Title: Seventh Framework Program (FP7)
1Seventh Framework Program (FP7)
Prepared by Raghda Zaid Alkilani The Higher
Council for Science and Techmology Jordans
National Contact Point
- About HCST
- About FP7
- How to prepare FP7 Proposals
- Evaluation of FP7 Proposals
- Negotiation
- Getting involved in FP7 as a partner
- Getting involved in FP7 as a coordinator (e.g.
RSS experience)
3About the Higher Council for Science and
Technology (HCST)
- HCST was Established in 1987 to build a national
ST base to assist socio-economic development in
the Kingdom through increasing awareness of the
significance of RD, providing the necessary
funding for such activities and directing it
towards national developmental priorities. - The Council was also entrusted with the
establishment of specialized scientific centers,
where appropriate, and represents the Kingdom at
regional and international ST activities.
4About the Higher Council for Science and
Technology (HCST)/ Main Activities
- Science Technology Policy, Strategy Programs
(2012 2016). - Setting RD Priorities in Jordan in the next 10
years. - The HCST is signatory to many ST cooperation
agreements with international entities.
5Cooperation with Europe
- HCST established Jordans Information Point on
2005 with the objective of increasing the
participation of Jordanian researchers in EU RTD
programs. - The HCST is the coordinator of the ST
Cooperation Agreement that was signed in Nov
2009 between the European Commuinty and the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
6Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
- It is the European Unions main instrument for
funding research in Europe between 2007
2013. - FP7s budget is 53.27 billion. - The
Community funds the research projects through
different Funding schemes.
7Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) 53.27 Billion
8(FP7)/ Cooperation Programme
- The specific programme on 'Cooperation'
- - supports all types of research activities
- - carried out by different research bodies in
trans-national cooperation - - aims to gain or consolidate leadership in key
scientific and technological areas. -
9(FP7)/ Cooperation Programme
- 10 thematic area
- Health
- Food, agriculture and biotechnology
- Information and communication technologies
- Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new
production technologies - Energy
- Environment (including climate change)
- Transport (including aeronautics)
- Socio-economic sciences and the humanities
- Space
- Security
10(FP7) / Ideas
The European Research Council (ERC) will support
basic research in all scientific and
technological areas. Proposed research ideas are
judged solely on the basis of their
excellence. In general, it is VERY hard for
third countries (restricted conditions).
11(FP7) / People
- Aim Support scientific career and strengthen
European attractiveness for Researchers, towards
the achievement of a single market for
Researchers. - Method Marie Curie Grants to encourage mobility
- Activities of Interest to Jordan
- Encouraging top class researchers from third
countries - Work on research projects in Europe
(IRSES) - Short period staff exchanges and networking
activities - Between European research organizations and
- Improve their research and complementary skills
- Help them join established research teams
12(FP7) / Capacities
- The Capacities programme strengthens the research
capacities that Europe needs to become a thriving
knowledge-based economy. - It covers the following activities
- Research infrastructures
- Research for the benefit of SMEs
- Regions of Knowledge
- Research Potential
- Science in Society
- Specific activities of international cooperation
13Countries that can participate
General rule All calls Minimum condition, at
least 3 independent participants (any
undertaking, university or research centre or
other legal entity), established in a Member
State (MS) Associated country (Ac) ,
International organisations and participants
from third countries can participate in addition
to the minimum
14International Cooperation
Specific International Cooperation Action (SICAs)
Topics Some calls of FP7 make an explicit
mention to International cooperation or encourage
participation of 3rd countries as an explicit
added value for the submission of proposals. In
some calls specific countries or regions are
specified e.g. MPC, Africa, India etc. For SICA
calls minimum requirements 2 member states 2
15List of International Co-operation Partner
Countries (ICPC)
- African-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP)
- Eastern European and Central Asia (EECA)
- Latin America
- Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC)
- Western Balkan Countries (WBC)
- Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC)
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- Palestinian administered areas
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Tunisia
- Â
16legal status of partners
Natural Person Natural Person Natural Person Natural Person
Legal Person Public body Public body Public body
Legal Person Non profit public body Non profit public body
Legal Person Profit public body Profit public body
Legal Person International organisation Of European interest Of European interest
Legal Person International organisation Other Other
Legal Person Secondary and higher education establishment Secondary and higher education establishment Secondary and higher education establishment
Legal Person Research organisation Research organisation Research organisation
Legal Person Enterprises Enterprises SME
Legal Person Enterprises Enterprises Non-SME
Legal Person Legal entity guaranteed by a Member State of an Associated Country Legal entity guaranteed by a Member State of an Associated Country Legal entity guaranteed by a Member State of an Associated Country
Legal Person Other (None of the above) Other (None of the above) Other (None of the above)
17Proposal Time-line
Taken from www.efpconsulting.com/tools (Mr. M.
Morrons FP7 Book)
18From Idea to Project
Call for Proposals/ Specific Programme
19Project Idea
- Make sure your idea is
- Innovative
- Realistic
- Cross-check with funded projects
- Is your idea already funded?
- What is new/different in your project?
- What are the similarities to other projects?
20Call for Proposals
The Participant Portal's FP7 calls section is now
the European Commission's single authoritative
website for information and documentation on FP7
21From Idea to Project
Call of proposals
Information Package
22Information Package
1. The call fiche 2. The work programme 3. FP7
factsheets 4. The Guides for Applicants relevant
to the funding schemes used in this call
Work Programme
- A formal document of the EU Commission for the
implementation of a specific programme, that sets
out - the research objectives
- topics to be addressed
- the schedule and details of the calls for
proposals - indicative budgets
- The evaluation procedure.
23- Read the Work programme to find out whether you
fit - Four parts
- ?? Context political motivation
- ?? Contents what problems are to be solved
expected impact - ?? Implementation of call
- Check your understanding with Thematic NCP or
Coordinator NCP - Read the Guide for applicants to find out how it
24From Idea to Project
Call for proposal
Consortium Building
Work progrmme
Find Partner
25Consortium Building
- Simple Definition
- Bringing together a group of partners having the
relevant expertise in specific area with common
aim to develop and propose a project for funding. - Consortium Building (CB) happens
- at the same time as proposal synthesis
- as part of the initial project phase this may
take up to a few weeks of preparation.
26Roles of Partners in a Consortium
European Commission Scientific Project Officer
Principal liaison
27Steps in the creation of a consortium
- Proposal
- Preparation
- Agree roles and budget
- Identifying complimentary partners
- Identifying Work Package Leaders
- Coordinator defines concept and key tasks (Work
Time 3 months
28From Idea to Project
Call of proposal
Consortium Building
Work progrmme
Find Partner
Proposal Writing
29Proposal Writing Documents
- 2 parts of FP7 proposals
- Part A
- Administrative data of all partners
- Budget
- -gt necessary basics
- Part B
- Description of project and working plan
- -gt key to funding
30Proposal Writing Help
- Most important tool Guide for Applicants
- Choose the right document for
- each call and instrument!
- Step by step instructions how
- to draft the proposal
31From Idea to Project
Call of proposal
Consortium Building
Work progrmme
Find Partner
Proposal Writing
32Proposal Submission
- Submission in FP7 is through the ELECTRONIC
(EPSS). - EPSS is a web-based service, which must be used
to submit proposals to the Commission. - Access is given through the CORDIS website.
33Proposal Submission
- Part A The part of a proposal dealing with
administrative data. This part is completed using
the web-based EPSS. - Part B The part of a proposal explaining the
work to be carried out, and the roles and
aptitudes of the participants in the consortium.
This part is uploaded to the EPSS as a pdf file.
34Proposal submitted
35Post submission process
36Evaluation criteria Start with the end in mind
37Results Understanding the ESR
The Evaluation Summary Report, which the
Coordinator receives after the evaluation is
completed, contains a number of comments that
give an indication why the project has been or
has not been selected for funding. For the
projects that have failed, it is usually very
useful to try to obtain some additional feedback
from the EC project officers, in order to
evaluate the chances for resubmitting the
proposal to the next suitable Call, taking into
account the evaluators comments.
38 Success!! What happens next?
39Negotiating FP7 Grant Agreements
40Negotiating FP7 Grant Agreements
- The Project Coordinators of proposals that have
been selected for funding will receive a
Negotiation Mandate from the EC - Indicates
- Maximum EC contribution
- Name of the EC project officer(s) in charge of
the project - All comments made by the review panel concerning
possible changes in the programme of work
41Negotiating FP7 Grant Agreements
The Coordinator must transform the project
proposal into a new document, called a
Description of Work (DoW), This will become
the Technical annex (annex I) of the Grant
Agreement (contract with the EC).
42Negotiating FP7 Grant Agreements
Also the Coordinator has to submit, via an
on-line tool called NEF, a set of Grant
Preparation Forms (GPFs), with administrative,
legal, and financial information about the
project and each participant. At the end of the
negotiation the EC will ask for signatures from
each participant on the GPFs, The last step of
the negotiation is the preparation of the Grant
Agreement and its annexes.
43Negotiating FP7 Grant Agreements
Useful reference FP7 Model Grant Agreements
The Grant Agreement is ONLY signed between the
Coordinator and the EC, and is deemed to enter
into force on the day of the last signature (that
of the EC Director in charge of the programme).
The other project participants sign a Grant
Accession Form (Form A), counter-signed by the
Coordinator, thereby formally acceding to the
Grant Agreement. Normally the EC imposes tight
schedule for the Grant Agreement signatures.
44The Consortium Agreement
For most FP7 projects, the consortium will be
required to prepare and sign a Consortium
Agreement. Whereas the Grant Agreement defines
the rights and obligations related to the
project, of the beneficiaries (signatories of the
Grant Agreement) on one side and the EC on the
other side, the Consortium Agreement deals with
the rights and obligations between the
beneficiaries themselves with regard to the
execution of the project.
45Intellectual Property Rights in EU Projects
Intellectual property rights (IPR) play an
important role under FP7 contracts (Grant
Agreements), since the substantial EU funding for
these projects is ultimately aimed at increasing
the competitiveness of European industry (mainly
through the Cooperation Programme), Important
document for more details see the EC guide to
Intellectual Property Rules for FP7 projects
pdf. The FP7 Rules for Participation require
that any Intellectual Property generated by a
project (referred to in the contract as
"foreground") should be adequately protected and
exploited. Protection and exploitation of IPR are
often issues that have important implications for
the projects, in particular when industrial
participants are involved.
46Intellectual Property Rights in EU Projects
One of the main purposes of this Consortium
Agreement is to settle all IPR issues, including
access to background. Even for projects for which
the Consortium Agreement is not necessary, it is
advisable to have one as it will be very useful
in case any problems or issues (not only linked
to IPR) arise during the execution of the
47Getting involved in FP7
a) As a partner
48Selling Yourself How to make the coordinators
search for you?
- Become an expert
- Technology platforms
- Evaluators
- Network
- At the EC directly
- EC Info Days
- Scientific conferences
- Brokerage events
- Marie-Curie networks
- Be proactive
- Circulate your profile
- Ask for involvement
- Write a proposal!
- Register in Jordans InP Database www.inp.jo
49What is a coordinator looking for in a partner?
The 4 C's
50The 4 C's
Credibility good professional reputation e.g.
world class leaders in their scientific field,
relevant research, publications, awards. At least
some of the partners should have experience in
current or previous EC Frameworks
Programmes. Capability to undertake the tasks
assigned e.g. Size of the organization, available
resources and and financial viability
Commitment to fulfilling their role in the
project co-financing, relevance to strategic
objectives of research institute
etc. Complimentarity Good balance of
organisations (SME, large private, public
organisation, non profit, association,
authority), no duplication of tasks, no
insignificant partners in particular SMEs and
international partners.
51 Current Open Calls (1)
Official call identifier Thematic Domain Expected publication Date Expected Deadline
FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD Health, NMP, Energy, Transport, FAFB, SSH 20 July 2011 28 Feb 2012
FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD Health, NMP, Energy, Transport, FAFB, SSH 20 July 2011 28 Feb 2012
ICT-2011-C ICT 20 July 2010 between 17 May 11 12 March 2013
FP7-2012-ICT-GC ICT 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-ICT-2011-8 ICT 20 July 2011 17 Jan 2012
FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB NMP, ENV, Energy, ICT 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
The Participant Portal's FP7 calls section is
now the European Commission's single
authoritative website for information and
documentation on FP7 calls. These new pages
replace the CORDIS FP7 calls service.
52 Current Open Calls (2)
Official call identifier Thematic Domain Expected publication Date Expected Deadline
FP7-NMP-2012-CSA-6 NMP 20 July 2011 24 Jan 2012
FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB NMP, ENV, Energy, ICT 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-2012-NMP-ICT-FoF NMP, ICT 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-2012-GC-MATERIALS Transport, NMP, ENV 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD Health, NMP, Energy, Transport, FAFB, SSH 20 July 2011 28 Feb 2012
The Participant Portal's FP7 calls section is
now the European Commission's single
authoritative website for information and
documentation on FP7 calls.
53 Current Open Calls (3)
Official call identifier Thematic Domain Expected publication Date Expected Deadline
FP7-ENERGY-2012-2 Energy 20 July 2011 8 March 2012
FP7-ENERGY-SMARTCITIES-2012 Energy 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB NMP, ENV, Energy, ICT 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD Health, NMP, Energy, Transport, FAFB, SSH 20 July 2011 28 Feb 2012
FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB NMP, ENV, Energy, ICT 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
The Participant Portal's FP7 calls section is now
the European Commission's single authoritative
website for information and documentation on FP7
54 Current Open Calls (4)
Official call identifier Thematic Domain Expected publication Date Expected Deadline
FP7-2012-GC-MATERIALS Transport, NMP, ENV 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-L0 Transport 20 July 2011 div. deadlines
FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1 Transport 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-TPT-2012-RTD-1 Transport 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-JAPAN Transport 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-SST-2012-RTD-1 Transport 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-TRANSPORT-2012-MOVE-1 Transport 20 July 2011 1 March 2012
FP7-2012-GC-MATERIALS Transport, NMP, ENV 20 July 2011 1 Dec 2011
FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD Health, NMP, Energy, Transport, FAFB, SSH 20 July 2011 28 Feb 2012
55 Current Open Calls (5)
Official call identifier Thematic Domain Expected publication Date Expected Deadline
FP7-SSH-2012-1 SSH 20 July 2011 2 Feb 2012
FP7-SSH-2012-2 SSH 20 July 2011 2 Feb 2012
FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD Health, NMP, Energy, Transport, FAFB, SSH 20 July 2011 28 Feb 2012
FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN Mobility 20 July 2011 12 Jan 2012
FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES Mobility 20 July 2011 18 Jan 2012
FP7-SME-2012 Research for SMEs 20 July 2011 6 Dec 2011
FP7-REGIONS-2012-2013-1-single stage Regions of Knowledge 20 July 2011 31 Jan 2012
FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1 Research Potential 20 July 2011 03 Jan 2012
FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012 SiS 20 July 2011 22 Feb 2012
56 Jordans Participation in FPs till 2010
57Active Institutions in FPs till 2010
58 MPCs Participation in FP7
Applicant Country Name Total Applicants Applicants in Main List Requested EC Contribution
Algeria 148 28 1.872.800
Egypt 640 106 9.617.970
Jordan 168 34 2.594.101
Lebanon 147 16 1.578.169
Libya 27 2 95.658
Morocco 454 92 7.273.707
Palestine 55 10 814.440
Syria 82 11 1.650.518
Tunisia 388 70 7.430.748
TOTAL 2.109 369 32.928.111
59Acronym Participant Legal Name Theme
MIRA Higher Council for Science and Technology INCO
LinkSCEEM Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East INFRA
ONLY WATER International Organization for Migration SME
EU-JordanNet Princess Sumaya University for Technology INCO
EU-JordanNet Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation INCO
EU-JordanNet The Higher Council for Science and Technology INCO
60Acronym Participant Legal Name Theme
INDICATE Department of Antiquities INFRA
JEWEL Jordan University of Science and Technology INCO
JoRIEW The Hashemite University INCO
SHEMERA Women's Studies Center SiS
61Acronym Participant Legal Name Theme
SMooHS Department of Antiquities ENV
MED-CSD National Energy Research Center ENERGY
MEDAR Amman University ICT
JAD-PbP Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention SSH
JOIN-MED Royal Scientific Society ICT
BioWALK4Biofuels Hashemite Universirty, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment ENERGY
MediaAcT the Community Media Network SSH
WASSERMed National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension ENV
ULIXES Yarmouk University KBBE
62Acronym Participant Legal Name Theme
EPIKH Jordanian Universities Network PEOPLE
EMAP University of Jordan PEOPLE
NARNIA The Hashemite University PEOPLE
BIOMed Yarmouk Univesity PEOPLE
63 Getting involved in FP7
b) As a coordinator
- Enhancement of Jordan-European ST Partnerships
- 36 Months (Starting Dec 2009)
- Four Jordanian and Two European Partners
Another Example IJERA Project Royal
Scientific Society