incentives
- Protection from a Continuing Disability Review
(CDR) - Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits (EXR)
- Expanded Medical Coverage (Medicare Medicaid)
- Choice in VR services -- Employment Networks
(ENs) - SSA Area Work Incentive Coordinators (AWIC) and
Work Incentive Liaisons - Demonstration Projects
- Ticket to Work Panel
9Ticket Eligibility
- 18-64 years of age
- In active pay status for SS Cash Benefits
- Not expected to improve medically, or had a CDR
within the past 12 months - If you have questions, call PABSS at Equip for
Equality, or MAXIMUS, the Program Manager for The
Ticket to Work Program. (See the Resource List
at the end)
10PABSSAreas of Assistance
- PABSS Provides Education, Training, Problem
Solving, and Advocacy regarding - Social Security Benefits Work Incentives
Information - Obtaining Vocational Rehabilitation Services
(DRS) - Using the Ticket to Work
- The relationship between a beneficiary and an EN
- Employment Laws (A.D.A. F.M.L.A.)
- School to Work Transition Issues
- Employment Barriers
11PABSSAreas of Assistance
- PABSS Issues Include
- ? Employment Discrimination ? VR Services
- ? Medical Treatment/Benefits ? Housing
- ? Transportation ? Garnished
Wages - ? SS Overpayments ? Criminal Records
- ? Ticket to Work Issues ? Any Work Barrier
If legal assistance will allow you to work,
PABSS may be able to help!
12BPAO - Benefits Planning, Assistance Outreach
- No cost to the beneficiary
- Helps beneficiaries determine how going to work
may affect all of their benefits - Enables beneficiaries to plan their finances
while working - Benefits Planning Assistance and Outreach
Programs, (BPAO), are available through MOPD,
DRS, and OMH
14A New Employment Tool Employment Networks (EN)
- Employment Networks (ENs) are private or
government agencies that provide
employment-related services at No Charge to the
beneficiary. DRS is considered an EN. ENs are
paid by SSA after an individual returns to work.
EN Services include - Work incentives planning
- Vocational assessment
- Job Training
- Job Placement
- Case management
- Follow-up services
15Social Security AdministrationRules and Work
- Know Your Rights
- Protect Your Benefits
16Social Security Work Incentives
- Social Security Work Incentives
- Rules that allow SSI and SSDI beneficiaries to
work and maintain their cash and medical benefits - Incentives vary according to the benefit received
17SSDI Work Incentives
- Trial Work Period (TWP) 9 Months
- Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) 3 Years
- Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) 830 /
1380 - Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE)
- Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits (EXR)
- Extended Medicare
- Subsidies (For example, a Job Coach)
- Unsuccessful Work Attempt
- Ticket to Work
18SSI Work Incentives
- Earned Unearned Income Exclusions ( 85)
- Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits (EXR)
- Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)
- Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE)
- Continued Medicaid Coverage
- Section 1619(b)
- Student Earned Income Exclusion
- Subsidies
- Ticket to Work
19Important Considerations When Using The Ticket
- When using the Ticket
- If you think your condition is improving, place
your Ticket with an EN for CDR protection - Research the right EN for you
- Make sure that the IWP fits your needs
goals - Have the EN or DRS send the IWP to Maximus
20Important Considerations When Working
- Take these steps when you work
- Contact a Benefit Planner (BPAO)
- Monthly, give Check Stubs to SSA the EN
- Keep the originals - have SSA confirm receipt
- Use IRWEs and other Work Incentives to
Reduce your Countable Income for SSA
21Ticket to Work Statistics
- "Get your facts first, and then you can distort
them as much as you please." - Mark Twain
There are white lies, damn lies, and
statistics. Will Rogers
22BPAO Study
- BPAO Study
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- 89 Had a Positive View of the BPAO Process
- Benefits Specialists Received High Ratings for
Quality of Service. (Courtesy, time spent with
the beneficiary, helpfulness, and information
imparted). - Prior to receipt of benefits counseling, 28 of
participants who received intensive assistance
indicated that they were working. - Subsequent to meeting with the BPAO, 47 of
people receiving intensive assistance were working
23PABSS Statistics
- PABSS Outreach Statistics for 2004
- Total Number of Outreach/Presentations 51
- Total Number of Participants and Number of
Folders Distributed -- 1,798 - Cases
- 184 individuals served
- ? VR Services - 49 ? Employment Rights - 49
- ? Transportation - 10 ? Transition Planning -
10 - ? Ticket Issues - 36 ? SSA CDR - 5
- ? SSA Overpayments - 26
24Ticket Statistics
- SSA Ticket Tracker March 7, 2005
- Illinois Information
- 421,636 Tickets Issued
- 66 Employment Networks
- 7,157 Tickets Assigned (1.7)
- 288 Tickets Assigned to Employment Networks
Other than VR (4) - 6,869 Tickets Assigned to DRS (96)
- _____ Employment Networks (including DRS),
received payments under the Ticket totaling
25The Ticket To Work
262000 GAO Testimony
- SSA does not integrate efforts to return
individuals to work into either its initial or
continuing eligibility assessment process. - The Social Security Acts definition of
disability where a person must be unable to do
any substantial work in the national economy is
comparable to the private sectors (or the ADAs)
most restrictive definition. - This all-or-nothing definition and the all or
nothing approach to SSDI benefits is a strong
disincentive to demonstrate any capacity to work. - GAO Testimony SSA Disability Other Programs
May Provide Lessons for Improving Return-to-Work
Efforts July 13, 2000
27Transmittal 17
- SSAs Transmittal 17
- Transmittal 17 states that the signature of
the VR client on the Individual Plan for
Employment (IPE) constitutes assignment of the
Ticket in new cases. - Ticket Services should not be considered a
comparable benefit or service by VR. - This sometimes occurs without the client's
knowledge or consent. - Transmittal 17 permits State Rehab Agencies to
use the traditional cost reimbursement system for
a client who assigns his or her ticket contrary
28Ticket to Work Panel Recommendations
- Increase funding for the BPAO and PABSS
Programs - Increase funding for training and outreach to
parents and youth regarding SSI work incentives
and transition planning. - Modify age limits
- Lower the Ticket eligibility age from 18 to 16
- Raise the re-determination age from 18 to 22
- Increase the age limit for the Student Earned
Income Exclusion from 22 to at least 26
29Ticket to Work Panel Recommendations
- Immediately modify the EN payment system to
- Place more of the up-front financial risk on SSA
- Authorize payments to ENs for benefits reduction,
not just benefit elimination - Pay ENs more money overall and earlier in the
return-to-work effort - Implement the Ticket Program as a complement to
the traditional SSA VR Reimbursement Program.
Reimburse State VR agencies for up-front services
and early outcomes. Pay ENs for long-term
employment supports and outcomes.
30Ticket to Work Panel Recommendations
- Use Ticket payments to supplement funding from
other public programs, (such as State VR, Mental
Health, Medicaid, Housing Urban Development,
Department of Labor), and should not pay for
services for which beneficiaries are already
eligible. - Test creative approaches to the payment system
- Equip For Equality www.equipforequality.org
- Illinois ADA Project www.ADA-IL.org
- Social Security Administration
- www.ssa.gov
- Maximus (Progam Manager for the Ticket to Work)
- www.yourticketowork.com
- Mayors Office for People with Disabilities
- www.ci.chi.il.us/Disabilities
- Great Lakes ADA Accessible IT Center
- www.adagreatlakes.org
- Job Accommodation Network
- www.jan.wvu.edu
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- www.eeoc.gov
- U.S. Department of Justice ADA Home Page
www.usdoj.gov/crt/adahom1.htm - ADA Disability and Business Tech. Asst. Ctr.
- www.adata.org/dbtac.html
- Industrial Labor Relation Program on Employment
and Disability www.ilr.cornell.edu/ped
33TICKET TO WORKKnow Your RightsProtect Your